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possible need more then 1000mg of PM


Alot of people say max dose for PM is 1000mg it possible you may need more..I take ainterol and each pill is it dangerous to go higher then 1000..yesterday I was feeling some growing sensations then last night I took my bedtime one then I got a hair up my you know what and an hour later took another which made it total for the day 1500mg..well today I took my morning and no sensations like yesterday..wondering if I made it stall or not enough..or do you not feel growing sensations everyday..should you feel constant sensations..sorry if this is I will go back to just 2 pills and see how tomorrow goes..but just wondering if anyone went over 1000mgs a day.

Thank you

I don't think your suppose to take more than the recommended dose of the 1000mg because it is the strongest herb. Sounds like you stalled. But then again, Wahaika says you don't need tingles or even pains to grow. Good question though. I hope someone more knowledgeable than I answers this question!!

Hi and thanks,

Honestly I rather feel something, you know that saying when you work out no pain no gainBig Grin anyway, I went back to 2 pills and I feel constant feelings and they seem fuller too especially at the base. So I will keep it at that and I did stop SP but still not sure if I should put it back, what about Maca I forget how different it is from SP I think SP is too strong for me..

I honestly have no idea. I just remember someone saying they emailed the pm company, and they said not to take SP. I don't know anything about Maca. I am just taking PM, Multi, Cran, MSM, and Vit C. Thought about adding the Pig Placenta someone else was talking about on here. In just a week or 2 someone said that their sun spots were fading. It's so expensive though! And I think it was Ginie talking about the Pig Placenta! Smile

Try 500mg PM 3x a day in divided doses. You'll be surprised! Forget SP it will wreck your sleep like you said, and it's when we sleep that action takes place.

(23-06-2011, 18:49)MoK217 Wrote:  I honestly have no idea. I just remember someone saying they emailed the pm company, and they said not to take SP. I don't know anything about Maca. I am just taking PM, Multi, Cran, MSM, and Vit C. Thought about adding the Pig Placenta someone else was talking about on here. In just a week or 2 someone said that their sun spots were fading. It's so expensive though! And I think it was Ginie talking about the Pig Placenta! Smile

Haha that was me that emailed them..the reason I tried the SP is cause others were taking it but my gut was telling me not too..just makes me feel crappy..I did take one the other day just to see cause I react to thing very fast and I was off it for at least a week..well just took that one and none since...decided to up my pm cream and massages helping alot... yes I am going to just do my PM and supps and no other herbs..I have noticed my skin is clearing..slowly but getting there and I am sleeping better and not getting my panic attacks which I was getting with the SP..

Quote:Try 500mg PM 3x a day in divided doses. You'll be surprised! Forget SP it will wreck your sleep like you said, and it's when we sleep that action takes place.

Hey I was thinking of doing that but I wasnt sure...good point about the sleep true...I didnt want to up it until I was on it at least a week or 2...haha well I was thinking of doing it yesterday but still was sure well since you have tried it why not...I know my own body if I feel weird then I will go back to 2 but my gut is telling me to up it..and I was thinking the divided dose too..think about how a doctor has you taking antibiotics to keep it in your system every 8-12 hours well that is what my way of thinking with the PM tomorrow I will start 3 .. thank you for giving me an answer to this..I will let you know how it goes.. I also read your other post about the spray and cream..I am using the cream as you can see above but I mentioned in another post I wanted to get the spray too..its stronger then the cream?? that is what I am assuming..

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