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Effectiveness of Hypnosis during Pregnancy?



I am 8 months pregnant and my dream after I have my son is to do a complete "remodeling" of my body. I was wondering if it would be worth it to try hypnosis before I give birth, just to get a head start on that aspect of my physical change. Smile

I´d wait until after delivery. Your body is concentrated on being pregnant right now, and it might not be possible to induce it to those changes you´re aiming for.
Also, you could wait a little to see how your body adjusts after pregnancy, there will be a lot of changes that come naturally with no need for you to do anything about it. I don´t know if you´re planning on breastfeeding, but if you do, it will make you loose a lot of weight. And having a baby is so much physical work that it´s the best diet I know of! Wink
good luck!

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