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(08-01-2024, 02:36)tham!lk!ngk!tten Wrote:  Questions
1. Are there any other supplements I should aware of? 

Is Maca something you looked at?

Hi guys!! I'm baaaaccckkk!!! Results so far: We grew a full inch in a month!? Lovely!! I'm currently at 37 inches in Bust, (first charting for) Underbust is 30.5 inches! My boobs feel and look fuller. I can really see it when I jump because they jump back, like, there is "after jiggle" similar to what you see in hentai or anime, lol. The husband is enjoying it too, of course Big Grin . I think my favorite thing is how much underboob I'm developing. It's so sexy and is really helping to improve my confidence. 

Okay soooooo Recap:
Since the previous update I've been pumping a good 3-4 days a week, once a day. And I did run out of all my vitamins save for MSM & Vitamin C. Also, I realized I told you guys "Calcium" was paired with the MSM, that has not been true this whole time. The pairing has always been MSM + Vitamin C for binding reasons needed when consuming MSM. Because of this mistake and I have a new addition to the mix I will be sharing the updated supplements starting today.

• Milk Thristle & Fennel Seed (1,530 mg)...
1 capsule 2 times a day (pref. Morning & Night).
- Contents:
Sunflower Letchin (600mg),
Moringa (500mg),
Milk Thristle (200mg),
Fennel Seed (100mg),
Hormone Defend Blend (125mg),
Black Pepper (5mg).

• MSM (1000mg) + Vitamin C (1000mg) ...
3 MSM capsules a day, 2 Vitamin C capsules a day. (pref. 1 MSM + 1 Vita. C capsule in Morning; 2 MSM, 1 Vitamin C at Night).

• Shatavari (1 fl oz/ 30ml) ... 2 droppers or 2ml for once a day during lunch/evening with water. (You can do 4 droppers, but I'm going to keep it at 2ml and I'll tell you why shortly).

• Ground Flaxseeds (2 tbsp/30ml) ... 2tbsp taken in morning 
- Paired with 1 glass of Almond Milk or Oatmeal. (You can just take it with water, but Almond Milk & Oats also produce phytoestrogen). 

• Goats Rue (2 fl oz/ 59ml) ... 2 droppers/ 2ml for once a day during lunch/evening with water. (You can do 4 droppers/ 4ml, but starting out I'm doing the minimum). 

• Flax Oil for Massages (tell your man to massage your boobies for 10 minutes at least one day a week. It's better than not at all! 3-4 times preferred. Or you can do it yourself Smile So far I have been massaged 1-2 times a week by the hubby and I personally prefer to have him do it (I'll tell you why in a sec). 

P.S. Both the Goats Rue & Shatavari will be mixed in a 28-64 oz water bottle. I may separate them depending on taste because I do enjoy the way Shatavari tastes by itself with water. 

Okay I'm human...
I've still been pumping once a day (my schedule to do so has been weird).

Confession: I have pumped a couple times a day-ish. What I mean by that is the following example: 

Ex. I've pumped between 6p.m.-8p.m., taken a nap and woke back up and pumped between 1a.m.-3a.m.

Today I will begin pumping 2x a day.

Pump settings: 
- Stimulation for 2 minutes
- Extraction for 18 minutes
- Massage for 10 minutes

Nipple Growth
Last time I did mention nipple growth. That is still the same based off look and feel. They only protrude after pumping then go back down. I think they grew because of the inital pump. To know for certain I will need to invest in a nipple ruler unless I can use the "centimeters" side of my tailor ruler. However, I do suspect growth given the additional supplements and the plans moving forward with pumping. 

So far it's been the same with small droplets and a brownish sort of liquid color that I think was due to the old oil on my breasts? No smell/ordor. Just damp on the nipple/areole area. 

The soreness previously spoken of has completely subsided. Only on the days after I've skipped a pumping session or two, do I feel it on my nipples while pumping, but it eventually subsides and feels natural to pump. 

Massages & Soreness Explained
When my husband massages by breast with the flaxseed oil I have noticed it's as if he's working out knots/relieving pressure within my breasts. He ssid he can feel them too. (Which is why I prefer to have him massage my breasts because I get confirmation regarding how I feel my body's adjusting without biased.) Specifically, on the outer side and when he works his fingers in fairly deeply toward the inner middle. According to my anatomy book the outside would be my fatty tissue & the inner is where the lactiferious ducts are. Based on scientific research, this is due to the milk ducts system maturing/activating & making more lobules because "(pregnant) women who begin lactating will notice soreness down the sides of the breast & nipped tingling or soreness" according to John Hopskins Medicine.

Side Affects
My sense of smell increased!? This was during the time when I was down to Shatavari & MSM + Vita. C. I can't exactly recall if it was after I took what I believe was 4ml (the last of the Shatavari or shortly before it). 

My husband I have both noticed that my sense of smell had increased; I was able to smell the blood and pulse from his open wound (which didn't gross me out at all or bother me the first time had a similar wound after a different minor procedure), when he didn't think it was that bad. 

(Mind you, my husband works in the medical field & he is a clean freak so if he smelt it, he'd have been on it more so than me). 

I could also identify seasonings in food and his ejaculation was intense for me. Since, having run out of Shatavari this symptom calmed down. Because of this having occurred, I will continue to only do 2ml until I'm comfortable moving up to 4ml. 

Cravings: Apples. They have phytoestrogen in them and I think I have a desire to eat them (where I did not before) comes from the new supplement intake and pumping. I think my body is trying to gather extra estrogen to help out with these changes. 

Unrelated to NBE: My bones don't pop when I take the MSM capsules (they're known to help with bone health--by producing collagen and glucosamine--which women need since we are prone to osteoporosis). 

• Apples & Peanut Butter (I have 1 apple a day, typically 1 for 5 days).
• Will begin 4 tbsp of ground flax seeds tomorrow (02/07) one 8oz glass of Almond Milk per 2 tbsp of ground flax seeds. OR
- 2 tbsp in morning with breakfast oatmeal and 2 tbsp in evening with Almond Milk. 
• May begin to consume Sunflower/Pumpkin Seeds as a snack.

Final Thoughts: The previous routine has really helped to round my boobs out (in a fuller sense) and it is based on the maturing of my breasts given the feel and behavioral changes. I do think it's helping me to prep for inducing lacation. I can't wait to see how this all turns out in the upcoming months. 

* I have no questions for you guys, just documenting today.*

Will return on 02/15-16.

Articles as promised:
Link to John Hopskins Med. Article:

About Phytoestrogen:

Foods & Phytoestrogen:

Ref. Miss Mad Scientist Post:

Any updates? I've also gotten moisture in the nipple before, but I don't want to go as far as lactation, just grow as much gland as possible. 

I enjoy chewing milk thistle as well but was unaware that it was good for the breast. I was going it to detox my liver. I'd love to make an herbal "birdseed" mix for myself to chew at work consisting of fennel, milk thistle and vitex because the taste is excellent.

Fenugreek unfortunately can't be chewed, but I've been into NBE so long that I've grown fenugreek as a houseplant.

(25-02-2024, 22:09)StopTheSag Wrote:  Any updates? I've also gotten moisture in the nipple before, but I don't want to go as far as lactation, just grow as much gland as possible. 

I enjoy chewing milk thistle as well but was unaware that it was good for the breast. I was going it to detox my liver. I'd love to make an herbal "birdseed" mix for myself to chew at work consisting of fennel, milk thistle and vitex because the taste is excellent.

Fenugreek unfortunately can't be chewed, but I've been into NBE so long that I've grown fenugreek as a houseplant.
I know I've been away for a while and I owe you guys a ton of updates so this is me doing 3 updates in one. They will be shorter because I'm going based off memory of key experiences. 

Recap Time 02/15-02/29
Since the begining of Feb. update, I was pumping a solid 5 days a week, ×2 a day. I had been taking my supplements twice a day as prescribed below. I did run out of Vitamin C toward the end of the month but got it replaced with a Vitamin C + Vitamin D3 + Zinc mix. Let me update you I did start Goat's Rue toward this start date as well.

• Milk Thristle & Fennel Seed (1,530 mg)...
1 capsule 2 times a day (pref. Morning & Night).
- Contents:
Sunflower Letchin (600mg),
Moringa (500mg),
Milk Thristle (200mg),
Fennel Seed (100mg),
Hormone Defend Blend (125mg),
Black Pepper (5mg).

• MSM (1000mg) + Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Zinc (1000mg) ...
Vitamin A 450 mg
Vitamin C 900 MG
Vitamin D3 25 mg
Vitamin E 15 mg
Zinc 11 mg

3 MSM capsules a day, 2 Vitamin C capsules a day. (pref. 1 MSM + 1/2 Vitamin C capsule in morning; 2 MSM, 1 Vitamin C at Night).

• Shatavari (1 fl oz/ 30ml) ... 1-2 droppers or 2ml for once a day during lunch/evening with water. I alternate between 1-2 droppers because Goat's Rue is added into the mix and these little bottles are expensive. I did start to run out and dropped down to 1 dropper. 

• Ground Flaxseeds (2 tbsp/30ml) ... 2tbsp taken in morning 
- Paired with 1 glass of Almond Milk or Oatmeal.

• Goats Rue (2 fl oz/ 59ml) ... 2 droppers/ 2ml for once a day during lunch/evening with water. As I reduced the Shavarti to 1 dropper I added .5-1 dropper. 

• Flax Oil Massages: My husband massaged my breasts 1-2x a week. 

I mainly mixed the Goats Rue & Shatavari together in a 28 (mainly)-64 oz water bottle. The taste of the Goat's Rue wasn't bad. It was just different. Of course it disrupted the taste of my Shatavari but I didn't mind it.

I pumped in the evening and mainly at night. Again, I pumped 2 times a day for at least 5 days out of the week

Pump settings: 
- Stimulation for 2 minutes
- Extraction for 18 minutes
- Massage for 10 minutes
* I had been alternating between levels to see what worked for me. (There are 10, usually ranged within 4-7). 

Nipple Growth
Nipple growth appears to have become slightly larger at this point. Still no nipple ruler. 

So far it's been dampness around the nipple, nothing serious. 

Soreness wasn't as bad that I could remember. 

Massages & Soreness Explained
I can't remember exactly what area of the soreness placement was >.< forgive me. It may have been in the same area as previous described. 

Side Affects
Sense of smell is still about the same as the last time I made the previous post. 

Cravings: None that I'm aware of. Still eating apples!

• Apples & Peanut Butter (I have 1 apple a day, typically 1 for 5 days).
• One 8oz glass of Almond Milk per 2 tbsp of ground flax seeds + 2 tbsp in morning with breakfast oatmeal and 2 tbsp in evening with Almond Milk.

Recap Time 03/01-03/15
What I failed to mention in the last one was that my boobs had not grown in Bust. However, they did appear larger. The same was the case here only different. Keep reading. 

• Milk Thristle & Fennel Seed (1,530 mg)...
1 capsule 2 times a day (pref. Morning & Night).
- Contents:
Sunflower Letchin (600mg),
Moringa (500mg),
Milk Thristle (200mg),
Fennel Seed (100mg),
Hormone Defend Blend (125mg),
Black Pepper (5mg).

• MSM (1000mg) + Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Zinc (1000mg) ...
^ MSM: 3 capsules; 1 in day, 2 in evening/night
^ Vitamin C Mix: 1 + 1/2 capsule; 1/2 in day, 1 in evening/night
Vitamin A 450 mg
Vitamin C 900 MG
Vitamin D3 25 mg
Vitamin E 15 mg
Zinc 11 mg

• Shatavari (1 fl oz/ 30ml) ... 1 dropper, once a day during afternoon until I ran out. 

• Goats Rue (2 fl oz/ 59ml) ... 2 droppers for once a day during lunch/evening with water once I ran out of Shavarti.

• Ground Flaxseeds (2 tbsp/30ml) ... 2tbsp taken in day/evening
- Paired with 1 glass of Almond Milk or Oatmeal.

• Flax Oil Massages: 0-1x a week, the husband has been pooped and I honestly forget about this part. 

Life scheduled permits me to pump during late evening/night. I pumped 1-2 times a day for at least 4-5 days out of the week.

Pump settings
- Stimulation for 2 minutes
- Extraction for 28 minutes
* I had been alternating between levels to see what worked for me. (There are 10 levels, I had been doing Stimulation on 4 and Extration on 6. Due to increased soreness I dropped Extraction to a 4, sometimes a 2.)

Nipple Growth
Nipple growth appeared to have stopped and was the same as previously mentioned.

Toward the end of this report the dampness around my nippled stopped producing. I do wonder if that had sometime to do with my lack of Shavarti and what would appear to my body as a replacement of Goat's Rue. 

Soreness had increased and was quiet painful. . 

Massages & Soreness Explained
I hadn't been getting massages so I think this is part of the reason soreness built up so bad. It was not a sharp pain, just tense around the milk ducts. 

Breast Size
They are still a size 37, but they appear to be full with a "shelf" look as my husband likes to call it.

Side Affects


• Apples & Peanut Butter (I have 1 apple a day, typically 1 for 5 days).
• One 8oz glass of Almond Milk per 2 tbsp of ground flax seeds + 2 tbsp in morning with breakfast oatmeal and 2 tbsp in evening with Almond Milk. 

HITT 3 days out of the week. 
Switched to Strength Training 2-3 days out of the week. 

Unrelated to NBE
I have developed a rash under my boobs (where the brawn line would be) and it runs down the center of my torso. It doesn't itch. It just makes me look like a spotted leopard. I feel like it's a combination of my workout clothes and maybe the Goat's Rue? I don't know...I happenI can figure this out without the help of a dermatologist.

Recap Time 03/15-04/01
Something I failed to mention in the last post was that I did run out of ground Flaxseed for almost a eeek before repurchasing. And I felt as if my Milk Ducts developed the most during that timeline (Maybe it was due to combination of Shavarti and Goat's Rue having time build up in my body? That also may have been a factor in why my breasts were so sore back then, as well). I saw visible growth the most during the time THIS post was intended.

• NO (halfway thru) Milk Thristle & Fennel Seed (1,530 mg)

• MSM (1000mg) + Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Zinc (1000mg) ...
^ MSM: 3 capsules; 1 in day, 2 in evening/night
^ Vitamin C Mix: 1 + 1/2 capsule; 1/2 in day, 1 in evening/night
Vitamin A 450 mg
Vitamin C 900 MG
Vitamin D3 25 mg
Vitamin E 15 mg
Zinc 11 mg

• NO Shatavari (1 fl oz/ 30ml)  

• Goats Rue (2 fl oz/ 59ml) ... 2 droppers for once a day reduced to 1 dropper until I ran out towards the begining/middle of this post.

• Ground Flaxseeds (2 tbsp/30ml) ... 2tbsp taken in day/evening
- Paired with 1 glass of Almond Milk or Oatmeal.

• Flax Oil Massages: 1-2x a week, the husband has been pooped and I honestly forget about this part. 

Life scheduled permits me to pump during late evening/night. I pumped 1-2 times a day for at least 5-6 days out of the week.

Pump settings: 
- Stimulation for 2 minutes
- Extraction for 28 minutes
* I had been alternating between levels 6 &4 reducing as needed.

Nipple Growth
Nipple growth appeared to have stopped and was the same as previously mentioned.

Dampness around my bipple came back and has been plentiful. It is clear and orderless. It doesn't taste like anything to me or my husband. 

Soreness was painful, but soon released upon massage. Soreness was (on left breast) on the left side and (on my right breast) on the left side and underboob near duct area. 

Massages, Soreness, Swelling Explained
I hadn't been getting massages so I think this is part of the reason soreness built up so bad. It was not a sharp pain, just tense around the milk ducts. When my husband massaged the areas listed and just in general the build up was a release and that was when I noticed the lactation returned. I did experience continued soreness when pumping but I believe this was dude to my cycle because I noticed my boobs were way fuller and perky (swollen) than ever and that is typically due to the lead up to my cycle. 

Breast Size & Period
They are still a size 37 B. Leading up to my cycle my breats were full, perky, and had beautiful "hang time" if I leaned over. After my cycle, I felt as if they "deflated" although, my husband still tells me they're full despite what I see. He did admit that he understood where the extra fullness came into play due to my cycle, but they resorted back to how they looked pre-cycle.

Side Affects


• Apples & Peanut Butter (I have 1 apple a day, typically 1 for 5 days).
• One 8oz glass of Almond Milk per 2 tbsp of ground flax seeds + 2 tbsp in morning with breakfast oatmeal and 2 tbsp in evening with Almond Milk. 

Maybe twice and now I walk 2 miles at least 2-3 times a week. 

Unrelated to NBE:
I have developed a rash previously mentioned is there despite the lack of Goat's Rue.

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