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Are my breasts underdeveloped? Or just... odd?



It has been a long while but I am back with... no results. I got distracted and breasts didn't end up being on my mind for a long while. So now that they are I am going to start testing different methods and such. I read through all of your replies and I appreciate all of them! At the moment I can't really afford very much so I will probably be doing massages with some sort of oil. 
I am also going to try and get a full panel for all of my hormones to see if anything is going on there and what I can do or should and should not do in the future.

Hi.. I can understand your concern and i can relate to you. Even I too faced such problem when I was at your age. You are so young and there will be  many changes can happen in times. Mean while  you can also do massage for the growth. NO need to worry.  Everything will be sorted out with time.Smile

Hi, i’m flatter than you. 
I was an A cup few years ago, but i was fat. Than i lost 10kg, now i’m not skinny but my weight is ok, but i’m totally flat (less than an A cup, i don’t know what cup i have because i don’t find AA or AAA bras) 
Underboobs i’m 78cm 
My boobs are 79cm (so, less than an inch difference, so ugly) 
This orrible boobs was leading me to anorexia (i tought than being very very skinny my flat chest might seems less orrible) 

I never tried massage cause noogleberry didn’t work, so i think...if pumps don’t work massage is just a waste of time... 
herbs didn’t work....
So right now i’m collecting money for a far graft or maybe implants (but flat as i am, i think implants just look weird) 

Maybe i got a lack of HGH, my bones are so thin, my muscles don’t grow with heavy workouts, i have a lot of fat tissue... 
My sexual hormones are ok anyway. 

What should i do?

(25-01-2018, 21:55)krishten001 Wrote:  Hi.. I can understand your concern and i can relate to you. Even I too faced such problem when I was at your age. You are so young and there will be  many changes can happen in times. Mean while  you can also do massage for the growth. NO need to worry.  Everything will be sorted out with time.Smile

How old is she?

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