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adding magnesium increases growth


Wonder if topical would be better. I know it is absorbed transdermally easily when its magnesium oil..

(20-12-2015, 01:54)Tanya Marie Squirrel Wrote:  Wonder if topical would be better. I know it is absorbed transdermally easily when its magnesium oil..

That's what i use. You do NOT wana put in on your beasts.. Unless you tolerate it fine its usual to cause a stinging rash , for me if I use too much full blown hives

I was going to say, I wouldn't use topically. Unless directed to by someone in the know. I would assume most metallics could cause at least staining, if not rashes.

Very interesting on all the ailments that magnesium helps.

Info on transdermal application

According to this article, the stinging sensation is a sign of magnesium deficiency. It states that as you become less deficient, the stinging goes away.

Also to note: magnesium is a key component in regulation of hormonal balance. Definitely something to considered for those with Pcos or estrogen dominance.

And for those who do not know, Epsom salt ( commonly used as a bath salt) is actually magnesium sulfate.

(20-12-2015, 16:40)Tanya Marie Squirrel Wrote:

According to this article, the stinging sensation is a sign of magnesium deficiency. It states that as you become less deficient, the stinging goes away.

Also to note: magnesium is a key component in regulation of hormonal balance. Definitely something to considered for those with Pcos or estrogen dominance.

Hm that's interesting. I honestly use so much of the oil but the stinging gets worse the more I use, I actually emailed ancient minerals but the never responded re this. but I figured me of all people probably need a lot of magnesium

Can I just give a shout out to the NBE research geeks, here? Thank y'all so much for your dedication. I really like to research, too (not just for NBE), but y'all help me stretch and find more amazing things all the time (again, for more than NBE). I just thank y'all for that! Mwa! MWA!

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