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I'm new here.


Hello, I recently started my road to physically transition from male to female and I've been on HRT for approximately 7 months (doctor prescribed, not using phyto estrogens). This being said, being curious about the timeline of breast growth I started looking about on google and I made my way here.

So far I've just been reading and wondering if I should pursue this course of action since as it is I've always been a fan of the more holistic and vitamin oriented approach.

That being said, so far I'm doing my research in hopes of looking for permanent breast growth to aid in the development that I have while I am going through what is I suppose my, "second puberty".

That being said, so far I've looked at the use of saw palmetto which is documented to block that nasty stuff DHT, of which I have a hate/hate relationship at this time.

Well that being said, again hello! And I suppose I'll be going back to reading now. Hope to figure out a good dosage and from there look at other supplements and looking forward to conversing with others. (even about stuff not related to any of this xD)

Hey im new to so no help haha

Just wanted to say good luck on your way to lush boobs Smile I think the natural way is the best and im hoping to do the same.

I'm currently using fenugreek and massage hope it works.

Good luck

Thank you so much, and don't worry about knot being able to to offer any information; you helped by just saying hi because I now have someone to talk too xD

For the fenugreek, does this just promote swelling or does it promote actual growth? May have to look into it just to find out either way!

Well, that being said good luck to you on your way to a nice chest and thank you again!

Have a nice day Smile

(12-06-2013, 03:06)Glitch Wrote:  Thank you so much, and don't worry about knot being able to to offer any information; you helped by just saying hi because I now have someone to talk too xD

For the fenugreek, does this just promote swelling or does it promote actual growth? May have to look into it just to find out either way!

Well, that being said good luck to you on your way to a nice chest and thank you again!

Have a nice day Smile

All on it's own fenugreek probably won't do much of anything at all to an all-normal male body... But in combination with AT LEAST some form of estrogen, it seems to help improve the effects.

It also increases prolactin, which is involved in breast development, though not necessarily "growth". More just maturation of the milk ducts.

Fenugreek alone MIGHT cause you to lactate... which would give some swelling as well...

Fenugreek with stuff might still cause lactation... Since it increases prolactin, and prolactin is the hormone that signals the breasts to produce milk... That is an expected outcome. Though for whatever reason some do not get that outcome.

But anyway. Welcome. You'll find lots of information around here if you look for it. Just gotta do a bit of rummaging around.

Yeah I know that it mimics estrogen which naturally increases breast growth as said above. I have been using it around a week and I have noticed that my boobs feel firmer and look a bit fuller in a bra. I used it when I was breastfeeding so I know that it can cause U to produce milk but I gave up breastfeeding 6 months now and since using it im still milk free haha might as well give it a go never know it may work Smile

(12-06-2013, 13:48)wee-katie Wrote:  Yeah I know that it mimics estrogen which naturally increases breast growth as said above. I have been using it around a week and I have noticed that my boobs feel firmer and look a bit fuller in a bra. I used it when I was breastfeeding so I know that it can cause U to produce milk but I gave up breastfeeding 6 months now and since using it im still milk free haha might as well give it a go never know it may work Smile

I'm sorry but actually not really...

I think there may be some small amount of fairly weak phytoestrogens in it, maybe. But mostly the behavior of fenugreek is far far more complicated and does not involve direct estrogen mimicry hardly at all.

It increases prolactin and has a strange adaptive effect on existing hormones, boosting them, you might say.

So it's possible for a female to grow on fenugreek alone... not perhaps usual, but certainly possible. But a genetic male such as Glitch is, will need some source of strong estrogens, if not also something to reduce their testosterone as well.

I'd suggest looking into either hops or pueraria mirifica for the estrogen, Glitch, and anti-T is a very complex subject.
Thumbs Up 

That's why im a newbie hehe oops sorry guys haha Smile

Thank you first of all for all of the information! I do have a few questions though. When I'd been browsing on the forums, I'd read that phytoestrogens can actually cause "set backs" during puberty (which for all intents and purposes this is what I'm going through due to HRT) this being that they compete with the natural estrogens in the system. As a result would I not want to avoid raising the level of plant based estrogens in my system at least initially? This being so that the my depro-estrodiol can do it's thing?

That being said, I will definitely start looking more into fenugreek seed as well, because at this time when I do have children in the future (have already taken steps to insure that this is a possibility) with whomever I end up spending my life with, I want to have the facilities in place to be able to breast feed my child. Plus, the added development certainly will not hurt things Smile

Also katie don't stress about it! You'd done some reading and you tried to help, which I do greatly appreciate. Furthermore you did also benefit from this since you also got some information out of it Smile

Thank you for your information as well Abidrew, and I'll keep doing more research on the effects of phytoestrogens and how Hops and PM would affect this.

Also as far as the anti-T thing; I know. Bunches of pathways, and theories about how things really work (they don't even know how saw palmetto affects things, rather there is just a bunch of theory crafting about it) which is fun because I'm used to following up theories and doing research (biology major with plans for med school xD). That being said, though it does it still does affect the conversion of T to DHT which is a good thing. The downside being that in larger quantities just like many other AA's it can stress or even damage the liver so caution must be taken.

Also as my HRT goes, I'm currently on the following regimen.
.5 ml of 5mg/mL Depro-estrodiol injected weekly
200mg of Spironolacton taken daily, one in the morning and one at night.
10mg medroxy-progesterone taken every night.

Also on some further reading other's seem to indicate this is not the case and I'm getting slightly confused. So which is it? As it is, I'm starting to think that it doesn't really hinder given some of the shown results but I am now slightly hesitant, but definitely wanting to Pursue both PM, and fenugreek, in addition to the SP for anti-T. In addition to my other meds.


If your HRT is causing you problems talk to your doctor about your concerns, and specifically question the progestins...

Those particular progestins can be some nasty buggers.

With that much spiro you shouldn't need any other anti-T. Spiro is a sledgehammer of sorts to the entire T pathway. It's part 5ARI blocker, part 17,12 blocker, and part something else, as well as being partly a receptor antagonist... So basically, by the time you're taking that much of that particular drug, your T is trashed.

You MIGHT consider some small amount of spearmint, not for the t-receptor antagonist aspect, but because it does more for blocking SPECIFICALLY body hair receptors than anything else.

I don't specially recall which ones, but there are certain injectable forms of estradiol that spike at injection time and last about 2 weeks instead of only one. And contain ONLY estradiol, not any progestin. Ask about one of those.

And as for herbs messing with / not messing with HRT... The answer is it shouldn't if you use the right ones. Natural hormones yes. HRT no.

In natural women it is possible to cause damage to their natural hormone pathways by introducing too much stuff that looks like certain hormones shutting off natural production. Or making it go crazy high instead.

My HRT to my knowledge is not causing my any issues. My only concern is really just working to increase my breast development. Will be getting panels done soon hopefully so I'll be able to see exactly where they are at the moment.

That being said spearmint sounds like a good idea, while also looking at Fenugreek (prolactin ftw) and the PM to boost breast development. Also not sure how much it will help but I downloaded the Petite Morte hypnotism bit and will be using that along with the the 10 minute long tone one on youtube.

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