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Time to update on Noogleberry progress


As some of you may recall I posted a few things about getting a NB and the ensuing dramas. I am happy to say, I have been using the NB for the last month and have moved up to a large from a medium.


Included not getting any suction, chafing, burst capillaries, cold breasts, sore nipples.

After the sizing debacle with Lucy at NB (swapping domes 3 times after she had sized me up from photo), I finally got mediums as I have larger right boob and smaller left one. I needed foam rings as my ribcage is too narrow and lumpy to keep the flat domes on and get any suction. The rings are v good but after 2 weeks they started flapping around and thinned out on the internal diameter and made burping noises when I pumped. They needed replacing fast but I had no choice as nothing else worked, I tried all the homemade suggestions posted on here and the NB forum.

I am now on large domes and almost fill them when I pump. Shocking as my boobs although round are pretty small.


After first use I had swelling of boobs and they basically looked like fake blowup doll boobs. Rock hard, sore, achy and sensitive nipples. I started using tape to tape down the nipples but getting it off caused me a rash on the nipple so now I don't use it so often.

I pump once a day after a warm shower. Usually for 90-120 mins. Pump and release method.

My left small boob is responding better than the bigger right one and they are now almost even in size. I have constantly sore achy boobs and am not sure if this is overpumping or what. But my boobs are definitely a cup size bigger. I know this is not true growth but it still makes me feel as though I am being proactive and puts my head in the right place for getting results.

After pumping I apply flaxseed oil to massage and warm them up and prevent stretch marks. Then later volufiline cream. Or PM cream but less often.

The swelling is staying around for about 3 hours. Nipples and areolas are still tiny. Generally the breast is heavier more meaty especially at the top and in the cleavage area.

I am hoping that after a year this will translate to real growth but BF last night decided as the world authority on boobs(not) that anything so easy is less likely to result in anything permanent. I kept quiet and thought well "thanks, something that is making me happy has to be trashed" - once more!

I have also started taking F-up supple pills on BonitaDDs suggestion only 2 pills a day, but think I might need to cycle as my period, due about now- hasn't shown up.

It sound like the noogleberry is really working well for you - keep up the good work. My partner won't even let me get one because he thinks I'll hurt myself with it!

Latest update is that NB is going well. I can't use it at all without the foam rings as suction just doesn't happen but I am moving through domes sizes fast as I swell to huge proportions. I am halfway between an A and B cup, with swelling I look a full C. It's nice seeing it stay a little while and gives me hope that if I continue it will become permanent one day.

It is not comfortable in my current bra and I have a goal bra © to wear that takes pressure off. As I am continuously slightly more swollen than I would be. I do 2 hours a night.

1 night a week I use progesterone cream as I do 3 x a week with some PM cream I have left.

Nipples and areolas still the same size.

Hi Babakins what brand of voufiline cream do you use and has it had any effect on you yet?

How is it going with the Noogleberry pump? As you may have seen on another thread I have used it only a few days for 15 min at a time and got very bad stretch marks on one of my breasts so I had to stop. I'll have some time to think of whether I try the Noogleberry again after I repair my skin but I'm afraid this will cause new stretch marks. And of course I haven't had any swelling with my very short and gentle NB sessions. So I'm looking for another option...

(25-05-2013, 16:16)Babakins Wrote:  Latest update is that NB is going well. I can't use it at all without the foam rings as suction just doesn't happen but I am moving through domes sizes fast as I swell to huge proportions. I am halfway between an A and B cup, with swelling I look a full C. It's nice seeing it stay a little while and gives me hope that if I continue it will become permanent one day.

It is not comfortable in my current bra and I have a goal bra © to wear that takes pressure off. As I am continuously slightly more swollen than I would be. I do 2 hours a night.

1 night a week I use progesterone cream as I do 3 x a week with some PM cream I have left.

Nipples and areolas still the same size.

Hey baba! Im so happy noogling is going great for you! You deserve all the growth in the world.

Keep it up!

Aaaaaw thanks Tibetan I hope you're right but tonight I got stretch marks on left boob, so I am not happy. I will start oiling before as well as after. I hope it doesn't mean I have to stop.

Charlotte the volufiline cream is one I bought off a lady on ebay that I get my vit c serum from. It did nothing for my boobs and I just use it on my face now Smile


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