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My results And What I've Been Doing


Hi everyone! So today I am happy to say that I FINALLY got a little bit of swelling after pumping for 2 hours. The swelling is not super noticable, but I can the difference by touching them and also I tried on my 32 A bra and before when I would put it on I have NO breast at all. I'm not even exargerating... I have the chest of a 10 year old boy. So when I would put my bra on, there was honestly nothing it it. I have a push up bra, the most expensive and best quality push up bra I could find, it's suppose to increase your breast size by 2 cups. Since I don't have any breasts, the padding/push up part pushes against my skin and leaves the bra sticking out so if you were standing over me, you could see down inside, and you could see that it was completely empty. But after pumping for 2 hours and getting a little swelling, I put the bra on and I still didn't have enough breasts to actually push them up, but you could actually see this time that my bra was not empty.

Ok so now I'll tell you about what i've been doing and how long it took.

I'm 18 years old and i've never had breasts in my life, they have never grown, nothing. I always new something was wrong when I would look at other girls and saw that they had breasts but I had nothing... I always new there was something wrong, but I didn't know what to do about it. I started trying supplements that act like female hormones in the body but it did not work. They made me gain weight and feel bloated, that's about it. I also tried creams, like Wild Yam and i'm not really sure if it's helping or not. I've been using it for about 1 month now, but i've been pumping at the same time, so i'm not sure which one is helping more. So it's been about 1 month that i've been pumping and when I first started out I was using the extra small cups which turned out to be "too small" because when I put pump my nipples were touching the end of the cups so I was unable to pump to the full potential. I used those cups for about 3 and a half weeks and I never got swelling or anything, and I didn't notice anything when I looked at my chest, but when I would touch my chest, It feel "puffy" and maybe a little fuller, but still not enough to fill out a AA cup size. I would pump for 1 hour and sometimes 2 hours a day, so i was getting frustrated when i wasn't seeing any swelling. So I ordered the medium cups and i've only used them 3 times so far. The first time for 30 minutes and I didn't notice any difference, except that I was able to pump as far as I could go. The second time I used them was for 1 hour and I noticed my chest a little fuller and puffy but not swelling. Today I used them for 2 hours and I noticed a tiny bit of swelling. Hopefully I start getting more swelling that last longer...It feels good to finally feel something when i touch my chest! I am still flat, but at least I can feel the difference!

As of right now there are 2 things i don't like about it:

1) After pumping it leaves ring marks that are very noticable and I'm wondering if there's a way to get rid of them? Like maybe concealer?

2) I think that the medium cups are too big because after pumping, I noticed the ring marks are huge on my chest, and it seems like they're pumping parts of my chest that arn't my breast. It's hard to explain but like when I take the cups off, I can only feel the swelling, but i can't see it because the cups are so big that they're pulling in skin that doesn't belong to the breasts so when I take them off that skin goes back to where it belongs and my chest goes completely flat again because it's pumping more than just my tiny breasts so my actual breast part isn't getting the full effect.... (it's very hard to explain but I hope someone understands what I mean) Do you think that the cup rings would help this issue or should I just go down to the small cups instead of the medium?

Thank you everyone! I appreciate it.


great to hear your swelling! for the ring marks, I take a hot shower after pumping and massage all around the marks, then by the time ive moisturised (massaging more) they will be gone in like 5 mins. are yours staying around longer? if so maybe try padding?

to your other question, it sounds to me like the small domes are not an option because as you say, your not swelling to full potential in them. Im not sure because Im not a noogleberry user but would there be a set of domes you could use that are narrower than the mediums but bigger than the smalls? I wonder if they are a little wide for you. But if its a choice between the two you have tried, Id choose the mediums, cos at least your getting results.

(25-03-2013, 20:42)Charlii Wrote:  Hi,

great to hear your swelling! for the ring marks, I take a hot shower after pumping and massage all around the marks, then by the time ive moisturised (massaging more) they will be gone in like 5 mins. are yours staying around longer? if so maybe try padding?

to your other question, it sounds to me like the small domes are not an option because as you say, your not swelling to full potential in them. Im not sure because Im not a noogleberry user but would there be a set of domes you could use that are narrower than the mediums but bigger than the smalls? I wonder if they are a little wide for you. But if its a choice between the two you have tried, Id choose the mediums, cos at least your getting results.

Thank you for the answer and advice..After reading what you wrote, I have an idea! I think that I need to find some narrow cups, like you suggested...This will fix the problem I think. I never thought of it before...Thank You Smile !

It's great that you've had some swelling. I was just wondering if you know what stage of growth your breasts are at going by the tanner stages of 1-5?

As you're still very young, you might just be a late bloomer but if you've had your menses for 2 years or more it may be worth looking into BB/UB or similar. BB (the more expensive type of BO) was originally created for teenagers who didn't develop properly during puberty.

I'm in my 30's now and have grown using BB - I wish I had used it when I was younger - now that my HGH are dropping daily!!

(25-03-2013, 22:45)mrselba Wrote:  It's great that you've had some swelling. I was just wondering if you know what stage of growth your breasts are at going by the tanner stages of 1-5?

As you're still very young, you might just be a late bloomer but if you've had your menses for 2 years or more it may be worth looking into BB/UB or similar. BB (the more expensive type of BO) was originally created for teenagers who didn't develop properly during puberty.

I'm in my 30's now and have grown using BB - I wish I had used it when I was younger - now that my HGH are dropping daily!!

Thank you for the tips ! I have heard of BO before but I heard that it can make people gain weight and this is defenitly something i dont want... I am currently 10 pounds over weight and i'm trying to get in shape....I will defentily try it if it doesn't make people gain weight though...Where can i get it?

Thank You Smile


As for sucking in chest tissue, I had the same problem when I went from M to CL domes. The way I was able to fix it is by pumping with only one cup at a time. I'd hold the one cup in place and be sure it wasn't covering my chest tissue and pump (with lots of lotion for a seal). I'd pump for an hour on each breast using the 7:2 method (7 minutes pump & hold, release for 2 minutes and repeat). It's kind of a pain at first, but I've done it for two weeks now and now I can pump with both cups on (with some effort and frustration in the beginning).

Good luck!

(29-03-2013, 19:20)Run.Rabbit Wrote:  As for sucking in chest tissue, I had the same problem when I went from M to CL domes. The way I was able to fix it is by pumping with only one cup at a time. I'd hold the one cup in place and be sure it wasn't covering my chest tissue and pump (with lots of lotion for a seal). I'd pump for an hour on each breast using the 7:2 method (7 minutes pump & hold, release for 2 minutes and repeat). It's kind of a pain at first, but I've done it for two weeks now and now I can pump with both cups on (with some effort and frustration in the beginning).

Good luck!

Thank you for the advice/tips Smile Good Luck To You Too Smile

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