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NBE and Breast Cancer


Would it be a bad idea to try herbal breast enhancement if my grandmother had breast cancer? According to the hormone test I've seen linked throughout the forums, I'm estrogen dominant (which was defined as low estrogen, and even lower progesterone). My grandmother beat breast cancer and was able to keep her breasts, but I understand this also means I'm at a higher risk of developing it. ( She also had pancreatic cancer and beat it. This woman is a bad ass! Haha, she said "f you" to cancer - twice!) But now I'm concerned if I should even go through with this. Any advice or suggestions? :/

My grandmother had breast cancer also, and I do not feel that NBE raises my risk. In fact, I believe it would lower it. My reasons:
1) I am following a VERY healthy diet rich in vitamins & minerals, antioxidants, and essential oils to grow nice boobies. Antioxidants are sooo important in preventing many things, especially cancer
2) I am constantly massaging my breasts, which not only flushes out toxins but also means that I am now very familiar with how my breasts do/should feel and if anything were to feel abnormal, I'd know immediately. Catching cancer early can be vital to surviving -- Breast cancer lumps will feel like a jagged cherry pit or a rock, normally not rounded and very hard. Also, you won't be able to move it around in your breast (like you would if it was just a lump of fat)
3) I am taking PM for my NBE, and although some sites will say it could cause cancer, that is ONLY because hormone replacement with cow's hormones can. Phytoestrogens from a plant are not at all similar to real hormones from an animal, if you ask me. And in fact, pretty much all the distributors of PM will claim that PM can help reduce one's chances of breast cancer. (Some of them have example studies you can find, or their reason why they believe this stated).

So yeah, so long as if you are gaining weight, you are doing so in a healthy manner, and just being aware of your breasts and what it is your breast normally feels like, I think NBE will be beneficial to you in helping prevent breast cancer.

If you are very concerned, perhaps you want to become an avid green tea drinker, or look into other things that are also believed to help.

I would agree with the above poster. My mother passed away from breast cancer, diagnosed at 34 same age I am now and considered very young. I feel nbe is safe but am only doing my program with twice daily massage. I would not dream of doing nbe without massage with family history of breast cancer not to alarm you but to urge to err on the side of caution.

I agree with the others, I don't think that NBE raises risk of breast cancer. In fact I think it would significantly lower it. For example I've seen it posted here several times that in countries with a high intake of phytoestrogens there is a much lower rate of breast cancer, with Japan being a good example, where they eat a lot of soy and therefore phytoestrogens and the rate of breast cancer there is only half that of the western world.

(04-03-2013, 18:39)Outofstyle Wrote:  Antioxidants are sooo important in preventing many things, especially cancer

Thank you! I'll definitely make sure I get enough antioxidants!

(04-03-2013, 18:39)Outofstyle Wrote:  Breast cancer lumps will feel like a jagged cherry pit or a rock, normally not rounded and very hard. Also, you won't be able to move it around in your breast (like you would if it was just a lump of fat)

I have honestly never found a description of what breast cancer lumps feel like. That was VERY helpful! Now I know what to look out for just in case Smile

(04-03-2013, 18:39)Outofstyle Wrote:  I am taking PM for my NBE, and although some sites will say it could cause cancer, that is ONLY because hormone replacement with cow's hormones can. Phytoestrogens from a plant are not at all similar to real hormones from an animal, if you ask me. And in fact, pretty much all the distributors of PM will claim that PM can help reduce one's chances of breast cancer. (Some of them have example studies you can find, or their reason why they believe this stated).

I considered adding PM for a while, but some things I read scared me. I found a cream just in case, but I have been very adamant. When it arrives, I'll look into the other ingredients list (they failed to mention them online) and make sure it doesn't happen to contain animal hormones.

(04-03-2013, 18:39)Outofstyle Wrote:  If you are very concerned, perhaps you want to become an avid green tea drinker, or look into other things that are also believed to help.

I will! Thank you for the advice!


(04-03-2013, 19:20)ccmh Wrote:  I would agree with the above poster. My mother passed away from breast cancer, diagnosed at 34 same age I am now and considered very young. I feel nbe is safe but am only doing my program with twice daily massage. I would not dream of doing nbe without massage with family history of breast cancer not to alarm you but to urge to err on the side of caution.

I'm sorry to hear about your mother Sad As for massage, it's definitely an important part of my routine. I tried NBE a little over a month ago, but stopped when I found this site and realized I still had a LOT to learn. However, even though I stopped the herbs while I was researching, I never stopped massaging. I figured if I was wrong about everything else, how could touching your own skin possibly be bad? Smile


(06-03-2013, 12:11)lucy angel Wrote:  I agree with the others, I don't think that NBE raises risk of breast cancer. In fact I think it would significantly lower it. For example I've seen it posted here several times that in countries with a high intake of phytoestrogens there is a much lower rate of breast cancer, with Japan being a good example, where they eat a lot of soy and therefore phytoestrogens and the rate of breast cancer there is only half that of the western world.

I happen to be from the US and yes, I'm afraid I know all too well how terrible some of our diets are! Even I fall victim of too much fast food! (Luckily my metabolism is fairly decent, but I still feel like crap after eating that way.) Thankfully, America has recognized this problem and 'organic', 'natural' and whole foods have become more readily available than it was in the past. I've been altering my diet any way I can. For example, whole wheat bread instead of white. Hopefully this helps prevent health problems as well as contributing to safe breast growth Smile

Ah thanks Morose but its a long time ago now. I think you guys are very hard on yourselves re obesity in the US. I am from Ireland and believe me our diets are nothing to write home about, in fact there are increasing and alarming stats about rising obesity levels here and in the UK too. I don't think it's a blanket western thing though. Diets in Spain/France etc I.e mediteranian diets are certainly better and def Japan seems to be King! I recall recent stats where they said 1 in 3 UK/Irish people will develop some type of cancer in their lifetime, that figure is around 1 in 1000 in places like Japan - scary! I know I too fall into the trap of eating too much crap and think it's ok because I'm slim. Please excuse spelling, am on dreadful mobile device. Oh I too now only eat brown rice/pasta/occasional brown bread only, am on a mission to ban the white. Sadly can't seem to knock my once weekly Mc'Ds on the head - thanks for bringing us that lol

Ah thanks Morose but its a long time ago now. I think you guys are very hard on yourselves re obesity in the US. I am from Ireland and believe me our diets are nothing to write home about, in fact there are increasing and alarming stats about rising obesity levels here and in the UK too. I don't think it's a blanket western thing though. Diets in Spain/France etc I.e mediteranian diets are certainly better and def Japan seems to be King! I recall recent stats where they said 1 in 3 UK/Irish people will develop some type of cancer in their lifetime, that figure is around 1 in 1000 in places like Japan - scary! I know I too fall into the trap of eating too much crap and think it's ok because I'm slim. Please excuse spelling, am on dreadful mobile device

Ohh Morose I just want to add one more important thing, also.

I have been doing ALOT of research, and many of the long-term estrogen dominance cases have been linked to 1) breast cancer, 2) osteoperosis, and 3) miscarriages.

It really was a link of great discovery for me because my great-grandmother, bless her soul, died of osteoperosis, my grandma had breast cancer, and my mom had a miscariage in her early 30's. My great-grandmother and grandma are both on my mom's side.

I had previously stated that there is no evidence against pueraria mirifica, and that the representatives claim it will help lower your chances of breast cancer but I have not seen any truths that support or reject this. I know you said you were trying other herbs, but I just wanted to share this realization with you and everyone else.

So as for whether PM helps or not, I cannot say, but it would seem with my lineage, I think that an estrogen-dominance could very well be responsible so you just want to be careful of that.
I am adding progesterone cream into my routine now that I have made this link.
I am very thin so I had been previously thinking that there was no way I could be estrogen dominant, but also I am very young, and the physical signs of estrogen dominance could take years to show.

Anywhoo I suggest that you look across the generations of your family, and if there are signs of estrogen dominance then you may benefit greatly from PC when it comes to cancer prevention! Either now, or starting using it in a few years after first exploring the NBE herbs that you were originally planning on trying.

And as for why the Japanese seem to be cancer-free, I think it is important to keep in mind that a relation between the low cancer rates and the amounts of soy they eat does not necessarily mean causation - just because there is a link, it does not mean eating soy is actually causing the low cancer rate, because there are many other huge factors in their diet that could be contributing to the low cancer rates such as that their diet is healthier in general, the seafood high in essential fatty acids, and probably the biggest factor, the amount of green tea they consume daily. Not to mention there are many more health herbs that people ingest there than there is here in the west.

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