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NB and Broken Capillaries


Ok, so incredibly pumped to have finally gotten my Noogleberry and a complete believer in the principle of growth from tissue expansion, I planned to begin my regimen pumping for an hour and then gradually working my way up to the point of snoogling. HOWEVER, just three days of noogling on the level -4 inHg (on the gauge) for an hour resulted in terrible broken capillaries all along the top and side rings of my breast. I will add that the level -4 was also SOOO unbearably painful that, coupled with the broken capillaries and my appendages feeling numb, the excruciating pain made it obvious that -4 was just too great of a pressure for me. So, after daily application of Vitamin K lotion for four days, the broken capillaries came to heal, and I decided I would try again. I began to pump for an hour to a level -3 inHg this time. After three days AGAIN I had broken capillaries, and it was WORSE this time (probably because they had already been agitated and weakened from the first). I again applied Vitamin K daily, it healed in two days time, and I just tried again last night at -2inHg for an hour but noticed this morning the capillaries already starting to break again, but this time towards the center of my breasts Sad I am, again, applying Vitamin K but am not sure how I am going to approach Noogling this next time, since anything lower than -2 inHg loses suction VERY easily.

I will add that I ALWAYS use the foam rings (although they are so fat that my breasts barely fit inside them!) and I have large domes on my 29” chest frame. I would not want to imagine what would happen if I did not have those rings between the plastic and my chest… Anything lower than level -2 inHg on the gauge is so weak of a suction that it pops off if I so much as laugh or cough, let alone move Dodgy It seems that anything that is not too weak to hold suction is what causes me pain and broken capillaries.

So, the reason I have brought this to the forum is to ask:
• Has anyone else experienced this with the Noogleberry? Or know of someone who has?
• How did you/they go about solving the problem?

I don't want to have to give up on my dream of Noogling, but I also don't want to permanently ruin the delicate capillaries on my breasts all for the sake of "toughing it out"!! In fact, I would prefer my small chest WITHOUT broken capillaries over having large dream breasts WITH broken capillaries.

Any thoughts are appreciated!
Thanks, Ladies!!!

First starting out with the noogleberry is pretty difficult for a lot of people. I had the same problems as you and it takes time and experimenting to figure out what works best. Heres my experience.

For my first month of noogling I got those broken capillaries almost every time I used it. In the months following, I got them less and less until it completely stopped. Iv had noogleberry for about 6+ months now and I never get them anymore. Your breast are trying to get use to the suction, so it may take some time to build up a tolerance.

Now as far as the rings go, I too used those for my first few months and could not imagine noogling without them. But they would always fall apart on me and id have to order new ones so eventually I got fed up and tried noogling without them. At first I hated it but after about week I got use to it and I haven't used them since. Also, I stopped having those broken capillaries directly after I discontinued using the rings (as well as better suction). So that could be part of whats causing problems and you might have to try noogling without the rings if the the broken capillaries/bad suction persist.

Remember to use a lot of lubrication, you can experiment with different oils and lotions, some things give you better suction than others and you want to make sure your skin is hydrated and moisturized so it wont be damaged by the suction. A quick massage before noogling can help relax and prep the breasts for noogling.

You had the right Idea about starting off slow. Only do it for about 30mins to an hour a day for the first month until you build up that tolerance. You should use low-medium suction all through your noogling journey. You do not need strong suction to grow. Some people would say that its okay to do but I believe its damaging to the breasts and unnecessary.

The more and more you noogle the more breast tissue you will have for the cups to suck on too, thus making it easy to hold suction. That just takes time. Also make sure you are using the right size cups. Its possible they could be too big for you.

You also can makeshift a bra to help hold the noogles in place. I'll try to take a picture to show you exactly what I mean later. Essentially you just take a bra (I suggest using a bandeau bra) and
cut a tiny hole in the middle of each cup and then put the noogleberry domes in the bra and hook up the tubing through the holes. This is wonderful for snoogling and just walking around the house.

I hope this helps you in some way. Just let me know if you have other questions. Like I said before, its trail and error. It may take some time but you will work this out, just don't give up! Iv gone from a tubular AA cup, to a shapely A cup in 6 months. While that doesn't seem like a big deal, it is for me, my breast look so much better and I feel more confident. I noogle for just an hour a day with medium suction and I truly believe it has helped me to grow.

You were definitely pumping too hard, you need to go slow and gradually build up your tolerance. I've gotten broken capillaries lots of times, all from pumping too hard.

Try pumping without the foam rings with low pressure. I find that the seal isn't as strong with the rings on, so maybe you'll be able to keep the cups on without them.

Another thing you can do is hydro noogle, which is noogling with water in the domes. It really increases the seal, I've never had them fall off with that method.

You might also try a larger cup size. It's a lot more comfortable and I personally found that my results improved.

I feel like the stronger suction you use, the better results you'll get - as long as you're not pumping so hard you're damaging yourself, that's counterproductive. I think the hardest pressure you can stand while still remaining comfortable is right.

I've noticed that so many men have had great results with the system, and I really think that's the reason why. They can withstand more pressure and they tend to pump hard.

I went to almost flat (just a conical nipple, and no real tissue) to nearly a C cup in 9 months. I do have some marks from overdoing it though, so definitely go on the gentler side if you're worried about that.

Firstly, I want to thank you both very much for your posts which were so thoughtfully written.

So, given the advice that you ladies both seemed to agree on, I have now just finished my fourth day of noogling at -2 inHg for an hour WITHOUT the rings. I was already using lotion for my sessions, but I was not using the lotion to increase suction, but more for stretch mark prevention. Revitol is good for that but not for increasing suction, so I added Palmer's Cocoa Butter Lotion for the purpose of suction. Well, I have to say THANK YOU because I have been broken capillary-free for the past 4 days! I never would have thought this situation would improve upon removing the protection barrier! So, thank you.

Although the suction is better with the cocoa butter lotion, it still pops off if I sneeze or use my pectoral muscles. So getting rid of the rings helped me as far as getting rid of broken capillaries, but the suction has not improved-- not one bit! But that is probably because right now I have it on the lowest suction imaginable. Given that the broken capillaries are no longer a problem, I should be able to increase the suction and hopefully then "noogle farts" will no longer be an issue Tongue

usehername Wrote:The more and more you noogle the more breast tissue you will have for the cups to suck on too, thus making it easy to hold suction. That just takes time.

This makes a lot of sense, and I am glad that you said it, because I was wondering if this was the case....

usehername Wrote:You also can makeshift a bra to help hold the noogles in place. I'll try to take a picture to show you exactly what I mean later. Essentially you just take a bra (I suggest using a bandeau bra) and
cut a tiny hole in the middle of each cup and then put the noogleberry domes in the bra and hook up the tubing through the holes. This is wonderful for snoogling and just walking around the house.

I LOVE this idea!! Big Grin I can imagine what you are saying, but would still be interested in seeing a photo of yours! Thanks for this awesome idea. My cups still pop off once or twice in an hour, and I literally do not move at all while sitting on my bed, so hopefully this will keep the cups more snug up against my skin to prevent air bubbles from seeping through and eventually popping them off.

usehername Wrote:You had the right Idea about starting off slow. Only do it for about 30mins to an hour a day for the first month until you build up that tolerance. You should use low-medium suction all through your noogling journey. You do not need strong suction to grow. Some people would say that its okay to do but I believe its damaging to the breasts and unnecessary.

I do not know what "low-medium" is!! But, I assume that would be shortly before the threshold of pain...? I am starting at -2 inHg and will work my way up until I discover how far I can go without getting more broken capillaries, causing pain, cutting my chest, etc. So I will keep my noogling always comfortable, at all costs. Does this sound about right?

BustyBabe Wrote:I've noticed that so many men have had great results with the system, and I really think that's the reason why. They can withstand more pressure and they tend to pump hard.

Very interesting... I did not know about this. I wish I could take it like a man!!! And I wish I could pee while standing up, too Cool

BustyBabe Wrote:I went to almost flat (just a conical nipple, and no real tissue) to nearly a C cup in 9 months. I do have some marks from overdoing it though, so definitely go on the gentler side if you're worried about that.

WOW for the results! Three cup sizes! Hearing your results, as well as usehername's results (which is also very impressive because it also helped change the shape of her breasts. amazing!!) makes me even more excited about noogling, for sure! But I have to ask, are these marks to which you refer... are they permanent marks? And what are they-- ridges from the previous cuts of the rim of the cup? Or broken capillaries?

BustyBabe Wrote:Another thing you can do is hydro noogle, which is noogling with water in the domes. It really increases the seal, I've never had them fall off with that method.

This I had no idea of, and actually am a little puzzled by it Huh lol. Forgive me if this sounds like a stupid question, but I do not want to accidentally ruin my hand pump for the sake of figuring something out! But, here's my question... where does the water come out if it is being sucked out of the cups via the tubes into the hand pump? Does the water come out of the hand pump, and this does not harm the device?

Thank you, ladies. You have helped me immensely!!

I have rings marks from the rims of the cups. They're not permanent per se, but they definitely won't heal while I'm still noogling. The results have been so good though, I don't want to stop! I'm planning on going a size larger than my goal and then let myself heal up, hopefully ending up with the size I actually wanted.

The water comes out of the back of the hand pump. I don't think it ruins anything, since the whole system is just plastic. I've been doing it for months and it still works fine both ways.

Have you checked out the forum yet? There are a ton of before and after pictures and much more info on the system.

Glad we could be of assistance!

"I do not know what "low-medium" is!! But, I assume that would be shortly before the threshold of pain...? I am starting at -2 inHg and will work my way up until I discover how far I can go without getting more broken capillaries, causing pain, cutting my chest, etc. So I will keep my noogling always comfortable, at all costs. Does this sound about right?"

Your exactly right. You can certainly work your way into stronger suction, just give your breast some time to get use to it. It shouldnt be painful, you can damage your breast and skin that way.

I use to do really strong suction and I could reach the end of my medium cups. I stopped doing that after I felt like it was stretching my skin to much and it wasn't seeing any growth. Now I only pump until my breast are a little over half way in the cups. This works just fine for me, the red rings I get from noogling usually go away in about 30 to an hour.

BustyBabe- Sorry to hear about the rings marks. I hope those heal soon. Are they like bruise or indents? Sad

(16-01-2013, 06:54)BustyBabe Wrote:  I have rings marks from the rims of the cups. They're not permanent per se, but they definitely won't heal while I'm still noogling. The results have been so good though, I don't want to stop! I'm planning on going a size larger than my goal and then let myself heal up, hopefully ending up with the size I actually wanted.

The water comes out of the back of the hand pump. I don't think it ruins anything, since the whole system is just plastic. I've been doing it for months and it still works fine both ways.

Have you checked out the forum yet? There are a ton of before and after pictures and much more info on the system.

Hey BustyBabe, No I have not checked out the forum yet. Back when I was first looking at these websites I felt a little overwhelmed by the NB forum so I decided to stick to this one, but now I might give it a try.

Do you just fill the cups with water, or do you do this while you submerge your breasts totally in water in say like a bath? I guess I was a little paranoid about how the water might effect the gauge...

Well I am sure once you reach a cup past your goal that the ring marks will heal up Smile

usehername Wrote:Your exactly right. You can certainly work your way into stronger suction, just give your breast some time to get use to it. It shouldnt be painful, you can damage your breast and skin that way.

I use to do really strong suction and I could reach the end of my medium cups. I stopped doing that after I felt like it was stretching my skin to much and it wasn't seeing any growth. Now I only pump until my breast are a little over half way in the cups. This works just fine for me, the red rings I get from noogling usually go away in about 30 to an hour.

Ok, I am back up to -3 inHg again so the suction is a *little* better and I only on rare occasion get broken capillaries, and they are extremely few. I assume it should only get better from here, although I have a few capillaries from the beginning that are pretty stubborn about healing. I hope that they will eventually go away, because they make my breasts look blemished Sad

Now I just made your Noogle Bra two nights ago out of a sports bra. It helps a little, at least I think it does! Although I STILL lose suction at least 1-2 times per hour session Angry. I found that my lotion helped a little with the suction, but also seemed to work against it as my cups would slide around a bit on my chest, increasing the opportunity to find a chest cavity and get seeps of air pockets! Is there any kind of lotion or oil that may be "stickier" that you might be able to recommend (before I spend half a hundred dollars on lotions and oils)?

Thanks a million!


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