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Help! Purchased PC, now what?


Hi all, I have written here before but need help again, I'm pretty lost. I have Radioactive iodine induced hypothyroid so I supplement with naturethroid and levoxyl. In addition to this I take Tri sprintec. I just purchased some natural progesterone cream and would be willing to stop taking my bcp for a couple of months if need be. As I've said before, I have tuberous asymmetric breasts and want to apply the cream to just the smaller breast. I know some ladies have had luck with this method. I am two pills into my current BC pack. Where do I go from here?

Do I stop taking my pills and use the pc cream today? Do I take them together? If so, when? I am completely lost and the internet isn't yielding much in the way of my particular case.


Since you have thyroid issues it makes sense that you might have a progesterone deficiency, but you should get a saliva test done, unless you've already been tested. Unless you have a progesterone deficiency, using PC alone is definitely not going to work. Even some women with progesterone deficiency do not grow at all on PC alone. If you decide to use PC then you should probably only use it during luteal phase, and not necessarily every month, and you'll probably have to cycle it along with herbs or PM. It's very easy to OD on PC and it can take months for the excess progesterone to leave your system. If you do take too much it will stall growth, and might even cause shrinkage.

Hi Mochaccino,

Thanks or all of the information. I have suspected for some time that I have a progesterone deficiency but haven't been tested. I will do that. Do you know anything about using pc while on bc or should I stop taking it during the time I'm using pc? The fear I have with herbs is that if I take something orally my breasts will either both grow larger but never even out or the larger one will grow and the smaller won't. Thoughts? Thanks!

I'm not sure if anyone has ever combined the two for NBE. If you do take both BC and PC, it might be too easy to OD on PC if your BC contains any progesterone. If you want the smaller breast to catch up, you could try applying your topical only to the smaller one, or you could apply it to both but make sure to the smaller one gets much more cream.

Wow that was a lot of acronyms, even for this board Tongue

OD on PC if your BC.. yes it is! I'm sure you are right and I don't want to take any risks with hormones. I could stop taking my BC now since I have only taken two pills in my pack but couldn't it potentially take me three months to get my period again? I hate the thought of having to wait that long to start a PC regimen. And yes, my plan is to apply the cream to just my smaller breast! Thank you for answering my questions, this forum is a lifesaver and so are you!

At least get ur tests done before doing anything that way, u can do your tests three mos. later and see how your program has affected you. BC is dangerous alone for us hypos, dont be foolish and think you can just try things, you can easily do more damage than good with experimenting with any of these.

And if you are tuberous, expect slow results and/or growth on the tops with less to none on the lower poles of the breasts.[/code]

I am not going to take any risks with my health, I am just anxious to do something! I feel like with the way my breasts are, the medications I take, and all the other variables, I have no options and it's frustrating. I will definitely do the hormone testing, I just didn't want to have to wait three months to try something. I also wasn't aware that BC and hypothyroidism had a dangerous interaction? Without my thyroid medication I am hypo, yes, but I am normal while I take them. Ah, this is all so confusing! I am at a loss. I can't take anything orally because I fear that it will worsen my asymmetry.

I think Tibetan113 meant that you should test yourself again after 3 months of following your program, not that you should wait three months. If you're sure you dont want to take internals, you could try using only PM cream or extract and PC. If you choose to do that, you might want to try using PM extract along with cocoa butter and DMSO so that you absorb as much PM as possible.

(15-08-2012, 09:14)mochaccino Wrote:  I think Tibetan113 meant that you should test yourself again after 3 months of following your program, not that you should wait three months. If you're sure you dont want to take internals, you could try using only PM cream or extract and PC. If you choose to do that, you might want to try using PM extract along with cocoa butter and DMSO so that you absorb as much PM as possible.

Exactly, bump!

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