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Siriporn Ro-bust Lotion + Purafem (Pueraria Mirifica) pills


Hey natural booby challengers, my journey has just began...

I have had an issue with my breasts for the longest time, I don't know what I hate more, that they're lopsided or tubular or the unproportionally big areola. I'm almost convinced they're underdeveloped (I'm 23).

I've been doing a great deal of research over the years and discovered PM last year, it was love at first discovery, especially after I realized it was much stronger than the herbs I'd been checking up (Dong Quai, Blue/Black Cohosh, Saw Palmetto, Fenugreek, Fennel...)

So I bought Breast Actives 2 months supply - cream+pills.
After over a month of massaging the cream and taking the pills dilligently, I only felt nothing. In fact, the breast tenderness and puffing up associated with my ovulation made me feel much fuller than BA ever did.

I continued taking it but with less discipline and committment as I'd already given up (after spending so so much!) Sad

Seeing that PM is stronger than other herbs, I gave up on these too.

My research then took a turn for induced hormones, either via injections or birth control. (I'm not on hormonal birth control, only non-hormonal IUD)

At this point I discovered my blatant hormonal imbalance and progesterone dominance. I also realized I probably have more than required male hormones (testosterone) since:
- I'm not curvy, I just have quite an athletic body
- When I add weight, it mostly goes to my mid-section and arms (very little to my booty, and much less to my boobs), oh but the thighs are takers! *phew*

I could have sworn I was THIS close to going swallow happy with hormonal birth control pills.

About 6 months later (after a period of toxicity, drama, unhealthy relationship, manic-depression, suicidal thoughts and the worst of Saturn retrograde...) I met someone who brought the shine to my life...lots of positivity and a mighty boost to my esteem (might I add mind-blowing "bunny sessions"). Tongue THIS I must say was quite the kicker not only for my boobs but my booty too! In fact, it was the best unconscious, effortless progress I've ever made/seen!! Blush

>>> TIP#1: POSITIVITY and GOOD LOVING (self-love, eros-love, "bunny-love") go a really long way in curving out a woman's body, or at least mine! I don't care if he didn't mean it when he called me sexy, or caressed and fondled my funny A's like full D's, that positive vibe must gave my femme hormones a mad rush, even my skin was super-glowing, and my hair much stronger.

I've now grown to love myself more and give myself that "mad rush"...I've also bought my 2 months supply of Purafem PM and Ro-bust Lotion.

It's a bummer that my sluggish mail missed the first day of my period by 3-4 days. I'm not sure if it would be consistent to start 7 days into my period, so I'll just glean and gleam at my supply, fantasizing and visualizing my before and after progress as I wait for my next period...

I've a very strong hunch, my progress will be the most positively shocking so far!

Oh and giving up is not an option, heck, anything far from NBE isn't either! I know I want my busom naturally jiggly and juggly Cool no silicones/salines for me...and it's not because I can't afford it!

- I'm going out to stock up on Saw Palmetto, Fenugreek, Fennel, Wild Yam, Tumeric, Red Clover, Evening Primrose and hopefully Hops and Goat's Rue if I can get them.

- I'm also going to buy me some MSM, L-Arginine and L-Tyrosine (preferably in a combined amino acid supplement), plus some Protein supplements and Vitamin C.

- I'm also reading and watching stuff on self (or aided--if you share your bed) breast massage, Tai Chi and the kind recommended by Puerariaherb

These items on my list will be my precursors till my next period when I'm planning on beginning both Ro-bust and PM pills.

I'm not too sure tho if I can start on Ro-bust right away regardless of my period..?? I've read a lot of reviews commending the external PM's higher potency and efficacy over ingested PM.

Forgive my wordy post...I'm just so excited!! Big Grin I can already see the Before-After pics in my mind, Smile I'll even add some C-cup bras to that shopping list to enforce the Law of Attraction. Rolleyes

Next I'll post my before pics, plus my measurements, (a tape measure will be in order with that shopping list).

Thanks and all the best to all of us natural booby challengers!


If I were you I would start with Saw palmetto and a pc cream to sensitize estrogen receptors and later add estrogenic herbs (pm, hops, etc) once I had seen considerable growth.
Saw palmetto just by itself has been traditionally used for underdeveloped breasts for hundreds of years.
Do you have a regular menstrual cycle?
It's just a fact of life that no matter what form you assumed when you were out here on this earth, someone is going to think your shit is hot. I'm glad you found such a wonderful partner who by loving you taught you to love yourself. And I envy you your bunny sessions!
Your enthusiasm and confidence is an inspiration, bless your cotton socks!

(16-05-2012, 08:08)Quest4boobs Wrote:  If I were you I would start with Saw palmetto and a pc cream to sensitize estrogen receptors and later add estrogenic herbs (pm, hops, etc) once I had seen considerable growth.
Saw palmetto just by itself has been traditionally used for underdeveloped breasts for hundreds of years.
Do you have a regular menstrual cycle?
It's just a fact of life that no matter what form you assumed when you were out here on this earth, someone is going to think your shit is hot. I'm glad you found such a wonderful partner who by loving you taught you to love yourself. And I envy you your bunny sessions!
Your enthusiasm and confidence is an inspiration, bless your cotton socks!

Hi Quest4boobs, thank you so much for your insightful response, and encouragement! Smile
Oh, and you can keep envying me, the bunny sessions are getting better Blush Smile (as if they weren't best already!) Tongue

I hadn't considered Progesterone cream...that's a good idea.

My cycle is regular but I did mention evident progesterone dominance and Estrogen deficiency...So I've 2 questions:

1) Based on that, is it still wise to start off with Anti-Androgens and Progesterone boosters?

2) At what stage in my cycle should I start and stop Progesterone boosters, Estrogen boosters and Anti-Androgens?

Thanks so so much, looking forward to more tips and insights Smile

Ok this is weird...
I've just taken Dr. Lee's Hormone test ...the results seem unexpected if not bizarre IMO.

So I apparently fall in Group 1 (checked 3 boxes), Group 3 (checked 6 boxes) and consequently Group 4 (they just fell into place!), I also fit snugly into Group 5 (checked 5 boxes)

This essentially places me as having:
  • some Progesterone deficiency (Group 1: 3 boxes)
  • high Estrogen excesses (Group 3: 6 boxes)
  • Estrogen dominance (due to Group 1 & 3 combination)
  • excess Androgens (Group 5: 5 boxes)

Here I was thinking I'm progesterone dominant! I further agree with the results as I found this: "A low level of progesterone results in irritability, anxiety, obsessive behaviors, weight gain, itching, bloating, sweating, digestive problems, flatulence, and loss of memory" here:

The shocking thing is that I'm strongly indicated for Estrogen dominance and excess Androgens! Is that truly possible?Anybody here have that?

So now I'm confused. Huh
But PROGESTERONE seems like the way to go for both my NBE and hormonal balance needs.

Congrats on your journey I am starting out and reading everything oon here. V confused still though!. I tried that hormone test and I only ticked 2 boxes! I am a hormone ghost!

Hi LopsideTube,

Most women on here with tubular breasts and/or PCOS have a combination of ED and androgen symptoms. Progesterone is the way to go, yes.

(29-05-2012, 21:44)Babakins Wrote:  Congrats on your journey I am starting out and reading everything oon here. V confused still though!. I tried that hormone test and I only ticked 2 boxes! I am a hormone ghost!

Hey Babakins, nobody starts out a pro, but you'll need a great deal of patience, research and networking with the I've-proclaimed gurus here on breastnexus.

But you definitely need to know what the hormonal status of your body is, if personal monitoring does not guide you on what your dominance/deficiency/excesses are, maybe a hormonal saliva test will do.

The test by Dr. J.Lee worked for me because I have always been very
keen on monitoring my body even before my NBE journey, so I always know--even without counting days--when I'm ovulating, (sometimes I can even tell which fallopian tube is releasing!). That's why it was so easy to figure out my hormonal levels from that test.

(29-05-2012, 21:50)Isabelle Wrote:  Hi LopsideTube,

Most women on here with tubular breasts and/or PCOS have a combination of ED and androgen symptoms. Progesterone is the way to go, yes.

Hey Isabelle, thanks for confirming this...I've been taking a whole number of progesterone boosters and anti-androgen herbs, right now I'm in my follicular phase, my period began 1 day ago, I've been trying to figure out if I should go ahead and start taking my PM pills - despite being progesterone dominant with excess androgens...?

And if I do begin taking the PM pills, should I cease taking my progesterone and anti-androgen herbs? What would you recommend?

I was personally thinking of taking the PM for 1 week (since it's also anti-androgenous) whilst still taking my other progesterone herbs...I also have PM cream, which I think I should also use in this 1 week...(PS: I've also been applying Progesterone from Susten soft gels on my breasts--can I use this together with the PM cream, say PM day, PC night?) urgh, it's all trial+error but I'd appreciate your invaluable input.


Ohh...Isabelle I hadn't seen this:

I guess this answers my question're very helpful, as always!

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