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Pueraria Mirifica - My Experience


Pueraria Mirifica - My Experience
September 12 2009 at 3:05 AM shanie (Login menzie)


I am post menopause and had been on unprotected estrogen for many years because I was unable to take both hormones and I had severe menopause symptoms. I knew I had to find an alternative so I researched PM and started taking it at the recommended dose of 2 500mg per day. I felt great, no meno problems and after a month my breasts had firmed up and increased in size. After 1 1/2 months I started bleeding, a little at first and then it increased until I was passing clots. I sought medical advise and had a d&c. The results came back as hyperplasia with atypia (a pre-cancerous condition). I now need a hysterectomy. What is really odd about this is that I had a check-up and my uterus was fine 6 mos prior to this. I probably should have been taking a lower dose.

Does anyone know if atypia can happen this quickly or has the PM skewed the biopsy results or did the PM cause this? The company I bought it from says no. When I stopped taking PM the bleeding stopped. Should I ask for another biopsy before having a full hysterectomy? If I go ahead and have the hysterectomy would it be wise to start the PM again at a lower dose to help me with my menopause problems. Anyone have any suggestions?

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(Login happy2try) Re: Pueraria Mirifica - My Experience September 12 2009, 5:47 AM

Thank you for sharing your experience. I'm sorry to hear what's going on.

Did you take PM every day? What kind of supplier did you get your PM from?

Obviously, I'm using PM for NBE purposes, but I'm doing it 15 days on/15 days off method. I've only been taking it for a few days, so I'm not sure how it will affect my cycle.

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(Login topazblue)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Pueraria Mirifica - My Experience September 12 2009, 2:50 PM

Should I ask for another biopsy before having a full hysterectomy? ...

Sounds like a good idea to me. If the results are the same, you have confirmation that you need to go ahead with the full hysterectomy however if the results are different, at least you will have the chance to re-assess the situation.

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(Login nikkapotamus) Re: Pueraria Mirifica - My Experience September 12 2009, 9:41 PM

a hysterectomy is a big deal... definately get another biopsy done, and discontinue PM right away -- did you tell your doctor about it?? were you taking it every day?? you aren't supposed to -- only 15 days per month and never while you're on your period.

it has very high estrogenic content....
i doubt PM was the actual cause of this condition.... but maybe it sped along what was already happening in your body... either way i'd stay away from it for sure -- and get another biopsy done after you've discontinued to see if there was a correlation

maybe you should post this on the main forum to see what other think (like waxingmoon, who is a healthcare professional)

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(Login menzie) Re: Pueraria Mirifica - My Experience September 12 2009, 11:05 PM

I took it every day since I am post menopause. The only instructions that came with the pills were to take 2 per day - am & pm and also if you have been diagnosed with tumors in the breast, uterus or ovaries you should not take PM.
It was purchased from Ainterol. After this happened I did have some communication with the Dr on their staff and he said that there was no study that reported PM causing atypia but he did say that PM should not be taken if you have atypia.

I think you should be fine with the 15 days per mo. Good luck. I think it is a good product if it is used correctly.

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(no login) Re: Pueraria Mirifica - My Experience September 13 2009, 1:43 AM

YOU HAVE BEEN USING "UNPROTECTED ESTROGEN" FORT MANY YEARS a known factor for hormonally based cancers and you think it could be the Pueraria Mirifica. That makes sense to you? If you had a biopsy you do not need another.
A pathologist reads the slide of cells from your uterous OR WHERE the cells eminated from. If he determined they are cancerous....they are cancerous unless he made a human error. By stopping the PM and getting another biopsy to see if they're cancerous they still are going to be cancerous! PM masking the condition....ridiculous.......The pathologist has two good eyes and a world class education and microscope.

If anything the PM unmasked the went to see the doctor because their was a latent problem.

America is not the enter of the universe....because PM is knew to you its not new to human beings. Millions of women are using it and for many many years............including 3rd world nation.


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(no login) PM for menopause September 14 2009, 1:50 AM

PM dose for menopause is very low, usually only 80mg a day (you can check products on Many online articles praise the use of PM saying it prevents cancer and delays the aging process in low doses. Some chinese doctors report a lot of people use it daily by taking a pea size amount and rolling it with honey. Breast enlargement companies say you need to take 1000mg a day! but i wonder where they get this dosage because it seems almost dangerously high.

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(Login GoldSnowflake)
EVE MEMBERS Re: Pueraria Mirifica - My Experience September 14 2009, 11:12 AM

Ya,,, how come the PM was automatically blamed for this problem and not the the UNPROTECTED HORMONES, whatever the heck that is?? You just started the PM, whats the deal with this post????

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(Login menzie) Re: Pueraria Mirifica - My Experience September 14 2009, 6:14 PM

I do not think anyone is necessarily blaming PM for the problem. I have already stated that taken property, PM is a good product. I started PM in Feb /09 so I was on it for a few months. What I did say is that the bleeding started 1 1/2 mo after being on PM & because it was on & off for awhile I did not think too much about it until the bleeding became increasingly heavy. The bleeding did stop a few days after I went off PM. Both my pap test and biopsy in Nov/08 were fine. It could be a coincidence but I had no instruction for taking PM for menopause and I can see now that I took a dose way too high & I would caution anyone my age to be careful. The reason for my original post was to get others opinion as to whether the PM could have altered my biopsy and maybe I should have another now that I have been off it for a month.

I totally agree that HRT is dangerous taken long term, that has been proven, a fact that was not known when I first started with it. My problems could definitely be related to HRT and taking the PM brought it to light or aggravated the situation.

Estrogen dominance can cause all sorts of problems so it is important to balance your hormones. The pre-cancerous condition I have is most likely a direct result of this.

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(Login menzie) Re: Pueraria Mirifica - My Experience September 14 2009, 6:49 PM

I would like to thank all of you for responding. Most of you have been very nice and of help.

Others, on the other hand, have been brutal.

This post is for Cherr!!! Are you a Dr? I do not appreciate being treated like an idiot!!!

I have read all the studies on PM or I would not have taken it. I did not say the PM masked the condition, quite the
opposite. I am quite aware of how a biopsy is done. How do you know that it did not effect the biopsy, my GYN who has a WORLD CLASS education is not sure.

I have just talked to the Dr on staff where the PM was purchased. He said I should stop taking PM (which I already have) & be re-tested to be sure.
One thing is for sure you cannot take PM if you have or have had cancer or a pre-cancerous condition. I had been cleared for this prior to taking PM!!!


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(Login GoldSnowflake)
EVE MEMBERS Re: Pueraria Mirifica - My Experience September 14 2009, 9:01 PM

No one said you were an idiot,, but you have to understand, you come on the board from nowhere, drop a bomb like that to women who are taking high doses of PM for a while, and it scares us, and some of us are going to freak. Anyway what was your whole point to your story? Not to take unprotected sources of estrogen or not to take PM even, cause yes it does have some of us alittle freaked out.

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(Login menzie) Re: Pueraria Mirifica - My Experience September 15 2009, 3:40 AM

I understand what you are saying and I am really sorry for the women I have upset, truly, it was not my intention. I came out of "no where" because I was
trying to search for answers & figure this thing out. This diagnosis is freaking me out - but that is my problem. Anyway, I came across this forum and was interested in others opinions & to see if anyone else had problems while
using PM - that is it.

I don't know what caused my condition and I'm not giving any specific advise, I am just sharing my experience, which in retrospect was probably a mistake but at the time I thought exchanging info was a good thing.

Again I apologize for the problems this has caused.

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(Login nikkapotamus) Re: Pueraria Mirifica - My Experience September 15 2009, 5:48 AM

i would disreguard what cher said and definately seek a second opinion. that post was completely unhelpful.

i had an abnormal pap with atypical cells.... and i got another biopsy done a few weeks later and i was cleared.

you need further testing before you have a hysterectomy... that is a major surgery.

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(Login nikkapotamus) Re: Pueraria Mirifica - My Experience September 15 2009, 5:49 AM



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(Login happy2try) Re: Pueraria Mirifica - My Experience September 15 2009, 7:39 AM

I caught Dr. Oz's show today, and it was about female health. He said that there are something like 600,000 hysterectomies a year in the U.S., and something like 3/4 of them are probably unnecessary. In the clip I saw, he was talking about fibroid tumors and how if you change your diet and some other things that you can do on your own to reduce the fibroids. What did he suggest? Seaweed and foods high in phytoestrogens. He also suggested that women get a second opinion when told to get a hysterectomy.

Just a thought.

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(Login RomaV)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Pueraria Mirifica - My Experience September 15 2009, 3:02 PM

take a look at this site :
It has clear and well documented info on this subject.
"In 43% of women undergoing hysterectomy because of atypical hyperplasia (diagnosed by endometrial biopsy), the removed uterus contained endometrial carcinoma."
Please, do not delay getting a second opinion.
IMO, the PM accelerated the process and was not the cause. I'm really sorry that you were on unprotected estrogen for so long which put you at such high risk for uterine cancer.
I don't know whether it's wise to visit a certified naturopath at this point. I suppose you should weigh the risks associated with not proceeding with hysterectomy.
I wholeheartedly wish you all the best whatever you decide to do,

PS: For the girls that started freaking out, please stop spreading the panic. Concluding that PM causes cancer, because of shanie's experience, is an oversimplification. Ignorance is not something you can afford these days...

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(Login happy2try) Re: Pueraria Mirifica - My Experience September 15 2009, 4:53 PM

Just for the record, I don't think PM causes cancer. I was just saying that we never really know what we're doing to our bodies with things we ingest.

I mean, people thought smoking was okay. It's a huge health risk. I'm sure all the processed foods and stuff like that do more harm than good; we just don't see the immediate effects.

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(Login GoldSnowflake)
EVE MEMBERS Re: Pueraria Mirifica - My Experience September 15 2009, 6:13 PM

How long have you been on PM for Roma? New evidence comes to light everyday regarding products we thought were safe. It would be stupid not to jump on a post like this one when it started, to get to the bottom of the story, instead of assuming everything is always just fine.

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(Login menzie) Re: Pueraria Mirifica - My Experience September 15 2009, 7:20 PM

There have been so many responses today, I would like to thank you all.

happy2try - I caught the Dr Oz show as well. I do not have fibroids (abnormal cells are present in my uterus) but it was interesting how many unnecessary hysterectomies are done each year. Phytoestrogens for me right now are probably something that should be avoided until this is resolved.

In my heart of hearts I do not think PM caused the pre-cancer condition but for now I am staying away from it. HRT was considered safe at one time also but in light of resent studies it really isn't a long time option for women entering menopause which is why many turn to alternative treatments.

Romav - Thank you so much. I did go to the link you so nicely sent and it was probably the clearest explanation and stats I have read so far. A lot of what I have seen are many medical studies and contradictions so this was
great, but it does increase my anxiety and urgency of the situation.

tattoolady - that gives me some hope and confirms what I have pretty much decided to do, but after reading the above web page from romav I am a little scared to wait too long. Yes this is major surgery. Just want to explain, because I was shocked when presented with this (thought only the uterus was being removed), many of you may already know this - there are different types of hysterectomies - for atypia everything is removed except the vagina unless cancer has moved that far. If cancer is found during surgery, the lymphnodes are also removed. Thanks for sharing.

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(Login GoldSnowflake)
EVE MEMBERS Re: Pueraria Mirifica - My Experience September 15 2009, 8:34 PM

Shanie, hope all goes well and that they can do it ASAP so you can have some peace of mind.

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(Login menzie) Re: Pueraria Mirifica - My Experience September 15 2009, 8:39 PM

Thanks snowflake, I appreciate it.

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(Login menzie) Re: Pueraria Mirifica - My Experience September 16 2009, 2:54 AM

tattoolady - just wanted to ask if you were or had been on PM when you received your atypia result? Are you taking PM now?

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(Login tits2b) interesting...... September 16 2009, 3:58 AM

Im finding this all very intersting ladies. i started PM capsules this month, have been on em for 10 days and have experienced 'spotting' or slight bleeding since 2-3 days into that. i didn think much of it because ive had an IUD inserted 2 months ago and assumed my body was still adjusting to it, but having read this i think ill observe a little closer.

last year i was using blossom-s soap for a while 3 times a day and started to experience post coital bleeding (bleeding after sex disrupting the cervix) so i went to the doc and ended up having biopsies. they found something which they thought was a pre-cancer cell on my cervix but it was so damn small that the sample they took for the biopsy removed almost the whole thing. when they got results back the growth they found was apparently a just a hardened cell that could have turned to a pre-cancer cell but we got it early. so my suspicion is that the bleeding and the thing they biopsied were unrelated.
im wondering if maybe the PM, being a hormone altering thing, causes the cervix to soften just a lil and allows bleeding thru, kinda like in childbirth where hormones function this way. could be barking up the wrong tree here, but just a thought......
any suggestions?

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(Login menzie) Re: interesting...... September 16 2009, 6:43 PM

Hi tits.2b,

My advice - could be nothing but keep a close eye on things and if it doesn't feel right or if it becomes more than just spotting, have it checked out, sooner rather than later. I wish I had done that. Good luck!

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(Login nikkapotamus) Re: Pueraria Mirifica - My Experience September 16 2009, 11:21 PM

i honestly can't say i remember. (my routine changes a lot :cp)
if i was, i was on a very small dose, because i also take fenugreek, hops, and fennel.
i am currently taking a small dose of PM (320 mgs per day) along with small doses of the mentioned herbs.

i'm having an annual pap done again in a month or so... if i have an abnormal pap again i will discontinue all of the herbs, because i never had one before starting any herbs. hopefully that won't be the case. i like my chest now.. :cp

good luck to you! no matter what happens (hysterectomy or not) i hope you pull through everything as painlessly as possible and healthy.

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(Login menzie) Re: Pueraria Mirifica - My Experience September 17 2009, 1:26 AM

Thank you and good luck to you as well.

I know what you mean about liking your chest, I grew 1 cup size and much firming in 5 mos. Half has gone now, oh well, there are other priorities at this time, for sure.

(no login) Re: Pueraria Mirifica - My Experience October 20 2010, 2:09 PM

I am a 40 year old male and have been taking 4500mg of PM per day for 20 days. I stopped 2 days ago as I have developed very noticeable breasts that meant I needed a bra. They have subsided a little now thank goodness but still fill 36a cup. All I can say is that the PM I used was frighteningly strong and if I had kept on using it I would no longer be able to pass as a male. It caused extreme pain in my nether regions as well as softening my skin, darkening my hair and giving me headaches. Was an interesting experiment though to see what it's like to have boobs. Not many blokes know but I certainly do now. Hopefully they'll be gone shortly as they were hard to hide and bloomin heavy.
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