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Coffee and nbe


I just started work and due to late hours, I need coffee to stay awake. I gave up coffee a long time ago for NBE, but now I am starting to drink 2cups of coffee a day

Does coffee really interfere with nbe? Any other suggestions to stay energized?

It seems there's alot of mixed feelings about the use of Coffee. So i guess if you're not sure, it's best to stay away from it.
As far as staying awake goes, it's proven that eating an apple will actually wake you up more than a cup of coffee. Or if fruit isn't your thing, you can always do what the great Beethoven did to stay awake, but that involved submerging your head in ice cold water....
Well, hope that helps. Only other thing i can think of is energy drinks, but i think they contain caffiene too.

(13-06-2011, 05:15)nbe_newbie Wrote:  I just started work and due to late hours, I need coffee to stay awake. I gave up coffee a long time ago for NBE, but now I am starting to drink 2cups of coffee a day

Does coffee really interfere with nbe? Any other suggestions to stay energized?


I think it all depends on the person.. I smoke cigs (about 10 a day) and I drink 2-4 cups of coffee a day and I have been doing the NBE since May 17th but really been on a steady regimen for just about a month so I dont count my first 2 weeks totallyDodgy anyway I drink coffee just after taking my PM pill I dont worry about much..hey green tea has a lot of caffeine sp? I cant drink that stuff makes me feel sick..Dodgy I am a true believe now in massage cause I wasnt doing it much and now I do it more and longer and have notice a the other things I take supps and the PM pills all together do what they do ..oh i do massage with pm cream but I use a lot of it but tomorrow going to start the boobie batter..anyway back to the question..I think it might interfer some but what other things we eat and drink may do and dont and we dont know it..I believe if you do things in moderation and believe what you are doing (meaning the supps and herbs and massages) the girls will grow..and going with your gut and listening to your body...I think sugar is way worse then caffine..just my opinion..sugar is one thing i cant do in is one thing i have to cut down extremely low..that is just my body ...

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