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bountiful breast


is bountiful breast any good? has anyone tied it?

hey sorry cant help, but i wanted to know about these too. Does anyone know the actual ingredients of I cant find anywhere on the website where it says what they actually are!!

Hi Both, Bountiful breast is a glandular based pill, made from bovine ovary, it also has kelp in it, it works by stimulating your body to produce its own hormone for breast growth well thats it put simply anyway lol. Bovine ovary is best for women who are underdeveloped or estrogen dominant as bovine ovary or BO as we all call it is progesterone based. There are 3 choices as far as BO goes, Bountiful breast is one, it is expensive but i used it for about 2 year with results, but i was male. Then there is ultra breast which is similier but cheaper, Anastasia had good results from this form of BO. And then there is generic BO which is cheaper still and that is best bought from swansons as its a good quality. There are alot of women on the forum who have seen results from using this method. But like i stated earlier it will not suite everyone. Good luck both, big boobie wishes to youBig Grin

Hugs Cheryl xxxx[/b]

its a bit random, i'm just wondering if Talika bust serum (herbal) cream can be used with BB?

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