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Weight gain?


So all through high school and even now in college I've been told that I'm too thin (5'3 and 100 lbs) and need to gain weight. I've tried everything I can to gain weight, and it's just not happening. I've been on birth control for a year, in 3 different forms (pill, patch, now ring) but it took me 8 months to gain about 4 lbs and 4 months to lose 7 lbs. yeah. The weight loss is because of stress, but still Sad Fortunately my breasts didn't shrink, but they're just... small. I've been pretty much the same size all over since I was 13 and I'm 19 now. I've been trying to eat different foods, I heard drinking more milk would help with both my weight and breasts... of course not. I've tried exercising to build appetite so I can eat more and gain weight... didn't work. I'm tired of people thinking I'm sick, and I hate having breasts too small to even fit into a junior XS (let alone look good in one!). I feel pathetic when I look at anyone else, because so few people have a chest like mine. I'm on another forum where I seriously have the smallest chest of any of the females there, and I feel even more insecure. I read about one girl who called her 34b breasts "ridiculous." wtf? I'd love to have 34b breasts. My 17 year old sister is 34b, her breasts are far from small.

I don't really know what to do now. I've heard about fenugreek, but I have no idea where to get that (North Carolina is not known for its abundant supply of fenugreek). I've also heard that it doesn't work. I keep hearing about this "BO" on here, but I have no idea what it is Sad Is it safe for 19-year-olds, or would I have to wait until I'm in my 20s? Because I really doubt I'll grow much.

Hi bunnyday! I know where you're coming from. I was skinny my whole life, I'm 5'5" and my weight is normally 98 to 101 lbs. The heaviest I've ever been is 105 and if I sterss about something and don't eat well I go to 95 in a matter of 24 hrs.

BUT you must love your body and appreciate what you have. Also, exercise works well for me and I gain lean muscle mass and body shape pretty quickly when I pump weights. Some people are convinced that I'm sick but I'm actually blessed with good health and good appetite.

As far as breasts, look around this forum, there is so much information here and many methods of improving breast size. I'm sure you can find something that will work for you. Good luck!

I thought I'd write again to you about exercise. You know, when someone is very slender but shapely it looks very nice and one doesn't look sick. It's only when a girl is skinny and has no muscle tone and bad posture, then she would look sickly.

I've found that weight training is really great to keep my small frame looking healthy. When you don't have much fat tissue under your skin it really doesn't take long to get good results and your body contours show off very well. Plus, muscle tissue is heavier and more dense than fatty tissue so you get some pounds too. I highly recommend it for slender people to look healthy.

Hello Smile : First of all I like to address not to put pressure on youself just because you are thiner than the averagre weight and somehow even if you try you can't put on weight. The girl's or people at college proberly just say that you look sick etc, because they are jealous, and as we know all people who are jealous of someone else will try to put them down, so this gose with you and you specail gene, which is that you don't put on weight as much as another person would easily by sweet or birth control pill's. Be proud of this and not ashamed. As long as you eat right amount's and type's of food, and do not starve youself, you are fine beautiful and healthy.

As for the breasts : I can't say that I have 34b but when I read about how you sisters breast's were 34b and you said "her breasts are far from small" I know how you feel. My sister has 36F (estimate) and look way bigger than mine which are 32E. I feel very low on that to sometimes but the good thing is you and me did the right thing buy comming on the forum to ask for advice. :}

As for taking HBE pill's at 19, In my opinun, which I listened to from people, people on this forum and even my own docter, it's not the best idea to try them untill your puberty stage is over . It best to try them once your period has stoped (which is could be around...20-21 years of age). I do address this because taking the pill's now could block you natural estrogen pathways way's and muck up or even stop the whole breast growth completly. When your passed 21 year's then you can try fenugreek, wild yam, saw parlemento and other kind's of herb's that help benefit the growth of the breast. Research the herb's first before trying these out.

What you could try right now at your age is the Nooglebery. The Noogleberry is a breast pump and from what I read about it the Noogleberry help's pump blood to the breast's to make the breast's swell up. If you do this everyday 2 or 3 times the blood,with time, dedication, and paitence becomes peremanent breast tissue. I was researching this and I found it really impressed me because they showed "Before and After Picture's" of other ladies and men who were on the same boat as you and yet gained amazeing breast growth in 6 month's to 2 year's.

My age atm is of 16, so im to young to be trying herbs or the Noogleberry at this moment of time, I do hope though that this advice has helped you and guide you to your goal. No matter how hard things get always keep strong and remeber " When their's a will, their is a way" and you can achive it Smile

I'll leave some link's on here about the Herb's and the Noogleberry website Smile

Good Luck Smile

Well I have pretty good posture thanks to marching band Tongue but yeah, not a lot of muscle tone up top (legs look GREAT though... if only they would lose the KP*...)

I don't have much access to weights though, it's the last 2 weeks of college so while I can use the gym here, I won't be able to use it in the summer, and there's no gyms at home I can go to without paying a lot of money. I don't have weights at home either :/ and I don't know if I'll be transferring to a local university yet. I'm not sure how accessible their gym is, and then I'm scared of more unwanted comments about looking sick. And I'm afraid of my boobs shrinking instead.

Boobs only shrink on women bodybuilers who use steroids to gain muscle tissue. Healthy weight training of chest muscles (with proper weight/reps/sets ratio) does not make breast shrink - it actually lifts them and, by increasing the muscle volume under the breast tissue, makes them apper larger.

hello i hope ur doing well i just want to tell you that u can find fenugreek in all arabic and indian stores i live in nc as well and i can assure you that you will gain weight but not instantly you'll see the results after may be 2 months. i was skiny as well but i never took anything but i always used to eat all the unhealthy food to gain weight, unfortuantly i didnt gain any weight even when i was pregnant but once i had my baby i gained so much weight now that i cant take off no matter what i do and now i wish i could go back to before i would be so happy p.s im 19 and sorry for mistakes im not american

(28-04-2011, 22:29)bunnyday Wrote:  So all through high school and even now in college I've been told that I'm too thin (5'3 and 100 lbs) and need to gain weight. I've tried everything I can to gain weight, and it's just not happening. I've been on birth control for a year, in 3 different forms (pill, patch, now ring) but it took me 8 months to gain about 4 lbs and 4 months to lose 7 lbs. yeah. The weight loss is because of stress, but still Sad Fortunately my breasts didn't shrink, but they're just... small. I've been pretty much the same size all over since I was 13 and I'm 19 now. I've been trying to eat different foods, I heard drinking more milk would help with both my weight and breasts... of course not. I've tried exercising to build appetite so I can eat more and gain weight... didn't work. I'm tired of people thinking I'm sick, and I hate having breasts too small to even fit into a junior XS (let alone look good in one!). I feel pathetic when I look at anyone else, because so few people have a chest like mine. I'm on another forum where I seriously have the smallest chest of any of the females there, and I feel even more insecure. I read about one girl who called her 34b breasts "ridiculous." wtf? I'd love to have 34b breasts. My 17 year old sister is 34b, her breasts are far from small.

I don't really know what to do now. I've heard about fenugreek, but I have no idea where to get that (North Carolina is not known for its abundant supply of fenugreek). I've also heard that it doesn't work. I keep hearing about this "BO" on here, but I have no idea what it is Sad Is it safe for 19-year-olds, or would I have to wait until I'm in my 20s? Because I really doubt I'll grow much.

Hey Bunnday,

I know how you feel because I have had the same problem as you, if not even worse. at 5'3" and only 100 lbs, your bmi is only 17.7, which is considered underweight. My bmi used to be even less than yours - I am tall and slim, and at 5'8" tall I used to actually weigh only about 115 lbs, which put me at a bmi of 17.5. When I was very ill with the flu my weight plummeted to as low as 107 lbs. People always told me I should model but I was offended by it because truth be told I really really hate the look of most size 0-2 models, and that includes pretty much all of the victoria's secret models.

But don't give up - It is totally possible to gain weight! I did, and now I weight 130 lbs, which means I'm not underweight anymore, and I have 34Cs to boot. The key to weight gain is eating more calories than you burn. Try calculating your basal metabolic rate (search for it on google) and you should be able to find how many calories you burn per day. I burn an insane amount - around 2,400, without even having to excersize. So I have to eat a lot of calories. But that doesn't mean I have to eat a lot of food. I just have to know which ones to eat and which ones to avoid. I try to eat mostly high-calorie foods. I joined the website and made a list of what foods I ate each day, and this helped me a lot to find out what worked and what didn't.

Eggs are great for protein, as are nutritional shakes and peanut butter smoothies from Jamba Juice. Try not to eat all junk food. Search for foods that have these three things:

1.The food has a lot of calories
2.You can eat some of it without making yourself sick from over eating
3.You like the food.

Pasta is a great example of this - you can eat a lot of it, it'll make you gain weight, it isn't bad for you, and it's tasty! Try making fresh pasta, with olive oil, grape tomatoes and chicken or shrimp. Yum! Or eat mashed potatoes with butter and garlic. Those are great too!

All this may seem hard to do at first, but be creative and eventually you'll find foods that work for you. Make it a routine to eat these foods whenever you can, and before you know it, you'll gain weight. Believe me, it seemed impossible for me to gain weight at first, but I finally did and now I feel awesome. I am only 20 years old, by the way. I can also excersize now and build up muscle without having to worry about losing weight as a result of living an active life.

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