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Ideal BO Dosage?


What dose do you ladies use for Bovine ovary? 500 mg 4 times per day (2000mg per day) is what on saw on one forum post.

If you are just starting to take BO it is recommended to start at 1500 mg per day...and if you don't feel anymore growing signs then you can ramp up to 2000 mg. are your pills only 500 mg per pill? or is it 250 mg per pill?
if it's 250 mg then you should ramp up slowly. till you reach 2000 mg.
Hope this helped.
Good Luck![/i]

I started at 1500 mg per day and I'm still on that dosage and no plans to ramp up. It's working so far and if I'll feel any stalling I will probably just do a clense for about a week and keep going with 1500.

I think with BO the principle is not "the more the better" since if your body starts to produce too much estrogen your receptors will shut down. I think (I feel) that the trick is to produce just enough and to supplement it with other things like massage, nutrients, building blocks etc.

It seems like when it comes to BO "slow and steady wins the race".

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