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Uneven Breasts- Help??


Alright so I've been doing this around a month off an on but about two weeks pretty intensely and have only recently been documenting my progress on here. I can't tell if I'm being impatient or not but message has worked great for my right breast, I can see the difference and I AM going up in size

Only problem is my left breast does NOT want to catch up in the slightest, I've been purely focused on my left breast the past 5 days and nothing has helped it feels like. There's some slight difference there but it's so vastly different from my right that it's actually starting to make me self conscious cuz I've never had this much of a difference in my breasts, it looks like there's a full cup size difference to me which has never been a thing for me.

It really sucks cuz I've tried every message possible for my left breast and nothing seems to be helping me out. Am I being impatient? Do I need to try flaxseed oil or something? I don't want to try and focus on both when one is so far behind


NBE is a slow process, usually 6 months to see noticeable results.
A curious phenomena I have observed from reading posts from ladies pumping and massaging only one smaller breast. The other breast grows too. But if you keep it up long enough (like 2 years), the smaller one eventually grows faster than the larger one and will catch up.

(26-04-2022, 08:37)James98 Wrote:  NBE is a slow process, usually 6 months to see noticeable results.
A curious phenomena I have observed from reading posts from ladies pumping and massaging only one smaller breast. The other breast grows too. But if you keep it up long enough (like 2 years), the smaller one eventually grows faster than the larger one and will catch up.

At least that's good to hear haha I'm super self conscious of how huge of a difference there is now because I've never one so drastic before! Especially since I'm worried that my larger breast has responded so well to NBE that my other one won't ever be able to catch up since there's such an obvious difference. Again it really does look like there's a cup size difference already and I don't want to get too excited and end up making the difference all the more notable because my smaller breast is stubborn haha

I'll try and keep it up while putting more focus on the smaller breast. The first time I use NBE with fenugreek tablets I never a size difference

Hello! Just wanted to check in here and see how this was going for you?

I'm having a similar issue (starting around an A) and my already bigger right breast seems to be growing while I do massage on the left.

I also have inverted nipples. The smaller breast has a more responsive nipple, but R bigger breast is inverted more. 
I have a specific nipple suction device that I wore on the R that seems to have made the whole breast swell more - I already did that suction on the L last year so it sticks out already.

Just wondering how it's going for you! I just started massage/BO/PM this month, using flax oil for massage

This asymmetry can be a natural variation or result from factors such as hormonal changes, genetics, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or certain medical conditions.

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