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electric breast lactating pump


getting ready to start.... almost ( need info on breast pumps)
February 27 2006 at 5:51 PM SugarQ (no login)


ok ladies im ready to start getting all the stuff together for my routine. i want to get the most expensive stuff first then buy everything else when i have enough money to get it. my starting date if around Sept or Oct so i want most of the imprtant stuff by them.

anyways i need a good electric breast lactating pump. One that is very quiet, Very powerful (can be used to induce lactation in a non lactating person,) no more expenive then 400 US (brand new), its got to be electric, and has double pumping capabilities, does anyone know any good brands?

i was thinking Whisperwear- hands free pump but its not the best pump according to some women on review and opinion sites and its slow and not effective. this is not good for someone trying to induce prolactin. plus alot of women were complaining that the moter broke. i need something that wont crap out on me in 6 months if anyone has experience with it let me know.

I was also considering Whittlestone. it was my first choices cause its suppose to be very gental and great at mimicing a baby's sucking. this is very important and may give more efficient results. but i read that its noisy as hell. so i was wondering if anyone else has a second opinion.

Finally my best choice is Avent Isis duo twin pump. very expensive but within my budget. i read alot of good reviews about this one. but the question is, is it quiet. im a very busy person and i want to be able to take the pump with me to work and use it in an office or bathroom but i still want it to be pretty quiet. so if anyone knows about this one then let me know.

i really dont want to rent a pump cause i know that my routine will go over 1 year long and by the time i will be finished with the pump i want to be able to get my money's worth. maybe even sell it or give it away if thats possible. i read some stuff about the medela and it seems to be the popular pump of choice but i read its noisy. the price is comparable with ISIS but if isis is quietier then i want to go with the one that is quieter.

if anyone has any reviews of other electric home use pumps then please let me know what you think. even if you only know of pumps i should avoid then let me know what you think.


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(no login) Hi SugarQ:-) Welcome to the forum! February 27 2006, 7:04 PM

I cant answer ur question but I'll offer u this: Stay AWAY from PHONEY breast PUMP "review sites" as their all scams!! (hehehe):-D

(no login) Re: getting ready to start.... almost ( need info on breast pumps) February 27 2006, 10:43 PM

jus wondered, r u goin to use the breast pump for breast growth,,, sounds like a stupid question but ive never thought of this 1, i did use a hand breast pump, but please tell u know if the electric ones will work 4 BE xx

(no login) Re: getting ready to start.... almost ( need info on breast pumps) February 27 2006, 11:07 PM

Are you wanting to start lactating? And I am curious as someone else asked on here, will this make your boobs grow?

(no login) Not sure but... February 27 2006, 11:11 PM

I will check with my sister as she recently went through a couple different breast pumps before she "hit the jackpot" as she phrased it. I will follow-up tomorrow.

But I do have one question, I read somewhere the breast pumps will make your breasts sag. Is this true?

(no login) hmmm February 27 2006, 11:15 PM

Hi SugarQ,

I've never posted before on this forum but have been reading for about 3 weeks and have started BE using the herbs commonly mentioned here. I'll have to post my story later.

But I've noticed that you seem to be doing a ton of research and know much about different methods of BE and the herbs, their effects, etc. I was impressed and was actually going to ask you how your progress was going, as I assumed you'd already started. So this is a suprise to me.

What got me to write is that I'm not sure that using a breast pump will give lasting results. I've seen a lot of mother's post on here and on the BEboard that they lost their original breast size after breast feeding, as in they went from a B down to an A!

Also, I read a message on the wonderup message board from a person who used the BRAVA system, gained some but when she stopped the swelling went down, and she was left with her orginal size plus stretch marks!

I thought about getting a breast pump as well but these points mentioned above have stopped me. Also, you're just trying to stimulate breast growth why not just do that with the herbs and lotion with massaging? The massaging will get blood flow to the breast hopefully the phytoestrogens in the lotion make their way there too. But if you suction, tug and stretch your breasts with a pump, I think it sounds more like they will be irritated, swolen, and possibly loose their bouncy resiliancy! This will make them more likely to be saggy as oppposed to freshly grown, still-elastic, tissue.

This is just my logic. You're really just trying to grow tissue, but I honestly don't think suctioning or streching the breast will do it. I'm a college student, not a doctor so take this with a grain of salt. However I wanted to write to let you know why I really don't think a breast pump will do any good. I wish you the best though and it otherwise sounds like you've done a lot of preparation for a great BE plan.
best wishes,

(no login) Re: getting ready to start.... almost ( need info on breast pumps) February 28 2006, 12:11 AM

hi ladies,
many of your responses seem more like concerns. gosh, you all know me better then that. lol. you dont need to worry about me. i know what im doing. there are alot of stories and myths regarding breast pumps and lactation and their effects on the breasts many of them are not accurate. im a member of 3 breastfeeding/nursing forums. and no im not pregnant nor have i ever had a child. i also participated and read some Q/A boards and consulted with a lactation consultant about what im trying to do and the best way to do it. so i dont have any concerns about sagging and streching but just in case my routine has includes some stuff to work around that if it does become a problem. so ive thought about it some. i really put alot of thought into my own routine. 5 years i was suppose to start it last september but i found "better" things to use the money for (ie. my education ). also im a procrastinator and i have hard time starting something. so no worries ladies. i will let you all know everything im doing once i start my routine.

a big part of my routine consist of the pump so yes, its important but i cant say why just yet till i try it out and conferm some stuff.

(no login) Re: getting ready to start.... almost ( need info on breast pumps) February 28 2006, 12:42 AM

i just want to make sure i answer everyone's question's and concerns the best i can.

"jus wondered, r u goin to use the breast pump for breast growth,,, sounds like a stupid question but ive never thought of this 1, i did use a hand breast pump, but please tell u know if the electric ones will work 4 BE xx"

-my routine i a little complicated to explain but the quick answer is no. im not pumping to enlarge the breasts. its for inducing elevation of prolactin mainly. but there is other stuff to it.

Are you wanting to start lactating? And I am curious as someone else asked on here, will this make your boobs grow?"

-no yes you can induce lactation and grow breasts with milk but thats not perminant and thats not what im trying to do.

"I will check with my sister as she recently went through a couple different breast pumps before she "hit the jackpot" as she phrased it. I will follow-up tomorrow.
But I do have one question, I read somewhere the breast pumps will make your breasts sag. Is this true?"

-thanks for checking with your sister. i really appreciate it. and no, sagging wont be an issue. but i thought about it some and i think i got a plan just in case.

"Hi SugarQ,

What got me to write is that I'm not sure that using a breast pump will give lasting results. I've seen a lot of mother's post on here and on the BEboard that they lost their original breast size after breast feeding, as in they went from a B down to an A! "

-its a little confusing. yes women that breast feed have a problem with shrinking to a smaller cupsize but the plan is to bypass that problem with some techniques ive got in mind. you really cant recreat puberty which is when the breast will grow and most of the growth is perminant. the closest and easiest thing to do is to get your body to think its pregnant. there are some key issues as to how and why women deflate after pregnancy but generally its not as simple as breastfeedin= saggy smaller breasts. thats a myth according to some sources but at the same time its got a ring of truth to it. there are many reasons for sagginess and one of them is cause of low progesterone levels that drop drastically after giving birth. another problem comes up when you start breastfeeding for over 6 months. during pregnacy fat is stored in the breast to make milk. once you are ready to lactate the fat is in the way so lactation is very low. but eventually the body moves around the fat to make room for more milk and milk production goes up. when you move the fat out of the way and the glands shrink back to normal thats when you get sagginess. but when you ask some lactation experts they consider the whole sagginess after breastfeeding a myth.

"Also, I read a message on the wonderup message board from a person who used the BRAVA system, gained some but when she stopped the swelling went down, and she was left with her orginal size plus stretch marks! "

-im not doing anything like the brava. the brava system can work for some people but its not effective or efficient. most women dont get the results they want and there is a major problem with streching and shrinkage. the main problem is that if the breast isnt firm then it will strech easily. which is good and bad. if your breasts are too firm then the brava wont work so well.which is why brava makers figure that women who had children already may find the brava system works better for them cause their breast tissue is suppose to be looser. but if its too loose then the skin will strech and nothing will fill the breast up. its a balance. there is a stretch problem that may come up with pumping but i got some ideas on how to keep my breasts firm enough to prevent it from being a problem.

(no login) SugarQ February 28 2006, 12:42 AM

I dont doubt for a second that you are VERY well informed on what you are doing.

I really hope your plan gives you the results you are seeking.
I hate being left to "wonder" about what your doing, but I have faith that your on to something good, you have been reserching, asking questions, answeing questions, participating in NUMBEROUSE different message boards, and just the whole time putting it all together for your routine.
You seem to have been waiting for "THE" perfect way instead of just jumping at the first thing. And for those reasons, I respect you, and I think you know exactlly what your doing.

I hope your plan works, and then I hope you "clue us in" as to just what the heck your doin' LUCK to you when you begin!

(no login) Re: getting ready to start.... almost ( need info on breast pumps) February 28 2006, 12:46 AM

yeah i will definatly keep you all posted. sorry i cant give too much more just yet. i want to be the first to try out my ideas i would get really jealouse if some too my routine and used it before i get a chance to try it out myself.also i got some kinks to work out and i dont want anyone who has no experience or background about the dangers of NBE to try my routine, get it wrong and hurt themselves.
thanks ladies for the support.

(no login) Oh I agree! February 28 2006, 12:53 AM

SugarQ- I understand. YOU have done the research, (5 years worth?!?!!)
And YOU came up with a plan. It's only fair that you try it and keep it secret untill you know what "kinks" need tweeked and how well it's gonna work. I'M excited for you!

(no login) onward! February 28 2006, 3:17 AM

Oh SugarQ you're a modern inventor of your own NBE plan! Hope it works well. If so you might need to write a book to explain it all. best of luck and happy growing!

(no login) Hopefully NOT (lol)SF b/c... February 28 2006, 4:20 AM

We're all a hop,skip and one jump away from the potential of "stumbeling onto something" and we ALL have learned from someone else atleast at SOME point so it would be nice in theory atleast to just share for the SHEER "kindness" of it BUT,Im a tad on the "mushy" side so buissness minded types would probly call me a SUCKER lol:-D

(no login) Re: getting ready to start.... almost ( need info on breast pumps) February 28 2006, 11:26 AM

what does lactating mean?

(no login) Lactating February 28 2006, 12:45 PM

It means that you have milk in your breast.

(no login) Good luck SugarQ!! February 28 2006, 2:56 PM

HB, sounds like you're cooking up something really good! Maybe you will pioneer a routine that is so awesome that you could package it and sell it and become a millionaire and make many many women (and men) very happy!

I really hope it works out for you... keep us posted!

(no login) Re: getting ready to start.... almost ( need info on breast pumps) February 28 2006, 3:02 PM

i am using wonderup and saw palmetto. no pains/ growth yet. i have a breast pump in the cupboard. what would it do for me if i started using it.??

(no login) Wow! March 3 2006, 4:08 PM

Try it and see catwoman!

(no login) Re: getting ready to start.... almost ( need info on breast pumps) March 6 2006, 10:19 AM

i don`t know what SugarQ is planning to do with a breast pump but i used mine yesterday and this morning i measured half an inch bigger on each breast! i used the pump on my breasts not my nipples. i am not even due on my monthly (finished 4 days ago) so it`s definetly not down to that. SugarQ could be on to something.

A breast pump and breast lactating pump are two different things. The lactating pump covers the nipple area to pump and express the breast milk of a lactating mother. You will not express milk if you are not nursing a baby. HCG is the hormone responsible right from conception that aids the mothers body to change to accomodate a fetus then feed it after birth. You need a cupping breast pump. I own 2 pairs of them. From experience pumping your breasts destroys them dont do it. Really stick to herbs and cream.

(26-03-2017, 02:24)Egg cup Wrote:  A breast pump and breast lactating pump are two different things. The lactating pump covers the nipple area to pump and express the breast milk of a lactating mother. You will not express milk if you are not nursing a baby. HCG is the hormone responsible right from conception that aids the mothers body to change to accomodate a fetus then feed it after birth. You need a cupping breast pump. I own 2 pairs of them. From experience pumping your breasts destroys them dont do it. Really stick to herbs and cream.

May I ask you about that experience with breast pumping? How did it destroyed your breasts? I think it can be helpful for others to explain it here..thanks in advanceSmile

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