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Health & Nutrition Gurus, help please...ok


(19-02-2015, 05:01)Lotus Wrote:  I looks like it's does raise blood pressure, possibly blood sugars from the beta-sisterols.

Saw palmetto may affect blood pressure. Caution is advised in people taking herbs or supplements that affect blood pressure.

Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto with other herbs that can slow blood clotting might increase the risk of bleeding in some people. These other herbs include angelica, clove, danshen, garlic, ginger, ginkgo, Panax ginseng, red clover, turmeric, vitamin E, willow, and others.


Saw palmetto seems to decrease estrogen levels in the body. Taking saw palmetto along with estrogen pills might decrease the effectiveness of estrogen pills.

Some estrogen pills include conjugated equine estrogens (Premarin), ethinyl estradiol, estradiol, and others.


Saw palmetto
I like the part about a study from 1898 (yes 1898)

King's American Dispensatory (1898) says of the extract:
It is also an expectorant, and controls irritation of mucous tissues. It has proved useful in irritative cough, chronic bronchial coughs, whooping-cough, laryngitis, acute and chronic, acute catarrh, asthma, tubercular laryngitis, and in the cough of phthisis pulmonalis. Upon the digestive organs it acts kindly, improving the appetite, digestion, and assimilation. However, its most pronounced effects appear to be those exerted upon the urino-genital tracts of both male and female, and upon all the organs concerned in reproduction. It is said to enlarge wasted organs, as the breasts, ovaries, and testicles, while the paradoxical claim is also made that it reduces hypertrophy of the prostate. Possibly this may be explained by claiming that it tends toward the production of a normal condition, reducing parts when unhealthily enlarged, and increasing them when atrophied.[4]

Thanks lotus. IT seems Mayo clinic condemns it and wiki is objective. I'd be curious to see if Mayo clinic crucifys most if not all herbal supplementation...
Having read Mayo I don't wana touch the stuff but after wiki I can see the benefits I'd researched in the past. I guess it's one of those try it cautiously and see Huh

Fyi I found my diabetic profile I had done a few months ago and it was 35 which seems to be a very healthy range. This reading was based on a period of a few weeks HBA1C test.

Maybe I can rule out blood sugar the. It woulday to note "in the past" I was often prone to *seeing stars * after I'd get up from sitting Down. That certainly hasn't happened for years though.

Thanks for your help x

Or mybe I was just dehydrated!!!! It's insanely hot here at the mo. I'm drinking soo much water. We have a horrid dry heat in summer at the mo!

(19-02-2015, 04:55)missboobshirt Wrote:  I found this as far as SP

saw palmetto has been known to inhibit the blood's ability to clot. This shouldn't have any bearing on your blood pressure. However, the herb could adversely interact with blood thinners, such as warfarin, clopidogrel and even aspirin.

Don't forget the salt!

Yeh thanks chick. That was a good idea. Il go look at your link. I really dunno bout the blood pressure thing. All my readings in the past have been ideal. That day I had the lower reading I'd had VERY little sleep for the past two days and was in heaps of pain. I'd have been surprised if it was normal on that particular day lol.
I will stop the goats rue for a cupola days to test the water and see if I'm more balanced in the mornings. Dunno what it is with me and herbs ltely. In the beginning I tokerated much higher doses fairly well. Now it's like I've built up a tolerance or intolerance more the point..

Hi Ella, how are you doing atm? Things got a bit better? I have the same problems, I fainted and past away for maybe 20 minutes then my hubby found me on the floor.. luckily with no injury. When i walk stairs i feel sometimes like my legs become heavy you have this too? But also sometimes as if i dont feel my legs anymore..sleepy arms when i hold them in the air.. i have some more related probs but it will be a very long message when i have too type it all out here.. so i keep it short.
Doctors have been testing al kind off things..oxygyn in my blood, trombosis,hemaglobin and iron and they've been making a ''heart movie''. And everything is alright they say. I did find a good portion off relieve in the hot/cold showers and drink a lot off lemon juice because its good for lots off things in your blood and it might repair veins as i feel like there is a big chance the N-device caused this. Further i live very healthy, the only unhealthy thing about me is my weight which i lost after the usage off the hellish device and never managed too get back even though i eat much better and way more then before. I keep feeling as if I am in my 80's years instead off in my 20's.
Well i hope you feel better soon and find relieve in certain remedy;s.
I think that everything which stimulates the heart and blood pressure in a positive way could help us. I am planning on working out soon too push my body in a way that everything have too work fine you know. Hope you get better soon, hug.x

(10-03-2015, 13:38)hannah14 Wrote:  Hi Ella, how are you doing atm? Things got a bit better? I have the same problems, I fainted and past away for maybe 20 minutes then my hubby found me on the floor.. luckily with no injury. When i walk stairs i feel sometimes like my legs become heavy you have this too? But also sometimes as if i dont feel my legs anymore..sleepy arms when i hold them in the air.. i have some more related probs but it will be a very long message when i have too type it all out here.. so i keep it short.
Doctors have been testing al kind off things..oxygyn in my blood, trombosis,hemaglobin and iron and they've been making a ''heart movie''. And everything is alright they say. I did find a good portion off relieve in the hot/cold showers and drink a lot off lemon juice because its good for lots off things in your blood and it might repair veins as i feel like there is a big chance the N-device caused this. Further i live very healthy, the only unhealthy thing about me is my weight which i lost after the usage off the hellish device and never managed too get back even though i eat much better and way more then before. I keep feeling as if I am in my 80's years instead off in my 20's.
Well i hope you feel better soon and find relieve in certain remedy;s.
I think that everything which stimulates the heart and blood pressure in a positive way could help us. I am planning on working out soon too push my body in a way that everything have too work fine you know. Hope you get better soon, hug.x

hey chick.
long time no hear.
gosh you were out along time! hubby must have had a fright.
yeh trucking along, focusing on gaining weight. still have my kryptonite caffeine and booze although ive cut right down.
like you trying to at least eat better, although I have a nutribullet sitting at home and I don't use the bloody thing enough.
I do infact get the heavy legs sometimes. noticed it the other day, was bloody scary but it went away really quickly.
im at the mo looking into enzymes for digestion, coconut oil and turmeric, but yes il start back up on the lemon water today. my digestion has caused me some grief past few days. where does it end!
anyway luck and love to us both Smile

Ella, I'm late to the game but how scary! So many of your symptoms sound similar to what I had a few years ago and was diagnosed with vasovagal syncope. It definitely gets worse when you are dehydrated. You may want to look into this / get tested for it. I use salt regularly to keep my blood pressure above 90 (when it drops into the 80s is when I have issues). So far I've been mostly able to manage it naturally.

(10-03-2015, 20:09)Wishin Wrote:  Ella, I'm late to the game but how scary! So many of your symptoms sound similar to what I had a few years ago and was diagnosed with vasovagal syncope. It definitely gets worse when you are dehydrated. You may want to look into this / get tested for it. I use salt regularly to keep my blood pressure above 90 (when it drops into the 80s is when I have issues). So far I've been mostly able to manage it naturally.

Hi wishin. Thank you for the tip. I hope that isn't me but it's a good idea 're the salt. Thanks hun. Glad you can manage your condition too

I hope everything turns out well.

It could be a number of things, an internal infection from organs having to work hard with too many supplements, low blood sugar, hormonal problems, or imbalanced vitamin/mineral levels. A doctor would be able to tell you.

(10-03-2015, 19:15)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  
(10-03-2015, 13:38)hannah14 Wrote:  Hi Ella, how are you doing atm? Things got a bit better? I have the same problems, I fainted and past away for maybe 20 minutes then my hubby found me on the floor.. luckily with no injury. When i walk stairs i feel sometimes like my legs become heavy you have this too? But also sometimes as if i dont feel my legs anymore..sleepy arms when i hold them in the air.. i have some more related probs but it will be a very long message when i have too type it all out here.. so i keep it short.
Doctors have been testing al kind off things..oxygyn in my blood, trombosis,hemaglobin and iron and they've been making a ''heart movie''. And everything is alright they say. I did find a good portion off relieve in the hot/cold showers and drink a lot off lemon juice because its good for lots off things in your blood and it might repair veins as i feel like there is a big chance the N-device caused this. Further i live very healthy, the only unhealthy thing about me is my weight which i lost after the usage off the hellish device and never managed too get back even though i eat much better and way more then before. I keep feeling as if I am in my 80's years instead off in my 20's.
Well i hope you feel better soon and find relieve in certain remedy;s.
I think that everything which stimulates the heart and blood pressure in a positive way could help us. I am planning on working out soon too push my body in a way that everything have too work fine you know. Hope you get better soon, hug.x

hey chick.
long time no hear.
gosh you were out along time! hubby must have had a fright.
yeh trucking along, focusing on gaining weight. still have my kryptonite caffeine and booze although ive cut right down.
like you trying to at least eat better, although I have a nutribullet sitting at home and I don't use the bloody thing enough.
I do infact get the heavy legs sometimes. noticed it the other day, was bloody scary but it went away really quickly.
im at the mo looking into enzymes for digestion, coconut oil and turmeric, but yes il start back up on the lemon water today. my digestion has caused me some grief past few days. where does it end!
anyway luck and love to us both Smile

Hi there girl, I had too look up what a nutribullet is but it sounds great, can a blender do the same job?
My hubby is very worried about me, He's even angry at me that I cant seem too manage my weight. Its so sad for him as well, because this problem affect him too. It is a extra motivation for me, because i really need to gain weight. On holidays i luckily gained 3kgs off weight by eating lots off olives and fish i think. So i loaded myself off with spanish food and took it too HollandTongue I know it is not healthy but i really need too get in a healthy weight range so i throw whipped cream in my coffee and protein shakes.
I eat 3 times fruit a day so i eat more healthy then ever, some days i feel perfect but others..Dodgy
How do you use turmeric? In meat or? I never ate this before i believe..
I also want too try PM for weight gain, i just put in everything i can. and guess it will end up great if we get into healthy weight range. And manage too keep it stabile. My blood pressure is 92 so a bit high so the tip off wishin about the salt is not aplliable on me.. hows yours? How much is your weight atm?
I looked into your last programmepics..and it looks like you've lost some?Sad
Its a long message sorry for taking your timeTongue Goodluck chica!

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