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New girl with Stats and a Program/Recipe


Hello NBE friends!

I've been on this forum for a couple weeks now, and haven't yet made a post. In fact, I think I was here like 5 or 6 years ago when I had not yet had children and was newly married; it was when I first started looking into NBE. I briefly experimented at that time with Fenugreek capsules as well as a concentrated tincture in lotion for massage. I can't remember whether or not I saw results, though I don't think I did it long enough at that point... Now here I am, three precious daughters later. I have lost volume and have sagged a bit. I also believe I have a mild case of constricted breast (more in one than the other). Anyway, for all three of my daughters i had serious issues with breast feeding. I only successfully breastfed one for 11 months, but even that took time and patience, and a lot of pain. # 2 BF for 2 months, but it was too stressful for us both, and poor #3 only got a week; at least she got the colostrum. Anyway....I was doing research a while ago, and came across the whole "tuberous" breast stuff. It's basically a deformity in the expansion of breast tissue's when you're developing during puberty. I don't have it badly, though its very noticeable when i take a photo of myself and look back at it. It made sense though; the not being able to effectively breast feed my little girls! Since the tissue is constricted, and forced into a smaller area (generally directly behind or to the lower side of the areola area)... No wonder I couldn't properly breast feed! I didn't make sufficient breast milk, and the children's latches was terrible. Now I know why.... It's a shame, but it is what it is, and I am thankful that I have healthy girls.

I have never been satisfied with the shape/size of my bosom. I have always desired breast implants, and only ever dreamed of them. Then within the last month, the breast implant topic came up again and the funds were available, the hubby supportive (though he loves me the way i am, bless his heart) so i got to do some serious contemplating. The thought though, of possible risk and future revisions really turned me off of it. So now i'm whole heartedly pursuing NBE and am waiting for my Noogleberry products to come in the mail. I'm getting antsy about that because the results i've seem some women have from it seriously rocks my world!! I mean, the point is: What if I am able to grow more breast tissue, and have a normal shaped breast with a fuller and more natural appearance? Amazinggggg!... I don't think we will have anymore children, so it wouldn't necessarily help with future breastfeeding, though it's not out of the question. I just think 3 small ones is plenty for now. What is also amazing, is that my husband is totally supportive and on board with this. I love that he loves me for who I am; he really helps me to appreciate myself and feel beautiful.

I am only going to document my stats, no pictures. I do apologize. It's just not me.

August 1, 2014
Breastfed: 1 successfully

Over Bust: 33"
Bust: 34"
Under Bust: 30.5"
Space between Bust: 3 "
Areola to bottom crease: 1.5"
Sternum to outer crease: 7"

575mg x 3 daily (morning, noon, night)

1. Fenugreek
2. Saw Palmetto
3. Mexican Wild Yam

= 1725mg of each herb 3x per day.
Total= 5175mg per day of combined herbs

It has been scientifically researched that these herbs are the highest in phyto-estrogen's, which target the estrogen receptors in your breasts.

At least 1 cup of Either Fennel or Fenugreek tea (made from pure quality ground herbal powder).

**Fenugreek powder is more savory, so if you use it, I would advise mixing in a little chicken broth powder or paste.

**Fennel, with it's very "licorice" taste, is great with a drizzle of vanilla extract, a squeeze of an orange and some honey (i use raw).

When making the tea, run 1 TBSP (for one cup) through the coffee maker just like you would with coffee and a filter. You could double or triple the recipe to drink it throughout the day.

I also have a tincture being prepared at the moment that I am not able to use for a month since it is steeping. Then I will use it in pure coconut oil for massage.

10 oz 80 proof vodka poured over 1/4 cup pure herbal powder. Store either in a dark jar or in a jar put into a dark sock (like mine). Keep in a cool, dark place and vigorously shake at least once a day for 4-6 weeks. Strain well and store for up to a couple years! 1/4 tsp serving size, or a dropper full.

Also massage (1-2 times per day).
I have a baby food jar for each of my fennel and fenugreek powder. It is filled with 1/3 powder, and 2/3 pure coconut oil. Massage into breasts gently (5-10 minutes) and then wash off with a hot shower. Generally something I'll be doing nightly before bed.

Anyways. I will probably document at least once a month when I measure. When I get my noogleberry, I will incorporate that into my routine, at least once a day. If not during the day for a bit, then for the first part of the night when i go to bed. I still get up with my 6 month old at least once in the night, so i can take it off then). Less to think about, yah know?? With this, i will be using the coconut oil + powder mixtures for my lubricant while noogling.

Anyways, I hope this helps anyone who is interested!

Hi and good luck.
Its a very committed programme, looks like Greenbush's programme and they have a lot of testimonials on their site to its effectiveness so that's great. How wicked your husband is on board! That's a big step in the right direction for your mindset and success, its harder when you have to hide it from your significant other, trust me I know!
I believe you will have great success and I agree, I coudnt imagine anything worse than having repeat plastic surgerys every 10 years to maintain fake boobs Smile
Maybe take some pictures for yourself and hide them in an email so you can make reference later on, or do I what I have always done and taken pics WITH my bra on then done comparison shots because to the naked eye I find it very hard to see changes but with a bra on, if theres more tissue you will notice it in your cleavage in the bra shots Smile
Take care.


Hey @Ellacraig! I totally took the pictures with the bra on, and have them in a folder on the computer. I definitely will need to reference to them, it is helpful.

And yes, you are right. It is a greenbush program. I simply adore the quality of their herbs, and am hoping for the best. I'm trying not to think of it as some stressful "have to remember" program, just wish to incorporate it into the normal part of my day. I told my hubby not to laugh at me when i'm wearing my noogleberry. We joke around about it. Of course i don't mind if he laughs though because it must look a bit silly. BUT, i have seen the results many are posting, and it is amazing.

I am encouraged by all the women on greenbush who testify to their success, and am hoping for the same. Even after just a few days on it, I have already noticed a very light tingle in my nipples as well as a bit of soreness day after massage. I don't massage very hard, so i can only attribute it to the fact that my body is responding to the new surge of herbs.

I'll have to check you out, but have you had good progress?

(04-08-2014, 20:56)loueycat Wrote:  Hey @Ellacraig! I totally took the pictures with the bra on, and have them in a folder on the computer. I definitely will need to reference to them, it is helpful.

And yes, you are right. It is a greenbush program. I simply adore the quality of their herbs, and am hoping for the best. I'm trying not to think of it as some stressful "have to remember" program, just wish to incorporate it into the normal part of my day. I told my hubby not to laugh at me when i'm wearing my noogleberry. We joke around about it. Of course i don't mind if he laughs though because it must look a bit silly. BUT, i have seen the results many are posting, and it is amazing.

I am encouraged by all the women on greenbush who testify to their success, and am hoping for the same. Even after just a few days on it, I have already noticed a very light tingle in my nipples as well as a bit of soreness day after massage. I don't massage very hard, so i can only attribute it to the fact that my body is responding to the new surge of herbs.

I'll have to check you out, but have you had good progress?

I actually have greenbush herbs right now but I am not taking them. Such a waste of money, cost me close on $200 but ive had them since last September. I didn't stick at Greenbush very long because the first two period cycles were not that great so I panicked. But in hindsight they did say to expect some irregularities as that was part of the balancing out process so I should have stuck at it.
I did have success yes in that I started off wearing 32a/b's and now wear c's and up to d's but I had a small bout of illness and lost a lot of weight and boobs along with it. I can still get into my d's now but don't fill them out like a did a couple of months back.
All I'd suggest is to stick to the programme for 3 months unlike myself who flitted from this to that every few weeks :p


Aw, well don't be too hard on yourself! At least you have had success with it. You know you can have it again. I wonder though if it was fat you were harboring in your breast or if you had gained breast tissue as well? The process of growth I guess. I will keep an eye on the period cycle thing; I'm very regular, so it'll be easy to spot a difference if there is some.


(04-08-2014, 21:27)loueycat Wrote:  Aw, well don't be too hard on yourself! At least you have had success with it. You know you can have it again. I wonder though if it was fat you were harboring in your breast or if you had gained breast tissue as well? The process of growth I guess. I will keep an eye on the period cycle thing; I'm very regular, so it'll be easy to spot a difference if there is some.
Im not worried Smile health comes first Wink

I think some of it was fat but then again now i think about it i used to weigh 63kgs which was my highest weight ever and i was still a b cup so i can attribute some growth to doing nbe.

Yes i hate the thought of wasting the GB but after close on a year id wonder how fresh the herbs would be. All good im using Naturedays programme now.

Forgot to say that i also take Garlic, super B complex and a prenatal (even though right now i'm not pregnant). Apparently, vit B6 helps to break down the estrogen in the herbs that we take, to better get into the blood stream. I'm only on day 5, so not many changes yet. Hoping for the best!

Hi and welcome. Good luck with your program. I will follow your thread. Smile

(05-08-2014, 18:30)peggy Wrote:  Hi and welcome. Good luck with your program. I will follow your thread. Smile

Thanks! It's nice to be a part of a community that supports nbe.

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