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Dont know if this has been asked before


I was trying to search about it but couldnt find anything.

So I understand u have to cycle with PM... but what if u just want to apply it to ur skin?

Has anyone tried not taking the pills and just applying it to breast (or butt)?

Im trying to do this as natural as possible... pumping... massaging... becus herbs just give me acne and barely is my face getting better!! I also dont want to cycle anything. So I dont want to take any pills.. so any knowledge on just applying the cream?

A lot of herbs can be used topically. The herb's safety record is the most important concern to do that.

I have always been acne prone specially during my monthly however I have not seen any increase and have been on PM for quite some time... Have you tried it?

(18-07-2014, 06:50)bustybride Wrote:  I have always been acne prone specially during my monthly however I have not seen any increase and have been on PM for quite some time... Have you tried it?

No I have not. Since it highers estrogen I didn't want to try cu anythingggg would give me acne. I've tried fenugreek.. Red clover... Saw palmetto... Maca..

My periods would get all outta whack too! My periods r always weird but defintaly taking stuff would give me two periods... Or more cramps... Or so much spotting for days. So I feel like PM would do the same :/

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