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Lily's BO program


So my protein powder arrived yesterday n I had it As soon as I got It. I mixed it in with juice n crushed some ice with it. It didn't taste as bad as I expected to be, at least I didn't throw up after drinking that.

For now I'm just going to take the PP once a day. I know they say to take it twice, but I'm unable to stop thinking about gaining excessive weight with it. So I'll continue researching more abt if on the forum or if someone wants to share some tips about it is more than welcome.

Fifth day on MR still no response. I'm waiting for my rapibust to arrive to let c if I can get some results with that.

My iodine is on the way too but as I'm in my luteal I've my temp gud for BO. I think I would need it in my follicular only. But I was wondering if it is the normal pattern for the temps to be higher In Luteal n lower In follicular why do we need to incrwase temp with iodine or some other sup for getting results with BO.

Any how that's it for today.

I have arthritis on my fingers (developed after the car accident) so I dont massage a lot. What I used to do was massage, heat pad, it never gave me the swelling then I switched the routine to massage, pump, heat pad, the swelling stayed couple hours. Then one day, Emily's MR thread catched my eyes Smile I changed the routine again pump and MR, if I pump more than 5 hrs and applied MR, the swelling stays for 12 hrs. For someone has small breast tissue to work with, I think the suction/pumping is a must...
BTW, I think you can buy a cheaper version than NB or Brava on Amazon.

Yup that's a very gud idea n I'm prsonally too much interested I pumping n for sure I would give it a try but not before atleast two months. But that's definitely in my wish list

I'm loosing I interest in my prog these days n that's bcoz I'm not following my prog properly. The only thing regular i my prog is BB caps which I'm taking day n night. My collagen is not reg my protein shakes r not reg. they say we should take protein shakes twice daily on top of eatin regular meals. I can't eat that much if I take protein shake I need to skip the meal huh I'm not taking PS once a day ev day.

N for collagen it is said yo take on empty stomach. I've to take BB on empty stomach too, so taking collagen on empty stomach isn't easy then so I skip that too.

These r the challenges for me n I'm coping with these. I've to travel next week so won't be taking PS at all for ten days.

Wish me luck no gud news today

(07-05-2013, 20:26)Lilylittle Wrote:  I'm loosing interest in my prog these days n that's bcoz I'm not following my prog properly. The only thing regular i my prog is BB caps which I'm taking day n night. My collagen is not reg my protein shakes r not reg. they say we should take protein shakes twice daily on top of eatin regular meals. I can't eat that much if I take protein shake I need to skip the meal huh I'm not taking PS once a day ev day.

N for collagen it is said yo take on empty stomach. I've to take BB on empty stomach too, so taking collagen on empty stomach isn't easy then so I skip that too.

With full time work n kids it getting so hard to take little time out for myself. But I've to do this. Yes I've to.

These r the challenges for me n I'm coping with these. I've to travel next week so won't be taking PS at all for ten days.

Wish me luck no gud news today


So I got my periods yesterday evening n those depressing feelings which i stated in my post yesterday are mostly gone lol feeling much hopeful today.

So I made a change in my PS routine instead of taking it in the evening I started taking it as my breakfast. After I drink it I take a herbal tablet which helps me digest it. Also I've a decent gap between breakfast n lunch. I know I shouldn't replace it with meal, but this was the best I could do to incorporate PS In my routine.

Still working on taking collagen twice a day. Hopefully I'll be able to do that soon too I might not take it on empty stomach always though.

Now when I'm in periods I've to track my temp too so if I need to take iodine I would start taking that, but still didn't find out the dosage I should take for liquid iodine

One more thing i was scared by reading other people posts who used BO, to get bad cramps n heavy periods, but none of that happened I had usual cramps if not less n bleeding is also on a little less side. I never have heavy bleeding but this time it's even a little less the usual bleeding I have. Don't know wether it's a gud thing or bad or not

I notice when I started taking these herbal pills I got into depressional stage that I haven't had for years (I got into one after lost both of my parents back to back) so I recommend when you feel depressing (part of PMS), you try to get out under the sun light, take hot shower, watch comedy sitcom, it will help to bring up your mood.

I also forget taking these pills on exact time so what I did to make up for it, take it with meals. It is OK to take with meals but the effect probably is not a lot but to me at least in than nothing. I eat less than I forgot the pills and made up a larger meal at later time.

Dont give up Lily, trust me there were times I wanted to quite too. I hate to give up things so let's see if I could stick it out long or not Sad


(09-05-2013, 22:34)CancerStrikes2 Wrote:  I notice when I started taking these herbal pills I got into depressional stage that I haven't had for years (I got into one after lost both of my parents back to back) so I recommend when you feel depressing (part of PMS), you try to get out under the sun light, take hot shower, watch comedy sitcom, it will help to bring up your mood.

I also forget taking these pills on exact time so what I did to make up for it, take it with meals. It is OK to take with meals but the effect probably is not a lot but to me at least in than nothing. I eat less than I forgot the pills and made up a larger meal at later time.

Dont give up Lily, trust me there were times I wanted to quite too. I hate to give up things so let's see if I could stick it out long or not Sad


Yes u r right it's better to take it than missing the dasage. N thanks for the advice on what to do in depression.

I wish both u n me pleasant results of our attempt.

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