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What works for you?


Hello everyone!

I am new to this site, but I have been researching NBE for months now.
I haven't tried anything yet because I heard mixed stories on what works
and what doesn't...

I don't want to waste time and/or money on something that doesn't work.
I have tried massage and noticed a difference, but then I got lazy and my
boobs went back to normal Sad

I think massage would work great along with something else... but I def.
do not know where or how to start...

so what has worked for you girls?![/color][/font][/align]

There is no one size fits all solution. You are going to have to do a little experimentation.

Ya your right.
I just bought these Fulfill pills...
They had great reviews on Amazon

hopefully they work!!

you could always start with massaging and the rockmelon ringtone (on repeat for 30 mins or so..) because they are free and you don't have anything to lose?

I have been taking Fenugreek/Saw Palmetto/Wild Yam for ONE day now and massaged with flaxseed oil ONCE and already I have measured a 1 inch increase in 5-6 days!

I have only just got the herbs too and I doubt they would work that quickly so I'm attributing it to the massaging!

Although I too am new to NBE, I have been taking fenugreek and within 11 days I noticed a difference. In addition to this I also do a 10 minute massage before Noogling. My breasts have gotten rounder since starting with the Noogleberry.

I understand what you mean about not wanting to waste money, so I started with massaging (which I also got lazy with until I added another step to my programme), as some claim that you can go up a cup size in a month. Not sure how true that is but it wouldn't hurt to try. I also decided to take fenugreek because there would be additional benefit to taking it anyway. In my mind with these two the 'risk' isn't that great. Maybe a bit of time lost, but you can always massage while watching TV or something.


I've had like...everything I've done work for me to some extent.

I know I got swelling overnight when I first used GroBust which was about a half inch. I then stopped a week into to using it when I got some other herbs after reading a lot on here.

While getting into herbs I did FSO massages and would also just keep my breasts covered in it at times.

Then I got into doing strictly hypnosis saw a gain from that yet stopped due to life and its... Issues.

Now I'm back at herbs and a special boobie batter I made that I love.

I also think regulating my hormones on a BCP has helped as well because my hormones are at a constant so I can essentially create the peaks and dips of E & P along with the other major ones through herbs which I think maybe has helped me throughout as well.

Yet I think my topicals and massage have stimulated the most since that's all I've really done in the last month.


Ya, I have tried massage and it def made a difference but I got lazy haha.

I am massaging again and taking fullfill.
It had great reviews so I figured what the hell.

It has fenugreek, saw palmetto, wild yam, blessed thistle and something else but I forget haha. all the herbs in it seem legit.

Flaxseed oil works well?? Def may try that one out...
do you guys know if this is like permanent or do you need to keep doing this?

I stopped the flax oil for about a month when I did strictly hypnosis and I didn't lose any growth. Basically it helps bring up the size of adipose tissue if I'm correct due to the omegas in it and such. Plus it's a nice inexpensive oil to massage with and doesn't have a real bad smell unless it goes rancid which luckily hasn't happened to mine yet and I've had it since September.

Now I have it mixed into a cocoa butter, FSO, EPO mix. I steeped herbs in the FSO and so far I really enjoy it. I mixed lavender EO in as well and it smells great. I think I also put some other EOs in my steeped mix which probably also contributes to the pleasant aroma.

The pills I was taking seemed to be working... i felt really sore...

unfortunately now i need to go get my wisdom teeth out and you cannot take anything herbal for two weeks prior plus the two weeks after i am hopped up on all these medications.

so everything i did went to waste and is now on hold til feb... crazy right ?
I guess i can resort to just a massage.
do you girls kno any good techniques?

Well I guess the pertinent question would be can you apply an herbal topical?

If so that may be beneficial I know it's helped me and many others, somedays I don't even massage but just apply my topical cream I mixed up.

There's some really great techniques in the massage sub forum about Tigerlily, chi along with chiomilks(sp?) techniques.

Hopefully that surgery goes well for you, being induced is my least favorite things and try to get off the pain killers sooner than later, tea bags can help soothe the pain as well.

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