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Just starting. Wish me luck


So I'm new to this board and new to natural breast enlargement. I've always been satisfied with my breasts, but I would love to have larger ones.

So here's my stats

Sex: female
Age: 27
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 148lbs
Band: 36
Cup: b , slightly loose in some bra brands

no children or breastfeeding

Any medications including BC: birth control, protein shake with glutamine after lifting, fish oil, multivitamin

Diet: I keep a strict diet 5 days a week with high protein (150ish grams of protein), low starchy carbs, 40-50grams of fat at around 1800-2000 calories. On my "off days" I eat what I want in moderation and don't keep track
Exercise: weight training 4 days a week (45-60 minutes per session) I have been weight training for several years.

If NBE has been tried, what was tried and when? How did it go:
Several years ago tried a cream that I can't even remember the name of. I don't think it did anything. Hard to remember

So, in browsing the forums I'm going to start by ramping up my dosage of fenugreek and adding in wild yam. I read that saw palmetto is good, but I'm wary of cellulite that I heard could be a problem? Should I use an alternative?

I will also be doing a nightly breast massage made from cocoa butter, vitamin e and fenugreek with the heat pad after. Can I just open a pill to use for the fenugreek? Or should I go shopping for a liquid version?

I still need to do some research for a weekly wrap, but when I find out how to do it, I plan on including that.

Any comments, advice, constructive criticisms? Thanks a bunch

(13-09-2012, 00:53)booga119 Wrote:  So I'm new to this board and new to natural breast enlargement. I've always been satisfied with my breasts, but I would love to have larger ones.

So here's my stats

Sex: female
Age: 27
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 148lbs
Band: 36
Cup: b , slightly loose in some bra brands

no children or breastfeeding

Any medications including BC: birth control, protein shake with glutamine after lifting, fish oil, multivitamin

Diet: I keep a strict diet 5 days a week with high protein (150ish grams of protein), low starchy carbs, 40-50grams of fat at around 1800-2000 calories. On my "off days" I eat what I want in moderation and don't keep track
Exercise: weight training 4 days a week (45-60 minutes per session) I have been weight training for several years.

If NBE has been tried, what was tried and when? How did it go:
Several years ago tried a cream that I can't even remember the name of. I don't think it did anything. Hard to remember

So, in browsing the forums I'm going to start by ramping up my dosage of fenugreek and adding in wild yam. I read that saw palmetto is good, but I'm wary of cellulite that I heard could be a problem? Should I use an alternative?

I will also be doing a nightly breast massage made from cocoa butter, vitamin e and fenugreek with the heat pad after. Can I just open a pill to use for the fenugreek? Or should I go shopping for a liquid version?

I still need to do some research for a weekly wrap, but when I find out how to do it, I plan on including that.

Any comments, advice, constructive criticisms? Thanks a bunch

This might be applicable... What kind of birth control?

Now it's time to get slightly technical on you... If I lose you, feel free to ask for clarification.

From your description of yourself you might be a case of someone who has inadvertently "programmed" her body to produce slightly excessive testosterone. Do you, other than slightly flat breasts, experience any other indications of this? Hirsutism? That means excessive hair btw.

The reason I'm predicting this hypothesis is because all your habits you described to me are recently being shown to actually program various glands in your body to increase testosterone production. High protein, low carbs, moderate fat... Lots of resistance training type exercise. These all help build muscle. Building muscle sends the signal to various of your glands that you need more testosterone. More testosterone means less estrogen and progesterone. Less estrogen and progesterone means... Yeah, I think you probably get where I'm going with this.

Now. I'm not saying cut back the protein. In fact... I'm more going to ask what protein sources you're using? If it's mostly meat-based, and that mostly red meat... consider going mostly bean based, with a sprinkling of fish and poultry and MAYBE some meat by-product - whey's actually pretty amazing, that's milk protein. Soy protein is more incredible. It's not really quite considered a complete protein on it's own, but combined with fish and poultry it does... and it slightly leans to being more geared towards the amino acid profile that helps boob growth. Bean protein in general is the "girl protein".

You might also consider increasing your MORNING carbs. Evening carbs are bad. Morning carbs are good. Carbs in the morning help to "wake up" your body in LOTS of ways and are absolutely essential. Carbs in the evening tend to get mostly turned into fat stores as your body goes into rest mode. A general lack of carbs altogether generally encourages your body to BREAK DOWN GOOD FAT to produce energy. In combination with a testosterone boosting exercise regimen....... Yeah...

Be careful what type of carbs though! ABSOLUTELY avoid refined grains! Whole grains only! The absolute best grains for you are buckwheat and rye. Wheat's OK. Oats are better... Of course, this largely depends on your own allergies and other contraindications for any particular grain source... the main things to look out for when choosing your grain is to avoid too much starch, but don't be all religious about it, veggie starches are actually pretty healthy in moderation. Make sure it's high in fiber. Of course, a good amino acid profile (protein, grains aren't particularly high in protein, but what they have contribute to the overall amino acid profile of your dietary protein) and ABSOLUTELY avoid excessive refining! That refining strips the nutrients and fiber and protein and leaves you with something that closely resembles gum. Starchy gum. Seriously.

You might also consider changing up your exercise regimen. You don't need to stop the resistance training. But you should mix in some anaerobic and aerobic exercise as well. We want to interrupt that signal to produce more testosterone.

If simply making those kinds of changes to your habits doesn't do the trick... You may consider going the T-blocking route of an NBE regimen. Maybe introduce progesterone a little later in your program, depending on a few factors I'm not going into at this time.

Saw Palmetto is the usual Go-To herb of choice for T blocking. It acts fast. It acts in more than one way. It's a powerful herb to use. The problem with it is that it also contains a small amount of a weak phytoestrogen. This is what tends to cause the cellulite problem. Simultaneous disruption of T receptors and increased sensitivity of estrogen receptors is the perfect recipe for cellulite.

Unfortunately, there really is no way to prevent this possible side effect. Anything you use that could possibly block T at all will also stimulate E receptors. Through one means or another. Except Chinese Skullcap, which comes with its own problems I'll talk about later.

All I can say for that... Welll.... You coooooould consider taking an adaptogen that works on the pituitary gland. Low dose Chasteberry in combination with low to moderate dose Saw Palmetto could quite possibly be an interesting and maybe effective way of handling the problem.

Another possibility is Chinese Skullcap and Pueraria Mirifica. CS blocks the pathways to both Testosterone and Estradiol. PM contains miroestrol, converted in the body to deoxymiroestrol, which is chemically nigh indistinguishable from estradiol. Another possibility of a combination with CS is glandular therapy. Bovine Ovary contains cow estradiol and progesterone. Close enough to human estradiol and progesterone to be effective.

Between the two possible CS combos... I'd be more likely to suggest PM. It's got fewer links to increased estrogen-sensitive cancer risks. Breast. Uterine. Ovarian... yeah. Nasty stuff. BO itself hasn't been linked yet, buuuuuut... Premarin has. Premarin is horse estrogen... Just sayin...

I'm not positive, but I think CS + BO might be cheaper than CS + PM...

Okay... I've probably long since overloaded your brain and fried the circuits, so I'll stop talking now. Tongue

Thanks for the long reply AbiDrew. I appreciate you taking the time to type everything out for me.

Regarding my diet, I actually do eat a reasonable amount of carbs. Mostly from veggie sources, but some from wheat and oats. When i look at the breakdown of my eating plan it's aprox 150 grams of carbs per day, 180 grams of protein and 50 grams of fat. Most of my carbs come around lunch time with a decent amount at breakfast. Dinnertime I have the least amount as I'm on my way to bed. I didn't really look to in depth at my eating in regards to breast growth, but you're right, that is something important to consider.

My breast size has actually gone up since lifting, but I'm sure that's mostly from the muscles beneath.

Protein mostly comes from fish, whey protein, chicken and steak. That's also in order of most to least.

I don't have an excess of body hair and what is there is pretty fine and light. My breasts are pretty perky and have some nice roundness on the bottom half, but the top looks a little underdeveloped.

So this discussion makes me wonder if I'm faced with a choice between muscle development and breast development?

(13-09-2012, 03:14)booga119 Wrote:  So this discussion makes me wonder if I'm faced with a choice between muscle development and breast development?

Kinda are... sadly.

Generally speaking, more muscular women tend to have smaller breasts. They are also perkier. But... smaller...

There are of course, as with anything, outliers... But I really wouldn't count on being one of them.

However! Here's the thing! IFFFF you can afford it... Something like the CS + PM plan I outlined would allow you to continue to resistance train, making no other real changes to your diet or exercise et al. And you should still grow.

Best of both worlds, and you aren't just praying to the booby goddess and muscle god to let you serve both. You're more just going. Heeeeeey waaaasssup! I'm gunna be serving you this way giiiirl. And Dude. I'm totally going to rock you too! Don't bother fighting over me. Plenty to go around. Big Grin

Being that you don't sound to have a really major testosterone excess for some reason... Maybe it's more localized? Dunno. This brings us to the other possibility....... What specific birth control are you taking? Is it direct hormones? Progesterone? Estradiol? Combo? What amounts? Shot? Pills? IUD? Hormone disruptor kind? There's all sorts of ways BC can interact and cause booby problems.

Your problem could also be emotional/mental. Did you at some point in your early development have any kind of negative experience in regards to big breasts? Something that may have caused you to associate big breasts with, say, maybe breast cancer? A big indication of this would be that MOOOOST women in your family history were significantly bigger breasted than you are.

It could also be simple heredity... You might just be one of those girls who've already got all the boob they'll ever get. It does happen... But let's rule out anything else before giving up, nay?

Hm... so... you were originally thinking fenugreek and wild yam... a phytoestrogen and an adaptogen...

Have you ever taken a hormone balance quiz or had them actually checked by a lab? That could be interesting information to know... since at least physically speaking, at least from a cursory perspective, T does not presently seem to be the problem.

Here's a link to a popular quiz:

If you have insurance, it might cover hormone testing as "preventive" care, you can ask your doctor about it. Just be all... concerned young woman, just want to make sure... Never too young really, ESPECIALLY if on ANY kind of birth control. ALL BC EFFECTS HORMONAL BALANCE! PERIOD!

If you don't have insurance... and live in the USA... you could try having your hormones tested by these guys, not the absolute cheapest I've seen, but the best quality for dollar:

If you don't live in the USA you'll just have to google search for something closer to home... It could be quite expensive if you have to go through the more typical channels...

Anyway... if you don't want to bother with any of that, fenugreek + wild yam is a pretty proven program for many many people. You can always try it anyways. If it doesn't work... Cleanse and try one of the ideas I've tossed up there. Give it at least a good few months of an honest attempt though! If my ideas don't work... well... we're back to my questions. LOL.

To be quite honest... I'm one of those who believe in research and direct implementation of a well-tailored plan rather than experimentation... In case this hasn't been made quite thoroughly obvious yet lol. Big Grin

OH! And I just totally had a totally random idea pop in my head. Since you are trying to grow muscle and boobs both... what if instead of simply doubling your protein, you triple it? Just an idea. Aim for 180g?

You might also consider incorporating some more bean protein. I have a great recipe for a protein paste to go on sandwiches that provides a good 25g or so of protein a sandwich on rye bread with sharp cheddar cheese with an extremely tidy calorie profile. I mean. This crap is DENSE in protein. The protein/calorie in this stuff is enough to make your jaw drop so far you'll put a dent in the floor.

(13-09-2012, 04:19)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  OH! And I just totally had a totally random idea pop in my head. Since you are trying to grow muscle and boobs both... what if instead of simply doubling your protein, you triple it? Just an idea. Aim for 180g?

You might also consider incorporating some more bean protein. I have a great recipe for a protein paste to go on sandwiches that provides a good 25g or so of protein a sandwich on rye bread with sharp cheddar cheese with an extremely tidy calorie profile. I mean. This crap is DENSE in protein. The protein/calorie in this stuff is enough to make your jaw drop so far you'll put a dent in the floor.

I'm already at close to 180 right now. I would be very interested in your protein paste recipe though. Sounds like something that could come in handy Smile

Maybe it would be good on celery or on crackers, but then I haven't tried it yet.

I don't know if birth control gives me troubles. As far as I know it's a lower dose. I've had some frustration with it because I believe it makes me more susceptible to yeast infections as I seem to get them all the time since starting (sorry if that's TMI). I have tried several brands of low dose though and it seems to effect me the same way.

Most ladies in my family have had breasts of similar size as mine except as they gain weight everywhere else, the breasts get bigger. So I'm probably as big as I'm going to get hereditary-wise.

I tried out the online test, but I didn't really seem to have any of the symptoms except some PMS which would make me slightly progesterone deficient I guess? The test suggested getting off birth control (which I'm not willing to do), changing up the diet (though I don't really know what to change since it's pretty clean right now), or a progesterone cream (which might be something to look into). I'm not really sure where to get a progesterone cream or how much those would cost.

I think for now, I'll try The fenugreek capsules, wild yam and massage with a heat pad. I'll see if it takes me anywhere for a few months. At that point I'll re-evaluate and possibly try your suggestion. I am very interested in the CS + PM plan you suggested, but I don't want to break the bank. I will look into it though.

I would like to have bigger breasts, but I'll be honest and say it's not the biggest priority for me right now. I'm not trying to have a bad attitude about it or anything, but given the choice between keeping my muscle gains and growing larger breasts, I'll be trying to keep the muscle.

Thanks again for all your advice. I appreciate it

Hm. Yeah. Fenugreek and Wild Yam and possibly a PC... Here's the one I use:

If you wanna try this program out, I'd suggest you look into some of the BC + NBE programs featuring fenugreek on these forums. There are a few. I don't myself use fenugreek OR wild yam, nor am I on BC...

If you've already looked at the existing programs of this sort, feel free to totally be like. This girl talks too much, and all ignore me. Big Grin It's true. I talk too much. Blush

I think it's kinda odd that the only thing you think you MIGHT have is a slight estrogen dominance... maybe the progestin in your BC is antagonizing your natural progesterone and causing this... I quite honestly don't fully understand the whole science behind BC... sooooooo... talk to your doc?

It SEEMS to me though, that the whole idea is that the best kind, sorta the IDEAL BC pill, would be the one that eliminates cycling altogether. Keep E and P permanently high.

Just thought I would post an update in my starter thread

I've been slowly ramping up with fenugreek and wild yam along with a daily massage with fenugreek and grapeseed oil with 30 minutes of heat applied. I've been very consistent (except one day I missed), and I've noticed a small amount of growth. Base on a tape measure, I've gained about .25 inches and my husband believes they look noticeably fuller based on pictures.

So, I know this is a small amount of growth and I'm really just dipping my toes into NBE, but it's at least proven to me that this actually seems to work! Hooray! It also means I've gotten my husband on board with this and I can justify spending a little more money and research on supplements.

Anyways, I'm going to stick with what I'm doing for the rest of this cycle and then change things up a little based on this chart
I was planning on taking nothing for the first few days as a bit of a break then start ramping up hops and red clover as my phyto-estrogen (day 5-11)
Then dropping it down a bit and using fenugreek and wild yam as my phyto-progestin from day 10-24. Ramp everything down for the last few days and then work from there.

This is all still being formed in my head and I don't have everything concrete yet. I am having some trouble with acne starting (boo!). I'm chosing herbs that also have an anti-androgen effect in hopes that it will counteract that.

I also need to figure out a cleanse for 2.5 months from now.

Anyways, thanks everyone for help and for filling this board with a wealth of information.

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