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BelaBrasil's Beautiful Breast and Body Program


Hey everyone Smile

I've been on here for a couple of months learning and correcting my program. After some time, I've finally figured out my program and I'm ready to share it with all of you!

Here are a couple of things about myself.
Age: 20
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 115-120 lbs
Overall body type: Petite
Starting Bra size: 32B (on the smaller side, closer to A)
Goal: Full 32C

This program is based on a 30-32 day cycle. You can change it to fit your own! The cycling is based on this graph:

I do not take birth control, though I can change it to fit anyone that does, if need be.

Anything with ** means it changes depending on the time of the month.

I know this might seem like a lot, but I like to focus not only on Natural Breast and Butt Enhancement, but also on keeping the body healthy during the process.

Days 28-6 (Menstrual Phase):
Fenugreek 2440 mg/d
Wild Yam 1620 mg/d
Lamb Placenta 2000 mg/d
Maca 1000 mg/d (eventually ramping up to 2-3g)
MSM 6000 mg/d
Vitamin C 1000 mg/d
L-Arginine 4000 mg/d (eventually ramping up to 9-10g)
Apple Cider Vinegar 200-600 mg/d (depending how I'm feeling)
*Massage once a day with Wild Yam Cream*
Massage once a day with Collagen/Elastin cream

Days 6-20 (Follicular Phase):
*PM 1000 mg/d*
*Calcium Citrate 400 mg/d*
Fenugreek 2440 mg/d
Wild Yam 1620 mg/d
Lamb Placenta 2000 mg/d
Maca 1000 mg/d (eventually ramping up to 2-3g)
MSM 6000 mg/d
Vitamin C 1000 mg/d
L-Arginine 4000 mg/d (eventually ramping up to 9-10g)
Apple Cider Vinegar 200-600 mg/d (depending how I'm feeling)
*Massage once a day with Wild Yam Cream*
Massage once a day with Collagen/Elastin Cream

Days 20-28 (Luteal Phase):
*PM 500 mg/d*
*Calcium Citrate 200 mg/d*
Fenugreek 2440 mg/d
Wild Yam 1620 mg/d
Lamb Placenta 2000 mg/d
Maca 1000 mg/d (eventually ramping up to 2-3g)
MSM 6000 mg/d
Vitamin C 1000 mg/d
L-Arginine 4000 mg/d (eventually ramping up to 9-10g)
Apple Cider Vinegar 200-600 mg/d (depending how I'm feeling)
Massage once a day with Collagen/Elastin Cream
*Massage twice a day with Progesterone Cream*

-*I continue to take PM during my luteal phase (which is not advised) because I am naturally low in estrogen. This may be different for others*-

Please remember everyone is different, especially when it comes to the hormones your body naturally makes. Listen to your body and what it is telling you.
Personally, my body freaked out when I first started taking PM. This happens to a lot of women. After a couple of months, I was able to cycle PM in a way that fit my body. I take PM longer than normally advised, but it works for me. However, it may not work for everyone.

The 'whys' of the program regimen and starting pics to come!

Go forth and succeedm good luck

Here I'll post the before pictures and an explanation of the supplements, herbs, and vitamins I'm taking.
It's all the information I wish I had all in one place when I started the process!

PM (Pueraria Mirifica): A very strong phytoestrogen. Phytoestrogens are necessary if you want to achieve any kind of growth. In my opinion, it is the most important part of this program.

Calcium Citrate: PM works best when taken with calcium. Drinking milk would be beneficial as well, however I am a college student and milk isn't always the easiest thing to come by when I take my supplements Wink

Fenugreek: Increases prolactin, which causes breasts to swell. This swelling turns into serious growth when combined with phytoestrogens. It also increases insulin, which can help slim your waist!

Wild Yam: Hard to explain exactly. It was explained to me as an herb that sort of keeps natural estrogens from escaping where they are supposed to go.
This quote was taken from a website:
Wild yam is often promoted as a “natural alterative” to estrogen therapy, so you will see it used for estrogen replacement therapy, vaginal dryness in older women, PMS (premenstrual syndrome), menstrual cramps, weak bones (osteoporosis), increasing energy and sexual drive in men and women, and breast enlargement. Wild yam does seem to have some estrogen-like activity, but it is not actually converted into estrogen in the body.

Lamb Placenta: of the most well known women to achieve a great amount of growth using NBE is Chiyomilk, a girl in Japan. Her program is also available on this site. She used Pig Placenta in her program. However pig placenta is very hard to come by, so Ginie, another woman shown to have a lot of growth on this site, decided to use lamb placenta instead. Lamb placenta has quite a few beneficial side effects, as well as providing your body with necessary nutrients for growth.

Maca: Maca is a root that sort of increases body fat fast in places where body fat is usually stored like your (drumroll...) BUTT!! For women that are looking for just for natural breast enhancement, don't worry too much about Maca. It's not necessary. However if you want to fill out your jeans a little better, Maca is for you Smile Some weight gain in other places, like your belly, can and might occur, so be careful with it.

MSM: An amino-acid "MSM makes cell wall permeable, allowing water and nutrients to freely flow into cells and allowing waters and toxins to properly flow out. The building blocks of the body, amino acids are all sulfur binders and play a major role in the production of hormones and enzymes, which regulate the body’s activities." More info about MSM can be found here.

Vitamin C: Kind of a given. It healthy for you to take everyday to keep you from getting sick. But Vitamin C also aids MSM in working better.

L-Arginine: L-arginine stimulates the release of growth hormone, insulin, and other substances in the body. Some of the best growers take upwards to 10,000 mg (10g) of L-Arginine a day.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Home remedy for weight loss and weight control. It is generally believed that the nutrients, enzymes, and organic acids in apple cider vinegar cause weight reduction by acting as an appetite suppressant, by increasing your body's metabolic rate, by reducing water retention, and by helping you maintain a feeling of well being.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

I've decided to cut the amount of PM I take to 500 mg for the 15 days after my period and I'm stopping PM in the luteal phase completely! Less is more, and the effects of PM are finally taking a toll on my hormonal cycle :/ I'm beginning to think more estrogens aren't what I need. I need more protein to help the growth!

Also decided to add a couple more things to the program, mostly for health reasons.

My revised program is as follows Smile

Days 28-6 (Menstrual Phase):
Multivitamin (daily recommended dosage)
Omega 3 Fatty Acids (daily recommended dosage)
Fenugreek 2440 mg/d
Wild Yam 1620 mg/d
Lamb Placenta 2000 mg/d
Maca 1000 mg/d (eventually ramping up to 2-3g)
MSM 6000 mg/d
Vitamin C 1000 mg/d
L-Arginine 4000 mg/d (eventually ramping up to 9-10g)
Apple Cider Vinegar 200-600 mg/d (depending how I'm feeling)
*Massage once a day with Wild Yam Cream*
Massage once a day with Collagen/Elastin cream

Days 6-20 (Follicular Phase):
*PM 500 mg/d*
*Calcium Citrate 400 mg/d*
Multivitamin (daily recommended dosage)
Omega 3 Fatty Acids (daily recommended dosage)
Fenugreek 2440 mg/d
Wild Yam 1620 mg/d
Lamb Placenta 2000 mg/d
Maca 1000 mg/d (eventually ramping up to 2-3g)
MSM 6000 mg/d
Vitamin C 1000 mg/d
L-Arginine 4000 mg/d (eventually ramping up to 9-10g)
Apple Cider Vinegar 200-600 mg/d (depending how I'm feeling)
*Massage once a day with Wild Yam Cream*
Massage once a day with Collagen/Elastin Cream

Days 20-28 (Luteal Phase):
Multivitamin (daily recommended dosage)
Omega 3 Fatty Acids (daily recommended dosage)
Fenugreek 2440 mg/d
Wild Yam 1620 mg/d
Lamb Placenta 2000 mg/d
Maca 1000 mg/d (eventually ramping up to 2-3g)
MSM 6000 mg/d
Vitamin C 1000 mg/d
L-Arginine 4000 mg/d (eventually ramping up to 9-10g)
Apple Cider Vinegar 200-600 mg/d (depending how I'm feeling)
Massage once a day with Collagen/Elastin Cream
*Massage twice a day with Progesterone Cream*

After reading over Beth's program on the network54 site, I've decided to add some protein to my plan, since it's sorely lacking in my program and in my life. I love meat, but I might as well be a vegetarian for the amount I actually consume.

I used this site to calculate how much protein I should be eating every day.

I'm around 115lbs and don't exercise much, so it will be around 40g a day.

I'll be purchasing protein powder very soon and probably make it into a daily chocolate milk drink Smile

I'll also be playing around with the days spent in each phase, because I definitely messed that bit up. For now it's looking like:
Days 28-6 (Menstrual Phase)
Days 6-15 (Follicular Phase)
Days 15-28 (Luteal Phase)

Yes, I know that means a lot less PM, but I'm starting to think I might be estrogen dominant rather than the other way around. I guess I'm still playing around with it after all. If that's the case, 500 mg of PM will be just fine for now, and I'll decide later if I actually need to increase again, but only after at least 2 months into the program so I can assess what's really happening.

Hi BelaBrasil,

Nice to meet you.. I just wanted to say you have a interesting cycle of taking everything.. I am taking very similar stuff to yours.. I use to take PM but stopped but just started again today cause I am allergic to hops.. I think when I was taking PM I was taking too much so this time I am going slow and lowBlush I use to take SP now thinking of taking it again too..not sure yet.. how is your progress coming.. I do want to add that I was ify about the NB but ended up getting it and have been using it for 2 months now and love it..not sure if it is working I am only doing my left tita cause it is the smaller one and want to even them out..I have been thinking for months now to add wild yam and decide I am going to..pill form and cream.. how and what creams are you using and do you feel they are making a dif..

Hey beachbum Smile

It's great to meet you too!

I actually haven't OFFICIALLY started the whole revamped version of my program. I'm still waiting for everything to arrive in the mail. Right now I'm just working on ramping up my l-arginine and balancing the PM I'm taking (which is really hard! my hormones have always been completely wack, and I messed them up even more with PM).
I'm talking to Isabelle at the moment and getting some advice about accurately figuring just what kind of hormone imbalance I have. Dr. Lee's test says one thing but other responses my body has on all the herbs says another. I think that's the main reason why I'm dropping the amount of PM I'm taking.
There's a good chance I actually have an estrogen excess, so PM is basically useless in the boobage area. However it is making me a lot more stable in the behavior and psychological dept (no more depression and crazy irritability), so I want to continue taking it for that.
There's also a very good chance my program is going to change just a little bit again, once I figure everything out. I'll probably be dropping the Maca for now until I figure out everything else. I might pick it back up after my boobs are done growing Big Grin
I basically get everything I take from swanson vitamins, which is the cheapest place I could find. I'm always careful about posting where I get my stuff because I've seen all these crazy people attacking other people for promoting stuff, and I don't want people to think I'm a promoter or anything. So the creams I just bought are both from swanson. One is elastin collage cream, and the other is just plain old progesterone cream. I don't really believe in spending a ton of money on things that I can get for cheaper and will do the same thing Blush
Needless to say, my progress has been slow, for obvious reasons. I've been on PM for months with very little progress. However, since I've started taking L-Arginine, I've seen a bit more, especially since I've started ramping it up.
I loveeee the feeling of getting closer and closer to just the right program! Smile And I feel like I'm close to that, once I get my hormones straightened out.
I really like Wild Yam. I've never had any bad reactions to it. SP however is a different story. Maybe it was the amount I was taking or something, but it made me very unhappy and I made my thighs HUGE. After I stopped taking it, my thighs went back to normal, but I refuse to ever take it again haha.
I kinda feel like NB would be a waste for me. I love the shape of my boobs. They are very round and perfectly even, just small! I think the swelling Fenugreek provides is quite enough for me. I'm already a small B and I just want a full C. Maybeeee D Blush. Maybe. Nothing crazy or anything.

After doing a lot of research (hours of it), I've decided to decrease the amount of L-Arginine I'm going to take. There are a lot of risks associated with HGH concentrations in young adults, and I want to be as careful as possible. I'm only 20, and the younger you are the easier it is for your body to produce high amounts of HGH.

I've decided to only take L-Arginine during my follicular phase during the rise and fall of estrogen (when most is expected to take growth takes place).
Prolonged use of L-Arginine can also lead to negative effects, so I will only be taking large doses it when I take PM. I'll start slow, probably only 6-8 grams at night. I don't want to produce too much HGH that I get growth in any bones.

I've decided to cleanse my body before I start my program. I'll be getting off PM for now, especially since I think I might be emotionally dependent on it. I'll be regulating my cycle in one way or another before starting my program.

I also decided no protein is necessary. I'm going to stick with the low level of L-Arginine since I was previously seeing progress with it (though it also made my hips wider, but I'm not really complaining)


I'm planning on experimenting a little bit with topical L-Arginine! Smile I'll be doing that instead of taking it orally. Right now I'm not taking anything except a daily dose of iron and milk thistle, just to clean things up. After that I'll start mixing 2 pills worth of L-Arginine powder in with progesterone cream and apply to breasts twice a day during my luteal phase, and in with some other lotion or rub during my follicular phase.


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