Natural Breast Enhancement Forums

Full Version: You are worth more
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I spent some time on this part of the forum reading the threads, and I was shocked to see how many women expressed stories where their boyfriend or husband expressed preferring larger breasts, or other women with larger breasts, or even made a negative comment about their small breasts.

If you're one of those people who is in that position right now, I just want you to know this: You are worth MORE!

There are so many people in this world and you can find a partner that loves your body. Not just settles for it but prefers other bodies.

I don't care what you think is so good about your partner, or how long you've been together, anyone who loves less than 100% of  you or prefers other women is not worth spending your life with.
You have ONE life and you should not waste it with someone who doesn't adore everything about you. Trust me, men are out there with all of the traits you like from your current partner + actually will make you feel attractive and loved for your breasts. You will thank yourself later.

I know that many of us, me included, are here because we don't feel sexual or attractive due to our breast size. We might have been told that all men prefer large breasts so we better just accept it. It is a thought that I find hard not to internalise myself, because many men and society do feel that way.

But it's not true! There is a preference out there for every size. If you want to see some proof, go to any of the small boob picture subreddits (can't link any, they're all 18+ and pornographic... but they can be a huge self esteem boost, just look for small boobs or petite girls and you'll find some)  and look at all the men in the comments drooling over how those girls have their ideal boobs/bodies that they find so sexy and hot. Those men exist! They are out there. Maybe they are a minority but you are worth it, it is worth finding someone who loves that part of you.

Society might put us down, but don't let your partner do it, the one person who is supposed to love you 100%. Find someone better. You deserve better.