Personal Talk
- RANTING!~♡ (Kind of...) (4 Replies)
- Flashbacks to social comments about me being small (4 Replies)
- Ending my 7 years NBE journey with fat transfer? (8 Replies)
- Am I too old? (15 Replies)
- I can't take having tiny boobs anymore (TW+vent+need advice) (3 Replies)
- STOPPING FOR GOOD... (22 Replies)
- Are you all pausing your life until you get big boobs? (14 Replies)
- When everything fails. Depression. (18 Replies)
- I give up (Farewell) (1 Reply)
- NBE friends in real life (4 Replies)
- Self Love Journey (3 Replies)
- No Mud No Lotus (8 Replies)
- Anyone else sick of getting rejected over their small boobs? :( (18 Replies)
- Telling my boyfriend about NBE (13 Replies)
- Beauty standards around the world (11 Replies)
- Acne - Would love tips, opinions and experiences. (0 Replies)
- Accepting ones self (0 Replies)
- Thinking critically about beauty standards (2 Replies)
- Growing up small (11 Replies)
- NBE getting me through hard times... (1 Reply)