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I think I am growing again. Big Grin After the 2 months of break and detoxification finally I am feeling the soreness. Instead of being very sore couple of days before menstrual I am sore the day after my ovulation. I can't wait to see whether I am keeping my growth.

I forgot to measure before I ovulate. Now I have to depend on my hands and my boyfriend to help me see whether there is a difference after my AF. I am being hopeful. Packing myself with protein and exercising too.

Happy growing everyone1
That's wonderful! Big Grin I'm just starting a month-long break and cleanse today. Hopefully I'll get better results when I start up too! I admire your patience doing a two-month break. Smile
Awesome! You deserve it after working so hard and taking the time out to do a proper cleanse Smile

After my 6th month I am planning a cleanse too with milk thistle.
Twister_mama : I think determination is the word. Determination can alter everything in me. Makes me become more patient while eyeing on my target. I hope you get more growth though. I read a lot of your program and am sorry to hear you got jam up with the growth. Well I literally stop growing when I added sea buckthorn oil into my program and I have not grow since then until I literally break and cleanse myself. I guess now I kind of like get rid of the hole that was plugged.

Periwinkle : Oh honey! I kept up with your program and then every time I read of the growth thing and then it is gone again, my heart just break for you. Trust me all of us here know what you are going through. Having the moment here it comes, here it comes and then there it goes. I hope your body adapt better after the cleanse. Do a flush if you must a cleanse is just too gentle.

OK! A little update. I think I grow a little over last cycle. Having period now and then I have wider mammary gland to grab in my hand. I am adjusting my program, putting BB pills aside and doing generic.

Swanson BO : 3 pills x 250mg

Swanson BO : 2pills x 250mg
Swanson Pituitary : 1 pill

Happy growing everyone!
Haha it is very frustrating to not have any growth yet, but still trucking on. I will definitely keep a flush in mind after my 6 months. Thanks and happy growing!
how are you finding generic BO crystalelle?
Hi girlfriday,

My program is working. When I started the generic last month the dosage was a little small so I don't gain and neither loose. This month I have up the dosage to close to 2000mg of BO, I felt immediately changes to the smoothness of my skin and extreme hunger pangs few days after my ovulation. I love the hunger pangs I ate so much I think I went to 3 buffets in within a week. LOL! I work out too using exercise video at least 6 times a week for 1 hour then I let myself pig out with the food. Big Grin At least I don't feel guilty eating that much.

I didn't weight myself or measure my bust line though. But I know my body is getting more solid. No changes in outfit wise though cause I am still wearing the same clothing. My bf told me last week that my breasts was the largest throughout my journey too. I am so happy cause I see it myself and I got him to confirm it too. Maybe it is bigger than a 32AA I don't know. I get frustrated when I start to measure and I get obsess with it so I tell myself to stay away from the measuring tape. I hid it couple of months back and I don't know where it is now.

My libido is up too the whole week after my ovulation especially I feel like a cat in heat. LOL! I feel like a man cause the only thing I seem to be thinking is about sex. Blush I felt so warm and so hot too. Last cycle especially. My menses started yesterday, the volume of my boobies deflate a little but they are still bigger than before.

(13-06-2011, 03:54)crystalelle Wrote: [ -> ]Hi girlfriday,

My program is working. When I started the generic last month the dosage was a little small so I don't gain and neither loose. This month I have up the dosage to close to 2000mg of BO, I felt immediately changes to the smoothness of my skin and extreme hunger pangs few days after my ovulation. I love the hunger pangs I ate so much I think I went to 3 buffets in within a week. LOL! I work out too using exercise video at least 6 times a week for 1 hour then I let myself pig out with the food. Big Grin At least I don't feel guilty eating that much.

I didn't weight myself or measure my bust line though. But I know my body is getting more solid. No changes in outfit wise though cause I am still wearing the same clothing. My bf told me last week that my breasts was the largest throughout my journey too. I am so happy cause I see it myself and I got him to confirm it too. Maybe it is bigger than a 32AA I don't know. I get frustrated when I start to measure and I get obsess with it so I tell myself to stay away from the measuring tape. I hid it couple of months back and I don't know where it is now.

My libido is up too the whole week after my ovulation especially I feel like a cat in heat. LOL! I feel like a man cause the only thing I seem to be thinking is about sex. Blush I felt so warm and so hot too. Last cycle especially. My menses started yesterday, the volume of my boobies deflate a little but they are still bigger than before.


Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! on the girls growing..Big Grin

LOL LOL LOL your too funny... cant find the measuring tape..something I would do..hahahaha.. and cat in heat..too funny..same here..good thing my man is the same way..we will be hanging on the couch of course I am the touchfeely one and within mins. he says wanta go to the bed room...he barely finished the sentence and I was a blurr..lolBig Grin Hey I am proud to say I feel like a 20 something at 47..Big Grin he is going to be 47 next month..
LOL beachbumbythesea! I can only hope that my libido can be this up when I am older. I like being a hot and steamy kitty! But the bad part is my man don't really do much about it. Dodgy
hi crystalelle,

lol! that's great. I've been taking 4 pills (250mg) in morning and 4 in evening for the last few months. I once took 9 pills in the day and felt some intense pains. But didn't do it again to check. I reakon I may be getting to the point where my body is getting used to it. I'm noticing some estrogen dominance symptoms like facial flushing. But I take DIM and then it goes away immediately.

I know what you mean about eating. I'm eating lots all the time. Not so much about the libido though.... lol!

Glad to hear you have thrown away the tape for a bit.
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