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Maca - the famous side effect is true!


hi all again; i have been ramping up on maca now up to 3 per day now i have noticed some real changes in my body now. my butt is getting bigger, along with my thighs and calves. my waist is slimming and the best part is my boobs have really started taking shape . they are getting a real nice round shape, and along with the slimming of my rib area they are looking good. my nipples have gotten softer now also,just wanted to share this with others and also see if anyone else has noticed these changes.

Very nice nikki, thank you for sharing. What dosage do you take daily of Maca root? How many mg and how many times per day.

hi; i have been on maca for a short time but since reading here about ramping up i decided to try it. i was only taking 450 mg 1x/day. since i was already taking 1 i started taking 2/day , now i'm up to 3/day and tomorrow will be 4/day. still taking the same dosage . so far i love the small changes i can see and measure. i also take 1/sp 540 mg, and 1/fg 510 mg. per day. i'm not looking for any drastic changes but i love the slow small changes that i can see and appreciate

hi again ; just wanted to ask if anyone using maca has noticed weight gain from it. just checked my weight and i have gained 5 pounds, i am ramping up and like the look i'm getting but not the weight. any suggestions would be appreciated. thanks

Yes, Maca will usually cause weight gain. My family is from Peru(where maca originates) and it is often given as a supplement to childen or people that are underweight. It's also great if you feel like you're lacking energy and also helps to balance hormones.

It seems like you will gain weight in parts that you normally carry weight. For example alot of people take it for fuller hips or butt but they find that they may gain weight all over or in their belly first. If they tend to gain weight in their belly first then that's where it will most likely make them gain. Does this make sense?

I'm glad to hear that you are having good results with it. For maximum benefit you are supposed to take a break and start back up. For example take it for a month and then take a week off. After the week start back up for another month. Smile

thank you tinatina74; whew glad to know it is the maca and not because i have been overindulging lol. i have always had a problem with my weight and now that i put on 5 lbs i noticed it in my belly by my navel, some in my butt, thighs , and calves. i have noticed that my mooba are now starting to look like boobs now. i want to ramp up to the 6/day then stop for a week i just started doing 4/day today. is this weight gain permanent or do i have to work harder to lose it .

You could lose the unwanted weight if you work a lil harder and you should have added energy. What kind of maca are you taking? If it's raw maca and not gelatinized you may want to take a probiotic with it or add an activia to your diet once a day. Raw can be tougher to digest and cause bloating and gassiness as well as other digestive upsets so a good probiotic will help.Smile

hi; the one i'm taking is (300mg maca extract and 150mg maca). thank you for you help

Tina / Nikki

I am taking a maca capsule that is 500mg extract 4:1 what type of modification should I make to my dosage as I am currently just completing my first week of three capsules a day. Iwas planning to ramp up to 4 capsules a day next week but am concerned that might be to much given the mg of extract. I am also taking 3 capsules a day of FG seed 610 mg and 3 capsules a day of SP 540mg.
Can you please comment on the regiment?

hi again; just a quick update , i have been slowly ramping up on maca ,up to 4/day now. have noticed growth in my boobs now , getting growth from underneath now plus the look of a more feminine boob rather then a moob. have noticed growth in my butt also , have been exercising my butt to make them look firmer, and some chest exercises to firm up my chest. maca plus fg plus sp seems to be really working for me.

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