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you grew so much, nice

Wait, the only thing you are doing NBE wise is massage, push ups, and tea?!

Thanks all.

@ Rosance & viloletka : yes I do have a simple program, because I've been told not to take herbs before being 21, I'm 20 and started NBE one year ago. Still, I decided to take some in a small amount with one cup of tea a day. If I haven't reached my goal next year, I'll see how I'll improve my program. But I'm already planning on buying a noogleberry this month (I couldn't when I was living with my parents).

And I do think that the fact that I used to be big is helping me. But I'm also predisposed to grow, I was a 32B at the age of 11, plus I have a "malleable body" (I gain and lose weight very easily), and I'm still very young (lucky me, I know).

Anyway, simple keys for any program:
. stay healthy in a general way (I focus especially on exercise and sleep)
. stay positive, don't make a program led by hate of your body, even if you want to change it, think about it as an improvement
. massage, massage, massage !

Wow...I am going to start doing the Chi massage again Tongue

I use the Noogleberry and noticed that using it after the Chi massage causes better swelling.

That's it, I'm sticking to Chi massaging from now on Wink

19/02/2012 cycle 5 week 1

Bust: 39.4" / 100cm no change
Overbust: 35.8" / 91cm no change
Underbust: 28.7" / 73cm
Weight: 143.3 lbs / 65kg +1kg

I have to thank you onicemile!
I got so motivated to start the Chi massage again because of your program. Ever since adding the massage, I have noticed I feel more growing pains! Plus, I get much better NB swelling! Thank You Wink

You're welcome, Rosance ! I'm really glad I helped.

26/02/2012 cycle 5 week 2

Bust: 39.7" / 101cm + 1cm
Overbust: 35.8" / 91cm no change
Underbust: 28.7" / 73cm
Weight: 143.3 lbs / 65kg no change

Since I'm not really be able to eat solid these days (my meals are mainly soup, compotes, eggs and mashed potatoes), I decided to massage twice a day to avoid any damage that may be caused by a quick weight loss. I'm also taking my herbal tea in the morning instead of the afternoon. I'll be doing this for a week, then go for a little vacation, and I guess that everything will be back to normal in two weeks.

Well I had to write for a long time.
I haven't gave up on NBE, I just ordered my noogleberry, it'll be in the mail by the end of next week I guess.

Anyway, my thinking of the last months had to lead to this conclusion: stop the war on your body !

I definitely stopped to try to lose weight. And for the first time in about 10 years, I stayed at the same weight for almost 6 months. 143.3 lbs / 65kg, yeah that may sound a lot but at least I'm not constantly gaining or losing weight. I've always been bigger than the other girls, that's the way I am, why would I try to change it ? I'm eating healthy and I exercise more than the average girl, there's nothing wrong with it, I'm just build thicker.

I'm not loving my body yet, actually I'm trying to accept it the way it is, even if most of the time it just means trying to avoid the mirror and forget about it. Sadly, while I was on my way to self-acceptance, I got tattooed. I wanted to do something that changed my whole body to make it more bearable. I can't believe I did this. The straw that broke the camel. That what decided me to stop trying to change my body because it leads to crazy things and for what ? Match unrealistic standards of beauty.

I would love to stop NBE too but actually my breast were the only part of myself I ever liked, the only one that made me feel feminine. I don't care if I can't show off huge cleavage in public anymore but still, it's missing. People seem to find me more attractive since I lost weight and tell me I still have lots of boobs but it's not about them. My very special thing is gone, and it doesn't have anything to do with anyone else. If I could go back to the time when I weighted 20lbs more I'd do it even if people found me ugly, at least there would be one part of my body that I would not constantly try to ignore.

The point is, I know that most of you girls are very skinny (this of course doesn't apply to the biological males), and I'd just like to remind you how many women in the world would kill to be like you. I understand it must have been really hard feeling like you weren't gifted while others were but that's just wrong, you were gifted in another way. And how could that be wrong ? That's your body, that's how you were born and that's how you grew up, really, how could it be wrong ?

And that totally applies to the tuberous breast bullshit. Do you realize how many we are on this forum thinking we have a difformity ? If I remember well, only the severe cases can induce problems in lactation and it's quite rare, apart from that it's just another breast shape. Not everyone has perky breast with small nipples even if the medias lets you think so, and that's alright, there's nothing to fix because that's normal and beautiful.

NBE is a safe method that's not too violent or intrusive neither, contrary to a diet or to surgery, and I know how it can lead to positive feelings: I am not trying to convince anyone to stop, I just wanted to express my feelings because I think it's relevant to this forum. I hope that none of you will go too far just to change their body, and eventually get to a state where you don't want to 'fix' anything anymore.

And I didn't said a word about people but fuck them. Really, fuck anybody who'd suggest you to get implants, to gain or lose weight, to start exercise, to shave, etc. generally anyone making nasty comments about your body. That's always inappropriate.

^^^THAT'S RIGHT!! Big Grin PREACH! <3 *Stands up and applauds!*

Hi onicemile,

Has your NB arrived yet? I'd be interested to read about your experience. We keep advising it to young people on the forum, but so few of them use it.

65 kg is perfect. Nobody here has an avatar with the size of a catwalk skeleton. And I l0oove tuberous breasts: in some bras, the cleavage is endless Blush

I used to watch this show "the price of beauty" with Jessica Simpson. She did a great job showing how far women were prepared to go to conform to beauty standards that are very local, once you fly around the world and see all the differences.

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