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Any Regrets????


One of the big warnings we put up on the board is a warning that NBE is permanent and be sure you want this before you start. Well, does anyone out there have any regets having developed boobs? I know I don't. I really love mine. Or do you know someone who has regrets and left the board already?

my only regret is that i didn't find out about NBE earlier! Smile

Hi wishful, i think that most of the women on the forum already have breasts and are trying to get bigger so i cant see any of them regreting it lol but if your question is aimed at the male members who are developing breasts then its a good question, i dont regret growing mine atall but then again i have transitioned into a woman but i would imagine that some men who are trying to hide there growth then it could be a big problem and regrets might come in to play, if they want to have a relationship in the future if they are not already with some one could be a problem, explaining to a woman you like that you have breasts would be a very hard thing to do, i had this concern at the start of my development but things progressed well past that for me lol but i could see that some might regret it.

Hugs Cheryl xxxx

I was not all that awake when I posted this. It was ment for the male section. Oh well, I plead old age - again. What were we talking about?

I agree that women would be more likely to celebrate any increase. I was just curious about the male side of the house. I admit there are times when I do slouch a bit more to try to cover those little bumps on the chest. But there are other times I just don't care. I agree with skyblue, I wish I had done this sooner so as of yet, no regrets.

If you wish, you could move this to the male section so it would make more sense to the readers.


My only regret is that I haven't made better progress.

After 13 months of trying, my results have been disappointing.

I am currently on PM, taking 4 capsules per day; and have been for 7 months. I have just added Wild Yam to see if I can increase my growth.

I want to know that I have breasts and not the small "manboobs" I have now.

However, onwards and upwards.


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