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JoyfulBreasts Program


HI. I've been lurking for awhile and just recently registered. I look forward to getting to know everyone through my journey and your journeys also.

So, a little about me:
*I have 5 children; after 3 children (including breastfeeding) my breasts remained youthful. Then I had twins and after weaning them my breasts suddenly became very deflated-like and down to a 32A. THe smallest I've ever been in my life. I have always been small, but going from a 34B to 32A with ugly breasts was devastating to me! I have not made love with dh without a bra since. And most importantly my self-esteem has been very low because of it. I had already decided I wanted to do BE to gain a cup once the babies were weaned. I hadn't considered that my breasts could have been so affected afterwards. So now, my goals are to gain 2 cups, firmness, lift and volume. Small breasts are not genetic for me; my mother and 4 sisters all have LARGE abundant breasts. I hit puberty late and then it didn't seem to last very long. It's like it just paused. I actually grew a little after the first 3 pregnancies, so I was kind of expecting the same thing to happen this time.

*My stats:
5'3", 106 pounds, petite, currently a 32A
Current measurements: bust 31.5 " and underneath the bust 28"

*My chosen program after researching it out:

*Saw Palmetto (2-500 mg capsules 3X/day)
*Fenugreek (2-500 mg capsules 3X/day)
*Vitex (1- 500 mg capsule 2X/day)
*Protein shake (1 scoop) with 6 egg yolks
*Multi-vitamins and a B-vitamin supplement (take as directed on bottle)
*Wheatgrass Juices blended with Phytoplankton (3 frozen cubes/day)
*Breast Massage with Talika Bust Serum (uses PM) 1X/day and another time with olive oil and fennel extract (or if don't have then with Talika again).

I will post my journey as I go along. Thank you so much for all of your support!

Goodluck joyful Big Grin


It has been 3 or 4 days on the program so far, I'll say 3. And I am getting tightness in my chest area and achy in my armpits. I am assuming those are all good signs. Another thing is, I am already noticing that my breasts are looking a little fuller, they aren't growing yet, but they no longer look so deflated, they still feel like they lack some volume but atleast I don't feel like I've got chimp breasts or something! So I'm really excited about all of this! I have actually tried just using saw palmetto in the past, but after a few weeks I started getting tightness in my chest and thought it was causing problems with my heart or something, but then I learned later on about it actually being a good sign and ofcourse was not my heart at all. That was just a week ago so I immediately spent all of my time that I possibly could researching and then got the herbs and cream and started the program. I'm SOOOOO excited to be feeling something going on already! I will post a pic as soon as I can, we had moved a month ago and I am still looking for my camera. But as soon as I find it I'll post a pic.

Oh and here's a link that I thought others might like about devising your own BE program that helped me figure out dosages, etc.

Welcome JoyfulBreasts!

I hope you are not actually taking 6 egg yolks a day. It is too dangerous if you think about the cholesterol involved. Do becareful! The last thing you want is the blood vein and arteries got clog up.

Happy growing

Thank you!

Actually there are alot of misconceptions about eggs and cholesterol. Here's one link you could do a google search if you want to.

Well today I've been noticing that the herbs must be helping regulate my hormones. I've struggled with acne since I started puberty. I'm nearly 30 and still get alot of acne. But it's all going away! Wow, I'm so excited!

after reading your thread, i was so excited to try saw palmetto, the right way this time. however i have a bubble BUTT! i mean, this thing is amazing on my small body! i will prolly have it liposuctioned one day if i have babies. i have heard reports of sp's booty enhancement. so i am thinking i will try it as massage or just take it for a little while and keep tabs on the rear. i am actually using a cream and massage right now to reduce some booty that got outta control since last year's nbe. i had to reduce my protein intake because my bottom became like a milk crate shape with more cellulite which i had enough of already! Square! no. it got better once i cut down on the protein. now it is pointy hahaha. gosh! if only it were so easy to just make a transfer back to front!

So it's been 1 week on the program now. I decided to revise the program after further research. My program was working, atleast I think so so far, however, I want PERMANENT growth, I want the growth I should have had when I went through puberty, and not just swelling that goes away easily. I will plan on a maintenance program to maintain beautiful, firm breasts, but I want the results to be permanent. So I researched about herbs to help with permanent beast growth.

So here it is (and by the way, I DO NOT take the pills on an empty stomach, or else I wouldn't end up taking them at all probably, and they are working for me, so if that's an issure for you just take it when you can just be consistent.

*Massage with Talika Bust Serum (has PM and assists with firmness, volume, etc) once a day and with olive oil with fennel extract once a day (total of 2 breast massages).
*Accupressure Points: There are 2 accupressure points for the breast to help with breast development as well as hormonal balance, so I'm massaging those two points as well during the massage.
*Since I find breast massage boring, I made cards with positive truth thoughts on them to help with my self-confidence and breast growth and say it to myself while looking in the mirror during the breast massage.

*Fenugreek (2-500 mg caps/3X a day)
*Saw Palmetto (2-500 mg caps/ 3X a day)
*Red Clover (2-500 mg caps/3X a day)
*Ginkgo Biloba (1 capsule a day; aids with circulation in all parts of the body including the breast, also relieves menstrual cramps for me, since I stopped the vitex since it reduces prolactin and I want to increase prolactin I'm taking this to ensure painless menstruation)
*DIM (1- 120 mg tablet a day)
*MultiVitamin (as directed) (people with small breasts tend to be low in zinc, b-vitamins esp B6, selenium and magnesium)
*Magnesium (500 mg/day; also reduces stress)
*B Complex Vitamins (2 capsules a day)
*Digestive Enzymes (2 capsules a day)
*Protein Powder (I take Vital Whey brand because it's not denatured and it's bio-active, etc.I found it at my local health food store) and 6 raw egg yolks (this also helps with hormonal balance and estrogen levels especially, as well as has alot of nutrients that we need to grow breasts, as well as extra protein and omega-3's and all of the amino acids in a very assimable form; I mix it in with the protein powder and fruit like a smoothie)
*Wheatgrass Juice and Phytoplankton blend (2 or 3 frozen cubes per day; it helps me feel better and it's supposed to balance hormones and blood sugar levels, it also helped me produce plenty of milk when I was nursing and some people say it helps with breast enhancement, so I put it up here, but it's something I'm always taking and not really part of my BE program)

I also eat a healthy, low-carb diet (I am gluten intolerant and find grains make me especially tired) with lots of fresh fruit and veggies and animal protein. And excercise everyday: I love to belly dance! And walk.

And lots of water! I am finding I am getting a little more thirsty on the program and my breasts look better when I drink plenty of water.

I also am finding I need a little more sleep. Also my libido has gone up, which I'm so happy about. Yet, my energy levels are better, and the saw palmetto is giving me wonderful effects, my adult acne is nearly completely gone now and my hair isn't falling out (this has been a problem for me since puberty). Like I said before, my breasts looked so incredibly deflated, it was humiliating! I felt like a chimpanzee or a really OLD lady! So, after just 1 week, I'm happy to say that I think it is working. My breasts still lack volume and no growth yet, but they are no longer deflated, they look like breasts. So I'm really happy about that! I actually let me husband touch my breasts last night when I would not let him see or touch them since after I weaned the twins and lost my breasts. I have been experiencing sharp pains from time to time, tingles and sore breasts. It isn't constant but it's there about half the time. Also, I've been getting pains in my armpits which makes me feel like I need to keep them open sort of. Strange, I didn't expect painful armpits, but that's okay.

Oh and I found my camera and took some pics just now. Too bad I couldn't take pics right before starting, but that's okay as I'm not so sure that I want to remember how horrible my breasts were looking, it was a very sad sight for me. But these will work for "before" pics. I'll post pics and my measurements as I go along. I am hoping for and expecting growth it's just a matter of time and maybe tweaking the program a bit here and there if needed.

So, I'll post the pics.

ETA: I keep posting the pics which I reduced in size and they still end up being HUGE! So I'm going to figure this out and repost them!

I am on Day 4 of my period. I will try to always take the pics after I started my period to ensure it isn't just pre-period swelling.

I also noticed that my breasts lose a bit of volume after I orgasm. Anyone know why? It's slight but I notice it afterwards, it does go back to normal eventually though, probably after a few hours or so. Just curious. Maybe we release a hormone or chemical during orgasm that contributes to it.

ETA: I just researched about the hormones and chemicals released during female orgasm and I think dopamine might be why my breasts lose a bit of volume afterwards. Oh well, I can't control that!

LOL! Char, you are so funny, love it! Well, I'm not sure how to decrease butt size, have you tried belly dancing? Or just contracting your butt several times a day to excercise it. Running and biking are good excercises for it too. I think excercise might be the best way.

i do pretend belly dance once in a while. it is actually one of the best exercises for women. i heard it aligns strengthens the core, organs, back and hips! good job girl. oh your report is so full of good stuff to read. i will keep my eyes peeled to read your updates. your dedication is formidable Big Grin sending good love and light vibes to your life and especially your boobs as it were!

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