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itsjust4fun91's Program Page

I'll definitely be watching your program to see how PM goes for you as well. I'm thinking after this 2nd time on BO if I don't get exactly where I want to be after, I might try PM and see what happens. If I do I'm thinking about cycling with zoft gum or breast success since I've done zoft before and did well with it. I would just need to research more to understand how exactly I should cycle since I've never done cycling with a NBE program before. But I'm definitely giving BO a 6 month or more run first, so far haven't had any bad side effects besides a few extra pimples, I can live with that. But definitely curious how PM is going to work for ya!

I learned years back how to chart when we were trying for our third child.
Anyway, It's pretty cut and dry and if you don't want to go through the trouble of temp daily, if your cycle is as reliable as the sun, then you can count back fourteen days from the day before yur period starts and that will let you figure out where in your cycle your ovulation falls. This isn't as reliable as the temp chart, but typically if it falls on the same day at least three cycles in a row, you can pretty much bank on it unless hormones change.

For example.. I'm a 28 day cycle. subtract 14 from 28. I ovulate on day 14.... someone that has a 30 day cycle would subtract 14 from that. Meaning ovulation occurred on day 16. Pretty simple and it's typically right if your are regular.


It's Day 3 of taking the Siriporn pm capsules and I've started having little sharp pinching sensations in the breast tissue, which has really caught me off gaurd. I didn't expect to feel a darn thing for at least a couple of weeks. It also is a different sensation than when I was on BB. Instead of the let down sensation I always got with BB, this is pretty surprising and sudden pinches that go as quickly as they come, so I'm sure people will wonder what's wrong with me, since they do cause me to jump sometimes since they are without warning when they happen. Anyways, good sign at least, maybe I'll be a quick responder to these as well.

I also was excited to discover that my vitamin regiment I was on before I started the pm to help get my system working properly again must have helped some because I didn't end up with a blinding headache as usual the day before my period and have yet to have one, other than a little pressure headache for about an hour after I take the pm pills, and it's so light I barely notice it.

So everything seems to be rolling along smoothly, though I can tell I still have the same emotional current going that I normally get the first few days of my period, so that hasn't been improved yet, but maybe now that pm has been added in, next cycle will see a change in that area.


So just some observations. So far I'm beginning to wonder a bit about the way PM works due to my response to it.

I have had regular hormone panels done for almost a year now, while trying to get my endocrine system back on track, so I know my hormone levels and the response my body has to each fluctuation like the back of my hand.

My period which is the lowest level of estrogen and progesterone are usually a bugger. I go from being crazy low in hormones to barely existing hormones. Facial pressure, headache, dizziness. This has been greatly improved as of lately, but I noticed yesterday when I take the pm pills, within about 15 minutes, I begin to have some of my symptoms of a drastic and sudden estrogen and progesterone drop. I am able to bring this to a stop, but have to smother on my estriol and progesterone cream in order to do so. One by itself doesn't work.

My understanding was that pm increases the estrogen load, but my body and experience are making me question this. I'm going to drop my pm pills to 1 a day and see if it helps and then gradually increase if my body cooperates. It also may be as simple as I may not be able to use them during my period and will have to change to one of the cycles that runs from day 7 -? I guess I will have to look further into those programs to get a better idea of how they work and see what happens.


So I finally got my base line hormone results back today and thought I would post them here to compare to future ones. This test was taken on day 21 of my cycle, before starting my pm program. The month that I took this test, was the best I had had in a year since my chantix catastrophy. My consistant use of vitamins and creams had paid off and from ovulation until my period, I did not have a single headache. That was a first in a year and I was overjoyed.

Estradiol - 4.5 normal range is Luteal: 1.2 - 8.4

Estrone - 2.6 normal range is Luteal: 1.0-4.5

Progesterone - 461.7 normal range is Luteal: 99.1 - 332.6

Testosterone - 63 normal range is Female: <7.0 - 50.4

DHEA - 228 normal range is Female: 33.0 - 496.1


So I'm day 22 now in my cycle and so far I'm pleased with how it's going so far though I can't say whether it's from pm or noogling, though I have never been a good responder to noogleberry in the past, BUT I'm also using the LC cups this time so who knows. So my status is that I'm busting out of my 34 C's and getting that double boob effect with some of my bra's. In fact I've found that they are making my boobs hurt. I thought I might be having growing pains today because they had a burning sensation, but once I took my bra off it stopped so I have to blame it on that.

One area I'm having a problem with is my nipples are pretty tender and swollen from noogling. I'm hoping this will pass once my breast adjust to noogling again.
Anyway, my measurents haven't changed as much as I expected with such a drastic change in my bra fit, so I think this is like my first growth and filling out the cleavage area more than moving me outward. I still have 6 days left in this cycle if it stays on schedule so we'll see how things go and give my results for the month after I start my next cycle.



Wooo, fantastic news. I find Siriporn pm pills to be strong for its low dosage.

anyway, I have a question. Remember when you responded to my inquiry as to when is the best time to get the full hormones panel test? I'm on my 4th cycle with Siriporn pm, do I wait to get off of it for a month break before I have my test, or can I go for it even while on pm?

The doctor gave me a year window to take the test. It helps that I'm 47, and quite up there, just the right time to be going through the perimenopausal effects. My 50-yr-old sister went through the hormones test two years ago, and that time, she wasn't showing any signs of going through menopause. I wonder if I'll be the same. We're exactly the same: height (5' 5 and 1/2 inches) and weight (122 lbs)

Well, I have a couple of thoughts on this. I think what you do depends on what it is you are wanting out of you hormone test. If you want to use it to keep an eye on your estrogen load to insure it doesn't get too high, then you could use it as soon as the 20 or 21st day of your cycle rolls around. That will let you see how high of a load your program creates in your body on a monthly basis with the pm intake.

If you want to use it to be able to reassure yourself that without the pm in your system, your hormones will be able to level back out on their own, then wait until you take a break from it to take the test. I wouldn't think you would need more than 1 cycle break to see what will happen with them.

Keep in mind though, since this test is being done through your doctors office, if your test results come back showing a crazy imbalance, then you doctor will want to take quick action and want to try and alter it, which will put you in the position of discussing what you have been taking... some women are fine with doing that like myself, while others really don't want to tell anyone anything, so it's up to you.

If you don't want to have to have a discussion with your doc just yet, you could save your test for down the road when you are done with your program and in the mean time just do one of the online saliva test for a middle program check.


Once more just using my page to collect research. These articles are about menopause and ovulation so I can possibly adjust my pm cycle to help more with my perimenopause symptoms. My biggst issue right now is once again conflicting studies. so I am going ot put them in two seperate catagories. One that says it raises estradiol, and one that says it lowers it. Most people would be thrilled with the lowering possibility, but I need and want it to raise mine. sigh....

Raised Group
Perimenopausal Women Study

Lowered Group
Effect on calcium and Estradiol

Levels returned to normal after extensive time off pm

Balanced group
How PM works for menopause

How PM works for menopause Part 2

So I'm day 28 of my cycle. I measured this morning and was sitting at 40, several hours after pumping. I'm not sure if it's NB swelling or pm swelling, but I'll take it.

As for how pm worked this month for me and my peri symptoms, I was disappointed and think it can be better. I'm going to create a completely new plan for myself focused on how pm works and how perimenopause effects the body. I can say that whether I ovulate or not really isn't a big deal to me nor is whether my cycle extends a little longer. I've got my kids and nature is saying it's time to call it quits anyway, so this is about making it through this transition as smoothly as possible since mine seems to be a bit more severe than the norm. The migraines are dibilitating and while I can stop them by rubbing on hormone creams, I would like to just stop them period. I can't spend my life having to lock myself in a dark room every few hours until the creams kick in.

I will be increasing my msm, and not because of nbe, but I discovered another wonderful side effect of it. It clears psoriasis. My scalp is in the best shape it's been in for years. After doing some research on using it for treatment, I'm still a few grams short of what is needed to trigger a complete recovery.

Since I am hormonally in between the menopause state the allows women to just take the pm throughout the month and the ovulating state that requires a break, I am going to do both.

I want to be sure that I put this out there and there is no misunderstanding. This is NOT the standard way pm should be cycled and is an experiment, so please do not follow my routine, especially if you are not going through the change currently.

This is just the prelimenary of my planning and may well be adjusted by the time tomorrow starts on my day one cycle. I also would say that it very well could change throughout the month or at the end of my next cycle depending on my results and how things feel. Once my body somewhat tells me I'm on the right track I will retest and see what the hormone panel tells me also.

I take my supplements with a glass of milk. Though in the mornings I mix in an extra protien high calcium sugar free carnation breakfast pack. Love them and they are healthy.

Morning supplements Days 1-7
1/2 PM Siriporn 50 mg
2 multivitamin Women's One Source
1 folic acid prescription 1g
2 MSM doctor's Best 1.5g
Robust cream nickle size

Evening supplements Days 1-7
1 vitamin C Nature Made 1000mg
2 MSM doctor's Best 1.5g
Robust Cream nickle size

Morning Supplements Days 7-12
2 multivitamin
1 PM siriporn 100mg
1 folic acid
2 MSM doctor's Best 1.5g
Robust cream

Evening Supplements Days 7-12
1 vitamin C
1 PM siriporn 100mg
2 MSM doctor's Best 1.5g
Robust Cream
Progesterone Cream

Morning Supplements Days 13-17
2 multivitamin
1 folic acid
2 MSM doctor's Best 1.5g
Robust cream

Evening Supplements Days 13-17
1 vitamin C
2 MSM doctor's Best 1.5g
Robust Cream
Progesterone Cream

Morning supplements Days 18-28
1 PM Siriporn 100 mg
2 multivitamin Women's One Source
1 folic acid prescription 1g
2 MSM doctor's Best 1.5g
Robust cream nickle size
progesterone cream

Evening supplements Days 18-28
1 vitamin C Nature Made 1000mg
1 Siriporn 100mg
2 MSM doctor's Best 1.5g
progesterone cream
Robust Cream nickle size

Since the Siriporn capsules are 100mg, I will be using gelitan capsules and splitting some of my siriporn pills in half to make some 50mg ones. That will allow me to play with the amounts and lower or raise them as this process goes on.

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