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Can NBE Herbs affect Thyroid function?


Does anyone know if NBE herbs can affect thyroid function? After my annual blood test a while ago my doctor said that my thyroid was borderline overactive. I've tried to reseach this but can't seem to get much information. I'm wondering if the herbs are responsable as my thyroid was fine before. I'm taking Greenbush enhancement blend which contains FG SP and WY. Can anyone help me on this?

Some say to avoid certain things that aren't helpful to the thyroid, like broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, spinach, turnips, and even peanuts.

I've never heard the herbs you mentioned linked to any interference with the thyroid.

Well Its not sure that NBE herbs will not effect Thyroid But one thing is herbs are the best for our body. Some say to avoid certain things that aren't helpful to the thyroid, like broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, spinach, turnips, and even peanuts.

"most" herbs themselves per say don't effect it, but having an estrogen overload can lead to thyroid disfunction. It's one of the leading reasons older women begin to experience it. Around 35, our bodies begin to have a harder and harder time keeping our hormones balanced as it prepares for menopause. A large number of women begin showing signs of estrogen dominance during that time period and a good number of them end up being diagnosed or at least checked for thyroid function, just because the two so often go hand in hand.

So really, taking herbs to increase estrogen for nbe can eventually lead to signs of thyroid disfunction if not handled very carefully. The same goes for any of the the nbe options that adjust the hormones to work.

Here is a good link about it. thyroid and estrogen


A really good book to read is Herbally yours by Penny Royal.
In it she explains how certain herbs have multiple benefits for the body and certain organs. And estrogenic herbs force the thyroid to kick it into high gear. Which is why a lot of women with estro dom as well as too low progesterone, have thyroid issues as well, either hyper or hypo. At least this has been the case with me.
**Chlorophyll is very good in general and especially good for thyroid glands. Irish moss is high in Iodine which is essential for the thyroid to function properally. As is Kelp, Poke weed helps to regulate the thyroid gland.
Two formulas she suggests are
1. Cayenne, Irish moss, Kelp, parsley.
2. Black walnut, Iceland moss, Irish Moss, kelp, parsley, Sarsaparilla, watercress.
both of the formulas help the thyroid gland produce thyroxine, which, regulates either an underactive or overactive thyroid gland. **

right now I am doing a body cleanse which is also important for the thyroid as it helps to cleanse the body of toxins. So the thyroid glands will have an easier time regulating themselves on a clean system, as will every other organ. remember synergy the body works as one unit operating organs in union. If one thing is going wrong it will cause the rest of the body to have issues as well.

Thanks so much for your replies everyone. Mel: I am definately in the 'older woman' catagory so I will have another blood test in a couple of months time and moniter the situation. mchkraj: I will also try to get a copy of the book herbally yours as it sounds as though I could learn a lot from that. I'll also have a look around for the herbs that you have mentioned. I've been taking greenbush enhancement blend for 2 months now and although I haven't had any growth to speak of I am definately a little fuller and firmer so I want to continue with the herbs for at least 4 months before I give up. I am menopausal and actually have no idea if the herbs will work for me since I'm older than just about everyone else on this forum. But as long as I'm not putting my health in jeopardy I figure what the hell, why not at least give it a try!

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