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Discolouration, Indentation, Noogleberry XL cup


Cheryl, well, for me my breasts were/are not painful at all, excep occational itchiness due to the growth. the only problems are caused by the edge of the domes, ie. discolouration and indentation. Now I am really worried, fingers crossed, no long term damage.

I dont think you should get yourself too worried sara, im sure your fine its just best to check and make sure, how long have you been pumping for if you dont mind me asking and also do you have any padding on the domes at the bottom or are you just using them as they come. xxxx

I wouldn't think you would need to see a doctor. I just wanted you t be aware that that long and hard could do damage before it became an issue. so relax, just take it a little easier on the girls.

by the way. I just did a quick search on noogleberry and found a ton of post saying pumping until you bruise purple can cause damage and scars. type in search words like, purple, damage, scar, tissue damage, ect. I just figure it's better to be aware and safer than sorry, than to be doing unknown damage to yourself. After this much chatting on it, I feel rather guilty that I sound kind of like I'm pulling the old "you might put your eye out with that thing." lecture we moms are famous for, but some habits are hard to break and it is meant from a good place of concern, so I hope that counts for something at least.

Cheryl: I have been pumping for 3 months, my skin is fair and sensitive, I use blue tack to cushion the dome, otherwise, 8 hours a day would be unbearable. a month ago, for a while I only managed 4 hours a day, still had the discoloration and indentation.

Mel, thanks for letting me know, dont think will ever be able to tolerate this type of permenant skine problem, better deal with is early then late.
usually they dont go purple, for me, pink only, I think the problem for me is long senssion, and, hmmm, my fair and sensitive skin.

By the way, I just did a quick search on Google, could not find the story, that someone sued Brava for permanent indentation. Maybe it is just a rumor? hmm, feel a little better.

since I couldn't remember where I had read the thing on the brava at it took me awhile to figure out which forum it was and low and behold it was our old one, way back in 2006. They never could decide if it was a rumor or true, or agree on whether the damage could be permanent or not.

here is the link to the thread

There may be other threads on the site that discussed it further, I really don't remember.

Mel, thanks, I found this thread too, they did not mention want skin problem it was, so I did not pay attention.
I have a question, if you do not mind, what color is the skin of the trench in your leg? is it darker?

I was so worried, and called my dad, thank god he is supportive, the skin of the indentation is white, he said, the cells are getting smaller due to too much pressure, but not dead yet, otherwise, it would be in a darker colour. I just hope it will get better, never have thought that this is such a big problem. Sad

When I fist got the injury instead of a normal bruise, it was a really deep purple red like I had a dark hicky instead of a bruise. It was pretty ugly at the time. It took about 6 weeks to finally get to the yellow stage and by that time it was slowly sinking in and I went to a doctor.
I can say now, that there is no skin color difference in the final product. it's just an odd looking dip now. One odd thing I have noticed with it is that it changes with weight fluctuation. It seems I don't gain weight in that one spot. So if I gain a little in the thighs, it will get deeper, but if I loose some it will get shallower. So it seems it's an odd little reminder I'm stuck with.

Like cheryl and I said earlier , I don't think there is any reason to worry yourself, we just wanted you to understand that pumping that agressively could have adverse effects. I would think that now that you are aware and toning it down some you'll start to see a difference in discoloration and dents, if not try a break for a short time.

I've read many times where girls have had an over zealous pumping session by accident and ended up with a purple boob or two and it always seemed to clear up with a little break.


PS I just thought of an old wives remedy that might help speed it up. the quick cure to get rid of a bruise is putting vics vapor rub on it. vics is supposed to go on the chest anyway, so worth a shot.

Mel, it seems this vics vapor is for Cold Relief, you mean it will help to get rid of the purple or red colour on boobs? but my problem is the white circle around boobs that left by the edges of the domes, also they are indented too. do you think it will help these problems?

vics is for colds, but some people use it to get rid of bruises a little faster than normal. If you don't have any hicky marks to fade, then there's no reason to use it. As for the indents, I would think only time would do that. You might want to get the foam pads to use for awhile, just because they will put the pressure in a more spread out area instead of in the same place, therefore giving the indented areas a bit of a break or try the tape that sissy reccommends.

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