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[archive] Magnets and LIFT!!! A few questions and need help...


Magnets and LIFT!!! A few questions and need help...
August 19 2008 at 8:00 AM petit pois  (Login xtc123)



I have read in the forum that magnets seem to be the most commonly suggested product in order to obtain lift. After increasing and then losing weight I am happy with the size of my breasts but desperately want some lift to attempt to put things back to where they were originly!! Is this method really that successful and what is the process that you under go? And does anyone at all know the lasting it permanent? And is there anything I should really know before getting started (I will be reading the previous post on bio magnets)...and if it's allowed, can anyone suggest a particular 'brand' if possible.

Thank you for your help


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(Login -Moon-)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Magnets and LIFT!!! A few questions and need help... August 19 2008, 12:13 PM 

Magnets have not been tried out as much as herbs so we don't have a lot of experience and information. But those who have tried them so far often reported a lift before growth.
There are basically two ways to use magnets that people here have tried - continously or in short treatment. The basis for the use of magnets in NBE is the NBA book, which insturcts to use magnets in 5 short treatments a day, but if I'm not mistaking most people here have used them continously.

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