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White pipples


I am a male doing NBE, I am a 44A cup. I noticed that the entire surface of the tip of my nipple is white. Anyone know what this is about?

Hi and welcome to the forum. We are glad to have you.

I looked around the sites both old and new. The only references I could find to white nipples was on the suction page.

You did not mention what kind of NBE you are using. Are you using suction in you NBE? If so maybe the info in the link may help.

Best wishes andy

Fond this through Google. Depending on the method of NBE you are using you could be blanching. I know the link is on breast feeding but nipples are nipples. You could be creating the blanching. Take a look at it and click on the thrush link to see if it applies. Hope some of this helps. Let us know what happens.

BTW Congrats on your A cups. Did you start from a flat chest or did you have some moobs to build from? I am male also (39 Ugh. Im looking at the dreaded 40 this year) and I am trying to rebuild my aa moobs into a larger female set.


Lol, can't believe I said Pipples rof. I have dabbled with herbs off and on for about a year or so, red Clover, FG, SP, EPO, Milk Thistle etc.
If I restart after a break, 1st thing that happens is I get whitish swirls on my areola. That's my 1st sign that the herbs are in my system, but now the very tips of my nipples are white. No pain what so ever, just white. I'm now wondering if it's just another sign of a hormonal change.
I plan to try Estrogel briefly as a plateau buster to try to get my disc's (knot behind nipple) to come in. This is one topic that seems rarely addressed in the herbal community, the disc's.
Anyone here been able to develop that knot behind the nips on herbs alone?

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