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[archive] Estrogen Dominance and Deficiency symptom list...


Estrogen Dominance and Deficiency symptom list...
July 13 2008 at 4:41 PM waxingmoon  (Login waxingmoon)


Hi everyone,
I had posted this information in response to a question on the main forum, but I thought this could be useful for newcomers or those who are trying to figure out hormone imbalances.

I am going to post each symptom list in a separate response so it can be more clearly understood. If you have any questions to what is posted here, it would be faster to ask about it on the main menu, since I don't come to this part of the forum as often.

Hopefully this will clear up a lot of confusion about estrogen levels in our bodies.

Best wishes,

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(Login waxingmoon)
SENIOR MEMBER Estrogen Dominance Symptoms July 13 2008, 4:44 PM 

Here is the list of estrogen dominance symptoms- copied from the book 'What your doctor may not tell you about premenopause' by Dr. John Lee. As you can see there are quite a few. In order to consider yourself estrogen dominant you should have 5 or more of these symptoms. (those symptoms that are identical to estrogen deficiency are **)

Acceleration of the aging process
Allergy symptoms
Auto-immune disorders
Breast cancer
Breast tenderness**
Cervical dysplasia
Cold hands and feet as a symptom of thyroid dysfunction
Copper excess
Decreased sex drive**
Depression with anxiety or agitation**
Dry eyes
Early onset of menstruation
Endometrial cancer
Fat gain -especially around the abdomen, hips and thighs**
Fibrocystic breasts
Foggy thinking**
Gallbladder disease
Hair loss**
Increased blood clotting
Irregular menstrual cycles**
Magnesium deficiency
Memory loss**
Mood swings**
Polycystic ovaries
Premenopausal bone loss
Prostate cancer (obviously this one is about men)
Sluggish metabolism
Thyroid dysfunction mimicking hypothyroidism
Uterine cancer
Uterine fibroids
Water retention, bloating**
Zinc deficiency

If you have 5 or more of these symptoms you may be Estrogen Dominant. Please keep reading and see how many symptoms you have from the next list.

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(Login waxingmoon)
SENIOR MEMBER Estrogen Deficiency Symptoms July 13 2008, 4:46 PM 

Estrogen Deficiency Symptoms. I found this list on a website talking about early menopause. (those symptoms that are identical to estrogen dominance/progesterone deficiency are **)

Irregular Periods (changes in frequency, duration, skipped periods, etc.) **
Infertility **
Hot Flashes and Night Sweats
Vaginal Dryness
Bladder Control Problems
Insomnia/Disrupted Sleep **
Weight Gain (especially around your waist and abdomen)**
Skin Changes (dryness, thinning look)
Headaches **
Breast Tenderness **
Gastrointestinal Distress and Nausea.
Tingling or Itchy Skin.
"Buzzing" in your head, Electric Shock Sensation
Dizziness/Light headedness
Sore Joints/Muscles
Hair Loss or Thinning **
Increase in Facial Hair
Changes in Body Odor
Dry Mouth and Other Oral Symptoms
Mood Swings **
Lowered Libido **
Anxiety **
"Brain Fog" -- difficulty concentrating, confusion **
Memory Lapses **
Extreme Fatigue/Low Energy Levels **
Confusion/Lack of Concentration **
Feeling Emotionally Detached

If you have at least 5 of these symptoms you may have estrogen deficiency. Keep reading to find out how to interpret your symptoms and what to do about them.

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(Login waxingmoon)
SENIOR MEMBER How to interpret your symptoms July 13 2008, 4:54 PM 

If the symptoms you have are all the ** ones (shared by both conditions) then you are probably estrogen dominant -normal estrogen with low progesterone.

If you have a lot of the top list and not many of the ** ones then your are probably estrogen dominant -high estrogen with insufficient progesterone.

If you have a lot of the bottom list but also have some ** or also a lot of the top list then you are probably estrogen dominant- low estrogen and even lower progesterone.

If you have mostly bottom list and nothing from the top list but the ** then you are probably estrogen deficient.

The only way to be more certain than this is to have your hormones tested. Your results for all hormone testing will be influenced by what day of your cycle you are tested on. Your estrogen and progesterone levels constantly rise and fall n your cycle.

You can purchase hormone saliva tests online and they can give some accurate readings especially for progesterone levels.

You can have blood tests which also can give some accurate answers, but also some hormones are not best tested with this method.

Sometimes you can test within a normal range for your hormones but you may still have symptoms.

Keep reading to find out some ways to treat the symptoms you have as well as the NBE that might be best for your situation.

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(Login waxingmoon)
SENIOR MEMBER Different types of Estrogen Dominance July 13 2008, 4:58 PM 

As I see it there is more than one type of estrogen dominance. Depending on the reason for the estrogen dominance and the intensity of the symptoms one program might work better than another. Here is how I see it:

1. Estrogen Dominance caused by normal estrogen paired with lower than normal progesterone. Hormonal need: increase progesterone to balance estrogen. NBE strategy: correct hormonal imbalance with use of vitex or progesterone cream first then try galactogogue based NBE.

2. Estrogen Dominance caused by higher than normal estrogen paired with a normal amount of progesterone. Hormonal need: lower estrogen levels. NBE strategy: use very low dose phytoestrogens (crushed flaxseed) to block estrogen receptors from more potent estrogens and possibly support progesterone with vitex or progesterone cream until symptoms abate. NBE that focuses on massage, suction or hypnosis may work better for this category.

3. Estrogen Dominance caused by low estrogen paired with even lower progesterone. Hormonal need: raise progesterone levels first then slowly bring up estrogen levels. NBE strategy: focus on increasing progesterone through vitex and progesterone cream until all symptoms abate. Continue support of progesterone and bring in galactogogues or low dose phytoestrogens (fennel, maca) to support estrogen.


Then of course there are all the mixes of Estrogen Dominance plus excess androgens, Estrogen Dominance plus PCOS, Estrogen Dominance plus ????? - so those kinds of remedies are going to need a different focus.

The basic idea in my opinion is to clear up the hormone imbalance first then attempt NBE.

Some women get over their estrogen dominance after they have balanced the progesterone levels. Some women continue to have problems with the progesterone/estrogen ratio and must continuously treat their estrogen dominance. There is no way of knowing what category you fit into. It is all trial and error.

    This message has been edited by waxingmoon on Jul 13, 2008 5:09 PM

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(Login waxingmoon)
SENIOR MEMBER NBE that does not raise estrogen levels July 13 2008, 5:08 PM 

Galactogogues may be and effective NBE for those who are trying to find a method that does not increase their estrogen level.

Mind you, this is my conclusion because I have not found research showing that galactogogues (fenugreek and goat's rue) listed as strong phytoestrogens.

In the case of Fenugreek, it is listed as a steroidal saponin - meaning it is a precursor to hormones in the body, not a direct substitute for estrogen (which is what phytoestrogens are). This means that although our body could build estrogen from it, it would not cause the body to increase estrogen beyond its normal limits (assuming of course the body is creating estrogen at normal limits - I'm just saying that Fenugreek would not make the body do something more than it would already do).

Both Fenugreek and Goat's rue can lower blood sugar and this effect is much more pronounced in some people than others. Symptoms of low blood sugar can be headaches and dizziness. Some people can control these symptoms my bringing in sugar when they feel them (hard candy, fruit juice, etc), however it is never good to ignore strong symptoms. No method of NBE no matter how effective is worth damaging your health.
What not to take if using Galactogogues:

Fenugreek and Goat's rue both work by increasing prolactin which is why they would not be a good mix with vitex, which lowers prolactin.

If you feel that you need to use vitex in order to control your estrogen dominance, then do that first and when your symptoms seem to be under control then you can stop the vitex and switch to using the galactogogues.

One common form of NBE contains galactogogues.

Wonderup contains Fenugreek but it also has a bunch of other things that could increase estrogen. Some women with estrogen dominance do not seem to respond to wonderup.

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(Login waxingmoon)
SENIOR MEMBER NBE for Estrogen Deficiency July 13 2008, 5:13 PM 

Well, you are in luck. If you have symptoms of estrogen deficiency and do not feel you have any estrogen dominance symptoms then most NBE is geared for you.

There are quite a few herbs that will increase total body estrogen.

As I understand it, phytoestrogen effect on the body is very dose dependent and also very much dependent on the hormonal state of the woman.

Phytoestrogens also come in different potency. Some are much less estrogenic than our body's own estrogen (fennel for example) and some are more potent/estrogenic than what our body produces (red clover for example).

Here are a couple of ways a woman might react with an estrogen increase to phytoestrogens:

Example 1 - if a woman is not producing a lot of estrogen herself, she would probably have a lot of 'vacant' estrogen receptors. Any phytoestrogen used no matter how potent or low potency would raise total body estrogen. Whatever fills up those empty receptors will give her a total greater than what she had.

Example 2 - if a woman is producing a normal amount of estrogen and begins to use a phytoestrogen that is highly potent. Her total body estrogen might increase if the phytoestrogen replaces a spot on the estrogen receptor that was normally occupied by her own lower dose body estrogen.

Now here are a few examples of how a phytoestrogen might lower total body estrogen:

Example 3: - if a woman with normal estrogen begins to take large amounts of a low potency phytoestrogen. She might 'swamp' her estrogen receptors with the phytoestrogen and block her own body's more potent estrogen. (we call this stalling in NBE)

Example 4: - if a woman who is estrogen dominant chooses very low dose phytoestrogens (lignans, like crushed flaxseed) she can fill up her estrogen receptors with the low potency estrogen and block any higher potency estrogen.


Yes, it is confusing, which is why those who do a lot of research and reading generally get better results.

Also, remember - the idea of NBE is to find out what your body responds to and use the proper amount of it. The unfortunate general consensus that more is better is hardly an appropriate mind set. More can lead to serious unwanted side effects and also can lead to stalling.

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(no login) Re: Estrogen Dominance and Deficiency symptom list... July 17 2008, 2:03 PM 

Thank you so much the information was very helpful.

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(Login lilmsb) WOW... just what I wa looking for August 2 2008, 5:30 PM 

I am new to the site and the way you ladies spout off about hormone levels, galactagogues and other details is mind numbing.

I had no idea where to start learning.

Thanks a million for this. It's a great base line for someone new to NBE.


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(Login lisbee) Question about progesterone reactions etc. August 2 2008, 9:44 PM 

Hi Waxingmoon and others. I have taken a saliva test to confirm what I had suspected - extremely high estrogen levels and low progesterone levels. I am 39, nursed four kids and have had a 21 day cycle since the last (and final) kid. Obviously, my progesterone is low, but I also have classic estrogen dominance symptoms as well.

Now, I am excited to begin the natural progesterone (FemCreme, on Dr. Lee's list). Is it best to start on day 12 or 14 (the day I usually ovulate)? What reactions can I expect as I adjust to the hormonal changes? Should I start with 1/8 tspn to avoid them? What have you all experienced?

Thanks ladies for all of your help! And a bit more information - I am a 36AA. I sure hope I don't get any smaller! Smile

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(Login waxingmoon)
SENIOR MEMBER Progesterone Cream February 11 2009, 2:19 PM 

Treating Estrogen dominance means eliminating the cause of estrogen dominance.

First you have to figure out if you have high or low estrogen.

If your estrogen is higher than it should be you will have to reduce your exposure to estrogens in the environment.

1. Reduce your exposure to pesticides, solvents, plastics, artificial hormones found in meats and milk products, potent phytoestrogens (red clover, licorice, PM).
2. Introduce crushed flaxseed into your diet to block estrogen receptors from more potent estrogen. 2 Tablespoons of crushed flaxseed per day can really help.

You will also need to help your body create more progesterone.

1. Increase protein in your diet. Progesterone in created from protein. Try and get between 75 grams to 100 grams of protein per day.

2. Increase vitamin C. Progesterone creation is helped by vitamin C. About 500mg to 2000mg per day will help.

3. Try using the herb vitex. It will help to naturally increase your progesterone without allowing your body to create too much. It takes about 3 months to fully begin working. It also lowers prolactin levels, so it may not be right for everyone - especially if you are very young (ages 18 - 25). It also cannot work unless you are ovulating - so some birth control methods will interfere.

4. Research how to properly use progesterone cream. The best resource I have ever found is the book by Dr. John Lee "What your doctor may not tell you about premenopause". It will outline exactly how and when to use progesterone cream for your situation. (by the way - I only wish I made money for mentioning his book because is like the ten thousandth time I have mentioned it... lol)

5. Choose a progesterone cream that has USP grade progesterone. This means the progesterone is bio-identical to the hormone your body produces. There are very many brands out there. READ THE LABELs!!! Some things will say they will promote progesterone but actually they are useless. Wild yam cream is not the same as progesterone cream. You can only get progesterone from wild yam in the laboratory. Your body will not be able to make progesterone from wild yam. Some progesterone creams have other herbs in them. READ THE LABELS... lol. For those who are estrogen dominant low estrogen/lower progesterone - using a progesterone cream that contains phytoestrogens as well might be very useful.

That is all I can think of to add for now.

Best wishes,

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(Login -Moon-)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Estrogen Dominance and Deficiency symptom list... March 15 2009, 11:33 PM 


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(Login faith_love_hope09) Re: Estrogen Dominance and Deficiency symptom list... March 27 2009, 8:40 PM 

god help me because I can't figure out which of the 3 estrogen dominance that I am. oy vey.

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(Login faith_love_hope09) Re: Estrogen Dominance and Deficiency symptom list... March 27 2009, 8:50 PM 

hi waxingmoon, I just found out that my local pharmacy sells saliva hormone tests Smile feel free to delete that last message of mine. Can't wait to find out what I am!

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(no login) Re: Estrogen Dominance and Deficiency symptom list... June 2 2009, 4:06 AM 

I asked my dr. to have hormone testing bloodwork done on me. he ordered blood work on the 3rd day of the cycle and the 21st day. he suspects everything is in the normal range. But I have always had small breasts. I'm now getting more facial hair. I've always had horrible pms.

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Estrogen Dominance is the theory that estrogen is highly out of proportion compared to progesterone overall during the cycle. Both estrogen and progesterone are important for breast growth, so keeping them in proportion is necessary. Estrogen dominance may also be a sign of a low proportion of prolactin compared to estrogen.

Possible symptoms of Estrogen Dominance:
* heavy or frequent menstruation
* inverted nipple - is possibly a symptom of high estrogen, and low prolactin
* tubular breasts - is possibly a symptom of high estrogen, sufficient prolactin and low progesterone

A higher proportion of progesterone is associated with light menstruation.

Correction to my above post.

* PCOS - uncertain if it is of dominant progesterone, estrogen or androgens. See Medline Encyclopedia - Polycystic ovary syndrome or WebMD - Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) - Treatment Overview for more. Estrogen or other hormone dominance might possibly be symptoms of high androgens. Exercise and normalizing cycles were mentioned in Medline Encyclopedia's or WebMD's entries on PCOS.

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