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Why are herbs containing progesterone such as chaste pepper taken in the follicular phase? I thought estrogen dominates in the follicular phase and you only take herbs that contain estrogen.

Why are estrogen-containing herbs such as red clover taken in the luteal phase? I thought progesterone dominates in the luteal phase and you only take herbs containing progesterone.

Or am I wrong?

I'm not very knowledgeable about the cycling theories of herbs, but I always thought that it all depended on the strength of the herbs in question. The herb that most gets recommended for cycling is pueraria mirifica. Opinions seem to vary, but I don't think that the majority of NBE herbs need to be cycled in the way that you refer to.

Progesterone cream should be cycled in this way I believe, for anyone who's using that.

Can I use sheep placenta instead of pig placebta. I can’t find big placenta in my region. Is there a difference between sheep and pig placenta for breast growth?

The answer to both questions is yes. You can use sheep placenta instead of pig placenta and you can also use deer or cow placenta. There are definitely cases of sheep placenta being used for breast growth.

There is a difference between pig and sheep placenta in that pigs are closer to humans than sheep and many people prefer pig placenta for that reason. It also contains more growth factors than sheep, deer or cow placenta.

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