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Starting DIM and SP- Am I going to lose my growth??


ZaraAri- I started using the FB partly for pain relief. When I stand very long I have to shift my weight a lot because of pain in my hips and back. I also wanted the benefit of decreasing cellulite, and it was supposed to help with tight muscles, headaches, and all kinds of stuff. I would not recommend you use it though. While I did have a little improvement in my hips and back temporarily, it ultimately made my areas that barely had cellulite look even worse. Many other people are finding the same thing , especially after discontinuing use of the blaster. Their skin is now looser, flabby and crepey and their cellulite looks worse. A lot of them areare also having elevated liver enzymes, hormone imbalances and other major issues..Ok off my soapbox?  
I'm sure you're right about putting my health first though. Maybe finally getting things balanced will actually result in more growth! I can hope anyway!

EllaC- I had hormone testing from ZRT last year and while it gave me a starting point, it wasn't nearly as informative as the DUTCH test. It was my dr's idea and at first I thought it wasn't really necessary since the ZRT one wasn't that terribly long ago. Once I got to see how much information it gave though, I would honestly recommend DUTCH testing for anyone with suspected hormone issues. 

Tinydear- that's good to know! I know others use SP for growth so I'm hoping it dropping my androgens will help balance the estrogen the DIM is getting rid of. I've also hypothesized that maybe as DIM clears out the bad estrogens it will open up those receptors for the good estrogen.?? I hope! I've also considered starting to use the Noogleberry again to maybe help keep my little bit of growth

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