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Tinydear's NBE Journey


Awesome news, everyone!

My period started this morning! I forgot to mention that my milk thistle actually did arrive (the day I said it still wasn't here lol it was just in my mailbox and not on the steps with my other packages). So I'm wondering if taking the milk thistle might have gotten things going again. It's too bad because in June I thought fenugreek brought my period back but then it just seemed to mess with it even more. Go figure.

Anyway now I can figure out my phases and properly cycle everything!

(06-08-2017, 13:39)tinydear Wrote:  Awesome news, everyone!

My period started this morning! I forgot to mention that my milk thistle actually did arrive (the day I said it still wasn't here lol it was just in my mailbox and not on the steps with my other packages). So I'm wondering if taking the milk thistle might have gotten things going again. It's too bad because in June I thought fenugreek brought my period back but then it just seemed to mess with it even more. Go figure.

Anyway now I can figure out my phases and properly cycle everything!

That's great, Tinydear!! I have read that milk thistle does have emmenagogue properties (stimulates menses), so that could be what worked for you! Since milk thistle also cleanses the liver, maybe it removed excess hormones and that helped too.

I hope things keep getting better for you from here!  Keep us posted.

Smile ,

(05-08-2017, 23:09)tinydear Wrote:  
(05-08-2017, 16:03)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  
(04-08-2017, 20:22)tinydear Wrote:  Hey all.

Decided to stop taking fenugreek & fennel. Waiting for my milk thistle to arrive (thought it would be here sooner, but apparently it wasn't eligible for Amazon Prime. Go figure.), so in the meantime I am just slowly weaning off of the fenugreek & fennel by taking lower dosages until the milk thistle arrives.

After HappyMe suggested in my "shallow breasts" thread that my breasts may be shallow due to estrogen dominance, I looked into it and I think HappyMe is correct. I really wish I could, but I just can't get my hormones tested at the moment. We just moved & I haven't found a new PCP, not to mention my husband's work is super important right now and I'm not gonna have him take time off just so I can go get my hormones tested so that I can grow boobs lol. Also I have awful TMJ issued and that's going to cost thousands to get repaired.

Anyway, looked into it, and I have a lot of symptoms of estrogen dominance. Not to mention it is SUPER common to be estrogen dominant after pregnancy and breastfeeding. This would explain my pancake boobs after my last pregnancy, also. Probably why MOST women get pancake, deflated, empty sack boobs after breastfeeding and being pregnant (aside from it being from all the growth also). So because of this & really seeing/feeling zero results from the fenugreek/fennel combo, I've decided to be done with it.

I know, I know. Should give stuff at least 3 months. It's been a bit over 2 though and I just FEEL it isn't working or what's right for me. I just know, you know? So I'm gonna do my cleanse, and then start with vitex, EPO, l-arginine, & PM. 

Still pumping. I do 1-2 hours a day on my left breast. Some days I don't pump my right at all. Still not seeing any growth. Sad

Hello, TinyDear!
I just wanted to throw my two cents in here since I'm trying to boost my progesterone levels too. I'd been having some symptoms of E dominance for several months (not severe, but noticeable) and I started using a very small amount of PC during my luteal phase only. That did help a little but  I've recently been trying to come up with ways of getting my body to up its own production of progesterone. So another member on here very generously told me that yarrow herb supposedly helps promote progesterone during the luteal phase, as well as using turmeric. B complex vitamins are also very important for progesterone production as they can help calm and tone the nervous system, reducing stress and fatigue (stress is the arch enemy of progesterone). I've been taking yarrow and b complex for only one cycle and I feel that my progesterone level is already improving some!  You also might want to do some research on iodine/kelp supplementation. Iodine promotes breast tissue health and also feeds the ovaries, which could help with progesterone too. I know there's a lot of controversy surrounding iodine but it is a necessary nutrient for women's health and it is depleted a lot by pregnancy and breastfeeding. There are people nowadays who claim iodine supplementation causes thyroid disease, even though iodine is the main nutrient that the thyroid uses to produce hormones. From my personal research, iodine supplemented along with a reasonable amount of selenium protects the thyroid tissue from any negative effects, and also provides the body with the iodine it needs to function. I'm not an advocate of huge doses of iodine as some recommend BUT a small amount coupled with selenium is very sensible, in my humble opinion.    I would think that your body might benefit from any/all of these things, especially post-pregnancy. From what I've read, having a baby (or even more so, having babies in close succession) definitely can tank your progesterone out because there's so much of it being produced during a pregnancy.. which could then shift things toward an E dominant state (i.e not enough progesterone to counter-balance estrogen).

Have you been dealing with TMJ for a  long time?? My mom developed very bad TMJ immediately after her mother passed away (a very emotionally stressful time). She also had started going through menopause at the exact same time. Now I'm definitely NOT saying that yours is related to menopause!! I'm just wondering if the progesterone/hormone imbalance could be partly connected to the TMJ for you.. And maybe improving your progesterone level could improve the TMJ?   Food for thought anyway. Smile

I know I've rambled a lot here and you may already be aware of all this, lol.   But I hope you find solutions to your hormone balance asap so you can feel better, and succeed like crazy with your nbe program!! <3 Smile

Best wishes,
Natural Lady  

Hey!! Thanks sooo much for the response!

All very interesting information. It's so funny you mentioned yarrow, because I literally just closed a tab on my phone that said "vitex vs yarrow" because I wasn't sure which to pick lol. Go figure, I got the vitex. & it came with two bottles at that! So maybe I should try finishing it before trying out yarrow. I did buy PC but my issue is that I like never have a period after getting off the depo shot, so I haven't a clue when my luteal phase is or anything like that. Speaking of PC, the bottle I bought says to rotate where I put it. Should I not put it directly on my breasts every time?

I'm going to make a note of b complex and iodine/kelp in my phone. I've a list in my notes of all the supplements that sound really good and I'm trying to narrow it down to the best ones. Those sound good! & I DID have my kids back to back kind of (the twins were almost 2 when I got pregnant with my son, and before that I was pregnant for 8 weeks and miscarried). And a total of 2 years and 3 months of breastfeeding altogether!

That's also interesting what you said about the TMJ. I'm only 25, and my orthodontist brought it to my attention when I was 17 (it was just a "popping" back then. Now it's very very painful). But it DEFINITELY got worse after I had my son last year! WAY worse. I'm gonna try to pay attention to how it feels when I start working on my progesterone! I'm sure it has to do with stress also, but all of this hormone inbalance stuff is adding up lol.

Hi again, Tinydear!

Glad that something I said made sense, lol!!  I tend to go on sometimes Rolleyes , but I try to share things that might be helpful in some way when I can.

Try your vitex and see how it goes! I've taken it in the past but for some reason it just didn't jive with my hormones .  It does work well for many women though.    On the PC, when I was using it I rotated application areas. From what I've read, it is most effective when you rub it into places that are thinner-skinned (I alternated right or left breasts, collar bone area, backs of wrists, and insides of arms behind elbows).  I remember reading that if you apply it to breasts all the time, it can saturate the fatty tissue there and overwhelm hormone receptors.. which would keep the progesterone from circulating freely and doing its job. Also, maybe keep the amount of PC on the low end at first and see how things go.  Vitex is said to promote progesterone and you're using the PC too, so you don't want to overload.

B complex is definitely one to consider! It helps soo much with hormones and moderating the physical/mental stress that we all have nowadays. Stress and hormone balance go hand in hand.

Yes, I really think TMJ can be hormone related sometimes! It certainly was for my Mom. Her bite was also off-whack, so she ended up going to a biological dentist and had a little custom retainer made to wear at night that fits over her "two front teeth", lol. Big Grin   Seriously, it really helped take a LOT of the tension out of her neck, jaw, shoulders, etc.  But for you, you may see big improvements just from getting your hormones balanced back out!

I'm so very sorry to hear about your miscarriage..  It sounds as though you have been blessed with three other little angels though and I'm sure you are enjoying them so much. <3

Take care and keep us updated,

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(06-08-2017, 15:26)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  
(05-08-2017, 23:09)tinydear Wrote:  
(05-08-2017, 16:03)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  
(04-08-2017, 20:22)tinydear Wrote:  Hey all.

Decided to stop taking fenugreek & fennel. Waiting for my milk thistle to arrive (thought it would be here sooner, but apparently it wasn't eligible for Amazon Prime. Go figure.), so in the meantime I am just slowly weaning off of the fenugreek & fennel by taking lower dosages until the milk thistle arrives.

After HappyMe suggested in my "shallow breasts" thread that my breasts may be shallow due to estrogen dominance, I looked into it and I think HappyMe is correct. I really wish I could, but I just can't get my hormones tested at the moment. We just moved & I haven't found a new PCP, not to mention my husband's work is super important right now and I'm not gonna have him take time off just so I can go get my hormones tested so that I can grow boobs lol. Also I have awful TMJ issued and that's going to cost thousands to get repaired.

Anyway, looked into it, and I have a lot of symptoms of estrogen dominance. Not to mention it is SUPER common to be estrogen dominant after pregnancy and breastfeeding. This would explain my pancake boobs after my last pregnancy, also. Probably why MOST women get pancake, deflated, empty sack boobs after breastfeeding and being pregnant (aside from it being from all the growth also). So because of this & really seeing/feeling zero results from the fenugreek/fennel combo, I've decided to be done with it.

I know, I know. Should give stuff at least 3 months. It's been a bit over 2 though and I just FEEL it isn't working or what's right for me. I just know, you know? So I'm gonna do my cleanse, and then start with vitex, EPO, l-arginine, & PM. 

Still pumping. I do 1-2 hours a day on my left breast. Some days I don't pump my right at all. Still not seeing any growth. Sad

Hello, TinyDear!
I just wanted to throw my two cents in here since I'm trying to boost my progesterone levels too. I'd been having some symptoms of E dominance for several months (not severe, but noticeable) and I started using a very small amount of PC during my luteal phase only. That did help a little but  I've recently been trying to come up with ways of getting my body to up its own production of progesterone. So another member on here very generously told me that yarrow herb supposedly helps promote progesterone during the luteal phase, as well as using turmeric. B complex vitamins are also very important for progesterone production as they can help calm and tone the nervous system, reducing stress and fatigue (stress is the arch enemy of progesterone). I've been taking yarrow and b complex for only one cycle and I feel that my progesterone level is already improving some!  You also might want to do some research on iodine/kelp supplementation. Iodine promotes breast tissue health and also feeds the ovaries, which could help with progesterone too. I know there's a lot of controversy surrounding iodine but it is a necessary nutrient for women's health and it is depleted a lot by pregnancy and breastfeeding. There are people nowadays who claim iodine supplementation causes thyroid disease, even though iodine is the main nutrient that the thyroid uses to produce hormones. From my personal research, iodine supplemented along with a reasonable amount of selenium protects the thyroid tissue from any negative effects, and also provides the body with the iodine it needs to function. I'm not an advocate of huge doses of iodine as some recommend BUT a small amount coupled with selenium is very sensible, in my humble opinion.    I would think that your body might benefit from any/all of these things, especially post-pregnancy. From what I've read, having a baby (or even more so, having babies in close succession) definitely can tank your progesterone out because there's so much of it being produced during a pregnancy.. which could then shift things toward an E dominant state (i.e not enough progesterone to counter-balance estrogen).

Have you been dealing with TMJ for a  long time?? My mom developed very bad TMJ immediately after her mother passed away (a very emotionally stressful time). She also had started going through menopause at the exact same time. Now I'm definitely NOT saying that yours is related to menopause!! I'm just wondering if the progesterone/hormone imbalance could be partly connected to the TMJ for you.. And maybe improving your progesterone level could improve the TMJ?   Food for thought anyway. Smile

I know I've rambled a lot here and you may already be aware of all this, lol.   But I hope you find solutions to your hormone balance asap so you can feel better, and succeed like crazy with your nbe program!! <3 Smile

Best wishes,
Natural Lady  

Hey!! Thanks sooo much for the response!

All very interesting information. It's so funny you mentioned yarrow, because I literally just closed a tab on my phone that said "vitex vs yarrow" because I wasn't sure which to pick lol. Go figure, I got the vitex. & it came with two bottles at that! So maybe I should try finishing it before trying out yarrow. I did buy PC but my issue is that I like never have a period after getting off the depo shot, so I haven't a clue when my luteal phase is or anything like that. Speaking of PC, the bottle I bought says to rotate where I put it. Should I not put it directly on my breasts every time?

I'm going to make a note of b complex and iodine/kelp in my phone. I've a list in my notes of all the supplements that sound really good and I'm trying to narrow it down to the best ones. Those sound good! & I DID have my kids back to back kind of (the twins were almost 2 when I got pregnant with my son, and before that I was pregnant for 8 weeks and miscarried). And a total of 2 years and 3 months of breastfeeding altogether!

That's also interesting what you said about the TMJ. I'm only 25, and my orthodontist brought it to my attention when I was 17 (it was just a "popping" back then. Now it's very very painful). But it DEFINITELY got worse after I had my son last year! WAY worse. I'm gonna try to pay attention to how it feels when I start working on my progesterone! I'm sure it has to do with stress also, but all of this hormone inbalance stuff is adding up lol.

Hi again, Tinydear!

Glad that something I said made sense, lol!!  I tend to go on sometimes Rolleyes , but I try to share things that might be helpful in some way when I can.

Try your vitex and see how it goes! I've taken it in the past but for some reason it just didn't jive with my hormones .  It does work well for many women though.    On the PC, when I was using it I rotated application areas. From what I've read, it is most effective when you rub it into places that are thinner-skinned (I alternated right or left breasts, collar bone area, backs of wrists, and insides of arms behind elbows).  I remember reading that if you apply it to breasts all the time, it can saturate the fatty tissue there and overwhelm hormone receptors.. which would keep the progesterone from circulating freely and doing its job. Also, maybe keep the amount of PC on the low end at first and see how things go.  Vitex is said to promote progesterone and you're using the PC too, so you don't want to overload.  

B complex is definitely one to consider! It helps soo much with hormones and moderating the physical/mental stress that we all have nowadays. Stress and hormone balance go hand in hand.

Yes, I really think TMJ can be hormone related sometimes! It certainly was for my Mom. Her bite was also off-whack, so she ended up going to a biological dentist and had a little custom retainer made to wear at night that fits over her "two front teeth", lol. Big Grin   Seriously, it really helped take a LOT of the tension out of her neck, jaw, shoulders, etc.  But for you, you may see big improvements just from getting your hormones balanced back out!

I'm so very sorry to hear about your miscarriage..  It sounds as though you have been blessed with three other little angels though and I'm sure you are enjoying them so much. <3

Take care and keep us updated,


Hey! Smile

Okay, I'll continue with the vitex and see how it goes. Should I also only use that during my luteal phase? I'm sad to say I didn't even know what the heck a luteal phase was until I joined these forums... I just knew about my period & ovulating lol. Anyway thankfully I realized my period came before I went and slathered on the PC. I was putting it on both breasts on the same day! I'll alternate from now on and apply to other body parts. Guess I'm going a bit nuts with progesterone products since I got freaked out about estrogen dominance.

Is the b complex something you take only during your luteal phase? This is all so new to me lol. 

Glad to hear your mum found solutions to her TMJ issues. It's not fun to deal with at all. I always dread opening my mouth for the first time every morning. :|

& thanks! The miscarriage was a hard time for me and it still makes me sad, but it just wasn't meant to be.

(06-08-2017, 19:12)tinydear Wrote:  
(06-08-2017, 15:26)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  
(05-08-2017, 23:09)tinydear Wrote:  
(05-08-2017, 16:03)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  
(04-08-2017, 20:22)tinydear Wrote:  Hey all.

Decided to stop taking fenugreek & fennel. Waiting for my milk thistle to arrive (thought it would be here sooner, but apparently it wasn't eligible for Amazon Prime. Go figure.), so in the meantime I am just slowly weaning off of the fenugreek & fennel by taking lower dosages until the milk thistle arrives.

After HappyMe suggested in my "shallow breasts" thread that my breasts may be shallow due to estrogen dominance, I looked into it and I think HappyMe is correct. I really wish I could, but I just can't get my hormones tested at the moment. We just moved & I haven't found a new PCP, not to mention my husband's work is super important right now and I'm not gonna have him take time off just so I can go get my hormones tested so that I can grow boobs lol. Also I have awful TMJ issued and that's going to cost thousands to get repaired.

Anyway, looked into it, and I have a lot of symptoms of estrogen dominance. Not to mention it is SUPER common to be estrogen dominant after pregnancy and breastfeeding. This would explain my pancake boobs after my last pregnancy, also. Probably why MOST women get pancake, deflated, empty sack boobs after breastfeeding and being pregnant (aside from it being from all the growth also). So because of this & really seeing/feeling zero results from the fenugreek/fennel combo, I've decided to be done with it.

I know, I know. Should give stuff at least 3 months. It's been a bit over 2 though and I just FEEL it isn't working or what's right for me. I just know, you know? So I'm gonna do my cleanse, and then start with vitex, EPO, l-arginine, & PM. 

Still pumping. I do 1-2 hours a day on my left breast. Some days I don't pump my right at all. Still not seeing any growth. Sad

Hello, TinyDear!
I just wanted to throw my two cents in here since I'm trying to boost my progesterone levels too. I'd been having some symptoms of E dominance for several months (not severe, but noticeable) and I started using a very small amount of PC during my luteal phase only. That did help a little but  I've recently been trying to come up with ways of getting my body to up its own production of progesterone. So another member on here very generously told me that yarrow herb supposedly helps promote progesterone during the luteal phase, as well as using turmeric. B complex vitamins are also very important for progesterone production as they can help calm and tone the nervous system, reducing stress and fatigue (stress is the arch enemy of progesterone). I've been taking yarrow and b complex for only one cycle and I feel that my progesterone level is already improving some!  You also might want to do some research on iodine/kelp supplementation. Iodine promotes breast tissue health and also feeds the ovaries, which could help with progesterone too. I know there's a lot of controversy surrounding iodine but it is a necessary nutrient for women's health and it is depleted a lot by pregnancy and breastfeeding. There are people nowadays who claim iodine supplementation causes thyroid disease, even though iodine is the main nutrient that the thyroid uses to produce hormones. From my personal research, iodine supplemented along with a reasonable amount of selenium protects the thyroid tissue from any negative effects, and also provides the body with the iodine it needs to function. I'm not an advocate of huge doses of iodine as some recommend BUT a small amount coupled with selenium is very sensible, in my humble opinion.    I would think that your body might benefit from any/all of these things, especially post-pregnancy. From what I've read, having a baby (or even more so, having babies in close succession) definitely can tank your progesterone out because there's so much of it being produced during a pregnancy.. which could then shift things toward an E dominant state (i.e not enough progesterone to counter-balance estrogen).

Have you been dealing with TMJ for a  long time?? My mom developed very bad TMJ immediately after her mother passed away (a very emotionally stressful time). She also had started going through menopause at the exact same time. Now I'm definitely NOT saying that yours is related to menopause!! I'm just wondering if the progesterone/hormone imbalance could be partly connected to the TMJ for you.. And maybe improving your progesterone level could improve the TMJ?   Food for thought anyway. Smile

I know I've rambled a lot here and you may already be aware of all this, lol.   But I hope you find solutions to your hormone balance asap so you can feel better, and succeed like crazy with your nbe program!! <3 Smile

Best wishes,
Natural Lady  

Hey!! Thanks sooo much for the response!

All very interesting information. It's so funny you mentioned yarrow, because I literally just closed a tab on my phone that said "vitex vs yarrow" because I wasn't sure which to pick lol. Go figure, I got the vitex. & it came with two bottles at that! So maybe I should try finishing it before trying out yarrow. I did buy PC but my issue is that I like never have a period after getting off the depo shot, so I haven't a clue when my luteal phase is or anything like that. Speaking of PC, the bottle I bought says to rotate where I put it. Should I not put it directly on my breasts every time?

I'm going to make a note of b complex and iodine/kelp in my phone. I've a list in my notes of all the supplements that sound really good and I'm trying to narrow it down to the best ones. Those sound good! & I DID have my kids back to back kind of (the twins were almost 2 when I got pregnant with my son, and before that I was pregnant for 8 weeks and miscarried). And a total of 2 years and 3 months of breastfeeding altogether!

That's also interesting what you said about the TMJ. I'm only 25, and my orthodontist brought it to my attention when I was 17 (it was just a "popping" back then. Now it's very very painful). But it DEFINITELY got worse after I had my son last year! WAY worse. I'm gonna try to pay attention to how it feels when I start working on my progesterone! I'm sure it has to do with stress also, but all of this hormone inbalance stuff is adding up lol.

Hi again, Tinydear!

Glad that something I said made sense, lol!!  I tend to go on sometimes Rolleyes , but I try to share things that might be helpful in some way when I can.

Try your vitex and see how it goes! I've taken it in the past but for some reason it just didn't jive with my hormones .  It does work well for many women though.    On the PC, when I was using it I rotated application areas. From what I've read, it is most effective when you rub it into places that are thinner-skinned (I alternated right or left breasts, collar bone area, backs of wrists, and insides of arms behind elbows).  I remember reading that if you apply it to breasts all the time, it can saturate the fatty tissue there and overwhelm hormone receptors.. which would keep the progesterone from circulating freely and doing its job. Also, maybe keep the amount of PC on the low end at first and see how things go.  Vitex is said to promote progesterone and you're using the PC too, so you don't want to overload.  

B complex is definitely one to consider! It helps soo much with hormones and moderating the physical/mental stress that we all have nowadays. Stress and hormone balance go hand in hand.

Yes, I really think TMJ can be hormone related sometimes! It certainly was for my Mom. Her bite was also off-whack, so she ended up going to a biological dentist and had a little custom retainer made to wear at night that fits over her "two front teeth", lol. Big Grin   Seriously, it really helped take a LOT of the tension out of her neck, jaw, shoulders, etc.  But for you, you may see big improvements just from getting your hormones balanced back out!

I'm so very sorry to hear about your miscarriage..  It sounds as though you have been blessed with three other little angels though and I'm sure you are enjoying them so much. <3

Take care and keep us updated,


Hey! Smile

Okay, I'll continue with the vitex and see how it goes. Should I also only use that during my luteal phase? I'm sad to say I didn't even know what the heck a luteal phase was until I joined these forums... I just knew about my period & ovulating lol. Anyway thankfully I realized my period came before I went and slathered on the PC. I was putting it on both breasts on the same day! I'll alternate from now on and apply to other body parts. Guess I'm going a bit nuts with progesterone products since I got freaked out about estrogen dominance.

Is the b complex something you take only during your luteal phase? This is all so new to me lol. 

Glad to hear your mum found solutions to her TMJ issues. It's not fun to deal with at all. I always dread opening my mouth for the first time every morning. :|

& thanks! The miscarriage was a hard time for me and it still makes me sad, but it just wasn't meant to be.

Hi Tiny!
I know what you mean! I learn new things on this forum all the time! I think it's really good for women to acquire as much knowledge about how their bodies work as possible, for nbe and just general health. You're to be commended for wanting to balance things out and enhance your curves in a natural way! Smile

Like I said, I would take a moderate approach with the PC. However much it says to use on the bottle, start with maybe 1/3 - 1/2 that. With hormones it often can be the smallest doses that make big changes! Start low. Actually I've read a lot of ladies on here either use vitex OR PC, not always both. Again, sometimes less is more.   But that said, vitex is supposed to be excellent for transitioning off of birth control. Did you say that you came off that not too long ago?  Maybe it would be good to start out with the vitex only and see how your system does for a while. Personally I like to start new supplements one at the time so if a problem arises, I can more easily pinpoint which thing might be causing it. But that's completely up to your judgement, of course!      It's a good sign that you've begun having a period again.. that means your ovaries and pituitary are communicating. I've also read that some women use vitex for 3-6 months until they are having "regular" cycles and then discontinue it. It's a good balancing herb for that I think. As far as I know, vitex is one that you take every day, except during your period.   But if that's not correct maybe someone on here will chime in to say otherwise.   Just pay attention to your body and it will tell you if something isn't agreeing with you.

B complex is definitely an every-day supplement!  I love mine, lol!

I so hope you will find answers for your TMJ as well! Maybe the hormone angle could really help. Also have you ever tried taking ginger for pain relief/inflammation reducing? I use it for any pain or aches in general and it works well!

You're so welcome, hun. And yes, enjoy every minute with your beautiful babies!! Smile <3


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Hey NaturalLady. Smile

Starting a new post cause the quotes were getting pretty long lol. & yes I definitely want to do this naturally. Implants come with way more hassle than I think most women realize. I'd like whatever I grow to be all natural (as in, all ME lol).

Maybe once my period is over I'll hold off on the PC and just take vitex. I'll finish the first bottle at least. I suppose I have some time to think about it. But it's good to know that it could potentially help my cycle! Although I'm having a period now, it could still go off track again. Depo shot is what I went off of and now i've been on the pill for about 5 months.

I never heard of using ginger but it sounds worth trying! Do I use an essential oil or is it some other method? lol 

Thanks again for all the information. Smile

(07-08-2017, 15:15)tinydear Wrote:  Hey NaturalLady. Smile

Starting a new post cause the quotes were getting pretty long lol. & yes I definitely want to do this naturally. Implants come with way more hassle than I think most women realize. I'd like whatever I grow to be all natural (as in, all ME lol).

Maybe once my period is over I'll hold off on the PC and just take vitex. I'll finish the first bottle at least. I suppose I have some time to think about it. But it's good to know that it could potentially help my cycle! Although I'm having a period now, it could still go off track again. Depo shot is what I went off of and now i've been on the pill for about 5 months.

I never heard of using ginger but it sounds worth trying! Do I use an essential oil or is it some other method? lol 

Thanks again for all the information. Smile

Hi Tiny!

No problem, it was getting quite long, lol.  Glad you're not interested in implants. I've read about some other members on here having major repercussions from them, right down to getting practically poisoned from it and having to get them removed, plus multiple surgeries. I think you're being wise about that!

Oh I might have misunderstood you.. I thought you were not using birth control anymore. Vitex (and some other herbs that alter hormone levels) can interfere with BC, i.e. possibly change their effectiveness or cause reactions. Here's is a basic article about that: Do you want to keep using BC for the long term? If you're not planning on having more kids in the future, maybe you might could consider your other options. Food for thought anyway.

Yes, ginger is really good for pain relief in my experience! This is the one I use:  I take 1-2 droppers of it  with a little bit of water 3-4 times a day for relieving pain. You can also buy ginger root in capsules/pill form if you don't like liquids. Or you can make ginger tea out of the fresh ginger root, although for me it doesn't work as well for pain as the liquid extract does. Another thing you could try is lavender essential oil rubbed along your jaw at bedtime or throughout the day. It could help relax tight muscles in your jaw and relieve tension. I use this one: I've read that you can use lavender essential oil directly on the skin without diluting it (I've done this with no problems), but it would be best if you use a carrier oil with it at first to see how it does for you.  Coconut oil is good for that since it's not really greasy and soaks in fast. Peppermint essential oil is also good for relieving pain.  I've used lavender and peppermint together for helping relieve PMS cramps. 

 Also, I just happened to read a few days ago that b-complex is also good for TMJ! So that could possibly be a two-for-one supplement for you! Smile

I hope my information will help in some way! Smile

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(07-08-2017, 18:17)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  
(07-08-2017, 15:15)tinydear Wrote:  Hey NaturalLady. Smile

Starting a new post cause the quotes were getting pretty long lol. & yes I definitely want to do this naturally. Implants come with way more hassle than I think most women realize. I'd like whatever I grow to be all natural (as in, all ME lol).

Maybe once my period is over I'll hold off on the PC and just take vitex. I'll finish the first bottle at least. I suppose I have some time to think about it. But it's good to know that it could potentially help my cycle! Although I'm having a period now, it could still go off track again. Depo shot is what I went off of and now i've been on the pill for about 5 months.

I never heard of using ginger but it sounds worth trying! Do I use an essential oil or is it some other method? lol 

Thanks again for all the information. Smile

Hi Tiny!

No problem, it was getting quite long, lol.  Glad you're not interested in implants. I've read about some other members on here having major repercussions from them, right down to getting practically poisoned from it and having to get them removed, plus multiple surgeries. I think you're being wise about that!

Oh I might have misunderstood you.. I thought you were not using birth control anymore. Vitex (and some other herbs that alter hormone levels) can interfere with BC, i.e. possibly change their effectiveness or cause reactions. Here's is a basic article about that: Do you want to keep using BC for the long term? If you're not planning on having more kids in the future, maybe you might could consider your other options. Food for thought anyway.

Yes, ginger is really good for pain relief in my experience! This is the one I use:  I take 1-2 droppers of it  with a little bit of water 3-4 times a day for relieving pain. You can also buy ginger root in capsules/pill form if you don't like liquids. Or you can make ginger tea out of the fresh ginger root, although for me it doesn't work as well for pain as the liquid extract does. Another thing you could try is lavender essential oil rubbed along your jaw at bedtime or throughout the day. It could help relax tight muscles in your jaw and relieve tension. I use this one: I've read that you can use lavender essential oil directly on the skin without diluting it (I've done this with no problems), but it would be best if you use a carrier oil with it at first to see how it does for you.  Coconut oil is good for that since it's not really greasy and soaks in fast. Peppermint essential oil is also good for relieving pain.  I've used lavender and peppermint together for helping relieve PMS cramps. 

  Also, I just happened to read a few days ago that b-complex is also good for TMJ! So that could possibly be a two-for-one supplement for you! Smile  

I hope my information will help in some way! Smile


Good morning!

That's sad to me that some ladies give up NBE and go for the fake ones, but I can't say I don't understand the frustration of not seeing progress & so going for the other option. There's days where I want to chuck out my pump and just get implants but no way! haha

Oh dear. I think I should lay off of Vitex then! It's my fault for not being clear - yes I'm off of depo shot but on the pill now! Depo was really screwing me up and my PCP didn't even want me on it for much longer since extended usage of it can cause osteoporosis & infertility. My husband wants at least one more (the twins are not biologically his) but I'm not so sure that I do. So for now I'm just staying on the pill. I'm only 25 so I don't want to do anything drastic like get my tubes tied! lol 

Ooo, that sounds like it could be super beneficial! I especially like the idea of the lavender. Lavender is just all-around so nice. But I have been wanting to get ginger for my breast massage oil! So I'll have to invest in both! Also I have some peppermint oil already. 

Yep, definitelty getting some b-complex lol. Sounds like it could work wonders for me!

Morning, Tiny!

Yes, I can totally understand how frustrating it is to be doing all of this work and not see a bit of success!! But for me, I guess I'd rather just take a break and then keep trying NBE till I'm 50 rather than go under the knife, lol.

No, I apologize for the misunderstanding! Since you're choosing to continue on BC, just be careful to research NBE herbs before you take them to see if they cause interactions with the birth control. Just the pill alone has its own inherent risks, so mixing hormone-altering herbs in too can potentially be a problem. I wasn't suggesting that you get your tubes tied. Your body has been through quite a bit already with the pregnancies, miscarriage, and TMJ, so it would be good to give it lots of TLC for a while. Smile   You're noogling though, right? Maybe just noogling alone would be enough for you to reach your goal!  Lots of women who had larger breasts during pregnancy seem to do really well with just noogling since their tissue has already been "stretched" before.

Yes, try taking the ginger extract, b complex, and using the essential oils. I'll keep my eye out for anything else that sounds good for TMJ too!

(08-08-2017, 15:32)NaturalLady31 Wrote:  Morning, Tiny!

Yes, I can totally understand how frustrating it is to be doing all of this work and not see a bit of success!! But for me, I guess I'd rather just take a break and then keep trying NBE till I'm 50 rather than go under the knife, lol.

No, I apologize for the misunderstanding! Since you're choosing to continue on BC, just be careful to research NBE herbs before you take them to see if they cause interactions with the birth control. Just the pill alone has its own inherent risks, so mixing hormone-altering herbs in too can potentially be a problem. I wasn't suggesting that you get your tubes tied. Your body has been through quite a bit already with the pregnancies, miscarriage, and TMJ, so it would be good to give it lots of TLC for a while. Smile   You're noogling though, right? Maybe just noogling alone would be enough for you to reach your goal!  Lots of women who had larger breasts during pregnancy seem to do really well with just noogling since their tissue has already been "stretched" before.

Yes, try taking the ginger extract, b complex, and using the essential oils. I'll keep my eye out for anything else that sounds good for TMJ too!

Haha yes, me too! I figure even if progress is slow, someday I'll get there! :p

I figured you didn't mean get my tubes tied, it's just where my brain immediately jumped to lol. Silly me. Yeah, I'll definitely try to be more cautious with that. It's funny how when they put you on BC they never let you know that there's stuff out there that could mess with it. My PCPs never have anyway. *insert eyeroll*

I do use the Kangzhu pump, but I won't lie, I kinda hate pumping lol. It is VERY time consuming and it's actually interfered with my workout time (losing weight and gaining muscle). I still have issues with finding the right suction, as my breasts easily turn purple-y. And it's gonna get to a point where I won't feel comfortable doing it in front of my kids so idk when i'll have time. I've only been pumping since July 10th though! So we'll see.

& yes, my breasts got HUGE with pregnancy and breastfeeding. I must have been an E at some points. Wish that growth would have just stayed. I do worry that if I see growth from NBE I'll destroy it if I get pregnant again. Besides, pregnancy did destroy my boobs to begin with!

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