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I'm back again..


I don't know if you all remember, but about 6 months ago I started taking PM and posted about my ordeal of not getting my period and breasts that shrunk.

So this time, I've been taking shatavari and maca during follicular phase in hopes to increase during follicular phase. I almost always get a lot of luteal swelling that starts right after ovulation or a few days after. I would be happy if I remained that size for my whole cycle and not just 2 weeks before my period, so that is what I was trying to accomplish with the herbs. Well my period is due in 9 days and my breasts have shrunk horribly as they did with the PM and have absolutely no volume or firmness.  I am pretty certain that I did ovulate, so I don't think it is due to an annovulatory cycle. The size is a huge difference from what they normally are during luteal phase. It seems like anything I take my breasts shrink during luteal phase. I really don't know why my body responds this way, but it is very frustrating. Does anyone else have side effects like this?

Maybe you have too little progesterone? Or too much testosterone?

(18-01-2017, 15:53)honeydew Wrote:  Maybe you have too little progesterone? Or too much testosterone?

Maybe, but I don't really have signs of too much testosterone. I am suspicious of estrogen dominance. It seems like when I take anything I get increased estrogen and no progesterone production. I think I have normal progesterone levels, but as soon as I take herbs it seems like it stops. Anyways, I guess I cant really take anything.. PC doesn't really do anything for me, I've used it in the past. This is depressing, I don't even want to look at myself in the mirror right now.  I'm having crazy mood swings now which I'm sure is related to this imbalance. It is pretty much the same as what PM did, except my period is due in 8 days. Angry Angry

(19-01-2017, 01:27)maggie06 Wrote:  
(18-01-2017, 15:53)honeydew Wrote:  Maybe you have too little progesterone? Or too much testosterone?

Maybe, but I don't really have signs of too much testosterone. I am suspicious of estrogen dominance. It seems like when I take anything I get increased estrogen and no progesterone production. I think I have normal progesterone levels, but as soon as I take herbs it seems like it stops. Anyways, I guess I cant really take anything.. PC doesn't really do anything for me, I've used it in the past. This is depressing, I don't even want to look at myself in the mirror right now.  I'm having crazy mood swings now which I'm sure is related to this imbalance. It is pretty much the same as what PM did, except my period is due in 8 days. Angry Angry

What kind of herbs have you tried? Maybe you should try herbs that have more hormone balancing and progesterone effects than estrogen, like wild yam and vitex.   Big Grin Getting your hormones checked first would definitely be helpful though to figure out what's really the cause.

I think getting your hormones checked would be best, as Maggie06 said. 

I thought maca balanced hormones. I read somewhere that it adapts to your body, giving you what your body needs the most. I've also read that it should make breasts and at least hips/the butt bigger. Did you notice no difference at all? How long were you taking it for?

(20-01-2017, 20:27)bettie32 Wrote:  I think getting your hormones checked would be best, as Maggie06 said. 

I thought maca balanced hormones. I read somewhere that it adapts to your body, giving you what your body needs the most. I've also read that it should make breasts and at least hips/the butt bigger. Did you notice no difference at all? How long were you taking it for?
Hi Bettie,
I'm definitely considering getting my hormones tested. I don't want to go through my primary care provider though, so I need to find somewhere that is not too expensive.

I took the maca and shatavari during follicular phase. I'm pretty sure I ovulated then my boobs seemed to disappear.  I am so devastated right now. My boobs have gone from DD to a small C. Everyday it seems like they are getting smaller and smaller.  I have not ever seen my breasts this small. They should be spilling out of my DD bras at this time... I now have a pear shape and not my hour glass figure... I am wondering if it might have something to do with a corticosteroid ointment I used for eczema and also an oral steroid ointment for a canker sore. It shouldn't have had systemic affects, but there is always a risk... That is the only thing different that I can think of other than the herbs. I am considering starting birth control if this doesn't improve in the next few days even though my period is due in 6 days.. I think I'm going to stay away from herbs indefinitely....I took PM about 6 months ago and ended up with some lovely saggy deflated breasts and no period for about 60 days.. My breasts seem a little worse this time though.. Angry Angry Angry

(20-01-2017, 21:12)maggie06 Wrote:  Hi Bettie,
I'm definitely considering getting my hormones tested. I don't want to go through my primary care provider though, so I need to find somewhere that is not too expensive.

I took the maca and shatavari during follicular phase. I'm pretty sure I ovulated then my boobs seemed to disappear.  I am so devastated right now. My boobs have gone from DD to a small C. Everyday it seems like they are getting smaller and smaller.  I have not ever seen my breasts this small. They should be spilling out of my DD bras at this time... I now have a pear shape and not my hour glass figure... I am wondering if it might have something to do with a corticosteroid ointment I used for eczema and also an oral steroid ointment for a canker sore. It shouldn't have had systemic affects, but there is always a risk... That is the only thing different that I can think of other than the herbs. I am considering starting birth control if this doesn't improve in the next few days even though my period is due in 6 days.. I think I'm going to stay away from herbs indefinitely....I took PM about 6 months ago and ended up with some lovely saggy deflated breasts and no period for about 60 days.. My breasts seem a little worse this time though.. Angry Angry Angry

Hi Maggie,

I'm sorry to hear this. I can't believe these herbs would have such an effect. If I understood correctly, you're still taking maca and shatvari so I think you should stop as it's causing all these physical changes. This is why I'm always skeptical about herbs and think that's it's best not to mess around with hormones. Then again, we also hear of success really depends on the person I guess. 

I wonder if you took too much? I read that you should take small amounts of maca in the beginning so that your body gets used to it. Anyway, don't worry. I'm sure once you stop completely things will go back to normal!

(20-01-2017, 21:22)bettie32 Wrote:  
(20-01-2017, 21:12)maggie06 Wrote:  Hi Bettie,
I'm definitely considering getting my hormones tested. I don't want to go through my primary care provider though, so I need to find somewhere that is not too expensive.

I took the maca and shatavari during follicular phase. I'm pretty sure I ovulated then my boobs seemed to disappear.  I am so devastated right now. My boobs have gone from DD to a small C. Everyday it seems like they are getting smaller and smaller.  I have not ever seen my breasts this small. They should be spilling out of my DD bras at this time... I now have a pear shape and not my hour glass figure... I am wondering if it might have something to do with a corticosteroid ointment I used for eczema and also an oral steroid ointment for a canker sore. It shouldn't have had systemic affects, but there is always a risk... That is the only thing different that I can think of other than the herbs. I am considering starting birth control if this doesn't improve in the next few days even though my period is due in 6 days.. I think I'm going to stay away from herbs indefinitely....I took PM about 6 months ago and ended up with some lovely saggy deflated breasts and no period for about 60 days.. My breasts seem a little worse this time though.. Angry Angry Angry

I'm sorry to hear this. I can't believe these herbs would have such an effect. If I understood correctly, you're still taking maca and shatvari so I think you should stop as it's causing all these physical changes. This is why I'm always skeptical about herbs and think that's it's best not to mess around with hormones. Then again, we also hear of success really depends on the person I guess. 

I wonder if you took too much? I read that you should take small amounts of maca in the beginning so that your body gets used to it. Anyway, don't worry. I'm sure once you stop completely things will go back to normal!

Thanks so much for the support. I stopped the herbs around ovulation and I am not taking anything except msm powder and a multivitamin. This forum was the only thing that kept me sane during the PM ordeal. Its amazing the affects that herbs have.. Some people are so lucky to have positive results. The success stories always sucked me into dabbling with herbs, but like you said it depends on the person. 

I have a few theories as to what is going on, but who really knows. Years ago when I took the BCP, my breasts would increase the first couple of months then after about 3 months or so, it seemed like they would deflate similar to the herbs. It makes me think that it has something to do with exogenous hormones and negative feedback. Maybe my body stops producing hormones when I use herbs or synthetic hormones...Also could be estrogen dominance. I've been reading about it and it seems that when estrogen is increased progesterone decreases. It would be nice to find something that would give me a boost during follicular phase, without loosing the luteal swelling, but doesn't look like that will happen.

You're welcome, Maggie.

It's best not to mess around too much with herbs/hormones. I think you should take a break, detox. And definitely get your hormones checked to see what you are missing/what you need to balance out etc.

I would also like to find a way to maintain luteal swelling!!

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