Shop for herbs and other supplements on Amazon



Huh    earlier this week I returned something to a store because I had not read the reviews on the product and it did not work at all like I had anticipated it would by looking at the box.... and based on previous uses of the product say 30 years ago... my advanced age of 56 won't let me remember what I just bought before that that didn't work the way I thought it would or the way I read it would.. it seems I've been on a streak lately... before that I bought a product that said it removed crepiness... I got sucked in by an infomercial and that product didn't work at all and the reviews are horrible. Two days ago I got sucked in by a foundation infomercial and I bought that one so we'll see how that goes... I had so many items I bought that didn't work in a year that ended up collecting them and giving them to my stepchild who'd been away for a I guess I am gullible. Based on Amazon reviews about Bustmaxx I ordered it. BUT in this forum I can't find anybody who's used it for more than a day or maybe a few days. I guess there's been a couple for a month or so but they had no results....contrary to what I read on Amazon. So if anyone wants to send me a messayed or attach something to this...about better results or longer results or any results after a few days, a week or a month a few months please do because right now I'm kind of pissed about the Amazon reviews that I read... It generally got 5 stars. Have I been taken again? I hope this forum allows for honest commentary back to me.

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What are the ingredients in those two products?

Shop for herbs and other supplements on Amazon

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Shop for herbs and other supplements on Amazon

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