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I've been Noogling for almost a year. Here are my results!


I don't take any supplements orally for NBE just Maca but it has a myriad of health benefits anyway..
I use noogleberry from 15min-2hr per day! Dependent on time..

I apply topical oil before and after massage and Noogle.. These include

Flaxseed oil
Ylang Ylang oil
Wild yam
Black cohosh
Sesame oil
Safflower oil

I attribute my success to these oils.. Especially the wild yam.. I started using the wild yam a few months ago and have noticed my swelling ramp up since then... When I cut it from my routine, swelling wasn't as noticeable.. Anyway this is where I will log my progress.. I'm currently a full d cup.. Heading towards DD.. But want bigger! Boob greed

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Feburary 2016 progress..

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Last week

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Oh and before t all started! Way back in 2012 when I was basically flat chested and underweight... I was probably a small B cup here..

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Very Very nice.
Its amazing what one can do when they stick to a program.

Have you tried using a heating pad with your massages? I've just started using one and my breasts seem to be filling out much better.

The pics are impressive, psychodelic. What were your bra sizes before starting as compared to now?

Was the wild yam you used in oil form? Extract? or was it a cream?

Congrats on your progress!

Xo, Soli

Your breasts are SO PERFECT! Seriously those are my goal boobies! They were even perfect before you started nbe too Tongue
I am aiming for cleavage like yours. I guess I have a new boobie inspiration hehe
keep growing love; your program sounds great!

Hello, I'm new here. I think I'm in love with the result psychodelic has! If you don't mind, I'd like to know where you get the wild yam oil. Can you buy it online?

Wow that's awesome, congrats! I have to remember phytoestrogens don't work for me lol but seeing this makes me want to pick up wild yam oil! I wont though ;_; lol

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