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Saw palmetto for massage


Saw palmetto for massage???
June 8 2006 at 7:45 PM
Ada (Login pinktatsu)

CAn Saw Palmetto be ussed "topical" for massage?? I want to use saw palmetto, 'cause im on BCP so i've heard that i cant take Saw palmetto while im in birth control/ so does it have any effectiveness using it Topical?

(Login Miss_Sherri)
Re: Saw palmetto for massage???
June 11 2006, 3:08 AM

Why can't you take SP while on BC? I am taking both and have been for three months and I am fine and growing

(Login Miss_Sherri)
Re: Saw palmetto for massage???
June 11 2006, 3:11 AM

And yes, the herbs are effective when used topically and may be even more effective this way then taking them orally as they go right into your bloodstream. More of it is actually going to where you want it to as opposed to a much smaller percentage when taken orally.

(Login pinktatsu)
thanks for your help!
June 11 2006, 5:39 AM

Thanks Sherri!! at last someone answered my post! Im starting my routine next week, i think i'll start by taking fenugreek(oral) and sawpalmetto(topical &oral) and massages with cocoa butter and vitamin E .. i'll post my program once i start!! thanks for your help!!!!and happy growing to you!

(no login)
Topical solutions
June 11 2006, 6:49 AM

In reguards to herbs going directly to your system, some probably already do this, but couldn't you put some herbs on your wrist,neck etc? Of course some sensitive people will probably have a bad reaction to this, I don't know...just a thought.

(Login unhappy80)
June 11 2006, 9:54 AM

hi girls!
I heard that saw palmetto is not recommend while you're taking bcp because of hormonal effects. But I learned from this forum there is no rule for everyone. Because everyone's body is different.
good luck for everybody.

(Login SugarQ)
transdermal application of herbs
June 11 2006, 7:30 PM

i just responded to a simular question in the topic is it better to take EPO in pill form or massage it.

the answer is: does it really matter? who really knows for a fact? i wrote a long winded answer so if you are interested check it out. or maybe i will copy and past if for you all.

the whole idea that because you apply directly to the breast then the herbs work better is wrong. infact there was a system that used DMSO (a very very strong transdermal carrier) to apply NBE herbs (in ticture form) to the breast. its called mykelco natural breast augmentation. its been around for years and yet no one has come forward with success stories.

how there are good reasons for applying herbs to the breast but they dont include accelerated breast enlargement. i dont want to make another long post so i will just copy and past for you ladies.

(Login SugarQ)
RE:epo --which is better? take the pill or massage into the skin?
June 11 2006, 7:32 PM

does it really matter? come on people? stop fretting over small details and make NBE more complicated then it has to be. if you want to massage it then fine but how would anyone know if it would make a big difference. women here will have their preference of what they prefer but that doesnt mean they know for sure which works better.

many people think that massaging herbs and oils to the breast will make them work stronger because they are concentrated at the site of where they want it to make the most difference but the truth is that its not that simple. first the herbs have to make it through several layers of skin (which doesnt happens very easily cause the skin was designed to keep things out)after the substance has made it though all those layers it goes into the bloodstream. its true that topical or subligual supplimentation are better then oral because much more of the substances make it into the bloodstream but it doesnt mean it will accelerate growth or the activity of the substance(just like taking more of a oral medicine doesnt always mean that it will make someone better faster).justhere are some women who massage herbs to their breast and claim that their pains seem to come very quickly after but think about it. when you take pain killers they get absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly from the stomach (painkillers bypass the intestines and go thorugh the digestive process completely) and within a few minutes its circulathing thoughout the whole body. the same goes for herbs that make it into the bloodstream. they circulate and go all over the body. some of it will get into the breast (not all) cirtainly more then what you would normally get through taking herbs orally.

the only things part of the body that will be affected when something is topically applied is the skin and maybe muscles.even if a substance penitrates deep enough to make it into the glands,and hopefully get lodged into the fat it wont have an accelerated effect on the tissue. the substances wont stay in the breast area for very long even if they to stick into the fat (where me want the active components of these herbs to be).

think about it.estrogen and progesterone need fat to be effective. the more you got the more receptors you have. if things worked so well and applying stuff to the breast makes the breast grow better then why dont women who try topically apply estradiol to their breasts. you can buy estradiol (the strongest estrogen known and the one estrogen most responsible for breast enlargement)in cream form. women have in fact tried it using estradiol for massages and i will tell you it doesnt make a difference and most of the women got sick from it. the same goes for progesterone difference. women apply it to their breasts and it dont make a difference then if they were to apply it to an arm or a leg. there is no increase in the number of breast enlargement cases when stuff in applied directly to the breast but it does help in other ways.

IMO the only reason i think massaging anything to the breast is becasue you get two benifits. lubrication for massages and at the same time you get a transdermal application all in one move.

people will have their preference of weither they prefer oral supplimentation and massaging stuff to their breast but the truth is no one can answer your question with any kind of assurance they know for a fact there is a huge difference. but if you really want to know which is better then try both together or try a few months either way. dont fret over the small details of a routine.if you come to a place where you dont know if its good to apply something directly or take it orally then just try something and hope it works. NBE is not an exact science and we dont have all the answers. everyone is different and its up to you to figure out what works best for you.

(no login)
Re: Saw palmetto for massage???
June 12 2006, 11:44 PM

dont think you should be saying the girls who posted above are wrong, because it sounds more like your theory is wrong. If you put herbs right on your boobs, then duh, its gonna absorb better. Why do you get so testy when people ask a question and say things like, Does it really matter? that is rude. This forum is here for people to ask questions. WHy must you shoot down everyones attempt to answer another's question?

(Login Jenneelle)
Re: Saw palmetto for massage???
June 13 2006, 8:36 AM

I'm with SugarQ on this - the whole idea that because you apply directly to the breast then the herbs work better is wrong. It's just one of those myths that has arisen and there's no evidence to support it at all. I also think she's right to say that people are starting to fuss and fret over small details and generally make NBE more complicated then it has to be. Ideas that aren't supported by any evidence are just unnecessary complications. Sometimes people are taking any idea they come across more seriously than they need to and are fussing over it without asking whether there's really any reason to believe in it.

Eve M
(Login EveEM)
Re: Saw palmetto for massage???
June 13 2006, 12:17 PM

I would not describe SugarQ as testy or rude, I'd say she was very helpful. When someone is as helpful as SugarQ is to so many others, that does sometimes involve contradicting someone else's opinion.

Anonymous, you said this forum is here for people to ask questions, but it must logically follow that it is also here for people to answer them, and that may of course sometimes involve contradicting others.

(Login SugarQ)
Re: Saw palmetto for massage???
June 13 2006, 5:39 PM

i dont mean to be rude or mean and i definatatly dont want to start an argument.

just to clarify, im not saying that women shouldnt massage herbs on their breast. in fact i may actually do that with my own routine but the idea of this localized effect doesnt work so simply. the body was designed to keep forign stuff out and if it some how passes through all the defenses the blood will pick it up and carry it away. on route it will increase the amount of herbs that is in the blood so you get a higher concentration of NBE herbs swirling around your body. for some women that may be enough to increase sensation and possily may jump start growth. herbs like saw palmetto are not specifically targeted to only work on the breast. swallowing it doesnt mean that it will get absorbed and make its way straight to the breast and only the breast. and applying it to the breast doesnt mean it will stay there and work right away within the breast only. breast enlargement is a side effect of other related hormonal changes that happens when there are enough herbs in your system to cause a shift. that shift doesnt happen only in the breast area. it happens all over the body and hopefully we can direct most of the hormones to the breast. massages, heating pads, prolactin are all suppose to direct hormones to the breast. topical application doesnt work directly to cause breast enlargement and it has been shown through systems like mykelco to be untrue.

if this idea of breast enlargement by applying herbs directly to the site of the breast really worked then this system would be a big success instead of a misurable faliure and scam. the only thing all women who used this system had to do was massage the herb batter to their breast. some even drank their batter and they got nothing still. so its not the herbs' direct application to the breast that makes the difference its just the amount of herbs that make it into the blood stream that gets women growing better.

technically you can apply your breast batter all over your body but i guess women feel that they are actually doing something more if they only apply it to their breast which is fine. beleiving that may have an effect of the subconciouse any may help NBE all the more.

Dont use Enhance Blend Extract for massage......
May 4 2006 at 2:12 AM
MK3 (Login MyKids3)

Dont use Enhance Blend Extract for massage......

Saw Palmetto isnt good for massage,heres why:
My reasoning is that the value of Saw Palmetto is in its use as an internal since one of the primary functions is to block the conversion of testosterone to DHT, thus leaving the testosterone more available to be aromatized into extrogen. This is not an external function. It is an internal one. Fenugreek or Fennel, on the other hand, are both. The phytoestrogen itself is what fills estrogen receptors so you want it coming in from both directions. Saw Palmetto is not a phytoestrogen so it does not work from the outside in for NBE. Now if you are going bald......
I agree that you cant adjust how much herbs are going into your sytsem this way,my bottle says there is 333mg of each,FENUGREEK,SP,and WY.When by bottle is all, I will justget individual herds ,either seperate extracts or capsules.I wished I knew this before buying the Enhancement Blend Extract.


(Login MyKids3)
Re: Dont use Enhance Blend Extract for massage......
May 4 2006, 2:29 AM

I would like your opinion on this.I totally agree Greenbush is a great company and sells pure herbs.I dont want you to get the wrong idea.Im just stating what was said about SP in general for massage.


(Login GoldSnowflake)
Just want to second that for you MK3!!!
May 4 2006, 12:07 PM

Of all the massage sites and NBE sites I have visited, SP I don't think was ever in the mix for massages.

(Login liquidSunset)
I totally agree
May 5 2006, 2:43 AM

With you MK3. Personally I tihnk putting the saw palmetto into massage would be a waste of money and herbs.

BUT internally it is usually a MUST.

There are tons of herbs that "directly" help the boobs grow and I dont think SP would be a great chioce for a batter.

~Have a Wonderful Day!~

(Login Jess1226)
Re: Dont use Enhance Blend Extract for massage......
May 5 2006, 3:12 PM

Well I use the Enhancment Blend extract for massage and I get really plump when I use it So....Im going to keep useing it. It works for me.
To me its not a waste of money even if it dosnt do anything the other two hers do and its a blend already so I use it. Other wemen have had results as well with this.
So Why Not use it? It dosnt stop or hinder results and it may help...You never know. Somthing in this is working for me and has worked for other wemen also.
I dont think , That you should tell others to stop useing there programs. We use what we are useing because we belive its working for us. and it is working. I think the Title of this thread is a bit harsh to us that are useing Greenbush and turst and belive in it.
I wouldnt ever tell anyone to stop useing somthing you have to remeber that we all are doing diffrent programs because we are tring to find what works for us.
I think its fine to post what you find on this board. And it is helpful and apriated but please do it with respect.

Boobie Blessing to everyone!

(Login MyKids3)
May 5 2006, 3:31 PM

I didnt mean for anyone to get mad at me for this.This is something I just found out and wanted to share it with everyone.I never said for you or anyone to stop using it.If its working for you,THATS GREAT!I just ment that I wished I knew this before buying this.Im using it orally,just not topically.And I never said that it was a waste of money,Jess.
Im sorry that YOU got upset over this.And just one more thing-I do respect EVERYONE on this board.I wasnt out to make any enemies over this


(Login liquidSunset)
Re: Dont use Enhance Blend Extract for massage......
May 5 2006, 4:39 PM

Oh- I didnt realize the Saw Palmetto was mixed INTO it w/the other herbs.
Then no I dont think its a waste of money.

I DO think it would be a waste to buy just PLAIN saw plametto ONLY for MASSAGE. I could very well be wrong-but I dont see it helping them much in that way.

INTERNALLY though, its practically a must to block DHT.

Sorry- I dont know what you all were talkining about at first.
No, I wouldnt think its a waste if its 1 ingredient amoungst many in a massage. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

And Jess, I am glad its working for you Smile

~Have a Wonderful Day!~

(Login MyKids3)
May 5 2006, 7:28 PM

Also Id like to add that Yes I worded the title wrong.My Fault-But I dont want anybody to stop doing what they are using if its working for them,Im just saying that I wont be using it for MY massage.Once again sorry For making YOU upset over it


(Login Jess1226)
Re: Dont use Enhance Blend Extract for massage......
May 5 2006, 7:43 PM

Im Not upset I just thought that you were telling people to stop useing there program or change what they were doing or not to buy somthing. There are a wide varity of programs on here and diffrent things work for diffrent people I just wanted to say NOT only to you but to everyone that everyone should respect that. Look at Eve her program is way diffrent and I have read some comment about her program being to dificult and such and I thought that was just rude. It worked for her and it was somthing her and her grandma did together and I didnt feel it was right for people to pick her program aprart and such.
Im sorry I may bit a emtional right now Im going though a ton of stuff in my life. I just want us all to suport eachother and try to respect boundries I didnt mean to cause a comtion.
Just wanted to say please dont tell other ladys what to do or stop doing it could make others feel badly.
Im not mad at anyone. I love all of you. Oh and MK3 You are getting alsome results and doing great! I think you all are doing so good! God Bless

Boobie Blessing to everyone!

(Login MyKids3)
May 5 2006, 7:59 PM

So are we good now? : )
When you said that you were sorry for causing such a commotion-lets put it this way-We Both did I guess you can say.But I Started it First-LOL!
I do respect all the girls on here and YOU as well-I would NEVER tell somebody what to do or what Not to do-Not unless someone P*ssed me off enough-well then thats another story.Im not mad at you for responding,I was just upset that you got upset-Thats All.
You dont ever need to appologize for being emotional-We all go through it-This is what a support group is all about-we help each other-especially when we are feeling down.


(Login Jess1226)
Re: Dont use Enhance Blend Extract for massage......
May 6 2006, 3:26 AM

You know its like the whole Soy thing and Cocoa butter, Who knows what really works and what dosnt? Maybe Soy is the greatest for NBE. Hell Maybe if we go out side and put Mud on our boobies then lay in the sun for 2 hrs our Boobs would grow? We dont know we all are making geusses and doing diffrent things, That is all part of the fun.
I just dont like it when someone says to Stop or Not do somthing. I know you ment to help it was just the way it was worded. And its not only you there are a few girls on here that seem to do it.
We are cool. I wasnt mad. I just wanted to make that point and it just so happed on your thread.
Man if your taking that Blend extract oraly you are more of a woman then I am. YUCK I gag everytime I try it. hehe

Boobie Blessing to everyone!

(Login dizzy19)
May 6 2006, 4:02 AM

Never thought of that! I would to do it if it would work!!!

I use the enhancement blend for massage too (when no one is around to complain about the smell)

The herbs are very strong and even if it is just the fenugreek working so be it.

It is a very larg quantity that they give you.

(Login MyKids3)
May 6 2006, 11:03 AM

Thanks for making the comment of me seeing results in earlier post.I dont see BIG changes,just startin'to see alittle more on the sides and just a teeny bit more on the bottom.Im soon going to take a small break then start again.Since I have been running out of stuff,my routine -well lets just say I really dont have a routine,Im just using what ever I have left for now,until I get more stuff.And the comment about taking Enhancement Blend extract orally-FOR ME-its not all that bad.I just put it under my tongue for a little then drink ALOT of juice or whatever to wash it down.
At least you have a MEASURABLE difference.I dont even have that yet!Good Job!
Take Care!


(Login Jess1226)
Re: Dont use Enhance Blend Extract for massage......
May 6 2006, 11:03 PM

Well when I look at your pictures I can see a diffrence, I will be posting new pictures Monday. The kids are out of school for the weekend and I dont want them to see moms Boobies up on the puter screen! They would think mom is out of her mind!
I am going to change my rutine a bit too. Im going to buy single herbs and give that a try with the bled capsules you just dont get many Mg's.
Im going to change what Im taking just the amount and form.

Boobie Blessing to everyone!

(no login)
May 9 2006, 8:08 AM

Has my heart. Hey all I'm imagae...great to meet you!

I haven't read that Saw Palmetto isn't effective as a topical solution. I would like to know where you found this though! I do trust Greenbush and figure they would know that.
I've been both taking the extract internally and using it for massage.
I've had pretty good results so far but had to toy around with different combinations
of herbs for a bit to find what worked best for me. One thing I DID read is that taking too many Enhancement Blend Caps in a day will actually have an adverse effect and render the herbs useless. When I read that, I cut down on the pills..added red clover, evening primrose oil caps, started drinking soy milk, eating protein rich foods and this is important: LOTS OF MASSAGE. More intense (but delicate) massage.
I learned about the above mentioned in a different forum from an Asian woman who seems incredibly knowledgeable..she also recommends gelatin rich foods.

When I changed my program I really started seeing and feeling growth. My boyfriend had been out of town working for 3 months and when he came home he was amazed by the difference!

It's a pleasure meeting you all,

Happy Growing!

(Login Jess1226)
Re: Dont use Enhance Blend Extract for massage......
May 10 2006, 3:19 PM

Oh Yes I Trust Greenbush too. And I agree with you that to many herbs will hinder your growth. The key is to finding a balence.
I will be ordering more of the Blend caps this week. I also take fish oil and EPO and a muli vit. Seems to really boost the herbs.
Great to meet you. and Congrats on your progress!

Why would a genetic female want Saw Palmetto ? Your testosterone is already non existent . As an estrogen Saw Palmetto is worthless .

Take Hops ( Hallertau Hops at your grocery store cost 6$ per 100 gram and you need to take 5 grams daily ) or Pueraria Mirifica ( Thanyaporn sells real , strong PM at only 8$ for 60 caps of PM 150 mg . You need to take 2 caps daily )

This will turn out better and cheaper than your Saw Palmetto . Results will be better as well and it can be used without any problems while your on birth control .

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