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Any dowsers here?


Any dowsers here??
September 15 2007 at 10:28 AM
sandy (Login sandy111)
Hello everyone.I know a lot of you can dowse here,but could anyone ofer me help?unfortunatley i am not a dowser but would really love to have answers to my maaaany questions.So if anyone could offer me they are:

I will be on phytoestogen herbs, so how many mg should i take for growth.

How much growth can i expect during my routine?

How long should i keep taking herbs for maximum growth?

Will i keep my growth after i'm done?

how much saw palmetto and L-arginine should i add?

Thanks for all responses i appreciate the effortSmile

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 15 2007, 11:07 AM

Personally I think dowsing is most likly a load of crap. There is way too little evidence and even reasonable explanations on how it could work. And there is way too much possibilities of how it could be made to apper it works but actually doesn't - autosuggestion. I think relying on dowsing, this sort of mystical magical miraculous method to grow breasts is taking NBE way to lightly.

Sane Sheep
(no login)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 15 2007, 4:15 PM

Isn't it better to use ones brain instead of relying on a pendulum?

(Login lil_dunny)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 15 2007, 7:43 PM

Some women truly believe in dowsing, based on their experience.

(Login sandy111)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 15 2007, 9:09 PM

Oh,i never knew dowsing was only done with a pendelum.I just wondered how many girls seemed to know their dosages using a method refered to as dowsing.Never thought it relied only on that.Thanks anyway girlsSmile

(no login)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 15 2007, 9:46 PM

I wouldn't trash dowsing, I think it has something to do with what you intuitively know and transfer to the pendulum, if anything. I myself just go from what I feel is right for my body at the moment, and of course use references such as what the usual dosages are or what it says on the bottles.
Don't feel silly, it was just a question, and there are people who rely and have relied on it quite heavily.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 15 2007, 10:46 PM

No, of course asking a question isn't silly, don't worry Sandy. As for dowsing being intuition, I think intuition is more like being very in tune withyour body and particulary knowing how to read the slightest signs. That I do believe in and rely on it myself too. The dowsing thing I think is false, cause how can you do it for somone else? Then theoretically if two people did it for another person, both should get the same aswers. Does that happen? I don't think so. Dowsing is making sth up and believing that a higher power told you, and then maybe getting a placebo effect.

(no login)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 16 2007, 1:52 AM

I have dowsed for myself, and asked some people to doublecheck for me, and we have come up with the same answers pretty consistently, though there was no way of knowing. I also asked a question about my sick pet on a dowsing board once, they were all total strangers, but they were pretty accurate. However, dowsing can be a difficult skill, especially if you're emotionally invested in the topic.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 16 2007, 11:59 AM

Um, but how can you know for sure that everyone came up with the same answer? They could have seen the answer of the first person and then said they got the same result, or subconsciously influence it to get the same result.

(no login)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 16 2007, 3:21 PM

That's a good point, but I've had several occasions where different people were the first responders to my dowsing request, and they were accurate, but they didn't have anyone else's answers to read. I;ve also had people email or pm me, and on different forums, not just BE forums. I'm not trying to convert or convince anybody, just saying whats worked for me so far. Being very scientifically-minded, I can understand and appreciate skepticism that some people have expressed.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 16 2007, 7:02 PM

Fair enoguh, nor am I trying to avert anyone from doing what they want. Smile

I did give dowsing a chance tho, when I first heard about it, and it didn't tell me a damn thing lol!

Just out of curiousity, so if you ask the pendulum 'Is my name *insert your name*?, does it really always answer yes?

(no login)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 16 2007, 9:06 PM

Hi Sandy

Please don't feel funny for asking. There are many dowsers who do influence real health/life changes.

I dowse myself, but I am far from being an expert.

Here is what I dowsed about you:

- Take 2100 mg BO / day
- You can expect 2+ cups of growth
- Take BO for about 9 months
- Results will be permanent

You should probably ask Wen from to check these answers for you. I'm kind of in a rush right now because my kids are all over the place!

But if you really want to dowse for BE purposes there's no need to feel silly. You should however give it a shot so you can fine tune your routine.

Best of luck!

Lost Sheep
(no login)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 16 2007, 9:48 PM

Yes, it does. I can also ask questions like "am i allergic to this food, do i have a brother," etc., and it worked. I showed my very Catholic friend and it creeped him out. He said he needed to call his grandmother and do some Hail Marys or something lol. Which is another reason that I understand it's not for everybody. But Moon, thanks for respecting my position about this Smile

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 17 2007, 8:11 AM

Wow, that sounds impressive. Now I'm undecided again, lol I'm so tempted to blieve it does work! Oh well it would be nice if it did.

(Login sandy111)
Oh Thanks A lot JessSmile
September 17 2007, 10:15 AM

That was very Kind of You.Thanks a lotSmile I appreciate giving me from you time.I did ask Wen but there is something always going wrong,she is not getting permission to dowse for me.A shame i know.Maybe she would be able to do that soon.Thanks Smile

(Login wenonae)
:-) I'm a dowser
September 17 2007, 7:27 PM

Nice discussion.

Will just a small comment. Everyone can't dowse. I've become experienced enough to know a LOT about dowsing as a whole; even why it came to be considered evil, etc.

The bottom line is that for those who can do it full out(about 75% of people)'s still a skill (like learning to walk, etc.). The rest of the populace has limited or no capability. I've got a lot of things laid out as I've gone along this whole dowsing journey.

Since it's a skill- it's important to pick a good tool to learn with, be in a good position so you don't disrupt the energy you're trying to read, and that you're in a good location. Even the Earth has it's own energy..and can throw off beginners. Do note: the tool doesn't even have to be a pendulum- in fact, I just use my body.

Anyhow..I stopped in on the request of Sandy to checkout what Jess came up with. I have no permissions to directly help Sandy, but I can check what Jess did. :-) Jess's answers are 92% accurate. She'll need to check about the SP and l-arginine when she can. That will finish rounding out the routine.

Sandy- I'd go with the dose that Jess came up with. The 2 cups is a lot actually. Most folks can generally safely increase 1-3 cups. If you're AA or may be able to safely increase as much as 4-5cups.

Wen' Smile

(Login sandy111)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 17 2007, 7:57 PM

Thanks Wen

So i'll even grow less than 2 cups?That is a shameSad
I am a size 36 B but look really small.I was hoping for 4 cups increase to get the boobs i want.Anyway thanks a lotSmile

(Login wenonae)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 17 2007, 10:20 PM

You probably look small because you are missing 'tops'. With those filled in..even small breasts look 'big'. Perhaps Jess can check also if you fill those in more using BO. If she can't- focus on doing massage on the upper part of your breasts.


(Login sandy111)
Good Point!
September 17 2007, 11:06 PM


Ahaaa.This might be it.You are totally right.I am like a "L" shape.No tops at all.Thanks for pointing that issue Wen.


please If you find yourself having some time,Could you please check those things for me?

(no login)
More to add to your routine
September 18 2007, 1:44 AM

Hi Sandy

I dowsed again and here's what I got:

Saw Palmetto: 645 mg every day
L' Arginine: 1 500 mg capsule every other day

I also asked about massaging and I dowsed that you should be massaging for a total of about 15 minutes each day. Dry massages are fine.

I hope Wen can check my answers. I haven't dowsed for anyone in a looong time so I'm curious to see how I "perform".

The routine I dowsed for you is kind of similar to mine. Hopefully we'll both see great results. I've been on my BO routine for about 2 weeks and I'm feeling fullness and slight tenderness today.


(Login Buffeee)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 18 2007, 11:29 AM

How come people never dowse that it's not going to work for them? The routines dowswers dowse up for themselves and each other fail the VAST majority of the time. Shouldn't they have known that in the first place? lol. I thing dowsing is a huge waste of time for all but the most in-tune with their bodies. In my opinion, if you are asking someone else to dowse for you or check for you, it isn't going to work. That's not because it's magic, but rather because you don't understand NBE methods or your body's response to them. I'm not trying to piss people off or discourage them, but rather to make a point.

(Login sandy111)
Thanks Jess
September 18 2007, 12:03 PM

Thanks for dowsing for meSmile
I will start this routine soon and see how things go.But saw palemtto only that much?I'll try it and seeSmileMy Goal is 100 cm across i am now 88cm ,and i will do what ever it takes to reach there.Even thought the dowsing results say I won't i will try my bestSmile

Thanks for everything and i wish you the best of boobie growth.Jess what brand of Bo are you on now?

(no login)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 18 2007, 7:11 PM

Hi Sandy

I'm on Vitamin Power BO (3 tablets in the morning) and DNE Porcine Ovary (1 at night). I've dowsed that I'm supposed to ramp up slowly.

About the Saw Palmetto, that dosage might change because I notice that my dowsed dosages always tend to ramp up/down during different stages of my cycle. I take less Saw Palmetto during my luteal stage than follicle.

I read that someone on the BE board dowsed to fine-tune her routine as much as 3x a day.

Note: After I posted I noticed that it might look like I posted 1500 mg of L Arginine, so I just wanted to clarify that it's 1 capsule of L'Arginine (500 mg) every other day.

Good luck Sandy!

(no login)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 18 2007, 9:30 PM


Would it be too much to ask to give me a direction? I've been searching and reading a lot on this Forum but basicaly I still have no clue what combination of herbs or pills I should take. It seems like people kind of pick something randomly and see and wait. So I would be sooo delighted if I could get some direction.

many thanks ahead,

(Login sandy111)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 18 2007, 10:16 PM

Thanks Jess for the effort and i wish you the best of luck too.

When i get my VP i will start at 1800mg and ramp up if i don't feel anythingSmile I am on DNE now 1500mg and i am sometimes feeling a funny sensation im my breasts,like tiny butterflies and sometimes pain under my armpit.I guess this is a good sign.I hope.I never felt those things on 2000mg.I don't know.I let my body tell me what to do.I am on 1500 mg saw palmetto too.Started at 500mg and ramped up after asking Fawn.I have a lot of Thin hair on my arms and face(thank God blond) that is why i think i need larger doses Of SPSmile Thanks for everything Jess.Keep me posted on how you are doing with BO.Guess we can do that on the BO pageSmile Good luck

(no login)
Hello Jess
September 18 2007, 10:45 PM

Jess, if you have the time would you mind dowsing for me on how much vitex I should take? I am on 800mg a day just now, on the bottle it says I can take up to double. Also, should I add Fenugreek and/or Milk Thistle? I am taking this to help balance my hormones, too much androgens, and of course wouldn't mind if my boobs got bigger with this too but my main concern just now is to get rid of those horrible androgenic symptoms like acne, mood swings etc.
I have seen it work with my own eyes before and I would just love the extra input. I would do it myself too but I just don't feel like I have the patience just now to try and learn it, also it does creep me out a bit when I see the pendulum swing the right directions.
I would really appreciate it!

(Login wenonae)
Dowsing help/ Response to Buffee
September 19 2007, 6:34 PM

I'm going to try to hit 2 birds with one stone here.

TO Buffee:
"How come people never dowse that it's not going to work for them? The routines dowswers dowse up for themselves and each other fail the VAST majority of the time. Shouldn't they have known that in the first place? lol. I thing dowsing is a huge waste of time for all but the most in-tune with their bodies. In my opinion, if you are asking someone else to dowse for you or check for you, it isn't going to work. That's not because it's magic, but rather because you don't understand NBE methods or your body's response to them. I'm not trying to piss people off or discourage them, but rather to make a point."

Well, actually people do dowse BE won't work for them. However, many cases it's because their health is so bad, if they did BE they'd put themselves at more risk. So they get to do cleanses and other such sorts to get their health together. And for those who fail while using dowsing (remember it's a skill), is more a reflection of not being able to figure out blocks and impedances. BE for some people can be rooted in spiritual issues. For some- it's purely physical (hormonal imbalance). For those who purely have a physical imbalance- BE goes along rather reasonably.

Dowsing can provide all the clues- but it's key to know what questions to ask. If you aren't progressing per indications- something is up. Period. That's where these forums are so very helpful 'cause you can get insight on what someone else did to get past that hump or get ideas on another way to fix things so you can move forward.

I would agree that asking someone else for dowsed help- may not be a fix-all, but it could provide someone insight at least to know if they have a better BE chance with BO vs. herbs for example. Or to know if they have spiritual inhibitors or not.

TO ALL (Dowsing help):
Dowsing accesses an all-knowing level. It can be a bit much for one person to access it on behalf of any and everyone. There's this thing called 'permissions'. It's a questioning sequence that you ask in regards to ANYTHING. We are not entitled to know 'everything' there is to there's info we can and can not get. To stay on the straight and narrow- what one should do is ask 'May I ask about....?, Can I ask about...?, and Should I ask about....?' If you get a yes to all of those questions- you have 'permissions' to ask that question.

Jess has permissions to ask BE questions on behalf of Lisa121, but not xxsmall. But that's only for the time being (prolly some basic questions). Really, I feel people should give it a try on their own...but I also know everyone just doesn't have ability to do this.

Lisa121, you don't have ability to dowse accurately. And you shouldn't try. You're in Group 3. See this thread about groups:

XXSmall, you're actually a Group 1 give it a go. There's a thread on BEB for all the basics. Someone can help you to assure that you're using a good tool, have a good position, good location. See this thread


(no login)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 19 2007, 7:17 PM

Hi Wenonae, I actually tried dowsing before with guidance of someone who has the ability and it worked alright. I believe I can actually do it but don't feel like I am in the right frame of mind for it at the moment.
How can you be so sure about the groups and most of all, about who is in which group? Not critizising or anything, just wondering.

(Login GoldSnowflake)
I would be intterested and give permission!
September 19 2007, 7:35 PM

I have probably joined this thread too late, but here goes anyway. If someone could dowse me that would be great. I would like to try Botanical Beauty Bo 3 month kit. Would it work for me? Would it make me moody? Would it be safe? Would I need the pituitary glandular or just the BO? How long would I take it and how much growth? Would I put on weight? I am not sure what to ask and am not confident enough to try it myself. Anyone willing to take a stab at it for me? Thanks

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 19 2007, 8:03 PM

Okay, I started out as a real sceptic. I often form strong opinions on things really fast, and then change them just as fast. I do that becaue I have a really strong desire for truth. But lately I've come to realise that truth is not so easily accesible and I simply won't be able to avoid not knowing everything, not being sure. So now I'm kinda opinionless and open. But I so want to know.
Wen, could you tell me what group I am / do I have the ability to dowse?

(no login)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 19 2007, 8:53 PM


Wow, I think you opened up a whole new world for me! Thank you!

I have only asked my babies gender before ( used a needle to do it and only because it was an old Eastern European wifestale and I wanted to believe it) but I had no clue that I could actually "use it" for more things.

Anyway I have tried and I got the answer that it is not time yet to ask these types of questions. That is a weird answer to me since I have never asked anything before. And also it seems weird that after such a short time I am able to "communicate" with the Spirit. Or am I just imaginig?



(Login Alexia1981)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 19 2007, 9:08 PM

I would also like to know if I could have the ability to dowse, I'm certainly interested!

(Login wenonae)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 19 2007, 9:36 PM

Hiya Lisa-

Well, you're a tweenie (in between groups, but functionally in Group 3). You have some ability, but it's not generally 'safe' for you to really work on it. You'll start having some paranoia about it..start feeling wigged out then stop. How do I know? I'm an experienced dowser :-D. I've taught a lot of people virtually and in person. I've seen a heck of a lot of the progression of dowsers in the various groups. This is how I started being able to categorize. Initially thought a lot more people were fully accurately capable..then some folks started (for lack of better terms)- flipping. I dug into why.


See the comment I made before this one. You're in group 2- so you have limited capability (5 days a month you can safely dowse). But, at least you CAN do it. Give it a whirl.


You're in group 3- like no dowsing accuracy consistently possible; you're not a tweenie either. On scale of 1 to 100 (where 100 is accuracy of your hunches/gut instincts) your instincts are 83% correct. So really get used to seeing how your body subtly responds to things like if you go to eat food, does your nose scrunch up? If so, prolly isn't good for you. Do you see something and frown w/o thinking? Prolly isn't good for you. Etc.


You're also in Group 2. You're accurately dowsing capable 4 days of month. Don't bother doing it on other days..once you have the technique learned.


(Login GoldSnowflake)
Sorry, I am stupid about this, really
September 19 2007, 10:06 PM

What five days of the month, how do I know which days. Years ago when I was expecteing we used to do this with needle over tummy to see if it was girl or boy, right every time.

Sarah L
(no login)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 19 2007, 10:10 PM


I am fascinated by this subject and have had some success at dowsing myself! How do you know which days are good for you to dowse and which aren't? 4 days a month isnt much and might be easy to miss if you are not trying every day!

Sorry if the answer is obvious, i am a bit tired!!

thanks Sarah

(Login wenonae)
Knowing which days of Month if you're in Grp 2
September 19 2007, 11:53 PM


You would either dowse what dates are good, have someone else who has permissions tell you what day is good, or have an indicator for this.

You can either dowse with a pendulum tool...or some can use their body. But you would try to see if you're 'in Tune with Inner Self (gut), High Self (soul), and Holy Spirit'. If you get a yes to all three..then you'd ask, is it possible for me to have 100% accuracy in dowsing? If not, then what days will be good.

If you get a no to the 'In Tune''s DEFINITELY not a good day.


(Login wenonae)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 19 2007, 11:54 PM

..Oh, and I had no permissions to tell you exactly what days would work. Sorries.


(Login GoldSnowflake)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 20 2007, 12:10 AM

Wenonea, Thanks! Will consider this seriously.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 20 2007, 8:11 AM

Oh well I guess I'l just have to keep relying on science. And... no, I don't really do any of those two thngs.

(Login Alexia1981)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 20 2007, 9:49 AM

Thanks Wen!

(Login wenonae)
If you're group 2, how to know
September 20 2007, 3:33 PM


I believe I answered the question you asked in that next reply.
Really, again the easiest way is just for someone to tell you. Then from there onward, you dowse which days are best. Incidentally, yeppers, you're in Group 2. There are consistently 10 days of the month where you can dowse w/ accuracy. :-D


Think a little more outside the box. What I listed were examples...of how to have an idea when your body is responding. If you've had no experience even close to that...try to pay attention to the small things about how you respond when you really like something..or how you respond when you don't. Then extrapolate that into seeing, how does my body move...or do the hairs on my next stand up, etc.


(Login waxingmoon)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 20 2007, 5:02 PM

I have known of dowsing for some time and have used a form of it when I wanted to find things. For me it never involved using a tool, just relying on a feeling in my body. I am sometimes scary accurate in finding things because when I am in the 'mode' I go right to the thing that is lost right off, like I am being pulled there. It is somewhat annoying because my husband is always losing things and calling on me to find them. I guess what I find most annoying is when I am asked to find things I feel a compulsion to solve the mystery. What is annoying is that I am not always in the 'mode' and when I try and fake it, I am just as hit and miss as anyone else in my accuracy.

I also rely on a form of this for finding answers to questions. I allow my mind to ponder the question and what comes to me is usually a very accurate answer. Sometimes I am surprised to find what my mind comes up with, but it has been proven time and again to solve even tough questions. (most of the questions I put to it are health related and can then be verified by scientific testing for accuracy) Again, when I don't allow myself to be in the 'mode' I am not anymore accurate than anyone else.

The reason I am stating all of this is that I never thought of this ability as akin to the dowsing ability, but I guess they are very related. For the first time ever I tried it with a tool as described on the BE board. I found it very simple and easy to do. If you haven't tried it, go ahead and give it a whirl. Don't worry what category you might be in. The steps are simple and the process is a calming one. If you are worried about your accuracy, you can always ask someone to verify for you.

The second link Wenonae listed in one of the above responses will take you right to the instructions.

It is sort of like NBE -we start at first wanting someone else to figure it all out for us, but really we are much better off doing our own work. Only you know the exact questions you want to ask. And let me tell you, the way you phrase your question has a lot to do with what response you get.

Moon - I think you should try this with a simple tool. Just clear your mind and let it happen. I don't get the feel you are stuck in a category. (in fact quite frankly I am mad as **** about somebody inventing these categories ) If you try it a couple of times in the right 'mode' you will find some interesting results. Treat it as a test - a scientific study. You are merely plumbing the depths of your unconscious mind. There is nothing hokey-science about this. It is a tool very similar to hypnosis.


P.S. about the 'categories' (caution here comes a heartfelt rant) NOBODY can tell you whether you this skill is available to you or not. All they can test is whether you are at that moment able to receive this info. Many things influence our receptivity to a subjective experience with our unconscious mind. One of the most influential factors is belief. AND HERE IS WHY I AM SO MAD--- by telling someone they are in a 'category' you subject them to a 'belief' that they may not be able to overcome. The unconscious mind HEARS ALL - and what it seems to receive and act on the most is negativity.

Wenonae - you have always had some very cogent and interesting things to say and up to this point I have not seriously disagreed with you. BUT I DO ABOUT THIS! When you categorize people you BOX THEM UP - you put a label on them. You may only intend to reduce inaccuracy or explain how some do not work best with this method - but you should refrain from dissuading people from being category 1 - in other words since inaccuracy is always a possibility you could be WRONG. Being wrong in this situation is hurtful to others - it stunts their growth. Since 75% of people are receptive - it means MOST people can do this. You are playing with the unconscious minds of those you are trying to help. STOP. They think less of themselves when they hear you think they are category 3.

okay - I have ranted and yeah, I have probably overstated my point but I am not erasing a thing because I am soooooo MAD.

(Login wenonae)
Don't be mad waxingmoon
September 20 2007, 6:03 PM

The groups thing is really to help, honestly. It's not supposed to inhibit- it's to help people to know..hey- if you don't have accuracy, it's not because dowsing is fake, it's because you just can't. Just like everyone can't be a track runner with the fastest times...everyone can't dowse. Again, it's a skill which can be honed by those who have the inherent ability.

I've been at this a long time...been under attack a long time about dowsing in general too; hence, I pick may battles meticulously- when I have the energy for it. Along this journey, I started wondering what the heck was going on with others' dowsing attempts. Dowsing was so very easy for me...I thought it was like that for all. Needless to say I found out otherwise. So I'm now again back in the line of fire dowsing, but only if you should.

I mean if someone is going to dowse, I'm sure they'd want to get accurate answers. If you can't get accurate answers, what's the point? Additionally, even for those who are not the most spiritual, I just would not subject a novice person to being spiritually jeopardized- ESPECIALLY when they could have known beforehand and saved themselves some grief. I've seen it go down...Bbbbaaadddly. It's just sad. So, before you get mad at me- be glad someone cared enough to dig into it AND try to to get the word out.

Finally, do this. Dowse what I have for groups. I've had several people very qualified people verify it already. I've also seen all groups and 'tweens first hand. See if you get the same (once you've got your position, tool, and location optimized).

I'll bet a lot you'll have change in tune. I'm not just a frivolous, judgmental categorizer. I really try to help.

Wen' :-)

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 20 2007, 7:28 PM

Thank you for responding, You have a valid point. Thanks for taking time to share it with me.

I had not considered the risk of inaccuracy regarding dowsing. Sometimes it amazes me the extreme lack of knowledge some come to NBE with. I can see how dowsing for dosage amounts could lead to disaster. (toxicity levels for some herbs and supplements are fairly easy to achieve) Inaccurate results in dowsing could cause a catastrophe in this regard.

I also hadn't considered the other side of belief. I was considering the 'group assignment issue' in regards to belief in one's own capabilities and not as an issue of faith/spirituality. Undoubtedly you have some experiences where this caused a crisis.

So yes, having a false sense of accuracy in regards to dowsing can cause trouble. I personally use a combined method of objective and subjective means to come up with my answers. In other words, I would not do something that came from a subjective or intuitive source (like dowsing) if it brought me into danger as confirmed by an objective source (like scientific data).

Also yes, making judgments about spiritual issues based on whether a person is accurate in dowsing can also cause trouble. I have already had my 'crisis of faith' and having survived it, I am now unshakable. I would point out that sometimes a hard journey is necessary for the growth of the person, so a spiritual crisis is not necessarily a bad thing. However, I make it a point to never start another on that kind of journey through any word or deed of my making.

Sorry to go off on you - I still stand by the 'theoretical' basis of my gripe, but I now know where you are coming from and why you do what you do. I don't see how you could come to any other conclusion or take any other action than what you have.


(no login)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 21 2007, 4:20 AM

I'd just like to chime in here and say that Wen is right on with categorizing dowsing abilities. I know from first hand experience I'm not a fully capable dowser. I tried and tried and tried over several months. I just never could get it even though I have total belief in dowsing. Thanks to Wen I was able to finally understand why my attempts failed. I happen to be in category 2. I can connect spiritually 2 days a month. She is a wonderful person and helps so many women along in this journey. I have complete respect for her and the advice she gives. I usually read and do not reply in this forum however I felt compelled to say this.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 21 2007, 9:39 AM

Wen - I see what you mean, I try to do that as much as I can.

Waxingmoon - thanks for advice, but I don't suppose I could dowse in any case cause I still don't believe in it very much. I'm kindof undecided, but I've never seen a proof and I've relied on reason for my whole life and it never failed me, so I can't believe it either.

(no login)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 21 2007, 4:21 PM

Hi everyone. Thanks Wen for your insight and help, and Waxy for your rant, it both was very useful.

A question though, is there anyone around that could dowse for me please? I would really like to know with the vitex dosages, I just need that stuff to work as my testosterone is really quite high and I hate this bloody acne and really want to get rid of it and know what dosages will help sort me out. I just never want to go back on the pill for this again.
Also I would love to know if the vitex will maybe sort my hormones permanently, and if so if I should take it for the 18 months recommended or longer/shorter? I know these are a lot of questions but I would really love the help.
Any ideas who I could ask? Jess doesn't seem to be around much, I know she is busy with her kids etc. and I would really like an answer asap so I can adjust my dosage if need be.
This morning I took one extra, so that would be 1200 mg today but I am not feeling right about it, just would like to have someone verifying me :-).
Wen, can you at least tell me that I am right with the 800 mg of vitex a day?

Thanks for the help and insight, I really appreciate it.

(Login wenonae)
Checking Lisa121- vitex
September 21 2007, 7:27 PM

K..have permissions.

Vitex- should only be used externally (put on acne spots) only, not internally.
For internal treatment of acne which will also help BE- use saw palmetto abt 3500mg/day spread in 3 doses.

Again- vitex will stop your BE if you take it internally. Your feeling funny at 1200 because you are right. If you weren't doing BE, 800mg would be what you'd need.


(Login Lisa121)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 21 2007, 7:43 PM

Thanks so much Wenona, I am not doing NBE just now, primarily I want to sort out my hormones at the moment. Currently I am just doing hypnosis for NBE and am maybe going to use some cream topically, maybe some Fennel extract in it too.
I will keep on taking 800mg of vitex just now. I tried SP before while doing NBE, it never really worked well for me and I got horrendous cellulite from it, so not taking that again. I have used Nettle root, which worked and was a lot better, I just don't know if I can combine it with the vitex and if the vitex will continue to work fine if I did.
How do you use vitex topically? I only know of the capsules.
Can you find out for me how long I should take the vitex for to sort out my testosterone problem and when to take breaks? I was thinking I would maybe take a week off during my period every month.
Wenona, I really appreciate all your help, we have missed you around here, it is nice that you came over. I have been on the BE board before but am finding this forum easier, so it is nice to have you around.

Sarah L
(no login)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 21 2007, 9:01 PM

Hi Wen'

Thank you for replying, I'm actually really chuffed to be told I am group 2, 10 good days - yippee!

You said in your reply that the easiest thing was just to ask someone which days are good for me, I dont know anyone that dowses so not sure how to do that - or do you mean dowse to see which days are good for me? Trouble is, if I'm having an 'off' day (which only having 10 good days a month is very likely) thats not going to be easy. Also, once i find out which days are good for me, will they be the same every month?

I tried to dowse last night, i asked my usual question just to get going and it was the weirdest thing, the pendulum couldnt seem to make up its mind where it wanted to go, left, right, back, forward like it had a mind of its own. Very bizarre and a little bit scary!

Sorry to ask lots of questions but i love this subject!


(Login silv1)
Jess, please dowse for me
September 21 2007, 9:09 PM

Can you please dowse for me as Wen from Bebord does not have permissions to check for me and she said I'm a Tween and not accurately dowsing capable at all. My new plan will be BO from Vitamin Power. I will be taking kelp, N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine and Protein shake. I will continue to do the massages. I'm also listening to a hypnosis CD. I have the following questions
1. Will i be able to gain any cup size with this program
2. what is the best dosage for me (1500mg or 1800mg)?
3. how long should I stay on BO to see some and best result?
4. Do I have to add anything else to my program?
So sorry for asking so many question and thank you so much for your help.

(no login)
Dosage for me?
September 22 2007, 8:09 PM

I'm new to these boards and I had never even heard of dowsing before reading this thread. (Though I did act in a play called "Diviners" once and thinking back on it I guess it kind of dealt with this topic.) I'm still trying to decide if I should try BO or not... and if I try, I'm not sure which brand or dosage I should use. Or if anything else would be needed (I read some people use L-Tyresone & Kelp with their BO... and then there is those protein shakes & the fact that some BO has been switched to PO) and I don't know if my being on BCP will hurt or help my chances at growth. Can any of you dowsers help me? I feel like there are so many choices out there that I will never know which would be right for me and I don't have enough money to just try everything.

I've never measured myself, but I know that I am VERY small (I buy "nearly A" bras). I'm 26 and my kid sister is bustier than me... I just want to feel more womanly. But being 26 I'm also concerned about fertility... some posts mention BO can affect fertility but I never read a definitive answer as to whether it did or didn't.

ANY help would be appreciated!

(Login wenonae)
Re: Any dowsers here??
September 23 2007, 8:16 AM

To SarahL- can be a trick to know what your 10 days are of the month the first time around. They aren't the same 10 days (dates), instead, they are the same 10 days, every 4 weeks :-D. And darn it if I just don't have permissions to tell you what days. Well, the good news is that I indicate your p will act funky- period, when you're not supposed to dowse. there you have it. Just pick it up and try to see if it 'works' that day. If it does...figure out which days.


To Lisa121-

I'm going to start another thread to try to help the Group 3 folks be able to figure out a way to fine tune regimens and all. Group three people still have ability- it's just all gut intuition, all physical. Nothing spiritually guided. Your potential accuracy is 79%.

..and funny, this board- I just get lost. I haven't even figured out how to edit my thread. Maybe I need an account upgrade? LOL. Still don't know.


To LinZ-

I don't have permissions to help you, but you can help yourself. :-D. Check out the thread labeled- Group 3 dowsers. Your intuitive ability has a potential accuracy of 87%.


(no login)
Sorry I've been away so long
October 1 2007, 10:00 AM

Looks like Wen has helped mostly everyone on this board, so here's what I dowsed with for the last two members who posted for help:

Both Silv & LinZ can enlarge breasts permanently with bovine ovary, but it's not the fastest/safest/healthiest options for you. I think you would both be better off with herbal BE routines.

Maybe Wen can check that for me Smile

(Login wenonae)
Re: Any dowsers here??
October 1 2007, 11:04 PM


Only have permisisons to rate your accuracy.
For Silve- it's 100%.
For LinZ- it's 71%


December 18 2005 at 1:16 PM puppy (no login)
Can anyone explain me what is dowsing and how I should get started?Is it like hypnosis?should I concentrate?

(no login)
Re: dowsing
December 18 2005, 3:18 PM

Dowsing is a manifestation of the paranormal. The people who believe it works are people who believe in the paranormal world, but it goes without saying that nothing in the paranormal world has ever been proven. That's why it's called paranormal, because it's beyond any normal experience.

(no login)
Re: dowsing
December 18 2005, 4:58 PM

puppy there is another thread you can see that deal with dowsing. you can do a search for it on this forum. this discussion is a sore subject on this forum becuase most dont believe in it on this forum.

some people believe that dowsing is a paranormal phenominal. while other believe that its the subconciouse mind coming forward to tell you what the body is experience. while others just ranks it with the novelty of tarro cards and oija board. IF you believe in hypnosis then you can compare dowsing to it. i look at it as if your mind believes in something enough it will cause changes in your body. so the key to dowsing is believing it works whole hardedly. the ladies who Claim growth while dowsing believe like crazy that it works. those that it doest work for dont really believe in it so it doesnt work. you wont find someone that has used dowsing and it didnt work for them blieving that it can works.

dowsing is worth a try depending on how you believe it works. if you think it works on some paranomal basis and you blieve in that then its right up your ally. if you believe in the subconcouse mind coming through then its right up your ally. if you dont believe in any of those things then dont waste your time. hypnosis works better and there is scientific proof on how hypnosis works. but if you want more info on dowsing this forum wont give it too you. i dont think too many members on this forum dowse or even believe in it so their beliefs are one sided.

(no login)
Re: dowsing
December 18 2005, 6:40 PM

ok i think i should share my experience with dowsing since ive never done so and most people that respond have never tried dowsing. plus i try to be it more objective since if you go to the beboard there are enough believers with their own stories on their spectacular experiences which may not be a realistic expectation for those who start off with dowsing for the first time.

i did some research on it when i first heard about the "real heath breast enlargement book" its basis on NBE is using dowsing. so i found some intersting sites that support dowsing and that dismiss it.

after learning about how this "tool" is suppose to work i decided to give it a try. You know that you hold the pendulum (can be a necklase or anything on a string with a balaced weight) between your fingers. you ask a question and the pendulum is suppose to swing. from what others described to me i thought that it would be a big swinging response. but that wasnt what i experienced.
i tried different positions of dowsing. standing up, my elbow stilling on a counter, my elbow tucked close to my body.... the posistion i was trying to find was one where i can get the P. to settle and not move before i ask a question. the position i found best for this was with my elbow tucked close my body and supported by my other hand.

so i asked the question and pendulum swinged slightly so i questioned weither it was a true response or just light unintentional body movement. so i tried closing my eyes . i noticed that my hand was shaking a bit before i asked the question and after i asked the question my had would shake even more and no matter how relaxed or rigid i tired to keep my hand steady my hand would always shake like crazy after i asked the question. i truley felt my p responses were not premeditated or a response i tried to create on purpose.

i did some more research and found that there was research goin on about the oija board and the researcher was trying to prove that the people controlling the board were actrally moving the piece without knowing that they were doing it. and they found that there were movement in the hands that were suttle and not noticable or not intentional by the indiviuals using the board. its the same sorta think that can be applied to the Pendulum dowsing.

there are some people that train their body to have control over this movement. like people who do sports. for instance archry. when the person is holding a bow at a target their hands will shake uncontrollably. but just when they are ready to release the arrow they are able to somehow control their hand movement enough to aim at the target and make an accurate shot.
when you apply the same concept to dowsing. i dont know exactly how it fits. those that do dowsing say that it takes practice so maybe with practice you have better control over this thing. i only did dowsing 3 times and quit cause i felt i wasnt getting anywhere with it and frankly i would care less about it. i was just experimenting with it and i was disappointed in the fact that i could get it to work the way it was described to work. but im very impatient so that could be it also.

if you believe in the subconciouse mind is at work then you can argue that the involuntary responses have somthing to do with it. then you can linking this theory to hypnosis and other phenomina like the icecube and the blisters hypnosis experiment or the stigmata cases.or if you dont believe in any of this stuff then you can argue that the movements is not your great aunt Martha trying to make contact from the other side.

i dont question anyone who claims that they grew on any forum (unless its a spammer tring to con people). so i guess if the ladies that claim they grew with dowsing i have to decide which theory i will use to explain their growth. i believe hypnosis and the whole mind over body thing so i guess i use that to explain how dowsing could have worked for them. but i prefer to just buy a few NBE hypnosis CDs by different hypnotists and use that instead of dowsing.

(no login)
Re: dowsing
December 20 2005, 9:17 PM

Thanks.I don't know if I can do sowsing .I have decided to start a mild routine with 3000mg of EPO and flax seed oil.I am afraid of taking phytoestrogens.I will try for 3 months and see what's going on.Do you think I can see any improvement?

(no login)
Re: dowsing
December 21 2005, 1:12 AM

puppy there are 4 ways i belive can cause breasts to grow.

1) hypnosis/visualization
2) HRT/ herbs (phytoestrogens and anti androgen)/ natual hormone supplimentation
3) massage/ pumping ( breastfeeding pump to stimulate prolactin)/ heating pad
4) Brava/ sustained tension/dbra

the more you combine in a routine the better your chances of success but the problem is find what hormones you need, knowing how long and often to massage/pump, figureing how to increase how well you are at responding to suggestions in hypnosis and finding time and the patients to use sustained tension. but to some degree they all can work( for some better then others)

another clue to my routine is that i plan on hopefully combining all for in my routine if i can manage it.

(no login)
Re: dowsing
December 24 2005, 6:04 PM

Ask a witchdoctor to explain it for you. They are the experts when it comes to dowsing.

is dowsing real?
June 29 2005 at 8:01 PM Court (no login)
is dowsing for real? does it actually help speed up the process?

(no login)
Re: is dowsing real?
June 29 2005, 9:36 PM

Anything is possible. Even with believers, there have been debates about its effectiveness or necessity. All I can say is try it if you would like to and see what you think. But remember, even adjustments recommended by your 'p' can still take time to show benefits.

(no login)
Re: is dowsing real?
June 29 2005, 10:14 PM

Dowsing dates back 7000 years. Today it is mainly used by witch doctors as a form of medical diagnosis but is also used by spiritualists for faith healing. It's never been shown to have any scientific basis and is generally regarded as risky and even dangerous, but it remains popular with the superstitious and those who practice black magic. If you believe in it you can get rich, because the author James Randi has offered a prize of one million dollars to anyone who can prove that dowsing works. The prize has been on offer since 1964 but to this day it remains unclaimed.

Ima Doll
(no login)
Re: is dowsing real?
June 30 2005, 10:26 PM

I'm writing this message from Haiti. All the witch doctors use dowsing here, it's traditional and part of their craft. I don't suppose it really works in any way. Witch doctors use it to demonstrate that there are other forces to appeal to and they use it as a counter against Christianity.

(no login)
Re: is dowsing real?
July 20 2005, 4:22 AM

wht is dowsing?

(no login)
Re: is dowsing real?
July 20 2005, 9:45 AM

Dowsing is a form of whichcraft which explores the realm where human consciousness meets and dialogues with the Spirit of the Earth. It empowers the harmonious interaction between person and answer and enables the person to seek out the required answer with the aid of a hand held instrument. Dowsers are empowered to locate and shape these answers in harmony with both the physical and the spiritual environment of the Earth, demonstrating that the intellect has little to do on the road to discovery and that the essence of true discovery is a leap of the consciousness.

(no login)
Re: is dowsing real?
July 20 2005, 9:47 AM

Somehow I don't think anyone will be claiming the one million dollars anytime soon.

(no login)
Re: is dowsing real?
August 6 2005, 8:49 AM

Dowsing is as real or unreal as any other paranormal phenomenon.

Wahaika*** dowsing?
March 25 2009 at 3:00 AM
Lenas00 (Login lenas00)
I came across dowsing and I'm only a little bit familiar with it. My mom has been into new age things for quite a while. So alot about what I know on spiritual aspects \ and alternative medicines I pick up from her. Though to my understanding dowsing is using some sort of rod to find water pathways and possibly other things. Can you please inform me on how dowsing may work for NBE? this is very interesting.

Thank you Smile

(no login)
Re: Wahaika*** dowsing?
March 26 2009, 10:13 PM

How dowsing works for NBE?

It doesn't.

(Login lenas00)
Re: Wahaika*** dowsing?
March 27 2009, 3:43 AM

Hi there!
I actually stummbled on dowsing as a subject for NBE I 'm waiting for wahaika to tell me her thoughts about this. Jusst curious about it because I saw it on the forum. Smile

(Login Rei_A)
March 27 2009, 4:03 AM

Wahaika is actually he, not she Smile.
He doesn't really practise dowsing. It was Wen who does dowsing for others but she hasn't been on the board for a few months. She should be back though at some undetermined point of time.
Dowsing is used to find the best healthy routine for your body. So, you basically dowse (ask yes/no questions) for the herbs and each item of your routine and the amounts.
They are not so many people who were successful with dowsed routines as I can see.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Wahaika*** dowsing?
March 27 2009, 11:09 AM

Dowsing is supposed to be sth like a psychic ability to ask questions and get yes and no answers from a pendulum. Decide for yourself if you believe it.

(Login Wahaika)
Re: Wahaika*** dowsing?
March 27 2009, 4:48 PM

Dowsing (or water witching) is in the same category as the ouija board. As with the ouija board, its origins are ultimately satanic and is a dangerous practice seen as dabbling. As such, it is my opinion that whether it works or not doesn't matter. There are women who have had success and attributed it to dowsing. I don't know of any who kept their growth.

I think that it is possible that it could work (i.e. category of false miracles) but I have never seen it be successful as a permanent BE solution. I have demonstrated that it does not work by stepping away from all those who were seeking Wenonae's help. Each and every case resulted in their failure. Again.

This is my belief as to why Wenonae has left. She really was wasting her time. I do not think that her departure is permanent. But I do see it as a let down for her supporters. Someone left an email for her on one of the postings and those interested in dowsing have been in contact with her that way.


(Login lenas00)
Re: Wahaika*** dowsing?
March 28 2009, 12:07 AM

Thank you to everyone for responding!
I was just curious as to what it exactly was.
Though personally I will not incorporate this in my program!
Thanks again for the info about it!

Wishing everyone fantastic results!
Take care! Smile

Does anyone want the million dollars?
September 18 2007 at 8:50 PM
Jennelle (Login Jenneelle)
Question: Since some people here say that dowsing can be demonstrated to work, why hasn't anyone claimed the million dollar prize which is on offer for anyone who is able to demonstrate that it works?

Sally Anne
(Login sally.anne)
Re: Does anyone want the million dollars?
September 19 2007, 9:30 AM

Well there have been many claimants for the prize so far, if not anyone from this forum. James Randi has tested more than 100 dowsers over the years (I don't know the exact number). He has said that only 2 of them tried to cheat, which suggests that dowsers are basically honest people.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Does anyone want the million dollars?
September 19 2007, 12:13 PM

But if I'm not mistaking, it's impossible to prove anyhing anyway. It's just like in science - gravity for example is only a theoy, not a confirmed fact, because only one experiment in which an apple wouldn't fall down but up would annul the whole theory. And you can throw the apple as many times as you want, you'll never prove that in the next experiment it won't fly up.

Sally Anne
(Login sally.anne)
Re: Does anyone want the million dollars?
September 19 2007, 4:04 PM

Ah, but the point of the million dollar challenge is not to prove anything for a certainty. If for example someone claimed that dowsing worked 90% of the time, it would be easy to construct a test to see if a 90% success rate was achieved. In other words, it's all relevant to what point the dowser is trying to establish. I think any results that were clearly unlikely to be obtained through chance would be enough.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Does anyone want the million dollars?
September 19 2007, 4:48 PM

True, good point. It would be pertty easy to demonstrate it then.

Woolly Sheep
(no login)
Re: Does anyone want the million dollars?
September 19 2007, 5:13 PM

A scientific 'theory' IS considered a fact. 'Theory' does not mean what it means in everyday language when we're talking science.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Does anyone want the million dollars?
September 19 2007, 8:20 PM

It's considered a fact in practice, but not in theory. :p

(Login solitairian)
Re: Does anyone want the million dollars?
September 20 2007, 10:07 AM

So where do dowsers consider that they get their powers from? Do they believe they were born with these abilities or do they acquire them during their lifetime?

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: Does anyone want the million dollars?
September 20 2007, 5:23 PM

Dowsing is a long standing practice for finding water. For most people you say the word dowsing and they conjure up the image of a person with a forked stick using it to find water. It is quite accurate and a method still employed by some today. Some people are better than others. Scientifically it makes sense. Since besides air, water is the most necessary ingredient for life, it would stand to reason those creatures that could find water would survive better. Surviving better would mean you could have more offspring and pass on this trait.

This ability seem to be genetic, with most people having an active or latent form of it. Most people who attempt to learn how to dowse can do it. Some people have better skills than others.

There are other 'uncanny' skills that humans possess. One such is the ability to tell when we are being stared at. This seems to crop up in less of the population - but again, there is some logic behind it. A predator will stare at its prey before attacking it. Those creatures that had some ability to sense this would be on the alert and be less likely to be victims.... have more offspring... pass on the trait...

Now, proving these things is a rather difficult proposition. Many factors effect accuracy. For example, the way the test is set up and the persons chosen for the experiment. In other words, if you set about panning for gold in your bathtub you are unlikely to get results (barring a lost tooth or earing... lol) However, you have not proven that a person cannot find gold. Also, what is the acceptable percentage of accuracy. If I can accurately guess a coin toss 65% of the time that is statistically significant - but if the test calls for 90% accuracy then I don't 'win'.

Our understanding of the world, humankind and the forces at play is still in many ways in its infancy. We know just enough to know how much we don't know.


September 15 2005 at 9:12 AM wtf (no login)
What is dowsing? I hear it all the time, and it apparantly works, but i have no idea what it is!!

(no login)
Re: dowsing
September 15 2005, 11:15 AM

Dowsing is when you use a pendulum or dvining rod to tell you e.g. how much herbs your body needs. The dowser basically swings in different directions for yes and no, and you can ask questions. People use it for all different kinds of things, one popular one is the detection of electromagnetic fields in homes. You can google it and will find lots of more specific information if you are interested in knowing more.

(no login)
Re: dowsing
September 15 2005, 3:12 PM

lots of women had success with dowsing and NBE. look up Wenonae in particular. she will give you all the info you need.

(no login)
Re: dowsing
September 15 2005, 8:49 PM

Dowsing is a form of whichcraft which explores the realm where human consciousness meets and dialogues with the Spirit of the Earth. It empowers the harmonious interaction between person and answer and enables the person to seek out the required answer with the aid of a hand held instrument. Dowsers are empowered to locate and shape these answers in harmony with both the physical and the spiritual environment of the Earth, demonstrating that the intellect has little to do on the road to discovery and that the essence of true discovery is a leap of the consciousness.

(no login)
Re: dowsing
September 16 2005, 1:56 AM

In my opinion dowsing is really stupid. There have been quite a few people who say that it has told them to do the wrong thing. If you believe something, you can make yourself believe it is working, you make yourself see what you want to see. If it doesnt work, they make up an excuse on why it told them to do the wrong thing, whatever.

No offense to anyone who is dowsing or believes in it, my opinion is that it is stupid and fake and if you use them, you will see what you want to see.

(no login)
Re: dowsing
September 16 2005, 10:42 AM

Dowsing is a manifestation of the paranormal. The people who believe it works are people who believe in the paranormal world, but it goes without saying that nothing in the paranormal world has ever been proven, and so there is no basis for saying that it apparently works as you did above. But if you are a true believer you will doubtless argue that proof is not necessary. Even SugarQ who often moans here about the lack of evidence for herbal breast enhancement, lack of before and after pictures etc etc, even she has overlooked the fact that the idea of dowsing is not supported by any evidence whatsoever. It's funny how the things she chooses to believe in aren't required to have any evidence to support them, when she chooses to criticise other things for exactly that reason.

(no login)
Re: dowsing
September 16 2005, 7:35 PM

Dowsing is not stupid or fake. It is an ancient skill traditionally used for healing, and witchdoctors and complementary therapists still use it widely today to diagnose ills and to help them cast spells for a patient.

(no login)
Re: dowsing
September 17 2005, 10:14 PM

Im not knocking anyone who is dowsing or believes in it. Myself, I think it is completely nonsense. If dowsing did in fact work, every hospital and Drs office would use them because that would be the cheapest way for them to know what was wrong with you, therefore the profit margin would increase for the Drs and hospitals.
And I believe that nobody would have any diseases anymore either. Dowsing would discover the disease and let you know how to heal it.

If you notice which countries still practice witchcraft and dowsing as healing are the poorest countries. They have no alternative methods. That is all they know and all they can afford.

You are not looking at the big picture. You are seeing only the times that dowsing supposedly works(just a coincidense), not the majority of time when it actually doesnt. What is the mortality rate in those poor countries who use dowsing and witchcraft as their medicine? Pretty darn high isnt it?

(no login)
Re: dowsing
September 17 2005, 11:06 PM

That the mortality rate in those countries is so high might have something to do with them not having enough clean water, enough food and the adequate medical provisions on hand, and many of those countries are dealing with high numbers of people who are infected with HIV. I don't think the reason that they all die early is due to them using witchcraft and dowsing, to suggest this shows a very narrow view of the world.
Also in western, rich countries thousands of people die every year because of unnecessary/wrong surgeries and drug treatments.
I don't say that dowsing is great and can heal every disease but I don't think that this is what people who use dowsing say. Dowsing for example is used to detect and eliminate negative energy fields in your body in order for your body to be able to heal, whether this is true or not is hard to determine scientifically, which might be one of the many reasons why doctors in westernised countries don't use this method, which does not mean it doesn't or hasn't worked to help some people.
Also I have never seen any where that someone claims dowsing can and will heal any and every disease. There are some diseases people will die from whether they use western traditional medicine or witchcraft.
To condemn something only because it hasn't been proven or isn't practised that much in the western world is being ignorant and to pretend as if western medicine is the best there is is just naive.
You yourself are using alternative medicine to increase your breast size and I haven't seen any doctor recommending these herbs to you either when you go and ask what you can take to get bigger boobs.
I am not dowsing myself or trying to say that dowsing works, I don't think that it is very constructive to condemn something only because you don't understand or agree with it.
The person who started this discussion only asked what dowsing was, which I think has been answered. Any comments regarding the effectiveness of this technique or the uselessness of it I can't see as being relevant in any way.

(no login)
Re: dowsing
September 18 2005, 4:30 AM

To the anonymous person who posted the last thing on here. This is a forum where anyone can give their opinion about anything. From what I was reading on here it does not seem like anyone was criticizing dowsing. To me they were just giving their belief on the matter. I have not dowsed and do not plan on doing it but it is nice to hear everyones opinion on the matter being it negative or positive.

(no login)
Re: dowsing
September 18 2005, 10:39 AM

As a newcomer here I am surprised to be reading about dowsing and the casting of spells, but as far as I am concerned all information is valuable and all contributions welcome. But the thing that surprised me the most was the anonymour person just above who said "Any comments regarding the effectiveness of this technique or the uselessness of it I can't see as being relevant in any way". Well I agree with Amber that the whole point of having a forum must be to share information and opinions on something whether negative or positive. If we can't discuss the effectiveness or uselessness of something I can't see what the point would be in having a forum at all.

(no login)
RE: Dowsing
September 25 2005, 3:46 AM


Whoever is a christian or have religious beliefs and are dowsing, you need to be aware of your punishment!

(no login)
Re: RE: Dowsing
September 25 2005, 11:10 AM

NONE, what kind of christian are you? I think that must be a pretty terrible religion where you can't dowse? And what happens if you do do it?
If you have beliefs like that maybe you should let other people believe in dowsing and not call it stupid, so far what you say doesn't sound very reasonable to me either.

(no login)
Re: RE: Dowsing
September 25 2005, 2:53 PM

In reply to Mag & NONE:

I personally don't believe in dowsing and do not do it. However, Im not knocking anyone who does. So I agree with Mag. No REAL Christian is going to be criticizing something like dowsing in the manner you were. Calling it stupid, not a Christian thing to do at all. Threatening that they need to be aware of their punishment. Whatever. I don't think God is going to be punishing someone for dowsing. They are not hurting anyone, not doing anything wrong.
The Christian way would be to guide them to Jesus, etc. etc. Not criticize, judge, or threaten.

Another thing, I believe that NONE is the same one who posted in the "cleavage creame and flat to fab" because someone actually typed NONE in that post as well. Anyone else who doesn't write anything shows up Anonymous. And nobody else has written NONE. In their post they put wrote

Bf sucking! Nice! September 25 2005, 3:54 AM
"i read on a different forum were a woman was describing letting her bf suck on her breasts daily and she ended up growing about 1/2 a cup in 6 or so weeks"
That sound nice, I will have my own human breast pump for free! The only think is that if that was true, my boyfriend's dick should be about a yard longer by now!"

So you can see they both have NONE as their name. And look how close the times they were posted are. 3:54AM & 3:46AM on the same date. This was the same person. And what Christian is going to #1 be giving oral sex on her boyfriend. and #2 be calling it a dick.

So no REAL Christian wrote that post.

(no login)
Re: dowsing
October 16 2005, 11:41 AM

If you believe in dowsing you can get rich, because the writer and psychic investigator James Randi has offered a prize of one million dollars to anyone who can prove that dowsing actually works. (The prize has been on offer since 1964 but to this day it remains unclaimed).

(no login)
Re: dowsing
October 16 2005, 4:02 PM

i dont know what you are talking about. i did my own research about dowsing and i have come up with my own reseasoning about it. a few members of the forum have used it and felt like they had results and so i gave it a try. i am not a total believer in the idea of dowsing and i know there is no prove (actually if found some studies that proved that it doesnt work).my opinion is that dowsing may help give BEers needed positive feedback to keep their hopes up when they try a routine it my have a mental (psychological impact on their progress). if the mind thinks it works then the body may respond. it didnt cost me anything to give it a try anyways.its like playing with th oija board or tarro cards... the idea of them actually working if fun to imagine but as you play with it you dont expect much of anything.
i believe in god, spirits,aliens etc even though there is very little or no proof they exist and that is my right. its all about faith and there are just things that cant be explained. as for NBE, i believe that herbs my work. i dont know which ones work but they may. i dont pick and choose i believe in. someone asked to know about dowsing and i gave them a source to look into. dowsing didnt worked for me by the way but its still worth a try. NBE in general is still worth a try even though there is lil prove that it actually works.
I dont know if my believs about NBE offends you or anyone but i still offer my opinion in hopes it could help someone. I have right to voice my opinion and if anyone want to debate or dispute some of my ideas they are welcome to in posts that i start in. i believe in NBE enough to give dowsing and hypnosis a try. and im working on a routine that doesnt require herbs which im confindent that theoretically would work. i may sound like a broken record sometimes but its not like you have to read what i type.

(no login)
Re: dowsing
October 16 2005, 7:39 PM

If you think about it, dowsing is probably just as real as herbs working for breast growth. Just like someone said if dowsing was real wouldn't doctors use it more? well if taking herbs for breast growth is real then wouldn't plastic surgeons be out of business? people prefer natural boobs to fake ones so i'm sure if nbe really worked people would pay the same amount for the pills as they would for surgery. There are some instances were nbe works just as well as there are some instances where dowsing works. Its not that thoese are proven true some people are just lucky enough to have results.

(no login)
Re: dowsing
October 16 2005, 7:53 PM

I think the reason why some people have a negative opinion about dowsing is the way that it is handled on beboard. I know that beboard supporters are going to jump all over me but I really don't care. I have read posts where people like wen basically said if you don't dowse then its your fault that you didn't grow. Whenever someone is having growth problems on beboard they are usually referred to dowsing. I have asked several people their opinions about my routine and dosages and beboarders said well is pointless to do trial and error you should dowse. To me that is the equivalent of saying 'I don't know anything about herbs and how they affect the body so just do something else to take the focus off of my ignorance.' For people who believe in dowsing, I challenge you to use dowsing to predict winning lottery numbers. If you win with dowsing then I will believe in it. If it can pin down something as random as herbs then it should def. be able to predict the order of numbers for the lottery. That is a simple task but no one has done it that I know of.

(no login)
Not jumping all over you, but...
October 16 2005, 11:51 PM

You can't use dowsing to predict lottery numbers. I've only ever said that without dowsing- it's harder than hell's bells to figure out what you need. It's not that it can't be done, but if you don't respond to the to the typical fengureek, wild yam, saw palmetto, maybe Red clover, EPO stuff, you'll be hard pressed to figure out something that works. I can speak because I've been there done that (used BO + SP + oregano (cutting + other stuff for a year. Anyways, it's really ok NOT to believe in dowsing...if it works for some, then yeah for them.

I could be interested in a reasonable dowsing BE challange- but really for all the skeptics, they'll just mark it up to being dumb luck which has brought about the success.


(no login)
Re: Not jumping all over you, but...
October 17 2005, 2:38 AM

why not? if dowsing was real then you could use it to predict lottery numbers. perhaps you can't use it for the lottery because dowsing doesn't work!!!!!

(no login)
Re: Not jumping all over you, but...
October 17 2005, 5:18 AM

Anon that posted before me
why dont you try it out and see if you can win the lottery. Hey,maybe you will get lucky!!!
some people use numbers they get from a dream. others consult the stars while some just pick numbers at random.
why dont you people do your homework and reasearch what dowsing is (there are different theorys about how it works) but its been around for thousands of years. Please dont disrepect it cause its been important to certain people who have passed it on for so many generations. Just like some people feel that they must attend church every weekend and they feel that its good for them. dowsing is important to a few women. I may not be a believer but i dont knock anything until i give it a try for myself . All you ladies that think negatively about dowsing should give it a good try and do your homework before you call (an antient art)"stupid". maybe for one of you it may actually give you results. i know it helps to have proof and be able to explain away anything that happens(like NBE and herbs)but some things doent have an explanation. Quite a number of women feel that dowsing brought them results; call it luck of the draw but it seems to help some.

Danielle C
(no login)
Re: Not jumping all over you, but...
October 17 2005, 6:00 AM

No one is disrespecting dowsing I think they are questioning its validity. Those are two different things. People question the validity of other forms of NBE such as specific brands of pills. Its just the way things go. Don't get bent out of shape because some people don't agree or believe in dowsing.

(no login)
Re: Not jumping all over you, but...
October 17 2005, 6:05 AM

its one thing to disagree or disbelieve but its another thing to call dowsing stupid. i find that disrepectful.and im not bend out of shape abou it. i just dont totally agree with what some ladies are saying thats all. I thought that this site was better at being open to debating? hmmmm...

(no login)
Re: Not jumping all over you, but...
October 17 2005, 4:40 PM

SugarQ you didn't invent dowsing so why are you taking offense when people say dowsing is stupid? This isn't a presidential debate so people can call dowsing stupid if they want to. No one is saying that SugarQ is stupid, they just think the practice is stupid. Chill.

(no login)
Re: Not jumping all over you, but...
October 17 2005, 5:52 PM

i dont feel that my position is right or wrong but its just another view. fankly i dont care for dowsing or of the arguments going either way just like most of you dont care for it. You all have stated your positions and it seems slightly one sided so im just picking at a few things i read in your posts and showing a different side just to even out the views a not upset or offended or overly negative and for those who choose to respond to my posts shouldnt and use those kind of insinuations for your responses because you i havnt given you any direct reasoning for anyone to believe that. If you disagree with something i type then point it out and give your opinion or disprove my opinion. If your opinion in that im upset or overly negative then proove that too. Or you dont really have to respond to me anything i say at all and just give your straight up opinion.

If you dont believe in god or islam you dont dis the it or do you call the people that believe in it stupid. Dowsing is slighty different then religion but the main part of it is faith. if you dont blieve then you wont benifit. It cant be explained all though most of you ladies want to pass it off as just a waste of time or there is no proof or that science has disproove it already. No one has just disproved dowsing just yet. There are some demonstrations that "suggest" that its doesnt work. Just because no one has collected the million dollars yet dosent mean that there is no one out there who can.I know that that view seems silly and its easier to come to the conclusion that dowsing doesnt work from the two previouse examples i gave but the realitly its enough reasoning to some who do dowse to continue. Most of the ladies who dont believe in it have never given dowsing a try for themselves. If you all dont believe in it or you dont want to try it or you dont want to reasearch into it well that fine but you should put something down because you dont understand it.

My position is its been used for thousands of years and people today believe in it enough to use it everyday of their lives. Maybe dowsing is one of those things that is not ment to be prooved or disprooved. back when dowsing was invented it would have been the equivilant to todays metal detectors. now its just used to justify a faith and you dont need proof for faith. in all my posts on this topic that is all im really trying to say.

(no login)
Re: Not jumping all over you, but...
October 17 2005, 9:00 PM

OMG i hope one is saying SugarQ is stupid Jamie. lol cause im not (its ok it disagree with me but please post on the forum that i am stupid cause that would be uncalled for). if you think dowsing is stupid then fine. i really dont care. i just wanted all you known believers to look at it in another way before you judge. Thanks all. and before anyone point it out to me... i know i double posted lol. i just read over some previouse posts and thought of something to add. sorry in advance

lil dunny
(Login lil_dunny)
Re: dowsing
March 6 2007, 10:56 PM

thought i would unearth this thread

(no login)
March 7 2007, 7:23 AM

I think this forum needs to get a little more grounded. Dowsing is ridiculous. At first I thought someone spelled douching wrong. You guys are getting too politically correct. It is not ridiculing to tell someone they are wrong. The historical definition of witchcraft is manipulation. Dowsing clearly falls into that category. Why not just use your husbands penis to point to breast it prefers, at least you know it is organic and sometimes connected to you.

(Login gingerD)
Re: dowsing
March 7 2007, 12:28 PM

T-Based upon your idea that people who dowse are rediculous and wrong, i wonder if you could provide info as to why they are wrong-generally when some one discredits a certain practise etc they back up their statements with facts they have found out.

(no login)
March 7 2007, 1:13 PM

Are you being serious? You actually expect a list of reasons of why dowsing is foolish. How about this. If you throw someone into water and they float they are guilty of crime or sin, because if they sink, that would prove that the water which is Holy accepted them there fore they could not be a sinner. We could do the same thing for NBE. If you throw a women into water and she floats her breasts are big enough, because after all, they float don't they, but of course she is now a sinner and should be flogged. The small breasted women would sink because her breasts would not keep her afloat, however we would prove she is virtuous. By this reasoning it would follow all big breasted women are sinners and small breasted women are virtuous. I would further add the the lust generated by big breasts further proves my point that big breasted women are evil. They should be stripped, bent over and spanked in the public square and bas-reliefs should be distributed depicting the event so as to prevent anyone from forgetting, lest they stray.

(Login Buffeeee)
Re: dowsing
March 7 2007, 1:46 PM

If you want evidence on dowsing (at least for BE,) go check out the alternative methods section on the BE Board and read the countless messages of confusion and disappointment. Of course, proponents would say that they aren't "doing it right" or something like that.

What I see is that it doesn't work for the vast majority of people. I don't believe in magical or spiritual things, therefore I look at dowsing from a different angle than most people who try it. How I think it works is this: your subconscious is running the show. It makes you move the pendulum. Therefore, if you are asking about things that your body or mind has no experience with, you won't be able to give yourself an educated response. Your subconscious might know a little better than the conscious mind what works or doesn't work for you, maybe even how your hormones are balanced. I think the vast failure of dowsing across the board is related to people not trusting their intuition. And I think that the failure is compounded by people not having real knowledge or experience to use to figure things out.

Of course, I could be wrong. Perhaps the Boob Fairy only sprinkles her magic dust on the chosen ones. I think I saw some sparkles on my chest this morning.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: dowsing
March 7 2007, 8:09 PM

I'd say that dowsing is rubbish.

(Login Teresina)
Re: dowsing
March 7 2007, 8:16 PM

Personally, I don't believe in dowsing. Three people have dowsed for me and everything they told me turned out to be incorrect, with one suggestion being potentially dangerous to my health. One person is a naturopath and yet she let dowsing guide her recommendations instead of experience. I later had medical tests done and some of the stuff was wildly off the mark.

I dowsed for myself to see what it was all about and got a 'yes' to virtually every question. I would never feel safe or confident following those answers because I don't trust that they were coming from any sort of deeper power or vision. I do trust my gut instincts, which is why I haven't tried PM, but to be able to harness that in the form of dowsing does not make any sense to me.

To each their own, though. I wish everyone success no matter what method they choose. Smile

dowsing and cycle-customized routines
March 6 2007 at 6:30 PM lil dunny (Login lil_dunny)
so it _appears_ that varying one's program throughout the cycle is more effective than staying on the same herbs continuously. it's true that one can do a great deal of research about the effects of each herb yet it's difficult to foretell how the body will react to a particular herb at a particular time. while there are some broad guidelines to follow, and there is always a trial-and-error selection process, it seems that dowsing is the best way to go about calibrating one's herbal routine.
i'm wondering if people have successfully used dowsing to determine which herbs to be taking at different parts of the cycle, as i am strongly leaning in that direction myself.

(no login)
Re: dowsing and cycle-customized routines
March 7 2007, 10:25 AM

I'm not sure if anyone here can help. Maybe the best thing is to consult your local witchdoctor.

(Login gingerD)
Re: dowsing and cycle-customized routines
March 7 2007, 12:11 PM

Now this dowsing thing, really intreages me im fasinated.I thaught it was for finding water and ghosts, yet it seems alot are doing it but i didnt really find info on why and how.
I know it involves using a pendulum, but could you please explain to me how dowsing helps NBE etc

Many thanks GD

lil dunny
(Login lil_dunny)
Re: dowsing and cycle-customized routines
March 7 2007, 4:32 PM

i am my own local witchdoctor Tongue

this stuff is no weirder than reiki, or EFT, both of which i've seen mentioned here as useful to help NBE.

you find an appropriate pendulum (mine is an evenly cut quartz crystal on a silver chain) and you establish a relationship with it (which may take a little while). you request to please show a 'yes' answer, thinking 'yes' strongly... it'll swing one way or another. then you request to please show a 'no' answer, thinking 'no' strongly... same for 'maybe' answer. you can then ask a few yes or no questions, but at this point the results are likely to be inconsistent. lay the pendulum down for a few days and repeat again later. second or third time it should start showing consistent yes and no answers, which means soon you can ask questions about NBE. it is important to request guidance, and then to give thanks after you've dowsed. it is also important to ask very specific questions, i.e. 'is this healthy for me?' 'will this, taken at this time, help me to healthfully increase my breast size?' rather than 'is this good for me?' or 'will this work?' i prefer to place the herb/supplement that i'm asking about right underneath the pendulum, or in my hand.
the idea is that by using the pendulum you tune into your own inner knowledge/guidance so you develop the way of doing this that works best for you.

here are a couple links with a few more guidelines:

best of luck!

lil dunny
(Login lil_dunny)
Re: dowsing and cycle-customized routines
March 7 2007, 6:50 PM

oh, one more thing: i don't dowse based on no information at all - i'm still learning everything i can about the herbs and use dowsing to select particular herb combos for a particular time...

lil dunny
(Login lil_dunny)
Re: dowsing and cycle-customized routines
March 7 2007, 8:21 PM

realized i didn't really answer the question.

the general idea is that your body intrinsically knows what's good for it and what isn't (far-fetched, perhaps), but you can't access that information with your conscious mind. same idea as when you go on intuition, or a hunch - oftentimes you don't know what the actual reasons are but it turns out just right. using dowsing (or else people use muscle testing, as described in one of the links) you 'tune into' that knowledge and if you ask specific enough questions you should be able to get good answers...

(no login)
March 7 2007, 9:07 PM

Don't forget to compensate for the rotation of the Earth. If you are below the Equator then your answers will be reversed. If you are on the Equator face North to correct a "No" answer and South to correct a "Yes" answer. If you are on the extreme northern part of Earth there should be no problem. On the extreme south of the Earth the pendulum may point upwards (relatively speaking) if it is not heavy enough.

(Login Teresina)
Re: dowsing and cycle-customized routines
March 7 2007, 10:07 PM

Lil Dunny, I understand your explanation about personal intuition, but do you know why people say they can dowse for others? If dowsing is tapping in to what your own body needs, how could a stranger pick up on that? I've always been confused by that claim. It did not play out well when people dowsed for me, nor when I dowsed for myself, but I mostly did it out of despair . Not trying to be argumentative at all, just curious if you knew more about the reasoning behind this part of the practice. Smile

Thank you!

lil dunny
(Login lil_dunny)
Re: dowsing and cycle-customized routines
March 7 2007, 10:36 PM

heh well this is a bit of an existential/philosophical question, but i'll see if i can answer satisfactorily:
the short answer is yes, i believe it is possible though i would imagine most people cannot do it (though they may claim/believe they can)
the longer answer, the way i see it anyway, lies well beyond NBE in the idea that everything is connected and that the microcosm of one's brain contains all of the macrocosm around, such that every event on the 'outside', even if it's not directly connected to you, is reflected in/is a reflection of the 'inside'. given this as a postulate, yes, it should be possible to dowse for other people.

lil dunny
(Login lil_dunny)
a picture
March 7 2007, 10:39 PM

(Login Teresina)
Re: dowsing and cycle-customized routines
March 8 2007, 10:39 PM

Thanks for the explanation. Smile I will take a look at the link, too.

(Login Wahaika)
dowsing and cycle-customized routines
March 9 2007, 2:08 AM

I will say this and you can take it for what it's worth as my observations on dowsing as it has been tried for NBE.

1. Dowsing, at best, is just another form of cycling herbs. Whether you carefully plan out your dosages, dowse, flip a coin, whatever, the result is the same, minus the ouija board type method that dowsing is.

2. I had conversations with beboard members quite often that tried dowsing and it did not work. The blame was always placed on them when it did not work and the credit went to the swinging rock for all successes.

3. Dowsing gives the illusion of intelligence to inanimate objects - like a rock or a chain. When you see people apoligizing or thanking their pendulum, isn't that taking it a bit too far?

4. Dowsing, while spoken of in scientific terms by some, has no scientific foundation whatsoever. Not that NBE has a foundation that a Ph.D. would accept either, but to put dowsing on the same level as ramping herbs or trial and error, which have far better track records, is to overstate the effectiveness of dowsing.

5. And don't even start me on the religous implications.

My 2 cents,


lil dunny
(Login lil_dunny)
Re: dowsing and cycle-customized routines
March 9 2007, 2:30 AM

heh well just a couple of comments...
- up until very recently there's been no scientific proof that, say, qigong works and chi exists at all, but now there is. the whole field of bioenergetics is very little studied in general, but that doesn't mean bioenergy isn't real
- i don't thank the pendulum when i am done asking, i just kind of... give thanks. in general i try to give/experience mini-thanks/appreciations when it feels appropriate. i just let them out into the Universe. i think this practice does wonders for one's overall sense of well-being.
- religious implications... yeah i guess i'm a bit of a pantheist, to be sure! (
- as i mentioned i don't dowse 'blindly' - i do my research; i try this herb and that, and some work better sometimes, and others work better other times. i also go on 'hunches' - though these i especially like to test with the pendulum.

(no login)
March 9 2007, 4:24 AM

You don't "dowse blindly". That is such a funny statement. Please try and remember it as it will give you a big laugh someday. To be so engaged in a medieval concept like dowsing and then say you don't do it blindly is hilarious. I can't even think of a metaphor for such a statement. I hope you drive your car with you eyes open. When you hit the brakes the pendulum will tell you your are stopping by leaning towards the front of the car and vice versa for accelerating. There will be a micro second lapse, kind of like the lapse of judgment you are experiencing by engaging is such a ridiculous pursuit, except infinitely shorter. Can you divine water with a Y shaped stick? Point it to your bladder when you have to go pee for a point of reference.

Ok, what the heck is DOWSING?
March 17 2006 at 11:39 PM
Sunset (Login liquidSunset)
I have read a few things about it on previous pages. I really dont understand what it is. Is it something to do with the mind, earth and hypnosis or something?
I could quit being lazy and just look it up, but I would like to hear from any of you first. Please explain it as simple as possible so I can understand and not get to Thanks guys!

(Login Jess1226)
Re: Ok, what the heck is DOWSING?
March 18 2006, 1:33 AM

Yes I want to know what it is too? There seems to be several girls using it. Anyone?????....

Boobie Blessing to everyone!

(Login AngelaHulagirl)
Re: Ok, what the heck is DOWSING?
March 18 2006, 3:04 AM

You take a string or necklace and put a ring or something on it that means something to you. I used a necklace and my wedding ring. It's called a "P". Anyway you hold it out in front of you and you ask it ?'s about your pills and doses. I asked about my herbs and how much I should take (you only ask yes or no ?'s) and if I could get to a B, a C, a D. If it swings back and forth then it is yes I believe and if it swings side to side it means no. It kinda creeped me out a little but I was very curious and desperate. I really wanted to know what to do and if it would work and if I could get to where I wanted to be. For me at least I wouldn't do it again. It made me feel weird. I hope that was a good enough explanation.


(Login liquidSunset)
Thanks Angela
March 18 2006, 3:09 AM

someone I know who was really into the wiccan religion one time did something similar to me when I was pregnant. Needless to say she and the necklace said I would have a boy and I had a girl. Smile

It would make me feel wierd too, just because I dont practice that kind of stuff. I would feel like I was doing something "bad" thats my opinion and feelings though. Thakns for letting me know what it means!

and thanks for the congrats Smile

(Login liquidSunset)
Thanks Angela
March 18 2006, 3:10 AM

someone I know who was really into the wiccan religion one time did something similar to me when I was pregnant. Needless to say she and the necklace said I would have a boy and I had a girl. Smile

It would make me feel wierd too, just because I dont practice that kind of stuff. I would feel like I was doing something "bad" thats my opinion and feelings though. Thakns for letting me know what it means!

(no login)
Re: Ok, what the heck is DOWSING?
March 18 2006, 5:48 AM

yeah, thats the power of the "P". lol. its really as powerful and the person dowseing wants it to be. but i really dont know what that means lol. its a weird piece of antient technology. i always looked at it from the psycological point of view like with hypnosis and spiritual healing. i do have some conflit with the practice with my religion even though i experimented with it some. i didnt get much out of it. anyways, the people who say this dowsing works are strong believers and i think thats the main key to their success.

(Login Lisa121)
Re: Ok, what the heck is DOWSING?
March 18 2006, 11:57 AM

Angela, I think you have to ask the thing first what yes and what no is, that way you know which way it has to swing.
When I had my hernia a few months ago I went for physiotherapy to this woman to treat me for back problems and I told her about the hernia and she got this rod out and asked it all kinds of questions. She also went along my body with her one finger and the rod thing swung out up and down when it came to "disturbances" within my body and it did so extremely where my hernia was, and I hadn't told her where it was located so that was kind of creepy because it really went crazy on the exact spot where the problem was and she couldn't have felt it because it wasn't a big hernia and you couldn't feel the lump when I was lying down.
So I think it somehow it can maybe work, although I am a bit sceptical about doing it yourself because somehow I think you just get the answers you expect.
Like I have a pretty good feeling about the dosages of herbs, I get a bad feeling in my stomach when I think about taking x amount of dosages and a feeling that it won't work when I think about lower dosages. I think your body is really powerful with it's instincts and when you listen to it you pretty much know what is good, bad, right or wrong for yourself. I think that the dowsing maybe reacts to those energies and feelings, so I just listen to myself and act without using a chain and ring. :-)

(no login)
Re: Ok, what the heck is DOWSING?
March 18 2006, 2:21 PM

I don't know how dowsing works, but I know witch doctors use it a lot, sometimes with a pendulum and sometimes with dowsing rods. Also ghost hunters using dowsing rods in haunted houses to try to find where the ghost is. Is it the same thing we're talking about?

(Login Lisa121)
Re: Ok, what the heck is DOWSING?
March 18 2006, 2:31 PM

Yes Mariana, I believe it is the same thing, it can be used for a variety of purposes such as finding magnetic fields etc.

(no login)
What the---
March 18 2006, 4:39 PM

Dowsing for magnetic fields. Yes I've actually heard of that.

Desert Queen
(Login desertqueen)
Re: Ok, what the heck is DOWSING?
March 18 2006, 10:27 PM

I tried dowsing once. The pendulum was supposed to swing one way for yes and the other way for no, but it just went round and round in a circle. I wonder what that meant?

(Login minsky)
Re: Ok, what the heck is DOWSING?
March 18 2006, 10:30 PM

I don't know. Maybe it means your house is haunted.

(Login Lisa121)
Re: Ok, what the heck is DOWSING?
March 18 2006, 10:47 PM

It probably was confused. But seriously, when it first says yes and then goes to say no or the other way around it tends to first go in circles because it is changing direction, so maybe it just didn't know which way around to go.
Who knows, dowsing really is a strange thing.

(no login)
Re: Ok, what the heck is DOWSING?
March 19 2006, 7:14 PM

There are certainly a fair number of girls who are doing this dowsing, so it clearly has a lot of believers.

I've seen dowsing for water demonstrated and it worked. So that person either got lucky or there's something in it.

To Wenonae - About dowsing groupings
September 23 2007 at 9:32 PM Elisabeth (no login)
Hello Wenonae.

I have read your previous posts with interests and didn't believe dowsing was an option to start with. However, I have had a change of mind. I would very much like to find out which group I belong to. Could you please help me with that?

I also want to thank you for all the info you've shared and for explaining things so well.

(Login wenonae)
Re: To Wenonae - About dowsing groupings
September 24 2007, 10:52 PM

Hi Elizabeth-

Thank you for the thanks. :-D

K, have permissions. You're in Group 2. There's 8 days every 4 weeks you're dowsing accurate. No permissions to tell you which ones, but I do indicate it'll be 'obvious'. If you're able to get 'in Tune', and you indicate you can dowse for the next 7 days, then that's it. Off you go.


(Login scorpio41)
Re: Dowsing groupings
September 24 2007, 11:47 PM

HI Wenonae, I am also very interested in dowsing. I hadn't come across it until I came to this forum and it really intrigues me. I have in the past done some spiritual courses and I am reasonably accurate with flower and jewellery reading but I would really like to know which group I fall into for dowsing. I would really appreciate your help if possible - thanks.


(Login wenonae)
Re: To Wenonae - About dowsing groupings
September 25 2007, 2:17 AM

Hiya Scorpio-

You're in Group 2. There are a MIN of 18 days of every 4 weeks you're dowsing capable (Max of 21) :-D. Have permissions to tell you what days coming up- begin September 27 thru last day Oct 16.


(Login scorpio41)
RE: dowsing groupings
September 25 2007, 3:34 AM

Thank you so much Wenonae. How exciting, really looking forward to trying this and very happy with the information you have given. The dates are an absolute bonus - been quite lucky in the last few days (someone up there is looking after me)!!!


(no login)
September 25 2007, 9:26 PM

Thank you Wen for taking the time to answer my question. :-)

To Group 3 dowsers
September 23 2007 at 8:42 AM Wenonae (Login wenonae)
Hi Ladies-

I started a discussion on the types of dowsers here and what I'd like to do is try to enable the people who are in Group 3 a way to learn how to read their body to figure out the BE thing.

First of all, group 3 includes those who can't dowse ever and those who are for the moment unable to dowse.
'Dowse' implies getting information spiritually. If you are not getting it spiritually, then you get it physically.
The crux will be how to figure out how to read the body since a 'tool' will not work (muscle-testing nor a pendulum).

I have figured out that there is an innate accuracy someone can have using only their physical intuition. The maximum can be as much as 95%...pretty darn good. However, whatever your maximum potential accuracy is- it can not be improved. I started rating some people already. That percentage is good to know so that you understand that generally, you'll be XX% right. If you're above or close to 80%, go with the gut decision you feel.

Now- how the heck to rev up reading your guy intuition (inner self)?
I feel the only way to do this is via some basic meditation with deep breathing so you can 'hear yourself'.

Find a quiet place, close your eyes and begin listening to your breathing. This helps you to remain focused on space and serenity, instead of the busy thoughts and internal conversations we all experience during the day. You can simply tell your mind to let go of any distracting thoughts as they come up, and return to focusing on your breathing. Inhale peace, and exhale any thoughts or tension that may occur.

You'll need to go to this 'place' for a few moments a day. Pay attention to how your body feels, your awareness is, etc.
Here's a good

Immediately after you finish the exercise- hold an item in both hands that you KNOW is bad for you (like a piece of chocolate). Close your eyes. What do you notice? Anything? Now, put that item down and pick something up you KNOW is good for you (like a some honey). How do you feel then? Keep doing this exercise after times of meditation until you can notice what the difference is. Know it will be subtle. After your signal is figured out, then you will ask yourself questions after you meditate and see what you 'feel'. Doing this I'm sure you can develop your BE program.

Here's a way to rate how good your accuracy is. Dab 8 small pieces of paper with honey and fold them up. Do the same with 4 pieces of paper with chocolate swabs. Pull each piece of paper out of a pile and separate into good vs. bad. See how many you get rite out of 12. Say you got 9/12. (you can use more pieces of paper if you'd like..this is just an example). Your accuracy in this case is 75%. Not too shabby.

I'll rate your potential gut accuracy here. I think I'll have permissions to do that at least for most.

Wen' :-)

This message has been edited by wenonae on Sep 30, 2007 6:30 PM

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(Login silv1)
Re: To Group 3 dowsers
September 24 2007, 4:23 AM

Hi Wen,
Can you please rate my potential gut accuracy? Thank you!

(Login wenonae)
Silv's potential gut accuracy
September 24 2007, 4:40 AM

87%. Nice.


(Login silv1)
Re: To Group 3 dowsers
September 27 2007, 5:29 PM

thank you for your help Wen. i hope i can use my gut feeling soon.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: To Group 3 dowsers
September 29 2007, 6:47 PM

Hi Wen, I have one question - I've always had a kindof gut feeling that NBE will never work for me. :s How do I find out if I'm right (aside from trying, wasting money and getting frustrated)?

(Login wenonae)
Oh boy! Really?
September 30 2007, 4:32 AM

Hi Moon-

Well, lo and behold. Do have permissions to answer that basic question for you!
The answer is: no :-(. So! You're more clued in that you think! But wth?! :-( No NBE?
Also got: Breast implant augmentation surgery isn't a viable option. There is a way for you to increase breast size though. It isn't injection of fat cells..but injection of HgH! See how you feel when you read that.

Now, from what I understand..injections of HgH aren't really 'pure'...but whatever it'll be enough to help your body go off on its own- so be sure it's a somatropin (something that causes HgH to rise). And the most incredible part is that you only need 2 shots (checked again..and it must be a shot). I've just never had this indicated before. I do have permissions to find a source for you...but I'll just wait to see if you feel comfortable with it. So Google up info and let me know.

Have you tried to do any meditations to center yourself so you can read your gut instincts, yet? I know it's only been a few days..just wondered if you'd try. If you do, post back so others can see and learn.


This message has been edited by wenonae on Sep 30, 2007 7:12 AM

(Login silv1)
Is it for me?
September 30 2007, 6:09 AM

Hi Wen, sorry to ask you this but are you referring the HgH to me or Moon? I know you told me you have no permissions to ask if BO gonna work for me so you have the permission to find out that NBE and implants are not going to work or agree with me? For implants my gut feeling tells me that i will get sick from it that's why i never went for it. eventhough i'm not sure if you're referring HgH to me but i did research about Somatrophin injection and it doesn't sound bad at all. I meditate for a few minutes each day but i didn't really test my ability yet. I have tried chocolate as something "bad" and honey (for my throat) as "good" I think i got something but i just need the answer to be more consistant.I will keep trying until i get at least 8 out of 10. Thanks again Wen!

(Login wenonae)
Sorry Silv!
September 30 2007, 7:17 AM

Total typo- that message was to Moon!
But the meditation part was for you (still not used to the board layout quite). oops!

K, this one is to you! :-D
Have no permissions for NBE about you, but have some regarding implants. Def a no for you.

Good idea to try to get 8/10. What you should do is put a little dab of honey on 8 pieces of paper and fold it up. Then put a dab of chocolate on 4 pieces of paper and fold them up. After your meditation, piece up a piece of paper and decide if it's chocolate or honey. See how many you get right.


(Login -Moon-)
Re: To Group 3 dowsers
September 30 2007, 12:07 PM

Wen - Wow, well I did suspect GH mayself. I've been trying to do some 'manipulation' of my own GH in my recent NBE attempts. The rare occasions when I get growing pains always happen late in the afternoon when there's a natrual GH peak - if I apply vacum to my breasts, which sucks more blood and thus GH into them.
But getting a shot of GH seems kinda extreme and risky to me! Particualry what other effects it might have of me. I'm considering it tho. From what I googled today, I learnt that there are many fake GH products sold. I also dunno how to give myself a shot, tho I'm a student of medicine, but I've never injected myself or anyone (I hope I'll be learning that soon tho).
I'd deffinitely have to do a thorough research and think about this opption very well. But if you can find out where I could get GH and what regimen would help me grow boobs, please do.
I've been placing my hopes on my current rotuine tho, which I based on prolactin stimulating herbs and manipulation of my own GH (stimulating it nturally with excercise, diet and directing it into the breast with vacum/suction). Could you ask whether this method would be at least moderately sucessful for me? Thanks a bunch!

Oh, I did that meditiation test thingy too. Both items gave me a distinctive feeling - the positive item felt like it flowed into me through my chest and gave me this general positive feeling, and the negative item felt as if sth blocked it from flowing into me and gave me this general negative feeling. Curiously I've had these gut feelins before, but I never tried to call them deliberately, I only got them for questions and things which I asked myself and wondered about anyway, like NBE. nd for example another such question I have a really strong gut feeling on is ''who's the guy I'll marry?'' lol. Big Grin

This message has been edited by -Moon- on Sep 30, 2007 12:55 PM

(no login)
Re: To Group 3 dowsers
September 30 2007, 5:04 PM

great idea Wen, My experience is different from Moon though. When i have the chocolate in my hand i tend to have energy flowing on the left side of my body and i feel like something is pulling me to the left side and the honey is the opposite. Do you think that's the right feeling i supposed to get? Very intersting that i'm very different from Moon. Wen if you could please dowse the basic question for me too. Is NBE going to work for me at all? I did waste a lot of money but should i keep wasting money on Thanks Wen

(Login silv1)
Re: To Group 3 dowsers
September 30 2007, 5:06 PM

great idea Wen, My experience is different from Moon though. When i have the chocolate in my hand i tend to have energy flowing on the left side of my body and i feel like something is pulling me to the left side and the honey is the opposite. Do you think that's the right feeling i supposed to get? Very intersting that i'm very different from Moon. Wen if you could please dowse the basic question for me too. Is NBE going to work for me at all? I did waste a lot of money but should i keep wasting money on Thanks Wen

(Login wenonae)
September 30 2007, 6:22 PM

To Moon:

Yay! I too excited to see that you can feel the response difference when holding the chocolate and honey!! I think that'll be part of the exercise I have above. Fact, going to edit that right now.

Also, I can check about the current regimen you're doing (also..did you know HgH also spikes at nite when you go to sleep?). Your current regimen where 10= effective, is only 3.8/10. Just means it'll take a while..but it's doing 'something'. Estimation is 3.2 years to reach your healthy maximum size (no permissions to say what that is).

Yeah! I totally was thinking the shots were a bit radical, so I briefly researched into other methods of receiving HgH. As I was reading, I felt there was another suitable I dowse-asked about pill-form. And I found some pills!! :-D

These will take 5 months to have you reach your max size in healthiest manner. The shots would get you there in 3 months. Personally, I'd feel most comfortable doing the pills. Previously, I'd only asked about THE fastest,healthiest means. Gotta love options.

To Silv:

It so totally normal to have a different response than someone. What you're doing is learning how YOUR body responds. THANKS for the feedback. I'm really excited about it! This way everyone has a way to know what's best for their systems. :-D no, don't have permissions to answer about 'will NBE work'. But this is prolly because you can readily answer the question yourself. So give it a go. ;-)


(Login -Moon-)
Re: To Group 3 dowsers
September 30 2007, 7:21 PM

Lol I actually didn't use chockolate and honey, those are both bad for me.
Uhh, my current routine is costing me 100 euros a month. Sad
But, those pills are just some vitamins and minerals, no GH. In any case, GH can't be taken in pill form cause it's a protein so it gets digested. The problem is that you can only get a GH shot with a doctor's perscription and that's a bit hard.
Wen, could you please dowse for me the following questions, sorry there's so many: Is GH my major obstruction for NBE? How effective would stimulation of my own GH be? Would I get any negative effects (like growing taller, I don't want that) from either the shots or the stimulation? Do I have any other obstructions for NBE? How good / contributive are galactogogues for my NBE? How effective is Wonderup for me? Tkanks a lot, and sorry for so many questions lol.

(Login wenonae)
September 30 2007, 10:20 PM

You're making my universal test not universal. LOL. BOTH of them are bad for you (honey AND chocolate)? Guess I'll need to dowse on a suitable test subject. But I'll do that later. Hmmm, while I have you- what about good= water, bad= chocolate? BTW, what did you do your test with?

K, you said you had a lot of questions..and you do. LOL. Let me tell you, those pills will INDUCE your HgH to raise. As you already know...injection is just about the only way to get HgH kind of pure. However, apparently this combo pill will "hook you up".

Is GH my major obstruction for NBE? Get yes

How effective would stimulation of my own GH be? NO PERMISSIONS

Would I get any negative effects (like growing taller, I don't want that) from either the shots or the stimulation? NO PERMISSIONS

Do I have any other obstructions for NBE? NO PERMISSIONS

How good / contributive are galactogogues for my NBE? Get NOT A GOOD IDEA AT ALL.

How effective is Wonderup for me? rates 0.1/10 That'd be a DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT. lol.

Could you try the exercise with chocolate and water when you have a chance?


This message has been edited by wenonae on Oct 1, 2007 7:32 PM

Lost Sheep
(Login KCiccone)
Re: To Group 3 dowsers
October 1 2007, 1:25 AM

Politely butting in, if I may.

Moon, if you're looking to up your production of HGH, you might want to look into using a good CalMag product right before bed, taken on an empty stomach. I'm trying to up HGH myself, and this was recommended to me. The powdered form that you turn into a hot 'tea' of sorts is supposed to be the most easily absorbed, even though it tastes pretty nasty. I have read in a few places that this is effective but cannot find a concrete study that proves it one way or another, and I haven't been doing it long enough to know if it will bring measurable changes in my body. Still, I feel it is safe and hasn't caused me any problems, and it does help me sleep better/deeper, which is good on its own for hormones.

Hope this helps,

(Login rinoa_lewis)
Re: To Group 3 dowsers
October 1 2007, 10:12 AM


Would it be possible to rate my gut intuition? I tend to be pretty horrible; I find something and think it will work, spend all my money and time on it only to find it isn't really what I need. I've been doing this for a good 2 and a half years now to no avail.

I'm thinking of doing a full detox and cleanse to try and clear the slate...but after that I don't know if I want to trust my gut as to what to try next, or what to try again.


*much luck and love for all!*

(Login wenonae)
Rinoa_Lewis's rating
October 1 2007, 7:30 PM

Hi Rinoa_Lewis-

I get your potential accuracy is 32%. Yikes.

So digging into what's going've got energy blockage. Do some torso-twisting stretches (twist to left, then twist to the right. arms are held out to the front and follow the body. To increase stretch, hold right hand when twisting to the left until the arm is all the way to the side and hold for 15 seconds. Do same on right side). Do 7 reps each side.

You'll need to do this every week for 3 weeks. This will bring your chi up and allow your potential accuracy to be 77%. :-D


(Login waxingmoon)
About Human Growth Hormone
October 1 2007, 7:44 PM

Just some FYI stuff you might find interesting.

Human growth hormone (Hgh) is naturally produced in response to intense muscular contractions. The contractions must be near the point of muscular failure and very deep (close to the bone). Normal exercise is probably not going to create that kind of contraction. Power lifting and other weight training that concentrates on low repetitions at high weights will produce this kind of contraction.

The problem is that this kind of weight training is risky because taking the body to that level increases the risk of injury. I would never advise a novice to attempt this kind of training - however, after doing 6 to 12 weeks of progressive resistance training a person may be able to create an intense workout with limited risk. The key would be to do the research first to understand what the plan of workouts should be, work with an experienced trainer to build the initial strength -and most importantly when the body is properly prepared for it - do only 1 intense workout per week.

The body must also be supported with appropriate amounts of protein and lots of rest.

Hgh is highly regulated by the pituitary and secreted very sparingly. It causes body wide muscular enhancement and also rejuvenative changes. Some consider it the fountain of youth. HOWEVER, it is also potentially one of the most harmful substances if taken out of context with the body's natural rhythm . Too much hgh will cause a host of complications from psychological problems to cancer. Think of it as a precursor to steroids and you will understand its potential destructiveness.

Don't get injections. Number one, no doctor worth his or her license would proscribe injections of hgh for the reasons you would want them for. Second they harvest hgh from the pituitary glands of cadavers -not a good idea in this day and age of transmittable diseases. Third - it wears off - just like those who take steroids then stop - the results go away.

You can safely however promote your own hgh through what I described above and other means. There are some products that supposedly give you the precursor agents to manufacture your own hgh, but I am skeptical if they work as claimed.

By the way, once your bone growth plates have closed, you will not grow any taller. If you are over the age of about 25 then you are the tallest you will ever be.


(Login -Moon-)
Re: To Group 3 dowsers
October 1 2007, 8:54 PM

Wen - Ooooh, it's an universal test?? Lol I didn't know that. But to be more accurate - I assume, in theory, both chockolate and honey are bad for me, because both are shuggary and I have high androgens. But in practice, I couldn't really say whether they are good or bad for me. I have acne, but it doesn't get any worse when I eat chockolate. I also don't notice anything positive or negative with honey. I will do that test one of these days when I'm not busy and tired, I'll definitely keep trying to develop that gut feeling and meditation does good to me also. I have a really strong feeling for some things, but for others I don't manage to find it. WU didn't give me any feeling, or just sth like not positive and not negative. And it's particulary hard to know when I'm really getting it objectively and not influencing it in my mind.
Thanks a lot for helping me on NBE, most of your answers do make a lot of sense for me. The only thing that doesn't seem to tho is that product - it doesn't contain any factor which is a known HGH stimulant. Gosh, no method seems to work for me, I dunno what else to try. Could you pls dowse just one more thing for me - how effective would this program be: soy, nettle root, flax seed oil + deep agressive massage + GH stimulation + vacum. Thanks a lot.

KCiccone - I haven't been able to find that product to see what it conains. But from what I was able to research, the best way to raise HGH naturally is with certain amino acids, particualry arginine and glutamine. Arginine is recquired in a very high dose, at least 10 g, but glutamine is enoguh at 2 g. But it's a bit more tricky - certain compounds must be present and certain must be absent. Carbs and all other amino acids must be absent and choline and vitamin B5 must be present. So the best way to achieve this would be with a combined supplement on an empty stomach.

Waxingmoon - Thanks for chiping in, however I would correct you in a few places. HGH is not a precursor to steroids - it's a peptide hormone and steroids are sterols - made from cholesterole. It's also not isolated from cadavers anymore, today it's made in a lab. The info I have on exercise stimultion of GH is a bit different, tho to basically the same result. Exercise has to be intense, above the lactate level (eg. anaerobic cellular respiration is taking place where lactate forms (lactate causes the well known muscle acke)). I've found web-pages which describe a regiment which should work for stimulating GH - for example, 10 minutes of intense work out, exercise to rest ratio 1 : 3, 3 times a week. I've done this regimen a few times, but I didn't manage to get physical / prceivable sign of my GH rising (like boob pains). However this exercise regimen is very good for me, it helps my condition, it gets me energised and helps for my cronic tiredness.
I probably won't try the aminoacids for stimulation of GH because I'm only 22 which means that my epyphiseal cartilages are probably not closed yet, eventhouh I don't grow anymore, so this could very likely make me grow a couple of inces more and I really don't want that cause I'm tall already.
From what I know, a couple of injections of GH couldn't hurt me, cause it wouldn't be much different from a normal physiological surge of GH (which occure around 5 times a day). It's the continous use which has extreme (either positive o ngative) effects. But there's no way I could get a shot, my doctor would never give it to me, I'm quite sure GH treatment is used only and solely for stuned children in my country.

This message has been edited by -Moon- on Oct 1, 2007 8:57 PM

(Login wenonae)
Re: To Group 3 dowsers
October 1 2007, 10:19 PM

Heya Moon-

So here's the thing. I know the ingredients for those pills are not amino acids, however the combination will cause your body to react to naturally raise your HgH. Apparently you're lacking this synergistic action in your system.

So your regimen of "soy, nettle root, flax seed oil + deep agressive massage + GH stimulation + vacum" only rates 4.8/10. So you're getting better..but this program would still take years to get you progress.

I wrote and rated each item in Revitale pills and rated them as it pertains to you (10= abs needed for BE. Did it fast way..seeing if it was 9.5+ or higher)
Vitamin A- 9.5+
Vitamin C- 9.8+
Vitamin E- 10
Selenium- 9.5+
Coenzyme Q10- 9.5+
Omega 3 & 6- 9.8+
N-Acetyl L-Cysteine- 9.5+
Alpha Lipoic Acid- 9.5+
Gingko Biloba Ext.- 9.5+
Hawthorne- 9.5+
Siberian Ginseng- 9.8+
Cordyceps Sinensis- 10
Bilberry- 9.5+
Green Tea Ext.- 10
Grape Seed Ext.- 10

So, you can buy all of these things...or get the combo pill. You don't need all the BE herb or glandular stuff..just gotta help give your body the right nutrients so it can do what it's supposed to on its own.


(Login waxingmoon)
Re: To Group 3 dowsers
October 2 2007, 3:33 AM

Thanks for catching my mistake about Hgh/steroid. I had somehow bound them together in my mind due to the anabolic effect of both. I also hadn't realized they had created a successful synthesized Hgh.

I am not sure I fully understand the lactate threshold method - it seems they are saying that the exercise must be sustained 10 minutes past the lactic threshold -which would mean a seriously uncomfortable long time of muscle burning. I can see with both methods (intense muscle building versus aerobic lactic threshold) that care must be taken to not overdo it. To much intensity = greater risk of injury and too much aerobic = lower growth hormone and too much cortisol.

Thanks for the info,

(Login rinoa_lewis)
Re: To Group 3 dowsers
October 2 2007, 10:54 AM


Thanks for the advice...77 is better than 32!

*much luck and love for all!*

(Login shamyrock77)
could you tell me if this ee will work for me
October 2 2007, 12:58 PM

i would love to know what nbe method would work for me

(Login wenonae)
To Amy, Re: EE
October 2 2007, 5:46 PM

K, have permissions.
Best method- EE
2nd best method- herbs + vitamins + amino acids

Max potential healthiest cup increase from EE- 3.2 cups in 8-9 months
Max potential healthiest cup increase from herbs, etc.- 3.1 cups in 9-10 months


(Login shamyrock77)
thank you so much for doing that for me
October 2 2007, 7:30 PM

Am wondering if pm will work for me also?

I would love to try ee but i need to save some money -i just ordered pm full potential and progesterone creme.(just started my period yesterday so have to wait)Can i do both?

Do i need to buy the book that goes with ee 2 ?

And i had a not so good reaction to fg and the other breast herbs,do u think this would bother me considering the dose is sooo low on fg and sp?

And last question so if i take vitamins n amino acids(ALL of them ???)
i just take the ee once a month 4 3 months and then within 8-9 months my breasts will grow 3.2 cups??????

(Login -Moon-)
Re: To Group 3 dowsers
October 2 2007, 7:56 PM

Thanks again Wen. Oh well, 4.8 doesn't seem that bad, considering I'm a really tough case for NBE. I did that routine for a short while once, kindof meanwhile I was thinking up a better idea, and it actually gave me more pains that what I'm doing now, and my only inch of growth.
I can't order anything on-line, much less from US, but I can get everything in that product except for Hawthorne and Cordyceps Sinensis (interesting ingredient, a fungus O.o). I have one question - does the number you get evaluate how good somthing is for me in general, or how helpful it is for breast growth?

Waxingmoon - I think the regimen is supposed 10 minutes, fom which the ratio of exercise : rest is 1 : 3. I get a bit of muscle acke the next day, but it's ok. Tho for it to actually stimulate GH significantly one would have to have to be on an even higher level I think, and combined with the right diet.

This message has been edited by -Moon- on Oct 2, 2007 7:56 PM

(Login wenonae)
Oooo- Moon, you're not in US
October 2 2007, 10:13 PM

All the ratings were those items as it relates to your BE. Maybe I missed something? The site lists a number of countries to ship to. maybe you just can't order online in general. Do you have health food stores nearby? Maybe check into other products on the shelf which list similar ingredients. I'll prolly be able to help rate those products for you. More than one way to skin a cat ;-)

Where in the world are you?


(Login wenonae)
Re: To Group 3 dowsers
October 2 2007, 10:28 PM

Amy- the list above is all that will work for your BE in safest manner. All the rest BO, PM, progesterone etc just will not go well with your system.

EE comes with the eBook, but I was asked to sell it separately. If one gets EE later, the eBook costs will be deducted.

"And i had a not so good reaction to fg and the other breast herbs,do u think this would bother me considering the dose is sooo low on fg and sp?"
**ANSWER: it could cause some reaction..but no where as near if you were taking it directly.

"And last question so if i take vitamins n amino acids(ALL of them ???)
i just take the ee once a month 4 3 months and then within 8-9 months my breasts will grow 3.2 cups??????"
**ANSWER: I'm not sure what you're saying here about the aminos and all. However, I didn't go into detail checking about spiritual, mental, or physical blocks or impedances. I didn't check extra details like if you'd need to eat more fruits or if you need vitamins, etc and other details the eBook walks you through...just estimated best-case bottom line. However, seeing that individual herbs would get you about the same, you probably don't need a lot of extra stuff either way. Lucky you.

Here's a bulk herbs. You can make your own capsules. They are generally fresher than pre-bottled stuffs so it's more potent (less pills, yay.) Herbs on their own are just vile-tasting to me. Yeech.

You're in group 3 as it relates to dowsing. So try the exercise in this thread to see what you can pick up what your 5 senses about what to use.


(Login Louise1982)
Re: To Group 3 dowsers
October 3 2007, 4:16 PM

Hi Wen,

This is going to sound very ignorant but I thought dowsing was about pointing a stick in a field to find water? I understand how someone could just have a feel for what is good or bad for their own body and this is how I fixed my skin problem, I just felt a yearning for a particular cream (even though I was recommended to use some other things which didn't help), I tried the cream I wanted and was fixed in days.

My question is how can you do this for someone you've never seen and know nothing about? Are people emailing you their details? (I have read the other dowsing thread too) Also when you say you ask permission, who are you asking it from?

I guess this makes me like a group 4 or something!?

(Login wenonae)
Answer to Louise
October 3 2007, 9:30 PM

Hey Louise-

Boy, LOL...your post made me smile so big..LOL. Guess this could seem hocus pocus. I'll try to explain things another way here.

Hokay- dowsing can be described as connecting to a big computer server (All- Knowing level) then using it to access information about a lot of things- where you are on Earth, where other items are that you need are on Earth (like water), where ailments are in your body, what can you do to correct fix ailments, etc. Dowsing is energy-reading from a spiritual level. Everything you can imagine has some sort of energy vibration. You can use different tools to read this energy- a pendulum, sticks, your own body. Ever wonder about the phenomenon of how we can shock someone with static electricity? We all have charges/energy within us...most of us just aren't aware of how sophisticated our sensing system is- even if you only stick to the 5 senses.

Humans aren't the only ones who do it. All sorts of animals do (that's another story). But think of the cats and dogs who find their way back to their owners' new home they have never been to. Think about how ants or bees even know where the heck their nest is.

So, when I'm doing a reading of a person- I'm not getting e-mails them and making an assessment. I'm accessing an All-Knowing level and through that I can read what that person needs. On my own..I'd have no clue- I could only discern was is good for myself (hunches, gut intuition).

Permissions- is a preparatory statement said when seeking info. Just because we can access that High level, doesn't mean we have any business getting it. So a meticulous dowser will ask- "May I ask about _____?, Should I ask about _____?, Can I ask about _____?" especially when they are getting information about someone else. However, this should be asked in general if you're not sure about the subject (relationships, lottery, etc.).

Not to go too deep, but there's some things God simply doesn't want us to know or do for someone. If you don't respect that boundary, you'll either get faulty info (if you innocently didn't get permissions) or will be denied the ability to dowse. It's a skill ...but it's also a gift.


(no login)
Hi Wenonae
October 4 2007, 3:06 AM

I would like to know if you could help me. I was taking herbs for a while, specifically Fenugreek and had some growth with it but stalled. I then did a cleanse and switched to BO, right around the time that I switched jobs and I felt the BO was making me too emotional. I want to start again, but I am worried. I would like to start BO again, what do you think?

Thanks so much+


(Login wenonae)
To Sara
October 4 2007, 7:19 PM


Unfortunately I don't have permissions to help you in specific. However, I am allowed to tell you that you're in Group give the meditation exercise a try.

My personal opinion is that you the BO is prolly too much for your system. If you stalled before, try ramping up slower this time. Start about 750-800mg fenu + wild yam for example and see what happens.


(no login)
Re: To Group 3 dowsers
October 5 2007, 2:02 AM

Thank you Wen+
I think you are right, BO is too much for my system. I am scared of everything right now, and think I just need to continue on this break.
Thanks so much for your help.

Wishing you the best,

(Login kieyah)
Re: To Group 3 dowsers
October 8 2007, 2:42 AM

Wenonae, can you dowse for me? I would really appreciate it. I cannot dowse. I have been having a bad feeling that I am taking something bad for me. can you please dowse for me. I am suspecting the black cohosh and possibly red clover. here is my routine:

1 Gelatin drink mix daily 7 grams
1 Vitamin C 1000mg
2 Magnesium citrate 200mg
5 Papaya Enzyme
2 5-HTP total 200mg
2 collagen with vit C (vit C total 250mg, Hydrolyzed Collagen 1480mg)
2 fennel seed (about 800-1000mg total)I am thinking of increasing or adding back in fenugreek
1 st. john's wort
1 valerian root
1 benadryl
1 kelp 660mg
1 dong quai root 1590mg (says 3 x3 daily, seems like a LOT, I am starting at one)
1 red clover (stem, leaf, flower) 500mg
2 black cohosh root extract 40mg (one dose AM and one PM)
planning to add goat's rue, pumpkin seed, and licorice root soon
plus still taking these other herbal things:
3 tablets herbal hernia blend
2 capsules Stress/Mood blend

as you can see this is everything I take even non-nbe related. Some of these are just for overall health and some are for stress. all mg's are in TOTAL daily mg's
do you think this is ok?

(Login wenonae)
Re: To Group 3 dowsers
October 8 2007, 8:58 AM

Hey Keiyah-

Yeah, confirm you're in Group 3. Wow! What a list for health...but I've had some just as long.
Let's see here- do have permissions to help discern if anything is bad for ya.

Healthy help- Vit C, Mag, Papaya, 5-htp, kelp, benedryl, valerian root, goat's rue, herbal hernia, mood blend.
BE help- black cohosh, (missing 2 items here not fenugreek, not fennel. wild yam and something else).
Not much help/not good with rest of what you're taking- Gelatin, collagen, dong quai, red clover, pumpkin seed, licorice root.

Bottomline- your hunches are correct.:-D Your potential accuracy is 90%. So def trust your gut.


(Login -Moon-)
Re: To Group 3 dowsers
October 10 2007, 7:44 PM

Omg I fiiinaly found some time to do the hypnosis relaxation thing again and the chockolate honey test. So chockolate gives me 'not too good' and honey gives me 'not too bad', but neither gives me a really strong feeling. I don't feel much with any of them.

Wen - Your dowsing for me suggests that my detox system is kinda bad! I couldn't tell from definite phisical signs whether this is true or not, I do have cronic tiredness which can be a conscequence of toxins, but also of a number of other conditions. I've been trying to locate the cause of my tirdness for years and haven't managed so far. I did add grape seed extract to my rotuine now and a multivitamin (yeah, I haven't been taking one thus far lol).
Oh and yeah I can't oder from the net cause I don't have a credit card (I've found a couple of stores which take my wire transfter tho) and I'm in Europe (I'd rather not give specific location cause I'm kinda paranoid lol :I). Shipping and even bank services to US cost a fortune.

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