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My journey to D/DDs


(05-02-2016, 07:54)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  Hi, sorry to intrude since this isn't really about your program itself, but... This is the first time I've ever heard of your specific BCP and so just had to look it up. Like most BCP it's a combination estradiol + synthetic progestin, however, unlike most, the progestin synthetic is actually the most bio-similar to natural progesterone I've ever seen and all evidence indicates it has NO unusual side effects. That's awesome! How'd you manage to get prescribed such an awesome BCP compared to most? There's a reason, BTW, that they never put bio-identical progesterone in oral pills, and that's that when ingested orally, natural human progesterone has been shown to have very bad side effects due to having to pass through the liver, which causes harmful metabolites while reducing the effective dose of the progesterone itself. It seems that this norgestimate that's in Trinessa has metabolites that are completely safe, does not respond as an androgen at all, either as itself or its metabolites, and yet manages to get a strong effective dose through to the actual progesterone receptors. It's an oral BCP, so it'll still have side effects, but those are going to be due to the oral ethinyl estradiol passing through the liver. Sorry, I'll stop geeking out now.

Abi don't be sorry you are like a dream come true! I have been wanting to know more about this birth control and all the information you provided has been very helpful! I have a question if you don't mind. Do you think the progestin in this particular birth control would be less likely to cause breast growth or weight gain since it's more similar to natural progesterone? It sounds silly but I had heard of women gaining a little weight and breast size from bcp and I was kinda hoping I could experience that too hah. (I'm not just taking it because of that, my bf was worried about me not being on the pill and when I told my Dr I was in a relationship she suggested it) I read the reviews of this bcp online and a lot of women did mention some weight gain and breast growth but maybe they were young like 19 & still growing or more susceptible to the hormones in the pill. My Dr did mention it could make my breasts grow bc I had told her I was trying to grow my breasts naturally. She was concerned about me being on the pill for a long period of time though and kept pushing that I get an appt w/ a gyno to get the Mirena cuz that's non hormonal. She said over time your chance of breast cancer increases w/ the pill because of the hormones. But anyways thanks again for your input!

I'd stay off the pill I really would.
There's good reason. All my girlfriends who spent long periods on various contraceptive pills even low dose had fertility problems and polycystic ovaries.
Take breaks if your on it and bear in mind the boobs go back to normal size once your off it.
FYI I had sex for a lonnnggg time and never once got pregnant. As long as you fit condones properly and worst case if you have an accident you can get the morning after pill.

Anyways I ordered some Aguaje after researching it off a place called rainforest pharmacy. Goodness knows how long the delivery time will take cAuse I opted for standard international shipping :s

I researched they are high in phyto e's , suspected as such since they work on boobs and butt.
Apparently the oil is really therapeutic too. But yeh couldn't even source the pills in my country let alone the oil Smile

(06-02-2016, 19:08)ellacraig Wrote:  I'd stay off the pill I really would.
There's good reason. All my girlfriends who spent long periods on various contraceptive pills even low dose had fertility problems and polycystic ovaries.
Take breaks if your on it and bear in mind the boobs go back to normal size once your off it.
FYI I had sex for a lonnnggg time and never once got pregnant. As long as you fit condones properly and worst case if you have an accident you can get the morning after pill.

Anyways I ordered some Aguaje after researching it off a place called rainforest pharmacy. Goodness knows how long the delivery time will take cAuse I opted for standard international shipping :s

I researched they are high in phyto e's , suspected as such since they work on boobs and butt.
Apparently the oil is really therapeutic too. But yeh couldn't even source the pills in my country let alone the oil Smile

Woah that's scary! This sounds awful but my bf really wants me on the pill so I'll probably stay on it for awhile. I will take breaks though and I am going to consider the Mirena thing but the idea of them putting it in freaks me out & I hate going to the dr for like stuff involving that region lol. It always makes me so uncomfortable & embarrassed. I have read some terrible things about the pill. This is my first time ever taking it because I've always been afraid I'll have crazy side effects. I did try the depo shot or w/e when I was like 19 though.

About the aguaje! That's awesome you were able to order some! It's good stuff. When I ran out my skin broke out a little bit & didn't look as good. I also wasnt sleeping as well and I noticed when I take it I feel really calm and it reduces my anxiety. This could be helpful for you as I know you mentioned you get stressed out. I get stressed too and I noticed this stuff really helped with that. I didn't know it helps with breasts too I thought it targeted the butt, hip & thigh area but that's awesome! 2 birds w/ one stone lol

(06-02-2016, 18:48)daisy134 Wrote:  Abi don't be sorry you are like a dream come true! I have been wanting to know more about this birth control and all the information you provided has been very helpful! I have a question if you don't mind. Do you think the progestin in this particular birth control would be less likely to cause breast growth or weight gain since it's more similar to natural progesterone? It sounds silly but I had heard of women gaining a little weight and breast size from bcp and I was kinda hoping I could experience that too hah. (I'm not just taking it because of that, my bf was worried about me not being on the pill and when I told my Dr I was in a relationship she suggested it) I read the reviews of this bcp online and a lot of women did mention some weight gain and breast growth but maybe they were young like 19 & still growing or more susceptible to the hormones in the pill. My Dr did mention it could make my breasts grow bc I had told her I was trying to grow my breasts naturally. She was concerned about me being on the pill for a long period of time though and kept pushing that I get an appt w/ a gyno to get the Mirena cuz that's non hormonal. She said over time your chance of breast cancer increases w/ the pill because of the hormones. But anyways thanks again for your input!

Your doctor is right to be concerned about cancer if you stay on a BCP too long. Another risk is thrombosis. Both are caused by the ethinyl estradiol. The side effects ellacraig mentioned are all from the progestin component of most pills, this one shouldn't have any of those. But thrombosis and cancer are scary enough!

I know it's kinda squicky to think about, but I'd seriously consider Mirena if your BF is that concerned and you share those concerns at all. (If you don't, why the hell are you still dating him at all Wink )

Ella's right though... generally proper use of a condom is enough and if an accident does happen, the morning after pill is safer than constantly taking in oral hormones.

Anyways, actually, BECAUSE it IS more similar to progesterone it ought to be more helpful or at least less damaging to growth than more common BCP's with the androgenic progestins. Still. Good as that pill is compared to most, it still is a pill, and I really do agree with your doctor about that.

(06-02-2016, 20:51)daisy134 Wrote:  
(06-02-2016, 19:08)ellacraig Wrote:  I'd stay off the pill I really would.
There's good reason. All my girlfriends who spent long periods on various contraceptive pills even low dose had fertility problems and polycystic ovaries.
Take breaks if your on it and bear in mind the boobs go back to normal size once your off it.
FYI I had sex for a lonnnggg time and never once got pregnant. As long as you fit condones properly and worst case if you have an accident you can get the morning after pill.

Anyways I ordered some Aguaje after researching it off a place called rainforest pharmacy. Goodness knows how long the delivery time will take cAuse I opted for standard international shipping :s

I researched they are high in phyto e's , suspected as such since they work on boobs and butt.
Apparently the oil is really therapeutic too. But yeh couldn't even source the pills in my country let alone the oil Smile

Woah that's scary! This sounds awful but my bf really wants me on the pill so I'll probably stay on it for awhile. I will take breaks though and I am going to consider the Mirena thing but the idea of them putting it in freaks me out & I hate going to the dr for like stuff involving that region lol. It always makes me so uncomfortable & embarrassed. I have read some terrible things about the pill. This is my first time ever taking it because I've always been afraid I'll have crazy side effects. I did try the depo shot or w/e when I was like 19 though.

About the aguaje! That's awesome you were able to order some! It's good stuff. When I ran out my skin broke out a little bit & didn't look as good. I also wasnt sleeping as well and I noticed when I take it I feel really calm and it reduces my anxiety. This could be helpful for you as I know you mentioned you get stressed out. I get stressed too and I noticed this stuff really helped with that. I didn't know it helps with breasts too I thought it targeted the butt, hip & thigh area but that's awesome! 2 birds w/ one stone lol
I like the anxiety part. You know I'm always terrified of overloading on phytoestrogens but a big article I read on Aguaje and many other phyto herbs basically stated they are such weak replacements it's unlikely unless you take huge ammounts youl do any harm, youl just do good.
Still on the fence on that one but if you try to make up progesterone when u can hopefully will offset any excess E... Could be talking through a hole in my @ss ...

Either way I'm sure it'l be weeks before it turns up and exposed to gawd knows how much heat the product might spoil anyway Sad I do need some meat on my bones so looking forward to it arriving nonetheless Smile

Abi- well that's good to know! I tried to look up info on the hormone properties in the trinessa pill but since I'm clueless when it comes to that type of thing it was difficult. And I didn't understand what I was reading. Your expertise has been very helpful! I'm very impressed!

Ella- I hope you enjoy the effects of the aguaje as much as I am! Mine was sent in extreme winter conditions & I had to walk down to our communal mailbox to get it in the snow lol. This time around I do notice a somewhat strange smell so hopefully it's ok but maybe I just didn't pick up on that last time. It is strong stuff

Hi Daisy:

I have been reading your posts for a while and I congratulate you on your overall progress! I just started my NBE 5 months ago and I have been trying to figure out which are the safest supplements to try. Recently I started researching about aguaje and became interested. I just read in your post that you have been taking it? Could you please share for how long, what dosage and if you have had any progress. I liked the information about it bc I need to gain some weight in my hips as well as in my boobs.

Thank you in advance for any info you could provide!!!Wink

This is a little OT, so I won't source or meander.
BCPs change a woman's body chemistry. Significantly.
In essence, it's like being pregnant chemically.

This will change your mind, body, and as a result your social interactions. While I sympathize with women who in essence need BCP to manage other issues, I'd stay away as much as possible.

Note we could draw several conclusions, which generally lead to a conservative view of the world. I.E., fewer sex partners, more committed relationships, more stable society and national identity. But that's not pertinent here. You can find a lot of more carefully referenced info on Return of Kings site, and from there, get medical sources.

TL;DR: BCP f*cks up your body's chemistry, screws up the hormonal signals, and through that, can cause mental and physical issues. Avoid if possible.


beauxgrosseins- thank you!! Smile I have been taking the aguaje since December 23rd with a 2 week break. Actually maybe it was 2 and a half weeks hah. I take 3 or sometimes 4 500 milligram pills a day. So roughly 1,500 to 2,000 milligrams a day. Even though I haven't put on any weight like I wanted to I do feel like my hips have filled out more and my butt. And it does make me feel relaxed. I also have noticed it keeps my skin 100% clear and I think my lips look bigger. My breasts have filled out more and look and feel quite a bit bigger. I first got my aguaje when I got my breast pump & oil in the mail from Amazon. (Palmers moisturizing body oil)

Dianna, I appreciate all the information you provided and it explains a lot actually. Ever since I started taking the bcp I have felt emotional, anxious, and depressed. My bf & I have been fighting more and I do feel like I've lost control of my emotions Sad I read these symptoms would subside within a couple months but I have been taking the pill for more than 3 months now. It's definitely worth looking more into. My mom keeps telling me she took the pill for years and there's nothing to worry about but I do notice a distinct difference in my general mood since taking the pill.

I was on birth control for 10 years - the brand was Diane-35. I was prescribed it because I had irregular periods, acne, hirsutism.. basically high testosterone. I was also told it would be difficult to get pregnant. But that's not true. I don't think BCP permanently alters your hormonal balance. I stopped taking it consistantly and started taking vitex to balance out my hormones on my own. Plus I smoke so the constant worry of developing a blood clot was on my mind. My periods came back slightly regular (35-40 days) after two months and fertility was def not an issue anymore. But I also took spironolactone because I was getting paraniod about the breakouts. Only for a month tho.

The brand I was on never gave me a single mood swing, I never got the migraine headaches before aunt flo like I used to, and my period was light and like clockwork. Plus I grew a cup size. That's all gone now Sad

It is possible to get your hormones back on track and I honestly don't believe BCP will permanently affect them. As long as when you decide you're ready to have babies, you take the proper steps and balance them out naturally. For me tho, BCP was the only thing I knew about at the time, so it was a quick fix. This was just my experience, and my opinion.

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