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HopefulKitKat's Program: Should I take PM too?


Good luck kit Kat Smile

(27-01-2016, 05:14)Zormad Wrote:  Gotcha, and I hope you get more alone time soon massage or not. And yes exactly, birth control is a lot harder on one's body than most of the herbs found here. And the fact the body is still changing makes me wonder if it wouldnt be easier for them. I dont mean high doses of anything, but wish I knew about massage and boobie foods while still in puberty lol.

Yup, me too. I totally woulda taken a few of these supplements back then. I mean kids are told to eat a balanced diet (like everyone) to grow strong, but I remember a few times being encouraged to take vitamins and such every so often. Even here members tell newbies 'booby foods' but those only work for those who already have the genetics and were gonna grow anyway. Supplements are pretty much the same as food, just concentrated. It makes more sense to take something practically proven to help boobs grow than eat an apple that has a small amount for everything. I don't know. Even if their bodies react badly, I'm pretty sure it won't be as bad as the many stories I read of girls reacting terribly to bc. Imma stop rambling about this, though. XB
We all keep to ourselves, so I hardly feel cramped up. I just can't do anything 'explicit', lol

(27-01-2016, 06:38)ellacraig Wrote:  Good luck kit Kat Smile

Thank you Ella! Big Grin
And while I'm at it thank you James and Zormad! I really appreciate your inputs. ^_^

3 Cycle Update!
So, I ended up stopping both the SP and vitex. The vitex was fine, but I felt it didn't do much overall so I just finished the bottle a couple months ago. The SP however has been making me feel bad since I first started it. I wanted to give it a fair trial, but how long was it? Four, five months? After that, I decided it just wasn't for me. I'd have even worse mood swings (mine's already bad from stress from school), I'd feel nauseous often, and get headaches and ocular migraines. I tolerated it all for so long because I'm desperate for some boobage, but since I had hardly anything to show for, it just wasn't worth it. I just bought a new bottle not too long since quitting it too...

So, my program was strictly just pm for about 3 months. The first cycle I took one a day for about two weeks, accidentally did it for one too many days and spotted. 0-0;; So I was more careful since, and I ended up never ramping up my dose like I planned to. I really like PM. Smile Didn't have many mood swings, and I don't feel weird throughout the day. However (TMI), I have huge amounts of discharge not long after menses, and my already long cycle became even longer! It's now 6 weeks instead of 30-32 days. >.<
Also, before I started taking herbs, I would barely cramp if at all most cycles, but now I cramp up badly the first day every cycle...
As for results, I felt the usual tingling/aches every month, just enough to give me wishful thinking but not any progress. The third cycle on PM, however, I feel is my best one yet. The swelling didn't go down immediately during menses, and I, I don't know, I just really feel like it may finally be kicking in. Big Grin

As I'm entering my 4th cycle in a couple weeks, I started maca...
I've only been taking it for about 4 days now, but I definitely feel stuff. My boobs were seriously aching yesterday! They even hurt now, actually. It does make me feel kinda weird when I first take it again, but not too much overall. And I think I'm getting better rest at night. I don't feel an energy boost during the day, however maybe it's just school preventing that.
I got this gelatinized kind --

Current program
Maca 500 mg - 1/morning except during menses
PM 500 mg - 1/night during follicular phase

Oh, I also got this Volufiline lotion to massage with daily. I don't expect much from it, but any small boost is a good boost, right? I'm hoping it will at least encourage me to massage daily so as to get my money's worth! It's Eveline.
After getting it though, I'm confused by the ingedients list. I don't see volufiline in it... :/

Quick update. My cycle started a couple weeks ago on the 19th, I took PM every night except tonight because today I spotted. So, I'm officially off PM for the rest of the cycle... It's just unexpected for me because I usually go 15 nights just fine, but this time I only got to take it for 12 nights.
I think it has to do with the maca. The PM made my cycles super long, but I think the maca might be slightly correcting that side effect? I'll have to wait and see how long this cycle lasts.

Also, I changed my mind about my program right after I wrote my last post! Blush
I decided to take maca everyday even during menses, but twice a day afterwards. I made this choice because one day I took maca twice and felt relatively fine (this was also just so happen the 19th), so I figured it couldn't hurt much to take more and see.

So, recap:
Maca 500 mg - 1/morning during follicular phase, and 2/day luteal phase
PM 500 mg - 1/night during follicular phase

Random tangent. It's always so disheartening to see my swelling deflate during menses. X'D I spent a day seriously wondering if they always looked like that, then later I remembered it's a normal thing that happens. OTL
I'll be graduating this month, so after that I'll have a ton of stress lifted off me for once, so hopefully I'll get better results... ^^;;

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