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HopefulKitKat's Program: Should I take PM too?


Hey, guys. I've been gone for a while, and realized I still lurked a lot lately, so decided to write how I've been doing. College...
But besides that, I decided to start a program with vitex (chasteberry) and saw palmetto! A few months ago I started a thread (PC or Vitex?) asking whether to get vitex or PC (progesterone cream) and ellacraig helped out a lot, I really appreciated it. Big Grin I never got back with her though... I also decided, what the hay, may as well try SP too while I'm at it. I got these two because I read some great reviews how they could help with acne, so I got them for that too since I have to share a room. "What are those pills for?" "T-they're for my acne! (And my boobs...)" Also since I live somewhat cramped with my family, I couldn't continue taking and massaging the EPO and Flaxseed oil... It was just too inconvenient, so I stopped after about a month. I don't even have much space to massage anymore in general... So pills all the way now!

My current regimen:
Nature's Way SP (berries) 585 mg: 3 in AM, 3 in PM (after meals if I can)
Vitanica Vitex (extract) 215 mg (also 25 mg berry?): 1 in PM

And that's it. Smile I would like to massage, but I prefer relaxing and having plenty of time in privacy. I can't have much of that here... I try to sneak in a bit every so often, but it's not enough to where I can say it's effective.

I started in November, and recently switched to the second bottle for both around the start of January (Vitex ran out first, then SP did). With Saw Palmetto, I didn't start at that dose. At first I took 1 twice a day for about a month until the odd side effects started going away, then I went up to 2 twice a day, then recently right before the new bottle went up to 3. I just wanted to make sure I gave my body enough time to adjust. ^_^

Are they working? ...Can't say. It hasn't made anything worse, so that's good. Tongue I read that Vitex won't even work until two months in, so this is just now the time I should start noticing something. As for SP, I read that it also takes a while to see too much a difference. I think I'll get 1 more set of these, and then assess my results after a full 6 months has passed. In the end, I am just taking a random stab in the dark since I don't even know my hormone levels... I figured it wouldn't hurt much to experiment.

Speaking of experimenting... I made this thread because I was seriously considering trying out pueraria mirifica... Today I was thinking and realized, why not? The main reason why I didn't bother with the more serious stuff like that and bovine ovary was because of my age. But I'm now 21. I could wait it out a bit more to see if my body has any secret growth spurts planned, but... I doubt it. I never had a growth spurt, just a gradual, disappointing progression to just an A cup after it was finished. I can take it slow, I'm good at that. Done enough research to where I'm pretty comfortable jumping the gun. Besides, doctors so easily shove birth control down every girl's throat if they so much as make a small complaint about a symptom of hormonal imbalance. I just can't agree with that... I don't know.

So yeah, anyone's thoughts? Should I go ahead and start cycling PM into my system? If I do, I'll start towards the middle of February, when my next cycle begins. Take it for about 14-15 days (my cycles are usually 30-33 days long), and continue like that until I take a break in June.
I'll likely start by taking the Nature's Answer kind (not pure PM), 1 a day until ovulation the first cycle. Just to test waters. Then the next cycle, 1 a day for menses, and 2 a day until ovulation. Maybe one more ramp-up for the third cycle, maybe not.
Sorry, I know this is my post, but it's so long. Thank you for reading this far if you did. :'D One more question:
If I cycled PM into my system, should I also start cycling the Vitex and SP? Like, taking them only during the luteal phase? I think it would be better to just continue taking them all month like I already am, but I could be wrong... It's just, Vitex for instance takes so long to even start to have an effect, so I figure it may be better not to cycle it in the luteal phase. Luteal is when progesterone is highest, but I think vitex would need more time to build up to have an impact during this phase. Yeah...
(By the way, for my acne, I was gonna get some stuff that's a bit more serious for it: Green Cream.)

I'll be awaiting your answers, advice, critiques, or whatever else you have to offer. Big Grin

So, I went through with ordering PM. Got a different kind that is pure PM, though.

Regimen This Cycle:
Follicular Phase
Barlowe's PM 500 mg: 1/night
SP 585 mg: 3 twice/every other day
Vitex 240 mg: 1/every other night
Luteal Phase
SP: 3 twice/day
Vitex: 1/night

And that's it. I'm trying to keep things simple. Here's hoping I have at least some improved swelling this cycle!

There is one more herb I've been considering: maca. Maybe I'll replace Vitex, or maybe SP, with it one day. Won't be anytime soon, though. Maybe this summer...

Sorry to read that you don't have time for massage, as I think this is so important. But I hope you prove me wrong. Good luck Smile

Yes, massage is very important to any regimen! I can't do enough for swelling, but I try to occasionally do a bit for my lymph nodes, at least. I'm pretty upset about not getting enough of it, so I'm also hoping the herbs will make up for it. ^_^;;

There's really no way for anyone to be able to tell you what you should take or what will work for you. The way you're doing it is the best way to go. Take it slow and listen to your body. That being said, I doubt you would have grown off of SP and Vitex alone as they are anti androgens so unless your boobs are the result of severely high levels of testosterone it wont do much for growth. As per the massage, what about in the shower? Even 10 or 15 min a day would be more beneficial than not at all. Or while you're on the pot maybe? Hell if you did it in the shower and every time you went to the bathroom you could probably get a decent amount in lol.

(25-01-2016, 22:34)Zormad Wrote:  There's really no way for anyone to be able to tell you what you should take or what will work for you. The way you're doing it is the best way to go. Take it slow and listen to your body. That being said, I doubt you would have grown off of SP and Vitex alone as they are anti androgens so unless your boobs are the result of severely high levels of testosterone it wont do much for growth. As per the massage, what about in the shower? Even 10 or 15 min a day would be more beneficial than not at all. Or while you're on the pot maybe? Hell if you did it in the shower and every time you went to the bathroom you could probably get a decent amount in lol.

Yeah, you're probably right about the sp and vitex. X'D I just wished so badly my problem was simply testosterone and progesterone out of balance, but that's seeming more and more unlikely. I was hesitant to boost my estrogen because there's a chance I'm dominant, but I have a good feeling so far with the pm. Big Grin
Nooo, I was already yelled at for taking too long in the shower! I could sneak into the garage every day, but only the bathroom has locks from the inside so I wouldn't be able to relax knowing anyone could walk in anytime... I sometimes have time alone in my shared room some nights, but no lock so yeah... It's not so much I have no time to sneak in massages, but I don't have a guaranteed time slot everyday to be consistent with it. :'B I do give them a quick rubbing and such often while in the bathroom, though.

I had to share a room (and bathroom until I moved out of the house so I feel your pain. I guess that was one advantage to being an insomniac, I'd wake up in the middle of the night and could have a space all to myself if I wanted lol.

Why do you think you may be estrogen dominant? If you don't mind me asking. Also, with the age thing, I'm beginning to wonder if later really is better. Combining what I've learned in school and through research over the years, seems like most of what is considered NBE would actually be more effective during puberty. Not necessarily in the quantities most people pursuing the craft consume but incorporated as part of a diet. I think the risk of being sued and young people's lack of self control are to blame for suggesting a later start. And as a disclaimer I am also not recommending anyone under 21 attempt anything on this site. Just to cover my ass lol.

(26-01-2016, 17:46)Zormad Wrote:  I had to share a room (and bathroom until I moved out of the house so I feel your pain. I guess that was one advantage to being an insomniac, I'd wake up in the middle of the night and could have a space all to myself if I wanted lol.

Why do you think you may be estrogen dominant? If you don't mind me asking. Also, with the age thing, I'm beginning to wonder if later really is better. Combining what I've learned in school and through research over the years, seems like most of what is considered NBE would actually be more effective during puberty. Not necessarily in the quantities most people pursuing the craft consume but incorporated as part of a diet. I think the risk of being sued and young people's lack of self control are to blame for suggesting a later start. And as a disclaimer I am also not recommending anyone under 21 attempt anything on this site. Just to cover my ass lol.

Hehe, most people here are nightowls too, yet at the same time active during the day. I guess my schedule ties more closely to theirs in general, so to get a lot of time alone I'd need to wake up at a time I normally wouldn't...
I mainly only think so because of that online test that's circulated here. I know it's not that reliable because I've seen a few users get opposite results from a real test. So, it's more of a guess from hearing how chock full of xenoestrogens the environment is. I'd like to get an actual test one day...
I'm pretty sure people only say later because teens' bodies are going through an incredible amount of development, so tampering with anything may hinder it greatly... Yet, most girls are still prescribed birth control, even the ones who aren't sexually active.. This subject always made me question the need to tell people under midtwenties to not take these supplements. At least a doctor is more likely to prescribe the right thing, but isn't that still messing with developing hormones? So much to where their bodies are tricked into assuming pregnancy? It's just weird to me how members here denounce supplements for developing teens and older so strongly. Would I tell younger people the same? Yeah, but only tell them that they're likely to not take it slow, not tell them that taking these supplements will hamper their development in general. There's really no way to know that for sure. I don't know, I'm sure someone will disagree with me, it's perfectly fine. ^^;

Heck, I guess in the end I'm just a paranoid person. X'D The thought of being walked in on or being yelled at again terrifies me, so I can't relax enough to really take my time with massaging.

Gotcha, and I hope you get more alone time soon massage or not. And yes exactly, birth control is a lot harder on one's body than most of the herbs found here. And the fact the body is still changing makes me wonder if it wouldnt be easier for them. I dont mean high doses of anything, but wish I knew about massage and boobie foods while still in puberty lol.

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